Includes articles, reviews of concerts and productions, concert programs and announcements, interviews, and photographs. The file also includes photographs of the album covers (two covers, one has "1933" written on it, and the other, "1934-1935"). The main topics are: the continuation of the tour around the Soviet Union (Sverdlovsk, March 1935; Cheliabinsk, March 1935; Baku, August 1935; Tbilisi, August 1935); the work on the ballet 'Romeo and Juliet' (incl. "'Romeo and Juliet' as Ballet", Moscow News, May 25, 1935 (author -- Sergei Prokofiev); "The Love for Three Oranges" (incl. "Broshiura o vozobnovlenii 'Liubvi k Trem Apel'sinam' v Leningrade", January 1934 (scan of a part of the brochure); world tour with Robert Soetens (Madrid, November 1935; Casablanca, December 1935; Algiers, December 1935; Tunis, December 1935.) The file also includes a collection of materials related to "The Love for Three Oranges", which are dated as of 1934. " Page numbers in album: 38-102. Materials from 1934 were likely in a different album, so the numbering restarts at 1 at the beginning of the 1934 part. Album page numbers are mostly missing in 1934 materials. Some of the materials may appear more than once in the photocopy, since a few pages were scanned multiple times in order to zoom in or show items that were partially covered by other items.