Missionary Research Library collection on Latin American churches' response to social movements, 1962 -- 1973

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Series 3: Latin American Organizations: Iglesia y Sociedad en América Latina (ISAL) and Latin American Division of the National Council of Churches (LAD of NCC), 1965 -- 1970

This series is open for research.

7 folders

This series contains mixed materials representing U.S. and Latin American churches' response to the movements for social change taking place in 1965-1970 through the lens of various organizations' documents.

This series is arranged roughly chronologically.

Originating with the Latin American Protestant youth movement of the 1940's-50's, ISAL first appeared as a periodical bulletin in 1959 in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. Within years, this publication would prove to be the basis for a burgeoning movement among Latin American Protestants. Organizing its first consultation in Lima, Peru in 1961, this meeting addressed "The Social Responsibility of the Protestant Church in the Face of Rapid Social Change." Two years later in Rio de Janeiro, ISAL held its first consultation on Service and Social Action. In a rough history of ISAL published in 1967 (in this collection), members describe themselves as seeking "to awaken Protestant conscience to social responsibility…through the promotion of interest in serious study of the message of the Bible, theological reflection, and an objective analysis of the social situation." This same document concludes by expressing a strong desire to become a social movement.

The National Council of Churches was founded in 1950 and describes itself as the leading force for ecumenical cooperation in the United States. During the 1960's and 70's, the NCC organized a Latin American Division (LAD) under the Division of Overseas Ministries. The few documents relating to this group indicate that its members intended to continue through the 1970's and that it supported groups like ISAL among others.

Box 1 Folder 17 Mixed materials, 1966 -- 1969

Cartoon: Muchas Gracias, Mr. Rocky. Excelsior 7-A, March 11, 1969; Castro, Emilio. Protestants in the Latin American Revolution. 10/26/66; On the Life of the Churches and the Ecumenical Movement in Latin America: An ISAL (HOPE) position, ISAL1969, Cristianismo y Sociedad 7(19), 1969, 2nd issue.

Box 1 Folder 18 Mixed materials, 1970

Illusion and Reality in Inter-American Relations, tps. Abernathy, Ralph and Helder Camara. Declaration, 1970, tps.

Box 1 Folder 19 Mixed materials, 1967 -- 1970

Smith, Eugene. The Role of Churches in International Affairs. Apr. 21, 1967, tps; United Presbyterian interpretation of Latin American issues to the USA constituency: survey of a decade, Feb. 7, 1968; Escobar, Samuel. "The Social Responsibility of the Church" Latin American Evangelist, Mar-Apr, 1970.

Box 1 Folder 20 Mixed materials, 1970

Sanders, Thomas G. CIDOC—Church in Latin America, reprinted from Foreign Affairs, Jan 1970 pp.285-299.

Box 1 Folder 21 Mixed materials, 1965 -- 1969

"NCC General Board Resolution on the Dominican republic Crisis," Latin America Newsletter 63, July 1965; Smith, R.F. Resume, CWS Program in Latin America, 1968; Latin America: Priorities for the 1970's. LAD document; "An effort at incarnation," ISAL doc. Oct. 1967; Santa Ana, Julio, Christians and Revolution in Latin America, ISAL doc. 1969, tps, distributed by NCC; Latin American newsletter special edition, Latin American Division (LAD) of NCC, Sept 1968; Church and Society in Latin America (ISAL), tps; North American Churches and Christian Work in Latin American Universities: a summary based survey, DOM program board, 1967

Box 1 Folder 22 Mixed materials, 1967

U.S. military policy in Latin America. U.S. Conference on Church in Society (ISAL) Section I, Group 2; "Trade, aid, and the alliance for progress" U.S. Conference on Church & Society (ISAL) Section I, Group 3; Hoffman, Ronan. Social change in Latin America: the mission of the church, Conference on intercultural communications, Jan 3-6 1967.

Box 1 Folder 23 Mixed materials, 1968 -- 1969

Catholic bishops in Latin America hold third assembly. The Christian Century, Nov. 28, 1968 The Latin American episcopate and the Latin American reality. Reprinted from Fichas de ISAL Vol 1 No 1, July 1968; 2 nd General Conference of the Latin American Roman Catholic Episcopate. Medellin, Colombia: Aug 24-Sept. 6, 1968, Final document of commission three: education, unofficial translation; Andrews, James F. "Consciousness of Oppression," National Catholic Reporter, Fall Oct 1, 1969, Book review of A Theology of Human Hope by Ruben A. Alves; Cartoons: "Rocky's Gatherings"