This series contains materials related to Townes' regular attendance at conferences of various professional organizations, and includes lectures, reviews, correspondence, and leadership materials from the Society for Christian Ethics, the Society for the Study of Black Religion, the Association of Theological Schools, and the American Academy of Religion. Also included are papers presented by Townes, and addresses and papers (listed with title and author) by other participants when Townes was part of a panel, or responded to papers presented.
This series is arranged by professional organization.
Box RC1
American Academy of Religion, 1988 -- 1999
Afro-American Religious History Group-Chicago, IL, 1988; Anaheim, CA -Includes Liberation Theology Groups, 1989; Regional Meeting, Denver, CO, 1990; Ottawa, Canada- Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society 1990; Kansas City, MO, 1991; Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Group; Appropriation and Reciprocity in Womanist /Mujerista/Feminist Group; Voices Not Heard-Margins Conference 1991; San Francisco, CA-Asian American Women's Resources for Justice and Wholeness 1992; San Francisco, CA-Ethics Introduction-Sexuality Crisis in American Churches-Theoretical Reflections 1992; Washington, DC- Ethics and Women's Lives-Diverse Vantage Points. 1993; Washington, DC-Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society, 1993; Washington, DC-Religion and Social Sciences Session, 1993; Washington, DC-African American Womanists-Jewish Feminists: Working Across Differences, 1993; Chicago, IL-Women and Religion Group, 1994; Philadelphia, PA-Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Group, 1995; First Womanist Consultation Report; New Orleans, LA, 1996; New Orleans, LA-Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society, 1996; Balancing Womanist Imperatives-Second Consultation; Notes on Speaking to the Expansiveness of Womanist Discourse; San Francisco, CA-Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Consultation 1997; Consultation for Black Scholars in Religion, 1997; Orlando, FL-Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Consultation, 1998; Consultation for Black Scholars in Religion, 1998; Boston, MA-Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Group, 1999; Committee on Status of Women in the Profession; Consultation for Black Religious Scholars, 1999
Box RC2
American Academy of Religion, 1999 -- 2011
Boston, MA-Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Consultation, 1999; Nashville, TN-Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Consultation, 2000; Consultation for Black Religious Scholars, 2000; New Brunswick, 2001; Denver, CO, 2001; Brandeis University, 2002; Toronto, 2002; Consultation for Black Religious Scholars, 2002; Atlanta, GA, 2003; AAR Program Committee 2003-2006; Consultation for Black Religious Scholars, 2003; San Antonio, TX, 2004 Theology Group, Womanist Approaches to Religion and Society Group; Consultation for Black Religious Scholars, 2004; AAR Vice President Orientation 2005; AAR Annual Meeting 2005; AAR Audit of Financial Statements 2005-2006; AAR Executive Director Search 2006; AAR Executive Committee 2006; AAR Executive Committee Sept 2006; AAR Board of Directors 2006; AAR Board of Directors 2006; AAR Board of Directors part 2 2006; AAR Annual Meeting 2006; AAR Audit of Financial Statements 2006-2007; Upper Midwest AAR Annual 2007; AAR Independent Meeting Discussion 2007; AAR Executive Committee Meeting 2007; AAR Governance Task Force 2007-2008; AAR Annual Meeting 2007; AAR Executive Committee Meeting 2008; Southwest Regional AAR 2008; AAR Annual Meeting 2008; AAR Report to Board 2008; AAR Annual Meeting 2009; AAR Annual Meeting 2010; AAR San Francisco 2011
Box RC3
American Academy of Religion (AAR); Association of Theological Schools (ATS); Society for Study of Black Religion (SSBR); Society of Christian Ethics (SCE), 1985 -- 2015
AAR Biblical Literature Meeting Presentation 2012; AAR Annual Meeting 2013; AAR Meeting 2014; ATS Consultation on Underrepresented Constituencies-Pittsburgh, PA, 2000; ATS Editorial Board Meeting-Pittsburgh, PA, 2000: ATS Consultation for Racial/Ethnic Members of ATS Committees-Pittsburgh, PA, 2000 -2001; ATS Black and Hispanic Dialogue- Pittsburgh, PA, 2002; ATS Seminar for Racial/Ethnic Women in Theological Education-Pittsburgh, PA, 2004; ATS Women in Leadership 2005; ATS Meeting 2005; ATS Lilly Conference on Theological Research and ATS 2007; ATS Annual Meeting 2010; ATS Women in Leadership 2010; ATS We Are Not Raising the Dead-ATS 2012; ATS Committee on Race and Equality Meeting ATS 2013; ATS Annual Meeting 2015; SSBR Philadelphia, PA-Photographs 1993; SSBR Atlanta, GA, 1994; SSBR Atlanta, GA, 1995; SSBR Kingston, Jamaica, 1996: SSBR Dayton, OH, 1997-SSSR Newsletter v.6, Dec 1996: SSBR 31st Annual [Meeting], Philadelphia, PA, 2001; SSBR St Paul, MN, 2003: SSBR Louisville, KY, 2005; Society for the Study of Black Religion 2006; Society for the Study of Black Religion 2007; Society for the Study of Black Religion 2010; Society for the Study of Black Religion 2014; Society for the Study of Black Religion 2015; SCE 26th Annual, 1985; SCE 30th Annual, 1989; SCE 31st Annual, 1990: SCE 32nd Annual, 1991; SCE 33rd Annual, 1992- Convener of Womanist and Feminist Ethics Session; SCE 34th Annual, 1993; SCE 35th Annual, 1994; SCE 36th Annual, 1995; SCE Correspondence with Editors of Annual, 1995-1996; SCE 37th Annual, 1996; SCE 38th Annual, 1997; SCE 39th Annual, 1998; SCE 40th Annual, 1999-Symposium Honoring Beverly Harrison; SCE 41st Annual, 2000; SCE 42nd Annual, 2001
Box RC4
Society of Christian Ethics (SCE); Other, 1987 -- 2013
SCE 43rd Annual, 2002; SCE 44th Annual, 2003; SCE 45th Annual, 2004; SCE 46th Annual, 2005 in Conjunction with Society of Jewish Ethics; Society of Christian Ethics 2006; Society of Christian Ethics 2007; Society of Christian Ethics 2008; Society of Christian Ethics 2009; Society of Christian Ethics 2009-2010; Society of Christian Ethics 2010; Society of Christian Ethics Newsletter 2012-2013; American Society of Church History, Washington, DC, 1987 Autobiography and Biography as Methodology for Study of Women and Religion; Society for Scientific Study of Religion, Salt Lake City, 1989 Sacred Witness, Prophetic Hope-Power of God in Afro-American Religious Experience; Women's Studies in Religion Program, Harvard Univ., 2001-2002; Association for Theological Field Education, Chicago, 2003 Theo-Ethical Reflections on Theological Education; Fund for Theological Education [FTE]-Doctoral and Dissertation Selection Committee Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2001 Expanding Horizons Conference, UTS, 2001; Boston Healing Landscape Project 2003; Call to Action Conference-Milwaukee 2005; Tarriq Ramadan Invitation 2006; Santa Fe Theologians Institute 2006; Institute of Theological Education of Bahia 2006; American Political Science Association 2007; Sacred Rhetoric of African American Women Conference 2008; Environmental (Dis)locations Planning 2010; Environmental (Dis)locations-Yale 2010; Environmental (Dis)locations Registration Forms 2010; Environmental (Dis)locations Administrative 2010; Earlham Artist and Lecture Series 2010; Women in Leadership Conference 2010-2011; Yale African American Studies-A Working Conference 2011; Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference 2012; FTE Consultation 2013; Disc 475: Ethnic Coalition; Disc 476: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, JFSR; Disc 477: Wabash Center Workshop on Teaching and Learning for African American Faculty; Disc 478: Society of Christian Ethics-The Annual; Disc 479: Society for the Study of Black Religion; Disc 480: American Academy of Religion