Sexual Ethics and Justice Making (9/27/90-9/29/90), San Francisco
Eve's Daughter
Meat Pie 2/90
After our War, How will Love Speak? 11/19/86
EDS 5/83
Compassionate Remembering: Spirituality, Sanity & Morality in a
Dismembered World 1990 American Psychiatric Assn. NY
Theme: Retrospective of Recent Work about Lesbian Sexuality and
Religion, 1991 AAR/SBL Annual Meeting, 11/23-26/91,
Kansas City, MO
Fleshing Out the Spirit -Women's Week 1992
Chapel Homily-Acts 2:17-21, 11/3/92
Lecture, 11/3/92
Ethics Lecture, 11/4/92
Faith Journey, Nancy W. Gezies and C. Heyward
Sex, Gender and Power: A Lesbian Feminist Liberation Perspective
KAIROS Lecture Series, 4/20/92, Cambridge, MA
Inheriting our Mother's Gardens
Tape #1-Katie Cannon, et. al
Tape #2-Responses (C. Heyward)
Tape #3-Getting out of the Garden
UTS Oral Exam 2/16/79
T284 (Lecture) 3/7/89
(Lecture) 11/24/85
On Recovery (WTC Health Fair) 4/15/89
"Ideas and Issues" WETS-FM 5/30/99
Micro-cassette tape 10/19/89
Accession AWTS-2023-007: Heyward preaching at memorial service for Suzanne Hiatt (on VHS, June 17, 2002); Heyward preaching at ordination of BK Hipsher (on CD, March 2008); miscellaneous documents (on CD, 2004).