This series is arranged in original order.
Box 1 Folder 1-5
The Attitude of the Christian Church Toward Secret Societies, Part 1, circa 1927, 5 folders
This file contains Part 1 of The Attitude of the Christian Church Toward Secret Societies, in which Moore focuses on Roman Catholic views of secret societies, particularly the Freemasons. Part 1 comprises Chapters 1-12, pages 1-229.
Box 1 Folder 6
The Attitude of the Christian Church Toward Secret Societies, Part 2, circa 1927, 1 folder
This file contains Part 2, pages 1-66, of The Attitude of the Christian Church Toward Secret Societies, in which Moore examines Leo Taxil's hoax that began in 1884 with his sudden conversion to Catholicism and subsequent exposure of Freemason societies' secret satanic practices. Taxil revealed in 1897 that his revelations and conversion were fabricated with the goal of exposing anti-Masonic fanaticism within the Catholic Church.
Box 1 Folder 7
The Attitude of the Christian Church Toward Secret Societies, Parts 3 and 4 title pages, circa 1927, 1 folder
Box 1 Folder 8
Report on European Religious Conditions
, circa 1927, 1 folder
This file contains a report on the Roman Catholic Church that Moore compiled, on behalf of the Y.M.C.A., documenting religious conditions in Europe and North America.
Box 1 Folder 9
Some Tentative Impressions Regarding the Roman Catholic Church
, circa 1927, 1 folder
This file contains a report on the Roman Catholic Church that Moore compiled, on behalf of the Y.M.C.A., focusing on the status of Catholicism.
Box 1 Folder 10
Bibliographies, interview lists, and conference notes, circa 1925
This file contains other material compiled as part of Moore's research on the Catholic Church, including bibliographies, lists of interview subjects, and notes on conferences.