American Bilateral Conversations records, 1932 -- 1975

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Series 1: Roman Catholic Conversations, 1964 -- 1975

This series is open for research.

2.5 linear feet; 2.5 linear feet; 5 boxes

This series contains an account of the Roman Catholic bilateral conversations with Christian Churches in the United States from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s. The Churches involved in the conversations include the American Baptist Convention, Anglican, Disciples of Christ, Lutheran, Methodist, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterian, and Southern Baptist. Some of the papers and official statements included in the collection are drafts and have revision notes and marginalia. Several contain anthologies that cover multiple years. There is a minimal amount of correspondence; a few letters detail the agreements and disagreements that occurred during the conversations. An example of this is contained in a copy of the letter between Athenagoras Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to Reverend Iakovos Archbishop of North and South America, which details a plea for the correction of a misconception held by Orthodox Christians that due to ecumenical conversations they could now confess and receive communion from Roman Catholic priests. Intercommunion between the Orthodox and other churches did not exist at this time. A booklet about these initial attempts at ecumenism is also in the collection and documents the nullification of the anathema (excommunication) of 1054, which was necessary in order to begin bilateral conversation between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. The arrangement of the material is alphabetical according to the Christian church the Catholics were in conversations with, then chronologically according to the date of each meeting.

This series is arranged alphabetically according to the Christian church the Catholics were in conversations with, then chronologically according to the date of each meeting.

Box 1 Folder 1 Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, List of Consultations, 1965 -- 1969

Box 1 Folder 2-8 RC-American Baptist Convention, 1967 -- 1972

First through Sixth meetings; "Report on Roman Catholic-American Baptist Dialogues," by Robert G. Middleton

Box 1 Folder 9-17 RC-Anglican, 1964 -- 1970

Anglican-Roman Relations, by Bernard C. Pawley; "Guidelines for Relations with the Roman Church", by The Committee for Relations with the Roman Catholic Church of The Joint Commission on Ecumenical Relations; Second through Eighth meetings

Box 2 Folder 1-7 RC-Anglican, 1971 -- 1974

Ninth through Fifteenth meetings

Box 2 Folder 8-13 RC-Disciples of Christ, 1967 -- 1970

Second through Sixth meetings; Mid-stream: Council on Christian Unity, Volume VII, Number 2

Box 3 Folder 1-5 RC-Disciples of Christ, 1971 -- 1974

Seventh through Tenth meetings; Mid-stream: Council on Christian Unity, Volume XII, Numbers 2-4

Box 3 Folder 6-13 RC-Lutheran, 1965 -- 1974

First through Tenth meetings

Box 4 Folder 1-8 RC-Methodist, 1966 -- 1975

Second through Sixth and unknown meetings

Box 4 Folder 9-12 RC-Orthodox, 1966 -- 1969

"…Be Reconciled to Your Brother" The Lifting of the Anathema of 1054 as a Step Toward Reconciliation; Second through Fourth meetings

Box 4 Folder 13-19 RC-Presbyterian-Reformed, 1965 -- 1967

Conversations with Roman Catholics on the Nature of the Church and Ecumenism; Third through Sixth meetings; Presbyterian Office of Information: News Bulletin, July 1965-November 1967

Box 5 Folder 1-10 RC-Presbyterian-Reformed, 1968 -- 1974

Seventh through Tenth and unknown meetings; 183rd General Assembly: Columbus, Ohio, May 1971; Ministry in the Church and Women in the Church

Box 5 Folder 11 RC-Southern Baptist: First Meeting: Daytona Beach, Florida, February 1971; Issues and Answers, 1971

Series 2: Protestant Conversations, 1932 -- 1972

This series is open for research.

0.5 linear feet; 0.5 linear feet; 1 box

This series contains a small collection of conversations between Protestant faiths from the United States as well as abroad, which include a few booklets outlining bilateral discussion in the 1930s and 1950s. Of interest are the four folders containing documents that date far earlier than the majority of the documents, dealing mainly with bilateral conversations between Anglicans and the Orthodox Church. The 1932 booklet covering the Joint Doctrinal Commission between the Anglican and the Eastern Orthodox Church is a report of the conference which was appointed under resolutions made at the Lambeth Conference of 1932. The collection also contains a report of the bilateral conference between the Rumanian Commission [sic] on relations with the Church of England in June of 1935, a 1958 report of the Joint Commission on the Assistance to the Eastern Orthodox Churches, and a 1959 paper by Professor Vasil T. Istavridis on Orthodoxy and Anglicanism in the Twentieth Century.

This series is arranged alphabetically according to which Church was leading the discussion and then chronologically according to the date of each meeting.

Box 6 Folder 1 American Baptist Convention-Church of the Brethren, circa 1932 -- 1972


Box 6 Folder 2 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: Report of the Joint Doctrinal Commission appointed by the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Archbishop of Canterbury for consultation on the points of agreement and difference between the Anglican and Eastern Orthodox churches, London, 1932

Box 6 Folder 3 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: Report: Joint Commission on Assistance to the Eastern Orthodox Churches, 1958

Box 6 Folder 4 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: Orthodoxy and Anglicanism in the Twentieth Century by Vasil T. Istavridis, 1959

Box 6 Folder 5 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: Report: Joint Commission on Co-operation with the Eastern and Old Catholic Churches, 1964

Box 6 Folder 6 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: "The Goal of Our Discussions" by Peter Day, circa 1965

Box 6 Folder 7 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: Third-Sixth Meetings: Various locations, 1963 -- 1965

Box 6 Folder 8 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: Seventh-Tenth Meetings: Various locations, 1965 -- 1968

Box 6 Folder 9 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: Anglican-Eastern Orthodox, 1968

Box 6 Folder 10 Anglican-Eastern Orthodox: Consultation: New York, New York, 1970

Box 6 Folder 11 French Lutheran-Reformed, 1970: "Signs of Unity Hailed by French Lutherans, Reformed,", 1970

Box 6 Folder 12 Lutheran-Episcopalian (Anglican): "The Meaning and Authority of Scripture in the Life of the Church" by Robert W. Jensen, circa 1960 -- 1969

Box 6 Folder 13 Lutheran-Episcopalian (Anglican): [Fourth Meeting]: "The Meaning and Authority of the Bible" by Harvey H. Guthrie, Jr., 1969

Box 6 Folder 14 Lutheran-Episcopalian (Anglican): Fifth and Sixth Meetings: New York, New York, 1971 -- 1972

Box 6 Folder 15 Lutheran-Reformed and Orthodox-Reformed: Bulletin of the Department of Theology of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches & The World Presbyterian Alliance, Volume 9, Number 2, 1968 -- 1969

Box 6 Folder 16 Lutheran-Reformed: Preliminary-Second Meetings: New York, New York, 1972

Box 6 Folder 17 Rumanian Church-Church of England (Orthodox-Anglican): Report of the Conference at Bucarest [sic] from June 1st to June 8th, 1935, Rumanian [sic] Commission on Relations with the Anglican Communion and the Church of England Delegation appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, London, 1936