Core Curriculum records, 1937-2020, bulk 1937-1995

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Series I: Contemporary Civilization, 1937-2007

This series includes syllabi, assignments, exams, paper topics, teaching aids and bibliographies, and reports and revisions.

Subseries I.1: Syllabi, 1937-2007

This subseries contains Contemporary Civilization syllabi for nearly all years from 1937 to 1999, as well as from spring 2007. It also contains some proposed syllabi from the 1960s and 1970s, and pilot syllabi sections from 1993-1994. From 1937 to 1950, C.C. syllabi folders also contain rosters, exams, and staff files and memos, separated with tabs. N.b.: until the 1960s, C.C. was a four-semester sequence.

Box 1 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, Memos, 1937-1938

Box 1 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, Memos, 1938-1939

Box 1 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, Memos, 1939-1940 Fall, 1939-1940

Box 1 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, Memos, 1939-1940 Spring, 1939-1940

Box 1 Folder 5-6 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, Memos, 1940-1941, (2 Folders)

Box 1 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, Memos, 1941-1942

Box 1 Folder 8 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, Memos, 1942-1943

Box 2 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, Memos, 1943-1944

Box 2 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, 1944-1945

Box 2 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, 1945-1946

Box 2 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, 1946-1947

Box 2 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, 1947-1948

Box 2 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, 1948-1949

Box 2 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Rosters, Exams, Staff, 1949-1950

Box 3 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Winter 1950 -- Spring 1952, 1950, 1952

Box 3 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Winter 1952 -- Spring 1956, 1952, 1956

Box 3 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1956 -- Spring 1960, 1956, 1960

Box 3 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1960 -- Spring 1961, 1960, 1961

Box 3 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Winter 1962 -- Spring 1967, 1962, 1967

Box 3 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Proposed Syllabi, Memos, 1967-1970

Box 3 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, 1967-1970

Box 4 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, 1970-1971

Box 4 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, 1971-1972

Box 4 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Proposed Syllabi and Memos/Notes, 1970-1971

Box 4 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Proposed Syllabi, Reading List and Memos, 1971-1972

Box 4 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, 1972-1973

Box 4 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Proposed Syllabi and Assignments, 1972-73

Box 4 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, 1973-74

Box 4 Folder 8 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, 1974-75

Box 4 Folder 9 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1975

Box 5 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1976

Box 5 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1976

Box 5 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1977

Box 5 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, 1977-78

Box 5 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1978

Box 5 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1979

Box 5 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1979

Box 5 Folder 8 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1980

Box 5 Folder 9 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1980

Box 6 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1981

Box 6 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1981

Box 6 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1982

Box 6 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1982

Box 6 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1983

Box 6 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1983

Box 6 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1984

Box 6 Folder 8 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1984

Box 6 Folder 9 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1985

Box 6 Folder 10 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1985

Box 7 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring 1986 (no general syl.), 1986

Box 7 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1986

Box 7 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1987

Box 7 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall, 1987

Box 7 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Spring, 1988

Box 7 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1988 -- Spring 1989, 1988, 1989

Box 7 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1989 -- Spring 1990, 1989, 1990

Box 7 Folder 8-9 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1990 -- Spring 1991, 1990, 1991, (2 Folders)

Box 7 Folder 10 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1991 -- Spring 1992, 1991, 1992

(Missing: Fall 1992 -- Spring 1994)

Box 7 Folder 11 Contemporary Civilization Pilot Section Syllabi, Fall 1993 -- Spring 1994, 1993, 1994

Box 7 Folder 12 Contemporary Civilization Pilot Section Proposed Syllabi, Fall 1993 -- Spring 1994, 1993, 1994

Box 7 Folder 13 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1994 -- Spring 1997, 1994, 1997

(Missing: Spring 1995)

Box 7 Folder 14 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1997 -- Spring 1998, 1997, 1998

Box 7 Folder 15 Contemporary Civilization Syllabi, Fall 1998 Spring 1999 Spring 2007, 1998, 1999, 2007

Subseries I.2: Assignments, Exams, Paper Topics, 1967-1997

This subseries contains C.C. exams and assignments. Materials are arranged by exam type (mid-term, final, conflict final, etc.) and alphabetically by the surname of the professor. Instructors wrote their own exams, though the subseries also contains memos to staff on guidelines and suggested questions for some exams. N.b.: for reasons having to do with provenance, C.C. exams for 1937-1950 are included with syllabi and other materials in Subseries I.1.

Box 8 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Assignments, Exams, Paper Topics, Fall 1967-Spring, 1970

(Missing: Spring 1968, Fall 1969)

Box 8 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Assignments, Exams, Paper Topics, Fall 1970-Spring, 1975

(Missing: Fall 1974)

Box 8 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Assignments, Exams, Paper Topics, Fall 1975-Spring, 1979

(Missing Spring Fall 1978)

Box 8 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Assignments, Exams, Paper Topics, Fall 1979-Spring, 1980

Box 8 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Assignments, Exams, Paper Topics, Fall 1980-Spring, 1982

Box 8 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Fall 1982-Spring, 1983

Box 8 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Fall 1983-Spring, 1984

Box 8 Folder 8 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Fall 1984-Spring, 1985

Box 9 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Fall 1985-Spring, 1986

Box 9 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Fall 1986-Spring, 1987

Box 9 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Fall 1987-Spring, 1988

Box 9 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Fall 1988-Spring, 1989

Box 9 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Fall 1989-Spring, 1991

Box 9 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Exam Study Guides, Fall 1991 -- Spring 1992, 1991, 1992

Box 9 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Exams, Spring 1993 Spring 1994 Spring 1996 Fall 1996 Spring 1997, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1996, 1997

Box 9 Folder 8 Contemporary Civilization Paper Topics, undated

Subseries I.3: Teaching Aids and Bibliographies, undated

This subseries contains teaching aids, bibliographies, and published papers. First in the arrangement are the general teaching aids addressing the entire course (Box 9 Folder 9). The next group's arrangement follows the course outline, beginning with bibliographies and teaching aids of the Greek period and continuing to the twentieth century (Box 9 Folder 10 to Box 10 Folders 5). The last record group is associated with women, politics of sexuality and family, and racism (Box 10 Folders 6-20). The women's issues documents begin with the research material and reports of the "Committee on the Women's Question" for Contemporary Civilization and is followed by materials arranged according to the course syllabi. The last folder in the subseries contains a 1990 document by Nancy Leys Stepan on integrating lessons and readings on race and racism into C.C.

Box 9 Folder 9 Contemporary Civilization Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 10 Contemporary Civilization Aristotle Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 11 Contemporary Civilization Plato Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 12 Contemporary Civilization Classic and Medieval Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 13 Contemporary Civilization Bible and St August ine Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 14 Contemporary Civilization Marsilius Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 15 Contemporary Civilization Political Thought in Christendom Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 16 Contemporary Civilization The Paris Condemnations of 1270 Teaching Aids and Bibliographies, 1270

Box 9 Folder 17 Contemporary Civilization Christine di Pizan Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 18 Contemporary Civilization Luther and Calvin Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 19 Contemporary Civilization Machiavelli Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 20 Contemporary Civilization Feudal Society Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 21 Contemporary Civilization Spinoza and Descartes Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 22 Contemporary Civilization The Middle Ages to the French Revolution Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 23 Contemporary Civilization The Enlightenment and Modern Science Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 24 Contemporary Civilization Locke Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 25 Contemporary Civilization Hobbes Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 26 Contemporary Civilization Hume Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 27 Contemporary Civilization Kant Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 28 Contemporary Civilization Rousseau Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 29 Contemporary Civilization Hegel Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 30 Contemporary Civilization Prussian General Code Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 31 Contemporary Civilization Burke and Pain Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 32 Contemporary Civilization Adam Smith and the Industrial Revolution Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 33 Contemporary Civilization Darwin Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 9 Folder 32 Contemporary Civilization Absolutism and Constitutionalism Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Gramsci and Weber Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Nietszche Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Freud Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Fascism Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Late 19th and Early 20th Century Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Politics and the Family Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Committee on the Women's Question Materials

Box 10 Folder 8 Contemporary Civilization the Integration of the Women's Question into C.C. Curriculum

Box 10 Folder 9 Contemporary Civilization Colgate Consortium Grant Women Question

Box 10 Folder 10 Contemporary Civilization the Women Question Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 11 Contemporary Civilization the Women Question and Plato Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 12 Contemporary Civilization the Women Question and Christianity Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 13 Contemporary Civilization the Women Question and Kant and Hume Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 14 Contemporary Civilization European Women's History Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 15 Contemporary Civilization the Women Question and the Mid-19th Century Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 16 Contemporary Civilization the Women Question and Mill Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 17 Contemporary Civilization Virginia Woolf Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 18 Contemporary Civilization Women and Communism Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 19 Contemporary Civilization Barbara Tischer's Articles on Women Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 10 Folder 20 Contemporary Civilization "Some Notes on Race and Racism in C.C."

Subseries I.4: Reports and Revisions, 1948-1994

This subseries contains materials from the Contemporary Civilization Revision and Advisory committees and faculty and administrators' reports on the state and direction of the course. It also contains materials from the 1968 Arden House Conference, where faculty members were asked to make suggestions about the nature of the class. Box 28 Folder 1 contains more than 20 responses regarding the reading list, pedagogy, and suggested changes in the structure of the classes.

Box 27 Folder 17 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1948

Box 27 Folder 18 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1954

Box 27 Folder 19 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1955

Box 27 Folder 20 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1962

Box 27 Folder 21 Contemporary Civilization Revision Committee, 1964-1965

Box 27 Folder 22 Contemporary Civilization Revisions Committee, 1966-1967

Box 27 Folder 23 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1967

Box 27 Folder 24 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1967-1968

Box 28 Folder 1 Contemporary Civilization Arden House Conference, 1968

Box 28 Folder 2 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1968-1969

Box 28 Folder 3 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1970

Box 28 Folder 4 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1970-1971

Box 28 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Advisory Committee, 1970-1971

Box 28 Folder 6 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, 1973 -- 197?, 1973

Box 28 Folder 7 Contemporary Civilization Pilot Section Administrative Files and Correspondence, Fall 1993-Spring, 1994

Box 28 Folder 8 Contemporary Civilization Reports, Revisions, undated

Box 28 Folder 9 Contemporary Civilization Rockefeller Foundation Proposal, undated

Box 28 Folder 10 Contemporary Civilization Alumni Association Project, 1982

Series II: Humanities, 1937-1999

This series consists of syllabi, exams, quizzes, classroom materials, and teaching resources, and reports and revisions. This series contains no materials for Humanities B, the optional art and music course.

Subseries II.1: Syllabi, 1937-1999

This subseries contains syllabi for Humanities A (Literature Humanities) classes in chronological order, as well as some documents showing the three-year cycles of readings and composite readings lists indicating when each work was taught from 1937 to the date of writing. Nearly all Humanities syllabi are standardized (i.e. there are no instructor-specific syllabi), though there are syllabi showing the respective schedules of different sections, and in the 1970s there was a 'free period' when the instructor might choose a final work to read. Humanities A is a two-semester sequence (A1 and A2), with some sections taught Spring to Fall and therefore designated 'reverse,' yielding course names RA1 or RA2. The subseries contains one folder for syllabi for Methods of Critical Analysis, a short-lived related course from the 1990s.

Box 11 Folder 1-2 Humanities Syllabi, Fall 1937-Summer, 1944, (2 Folders)

Box 11 Folder 3-4 Humanities Syllabi, Fall 1944-Spring, 1950, (2 Folders)

Box 11 Folder 5 Humanities Syllabi, Fall 1950-Spring, 1956

Box 11 Folder 6 Humanities Syllabi, Fall 1956-Spring, 1960

Box 11 Folder 7 Humanities 3 Year Cycle of Readings, Fall 1957-Spring, 1960

Box 11 Folder 8 Composite Reading List, 1961

Box 11 Folder 9-10 Humanities Syllabi, Fall 1960 -- Spring 1962, 1960, 1962, (2 Folders)

Box 11 Folder 11-12 Humanities Syllabi, Fall 1962-Spring, 1965, (2 Folders)

Box 12 Folder 1 Composite Reading List, 1965

Box 10 Folder 21-22 Humanities Syllabi, Fall 1965-Fall, 1990, (2 Folders)

(Missing: Spring 1966, Fall 1966, Spring 1968, Fall 1968, Fall 1969, Spring 1975, Spring 1985, Fall 1986, Spring 1989)

Box 10 Folder 23 Methods of Critical Analysis Syllabi, 1993-1997

Box 10 Folder 24 Humanities Syllabi, Fall 1995 -- Spring 1999, 1995, 1999

Box 10 Folder 25 Composite Reading List, 1969 1973 1994 1997, 1969, 1973, 1994, 1997

Subseries II.2: Exams, 1938-1996

This subseries contains Humanities A exams in chronological order, as well as one folder containing Methods of Critical Analysis exams.

Box 12 Folder 2 Humanities Exams, 1938-1948

Box 12 Folder 3 Humanities Exams, 1950-1959

Box 12 Folder 4 Humanities Exams, 1960-1965

Box 12 Folder 5 Humanities Exams, 1966-1969

Box 12 Folder 6-7 Humanities Exams, 1970-Spring, 1979, (2 Folders)

Box 13 Folder 1-2 Humanities Exams, Fall 1979-Spring, 1985, (2 Folders)

Box 13 Folder 3-4 Humanities Exams, Fall 1985-Fall, 1996, (2 Folders)

Box 13 Folder 5 Methods of Critical Analysis Exams, Fall 1992 -- Fall 1996, 1992-1996

Subseries II.3: Hum A Quizzes, 1937-1969

This subseries contains quizzes from Humanities A, organized alphabetically by author, and then by work. Most folders are also dated, though some for some authors years of folders overlap slightly; a few are undated. Other materials include charts of aggregated results for individual quizzes across the entire Humanities program, broken down by instructor.

Box 13 Folder 6 Aeschylus, "Agamemnon," "The Libation Bearers," "The Eumenides,", 1937-1960

Box 13 Folder 7 Apuleius, "The Golden Ass,", 1962-1969

Box 13 Folder 8 Aristophanes, "The Frogs" et al., 1937-1938

Box 13 Folder 9 Aristophanes, 1937-1955

Box 13 Folder 10 Aristotle, "Ethics," 1937-1959 [1 of 2], 1937-1959

Box 14 Folder 1 Aristotle, "Ethics," 1937-1959 [2 of 2], 1937-1959

Box 14 Folder 2 Aristotle, "Ethics,", undated

Box 14 Folder 3-4 Aristotle, "Poetics,", 1937-1959, (2 Folders)

Box 14 Folder 5-6 Aristotle, "Poetics,", 1955-1968, (2 Folders)

Box 14 Folder 7 Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations,", 1937-1941

Box 14 Folder 8 The Bible, "Book of Job," "St. John,", undated

Box 14 Folder 9 Cervantes, "Don Quixote,", undated

Box 15 Folder 1-3 Dante's "Inferno,", 1937-1961, (3 Folders)

Box 15 Folder 4 Dante's "Inferno," 1961-1965 undated, 1961-1965, undated

Box 15 Folder 5 Dante, "Purgatorio,", 1962

Box 15 Folder 6 Descartes, "Meditations,", 1967

Box 15 Folder 7 Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment," et al, 1953-1962 undated, 1953-1962, undated

Box 16 Folder 1 Dostoevsky, "Notes from the Underground,", 1963-1967

Box 16 Folder 2 Eschenbach, "Parzival,", 1965

Box 16 Folder 3 Euripides, 1937-61

Box 16 Folder 4 Euripides, "Electra,", undated

Box 16 Folder 5-6 Euripides, 1955-1967, (2 Folders)

Box 16 Folder 7 Fielding, "Tom Jones," 1937-1947 undated, 1937-1947, undated

Box 16 Folder 8 Goethe, "Faust," 1937-1959 [1 of 2], 1937-1959

Box 17 Folder 1 Goethe, "Faust," 1937-1959 [2 of 2], 1937-1959

Box 17 Folder 2 Goethe, "Faust,", 1942-1965

Box 17 Folder 3-4 Herodotus, "The Persian Wars,", 1937-1968, (2 Folders)

Box 17 Folder 5 Homer, "The Iliad," 1937-1959 undated [1 of 3], 1937-1959, undated

Box 17 Folder 6 Homer, "The Iliad," 1937-1959 undated [2 of 3], 1937-1959, undated

Box 18 Folder 1 Homer, "The Iliad," 1937-1959 undated [3 of 3], 1937-1959, undated

Box 18 Folder 2 Homer, "The Iliad,", undated

Box 18 Folder 3 Homer, "The Odyssey,", 1947-1956

Box 18 Folder 4 Homer, "The Odyssey,", undated

Box 18 Folder 5 Hume, "Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion,", 1958

Box 18 Folder 6 Lucian, "Satirical Sketches,", 1962

Box 18 Folder 7-8 Lucretius, "On the Nature of Things,", 1937-1959, (2 Folders)

Box 18 Folder 9 Lucretius, "On the Nature of Things,", 1961-1968

Box 19 Folder 1 Machiavelli, "The Prince," 1937-1947 undated, 1937-1947, undated

Box 19 Folder 2-3 Milton, "Paradise Lost,", 1937-1967, (2 Folders)

Box 19 Folder 4 Molière, 1937-1961 [1 of 2], 1937-1961

Box 20 Folder 1 Molière, 1937-1961 [2 of 2], 1937-1961

Box 20 Folder 2 Molière, 1958-1964

Box 20 Folder 3-4 Montaigne, "Essays," 1955-1969 undated, 1955-1969, undated, (2 Folders)

Box 20 Folder 5 Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil,", 1959

Box 20 Folder 6 Petronius, "The Satyricon,", 1962

Box 20 Folder 7 Plato, "Apology" and "Symposium," 1937-1965 [1 of 3], 1937-1965

Box 20 Folder 8 Plato, "Apology" and "Symposium," 1937-1965 [2 of 3], 1937-1965

Box 21 Folder 1 Plato, "Apology" and "Symposium," 1937-1965 [3 of 3], 1937-1965

Box 21 Folder 2 Plato, "Apology" and "Symposium,", 1954-1967

Box 21 Folder 3-5 Plato, "Republic (1-10),", 1937-1960, (3 Folders)

Box 22 Folder 1-3 Plato, "Republic (1-10),", 1954-1968, (3 Folders)

Box 22 Folder 4 Plato, "Symposium, et. al.," 1937-1938 undated, 1937-1938, undated

Box 22 Folder 5 Rabelais, "Gargantua, et. al.,", undated

Box 22 Folder 6 Rousseau, "Confessions,", 1937-1943

Box 22 Folder 7 Shakespeare, "Hamlet, et. al.," 1937-1959 undated [1 of 2], 1937-1959, undated

Box 23 Folder 1 Shakespeare, "Hamlet, et. al.," 1937-1959 undated [2 of 2], 1937-1959, undated

Box 23 Folder 2 Shakespeare, "Henry IV,", 1957-1964

Box 23 Folder 3 Shaw, "Man and Superman,", 1953

Box 23 Folder 4 Sophocles, 1938-1960

Box 23 Folder 5-6 Sophocles, 1960-1968, (2 Folders)

Box 23 Folder 7 Spinoza, "Ethics," 1937-1961 [1 of 2], 1937-1961

Box 24 Folder 1 Spinoza, "Ethics," 1937-1961 [2 of 2], 1937-1961

Box 24 Folder 2 St. August ine, "Confessions,", undated

Box 24 Folder 3 Swift, "Gulliver's Travels,", 1960-1967

Box 24 Folder 4 Tacitus, 1942-43

Box 24 Folder 5 Thucydides, 1938-1948

Box 24 Folder 6-7 Thucydides, "The Peloponnesian War,", 1952-1968, (2 Folders)

Box 25 Folder 1-2 Virgil, "Aeneid,", 1937-1955, (2 Folders)

Box 25 Folder 3-4 Virgil, "Aeneid,", 1956-1968, (2 Folders)

Box 25 Folder 5 Virgil, "Aeneid,", undated

Box 25 Folder 6-7 Voltaire, "Candide,", 1938-1963, (2 Folders)

Subseries II.4: Teaching Aids, Bibliographies, and Paper Topics, 1960-1995 undated, 1960-1995, undated

This subseries contains resources such as teaching aids, bibliographies, and published papers. The first three folders (Box 26 Folders 1-3) consist of general Humanities teaching aids and bibliographies. The second group (Box 26 Folder 4 to Box 27 Folder 15) is arranged in alphabetical order by author, title, or theme. The final folder contains study guides and discussion questions for Methods of Critical Analysis.

Box 26 Folder 1 Humanities Paper Topics, 1960 -- 1992, 1960, 1992


Box 26 Folder 3 Humanities Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 4 Humanities Ancient Near and Middle East Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 5 Humanities Apuleius Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 6 Humanities Aristophanes Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 7 Humanities Aristotle Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 8 Humanities August ine Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 9 Humanities Jane Austen Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 10 Humanities Bible and Gospel Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 11 Humanities Boccaccio Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 12 Humanities Cervantes Don Quijote Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 13 Humanities Contemporary Issues Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 14 Humanities Dante Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 15 Humanities Deconstruction Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 16 Humanities Descartes Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 17 Humanities Dostoevsky Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 18 Humanities Euripides Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 19 Humanities French Revolution Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 20 Humanities Friedman's Attack on Mead: Rappaport Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 21 Humanities Gargantua Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 22 Humanities Goethe/Faust Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 23 Humanities Greek Drama/Mythology Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 24 Humanities Homer Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 26 Folder 25 Humanities Lincoln/ Gettysburg Address Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 1 Humanities Lucretius Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 2 Humanities Montaigne Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 3 Humanities Newton Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 4 Humanities Petrarch Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 5 Humanities Plato Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 6 Humanities The Princess de Cleves Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 7 Humanities Oresteia Aeschylus Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 8 Humanities Rabelais Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 9 Humanities Sappho Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 10 Humanities Scientific Revolution Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 11 Humanities Shakespeare Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 12 Humanities Sophocles Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 13 Humanities Thucydides Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 14 Humanities Virgil Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 15 Humanities Women Teaching Aids and Bibliographies

Box 27 Folder 16 Methods of Critical Analysis Study Guides, Discussion Questions Fall 1993 Fall 1995, 1993, 1995

Subseries II.5: Reports and Revisions, 1938-1989

This subseries contains documents from various curricular reviews of Humanities A, such as the Stern Committee, experimental sections to merge English A and Humanities A, student questionnaires, and materials related to the 50th anniversary of Humanities A. Folders are mostly chronological, though Stern Committee folders are at the end of the subseries.

Box 28 Folder 11 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1938

Box 28 Folder 12 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1948

Box 28 Folder 13 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1949

Box 28 Folder 14 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1950-1952-3

Box 28 Folder 15 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1953-1954

Box 28 Folder 16 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1954-1955

Box 28 Folder 17 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1956-1958

Box 28 Folder 18 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1960

Box 28 Folder 19 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1963

Box 28 Folder 20 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1964

Box 28 Folder 21 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1965

Box 29 Folder 1 Hum A / English A Experimental Sections, 1965-1967

Box 29 Folder 2 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1966

Box 29 Folder 3 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1968

Box 29 Folder 4 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1969

Box 29 Folder 5 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1971

Box 29 Folder 6 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1972

Box 29 Folder 7 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1972-1973

Box 29 Folder 8 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1974

Box 29 Folder 9 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1978

Box 29 Folder 10 Humanities Reports, Revisions, 1982

Box 29 Folder 11 Humanities Reports, Revisions, undated

Box 29 Folder 12 Humanities 50th Anniversary, 1987

Box 29 Folder 13 Humanities 50th Anniversary, 1987

Box 29 Folder 15 Lit Hum Questionnaire, circa, 1989

Box 29 Folder 16 Stern Committee Humanities, April 1962-December 1962

Box 30 Folder 1 Stern Committee Humanities, January 1963-September 1963

Box 30 Folder 2 Stern Committee, Belknap Subcommittee, December 1962-January 1963

Series III: General Education and Core Curriculum Review, 1966-1985

This series contains proposals to merge Humanities and Contemporary Civilization, reports on the Core Curriculum as a whole, and proposals for the integration of courses focused on "non-Western" literature, culture, philosophy, and history into either the Core or specific majors.

Box 30 Folder 3 General Education Proposal, 1966-1967

Box 30 Folder 4 Common Course Proposals, 1968-1969

Box 30 Folder 5 Curriculum Review Committee, 1977-1978

Box 30 Folder 6 Report for the Commission to Review the Educational Program of Arts and Sciences, 1978

Box 30 Folder 7 General Education Seminar Transcript, 1979

Box 30 Folder 8 General Education, 1980 1985, 1980, 1985

Box 30 Folder 9 Contemporary Civilization/ Humanities Ad Hoc Committee, 1980-1981

Box 30 Folder 10 Fall Core Curriculum Committee, 1985

Series IV: Art Humanities, Extended Core and Frontiers of Science, 1987-2005

This series contains the Core Curriculum Records' limited amount of material related to non-C.C. or -Lit Hum Core courses: folders pertain to Art Humanities, Major Cultures, African Civilizations, and Frontiers of Science. Types of materials include syllabi, lists of course offerings, and course packets.

Box 30 Folder 11 Art Humanities C1121 Syllabus, 1987-1988

Box 30 Folder 12 Extended Core / Major Cultures Requirement and Offerings, Fall 1989 1994-1996, 1989, 1994-1996

Box 30 Folder 13 African Civilizations, Spring, 1997

Box 30 Folder 14 Frontiers of Science Course Packets, Teaching Materials, Fall, 2004

(Includes "A Seminar Leader's Manual")

Box 31 Folder 1 Frontiers of Science Course Packets, Spring, 2005

Series V: Administrative Files, 1951-2004

This series contains Core office correspondence, staffing end enrollment documents, and materials related to Core weekly luncheon meetings, student prizes, and Spectator Clippings. The series includes 5 subseries.

Subseries V.1: Correspondence (CC and Hum), 1965-1988

This subseries contains administrative correspondence related to Core funding and resources, staffing deliberations (especially related to retaining senior faculty's participating in the Core and the allocation of graduate preceptorships), communications with department chairs, and responses to student inquiries and complaints. It also contains applications from Barnard students interested in taking Core courses and a folder of external correspondence with other universities offering their own Great Books curriculum or interested in adopting one.

Box 31 Folder 2 Administrative Correspondence, 1965-1980

Box 31 Folder 3 Administrative Correspondence, Spring 1980-Spring, 1984

Box 31 Folder 4 Administrative Correspondence, Fall 1984 -- Fall 1988, 1984, 1988

Box 31 Folder 5 Barnard Student Applications, 1971

Box 31 Folder 6 External Correspondence, 1966-1985

Subseries V.2: Staffing, 1966-1997

This subseries consists of Core staff directories and memos, room assignments, and schedules.

Box 31 Folder 7 Staffing, 1966-1979

Box 31 Folder 8 Staffing, 1980-1988 1993-1997, 1980-1988, 1993-1997

Subseries V.3: Enrollment, 1976-1998

This subseries contains documents on Core course enrollments, sometimes broken down by non-Columbia College student populations (Engineering, Barnard, etc.).

Box 32 Folder 1 Enrollment, 1976-1998

Subseries V.4: Core Luncheon and Lecture Series, 1966-2004

This subseries consists of materials related to the long-running lunch staff meetings for both Humanities and Contemporary Civilization. It also contains records of lectures by both Columbia and visiting scholars on weekly readings. (Subseries I.1 contains some memos on the lunch meetings for C.C. from 1937 to 1950.)

Box 32 Folder 2 Humanities Luncheon Series, 1966-1978

Box 32 Folder 3 Humanities Luncheon Series, 1979-1989

Box 32 Folder 4 Humanities Luncheon Series, 1990-2004


Box 32 Folder 5 Contemporary Civilization Lecture Series and Luncheon, 1973 1980-2004, 1973, 1980-2004


Subseries V.5: Miscellaneous, 1951-1965

This subseries contains documents related to several prizes given during this period for excellence in the Core. It also contains a folder of Spectator Clippings on the Core.

Box 32 Folder 6 Herbert Hawkes Prize, 1951-1965

Box 32 Folder 7 Burdette I. Kinne Prize, 1953-1962

Box 32 Folder 8 Spectator Clippings, 1963-1965

Series VI: Core Library Catalogue, circa, 2000

This series contains the complete Core Library Catalogue, an extensive bibliographic resource for instructors and students. The Catalogue is broken down by Author and by Subject, and includes a Reference List.

Box 32 Folder 9 Lit Hum and CC Library Catalogue, By Author, circa, 2000

Box 32 Folder 10-11 Lit Hum and CC Library Catalogue, By Subject, circa, 2000, (2 Folders)

Box 32 Folder 12 Lit Hum and CC Library Catalogue, Reference List, circa, 2000

Series VII: Core Centennial, 2019-2020

This series contains materials, primarily cards filled out by alumni, created for the Core Centennial celebrations held by Columbia College in 2019-2020. Additional material related to the centennial can be found in Historical Subject Files.

Box 33 Folder 1 Core Stories cards, 2019-2020

"When I think of about the Core, these three words come to mind:"

Box 33 Folder 2 Core Stories cards, 2019-2020

"The Core thinker/artist/writer that affected me the most was...because..."

Box 33 Folder 3 Core Stories cards, 2019-2020

"My favorite work in the Core is...because..."

Box 33 Folder 4 Core Stories cards, 2019-2020

"Something I learned in the Core was..."