Box 381 Folder 1
Academic Salary Scales, 1969-1974
Box 381 Folder 2
Academic Titles, 1979
Box 543 Folder 1
Administrative Salaries, 1984-1985
Affirmative Action
Box 543 Folder 2
Box 543 Folder 3
Statistics, 1982-1988
Box 543 Folder 4
African and Afro-American Studies, Institute of, 1986
Box 343 Folder 3
Aldridge Laboratory of Applied Geophysics, 1982-1986
Box 343 Folder 4
Aleiss, Angela, 1985-1987
Box 343 Folder 5
Altimus, Henry, 1981
Box 543 Folder 5
Alumni Affairs and Development, 1988
Box 543 Folder 6
American Culture Studies, Center for, 1984-1987
Box 543 Folder 7
Andreotti, Giulio, 1986-1987
Box 343 Folder 6
Antipass Chair, 1982
Art Properties
Arts and Sciences
Box 543 Folder 9
Graduate School of, 1987-1988
Box 543 Folder 10
Planning and Budgeting, 1986-1987
Box 343 Folder 7
Atlantic Richfield Foundation, 1981-1984
Box 343 Folder 8
Awards and Prizes (Budget), 1983-1984
Box 370 Folder 1
Bakhmeteff Committee, 1971-1977
Box 343 Folder 9
Bancroft Endowment, 1983
Barnard College
Box 343 Folder 11
Barzun, Jacques--Gift, 1984
Box 381 Folder 6
Additional Compensation and Leaves, 1975
Box 381 Folder 7
Additional Compensation for Faculty, 1975-1980
Box 381 Folder 8
Reduced Service for Tenured Faculty, 1977-1979
Box 381 Folder 9
Tuition Exemptions Programs at Other Schools, 1979
Box 343 Folder 12
Benedict, Elena, 1984-1986
Box 343 Folder 13
Bicentennial of the Constitution, 1986-1987
Box 343 Folder 14
Bioengineering [Institute]: Budget, 1977-1981
Box 543 Folder 11
Bookstore, University, 1982-1989
Box 343 Folder 15
Brander Matthews Fund, 1981-1988
Box 343 Folder 16
Burke Foundation, 1977-1979
Capital Budget
Box 343 Folder 17
Capital Campaign for Columbia, 1980-1987
Box 543 Folder 14
Capital Campaign Task Force, 1988
Box 344 Folder 1
Carleton (Carlotta) Bequest, 1981
Box 543 Folder 15
Catholic Campus Ministry, 1987-1988
Box 544 Folder 1
Centro Italiano di Studi Umanistici e Filosofici, 1976-1978
Box 344 Folder 2
Charter Day, 1987
Box 544 Folder 2
China, Trip to, 1984-1989
Box 344 Folder 3
Chudnovsky, 1981-1982
(David and Gregory Chudnovksy)
Box 344 Folder 4
Chapel Music Program, 1984-1986
Box 344 Folder 5
Clinical Professors, 1986
Columbia College
Columbia Committee for Community Service
Box 344 Folder 7
Box 344 Folder 8
Box 344 Folder 9
Box 344 Folder 10
Columbia University Association, 1985-1986
Box 543 Folder 18
Columbia University Press, 1987-1989
Box 344 Folder 11
Computer Science Building, 1982
Box 544 Folder 3
Computing Activities, University Center for (CUCCA), 1985-1986
Conflict of Interest
Box 544 Folder 4
Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE) Meeting, 1980-1981
Box 344 Folder 13
Continuing Education--Budget, 1976-1979
Box 344 Folder 14
Cooperative Education Program, 1983-1984
Box 345 Folder 1
Cornerhouse Fund, 1985
Box 345 Folder 2
Corporation for Public Broadcasting [/Annenberg Foundation],, 1982-1983
Box 345 Folder 3
Coudert Visiting Professorship, 1986
Box 345 Folder 4
Culpeper Foundation, 1984-1985
Data Exchange
Box 345 Folder 5
Material, 1975-1987
Box 345 Folder 6
Salaries, 1972-1986
Box 345 Folder 7
Tenure Review, 1984-1987
Dean's Planning Group
Box 345 Folder 8
Box 345 Folder 9
Draft of Dean's Planning Group Report Re: Resource Allocation and Budgeting,, 1977
Box 345 Folder 10
Deutsches Haus, 1981-1982
Box 545 Folder 1
Development and Alumni Relations, Office of University, 1983-1989
Box 345 Folder 11
Doctoral Program Evaluation, 1974-1975
Box 545 Folder 2
Doctoral Program Subcommittee in Film Studies, 1988
Dormitory Authority
Earl Hall
Box 346 Folder 4
Earth Sciences, School of, 1982-1984
East Asian Studies
Box 346 Folder 5
Box 346 Folder 6
Funds, 1977-1982
Box 346 Folder 7
Educational Demography, 1974-1975
Box 346 Folder 8
Einstein Chair, 1980-1985
Box 347 Folder 1
English Practicum, 1975-1978
Box 347 Folder 2
Ethnic Studies Program, 1974-1875
Box 545 Folder 4
Executive Payroll, 1985-1986
Exxon Education Foundation
Box 347 Folder 6
Affairs, 1974-1980
Box 347 Folder 7
Association, 1972-1981
Box 347 Folder 8
Compensation: Women's Salaries, 1972-1979
Box 348 Folder 1
Council of Tenured Faculty, 1970-1972
Box 348 Folder 2
Discipline, 1971-1972
Box 348 Folder 3
Handbook, 1971-1975
Box 348 Folder 4
Housing, 1983
Box 348 Folder 5
Moving Allowance, 1977
Box 348 Folder 6
Organization, Committee on Faculty, 1973
Box 348 Folder 7
Profile, 1980
Box 348 Folder 8
Promotion from Associate to Full Professor, 1972-1973
Box 348 Folder 9
Ranks and Recruitment the Promotion Procedures, 1981
Box 348 Folder 10
Salary Policy, 1972-1978
Box 348 Folder 11
Teaching at Other Institutions, 1969-1973
Box 348 Folder 12
Terminations--1979 Suggested Memo to Terminating Faculty,, 1974-1979
Box 348 Folder 13
Unionization, 1970-1972
Box 348 Folder 14
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 1974
Box 349 Folder 1
Finance and Investment, 1980
Box 349 Folder 2
Financial Accounting System, 1980-1981
Box 349 Folder 3
Financial Report, 1974-1975
Box 349 Folder 4
Five-Year Plans, 1971-1975
Box 545 Folder 5
FORMEZ, 1985-1987
General Education
Box 350 Folder 4
G.E. (General Electric) Foundation, 1982
General Studies, School of
Box 545 Folder 6
Box 545 Folder 7
American Language Program, 1985
Box 545 Folder 8
Senior Learners Program, 1986
Box 350 Folder 5
Geological Sciences, 1982-1986
Box 545 Folder 9
German Studies, 1989
Box 350 Folder 6
Global Habitability, 1983
Box 545 Folder 10
Government Relations, 1981-1988
Box 350 Folder 7
Grace Chair in Religion, 1976-1980
Box 350 Folder 8
Grading System, 1977-1979
Box 350 Folder 9
Greek Studies, Center for, Undated
Box 350 Folder 10
Guggenheim Fellowships, 1973-1980
Box 380 Folder 23
Hammer, Armand, 1979-1980
Box 350 Folder 11
Harlem Hospital, 1974-1975
Box 350 Folder 12
Hispanic Studies, 1977
Box 350 Folder 13
History of Science, 1974-1981
Box 373 Folder 8
Honorary Degrees, 1984-1985
Box 373 Folder 9
Honorary Degrees and Professors Emeriti, 1978-1979
Honors and Prizes, Committee on
Box 350 Folder 14
Hughes Institute, 1984-1986
Human Rights, Center for the Study of
Box 545 Folder 12
Indirect Cost Allowance, 1974-1986
Box 351 Folder 4
Institutional Data, Comparable, 1974
Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS)
Box 351 Folder 6
Inter-Faculty Programs, 1974
Box 351 Folder 7
Internal Audit, 1982
Box 351 Folder 8
International and Public Affairs, School of (SIPA): Rothschild Report,, 1980
(Report on MA and MPA programs)
Box 351 Folder 9
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) Grants, 1965-1986
Box 351 Folder 10
International House, 1977-1980
Box 545 Folder 13
International Research Center, 1981-1985
Box 351 Folder 2
Iranian Visit, 1974
Box 351 Folder 3
Israel and Jewish Studies, Center for, 1974
Box 546 Folder 1
Italian Department, 1980
Box 546 Folder 2
Italian Societies Endowment Fund, 1984
Box 351 Folder 11
Jaffe, Abram J., 1979-1980
Box 545 Folder 14
Japanese Forum, 1987-1988
Box 351 Folder 12
Max Kade Foundation, 1983
Box 351 Folder 13
Karpf Peace Prize Fund, 1982-1984
Box 351 Folder 14
Kellogg Conference Center, 1983-1984
Box 351 Folder 15
Kellogg Foundation, 1979-1984
Box 351 Folder 16
Killough Fund, 1983
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
(Formerly Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory (LDGO) )
Box 352 Folder 1
Law School Library, 1975-1980
Box 380 Folder 24
Leading to the Good, 1980-1981
Box 352 Folder 2
Literature Program (Development), 1983
Box 352 Folder 3
Lowell, Estelle and Irwin. Prize Fund, 1981-1982
Box 352 Folder 4
Maison Francaise, 1976
Box 352 Folder 5
Medieval Academy of America, 1978-1981
Mellon Foundation
Box 352 Folder 6
Box 352 Folder 7
College Composition, 1980-1981
Box 352 Folder 8
Columbia/Barnard, 1981
Box 352 Folder 9 to 10
Faculty Development Grant, 1980-1986 (2 Folders), 1980-1986
Box 352 Folder 11
Fresh Combinations, 1983
Box 380 Folder 25
Fund for the 80s, 1981-1982
Box 353 Folder 1
Gift for Academic Approval, 1977-1978
Box 353 Folder 2
Interdisciplinary Literature, 1981
Mellon and Levi Gifts
Box 353 Folder 3
Box 353 Folder 4
Box 353 Folder 5
Miscellaneous Memoranda to de Bary, Young, McGill, 1975-1976
Box 353 Folder 6
Middle States Association Centennial, 1986
Box 353 Folder 7
Milstein Chair (G&G), 1985
Box 353 Folder 8
Moore Memorial Fund, 1986
Box 353 Folder 9
National Academy of Sciences, 1979
Box 381 Folder 12
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)--Grant, 1978-1983 (6 Folders), 1978-1983
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)--Challenge Grant
Box 354 Folder 6 to 7
1983-1984 (2 Folders), 1983-1984
Box 354 Folder 8
NEH-RM-222960755741 Bicentennial Grant, 1980
Box 354 Folder 9
Scope E: Casa Italiana, 1977-1986
Box 354 Folder 10
NEH-RL-28309-77-1186 Neo-Confucianism, 1977-1980
Box 354 Folder 11
Arts and Sciences, 1983
Box 354 Folder 12
East Asian Group II, 1983
Box 355 Folder 1
Libraries, 1980
Box 355 Folder 2
Representative Brademas and Hearings, 1977
Box 355 Folder 3
National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant, Undated
Box 355 Folder 4
National Science Foundation (NSF) GK-42069, 1974
Box 355 Folder 5
Naval Research, Office of, 1981
Box 355 Folder 6
New York Foundation, 1983-1985
Box 355 Folder 7
New York State Science and Technology Foundation, 1980-1986
Box 355 Folder 8
New York Times College Guide, 1980
Box 355 Folder 9
Nursing, School of, 1978-1986
Operating Budget
Box 355 Folder 10
Box 355 Folder 11
Box 355 Folder 12
Box 382 Folder 14
Organization and Management Study Group, Report of the, 1982
Box 355 Folder 13
Osterman, Margaret (Estate of), 1978-1982
Box 355 Folder 14
Oxford Centre [for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies],
Box 355 Folder 15
Papyrology Congress, 1975-1981
Box 355 Folder 16
Parker Gift, 1983-1985
Box 355 Folder 17
Parker School, 1982
Box 355 Folder 18
Patent Policies, 1981
Box 355 Folder 19
Peaslee Fund, 1985
Box 355 Folder 20
People's Republic of China, 1978-1979
Personnel Office
Box 355 Folder 21
General, 1973-1981
Box 356 Folder 1
Hiring Freeze, 1975
Information System
Box 356 Folder 2 to 3
1977-1980, Undated (2 Folders), 1977-1980, Undated
Box 356 Folder 4
Modifications, 1979-1981
Box 356 Folder 5
Rank Code System, 1982-1983
Box 356 Folder 6
Task Force, 1981
Box 356 Folder 7
Responses to Allocation Letters, 1972-1976
Box 356 Folder 8
1977 Study (Manley & Co.) Re: Restructuring Classification System, 1977, 1977, 1977
Box 356 Folder 9
Pew Memorial Trust, 1984-1986
Box 356 Folder 10
Philosopher's Journal, 1979
Box 356 Folder 11
Physical Education, 1977-1979
Physicians and Surgeons
Box 356 Folder 12
General, 1972-1985
Box 356 Folder 13
New Titles and Ranks, 1971-1979
Box 357 Folder 1
Psychoanalytic Center, 1978
Box 357 Folder 2
Poliak Gift, 1983
Box 357 Folder 3
Policy Inquiries--Handbook Requests, 1965-1975
Box 357 Folder 4
Polish Scholars and Students, Senate Resolution on, 1981-1982
Box 357 Folder 5
Pope Foundation--Center for Italian Studies, 1930-1980
Box 357 Folder 6
Prentis Fund, 1982-1986
Box 357 Folder 7
President's Cabinet, 1975, 1978-1979, 1975, 1978-1979
Box 357 Folder 8
President's Fund, 1983
Box 357 Folder 9
Presidential Advisory Committee on Finance and Development,, 1975
Box 357 Folder 10
Professors, Named, 1972-1982
Box 357 Folder 11
Progress Fund, 1973-1974
Box 357 Folder 12
Project Lodestar, 1982
Box 357 Folder 13
Projects and Grants, 1974-1987
Box 357 Folder 14
Provost's Academic Work Group, 1984-1985
Box 357 Folder 15
Provost's Advisory Committee (PAC), 1983
Box 357 Folder 16
Budget, 1977-1985
Box 358 Folder 1
Provosts of 8 Universities [Group], 1984
Box 358 Folder 2
Psychiatry, 1973-1974
Box 358 Folder 3 to 4
Public Affairs Program, 1974-1975 (2 Folders), 1974-1975
Box 358 Folder 5
Public Awards, 1981-1982
Box 358 Folder 6
Public Opinion Quarterly, 1977
Box 358 Folder 7
Public Relations, 1976
Box 358 Folder 8
Pushkin Fund, 1974
Box 358 Folder 9
Rabi Professorship, 1983
Box 358 Folder 10
Ramsperger Bequest, 1986
Regents (New York State)
Box 358 Folder 11
External Degree Program, 1981
Box 358 Folder 12
Master Plan, 1975-1980
Regional Coordinating Council
Box 359 Folder 3
Registrar, 1974-1975, 1982, 1974-1975, 1982
Reid Hall
Box 370 Folder 2 to 6
General, 1963 July-1983 June (5 Folders), 1963 July-1983 June
Box 371 Folder 1 to 4
Annual Board Meeting, 1972, 1976-1978 (4 Folders), 1972, 1976-1978
Currier Fund
Box 371 Folder 5
Advisory Committee--General Correspondence, 1975-1984
Box 371 Folder 6 to 23
Advisory Meeting, 1975 November 19-1979 October 24 (18 Folders), 1975 November 19-1979 October 24
Grace Hill Fund
Fiscal Years
Box 372 Folder 2
Investments--Josepthal, 1978-1986
Box 372 Folder 3
Programs--Budget, 1972 July-1980 June
Box 359 Folder 4
Reiner (Fritz) Bequest, 1981-1984
Box 359 Folder 5 to 6
Religion, Department of, 1977-1980 (2 Folders), 1977-1980
Research, Officers of
Box 359 Folder 7
Resolution to Amend the University Statutes with Respect to,, 1983
Policies and Procedures Governing the Appointment of
Box 359 Folder 8
1983-1984 June
Box 360 Folder 1
1984 July-1985, 1984
Box 360 Folder 2 to 3
Background Material, Charts, Miscellaneous Correspondence,, 1966-1985
Box 360 Folder 4
Research Personnel, 1971-1980
Box 360 Folder 5
Response Letters Drafted
Box 360 Folder 6
Bryn Mawr Seminar on Senior Faculty Development and Early Retirement,, 1985
Box 361 Folder 1
Projections, 1972-1978
Box 361 Folder 2
Provisions for Early Retirement and General Information,, 1972-1988
Box 361 Folder 3
Retirements, 1968-1985
Box 546 Folder 3
Revenue and Expenses, General, 1981-1982
Revson Fellows Program
Box 361 Folder 7
Rockefeller Foundation--Trilling Seminars, 1981-1983
Box 361 Folder 8
Roosevelt Hospital--Agreement, 1971-1974
Box 361 Folder 9
Rotary Club [of Georgetown: Auxiliary Language Project], 1980
Box 361 Folder 10
Rothschild Fund, 1984-1985
Box 361 Folder 11
Ruderman, Irving, 1985
Box 362 Folder 1
Russian Institute, 1975-1976
Box 382 Folder 1
Sabbatical Schedule, 1979-1980
Box 362 Folder 2
St. Luke's Hospital, 1971
Box 362 Folder 3
Schapiro Professorship Endowment, 1981
Box 362 Folder 4
Schermerhorn, 1978
Box 362 Folder 5
Schlitz Fund, 1984
Box 362 Folder 6
Scholarship Program--Elementary School Children, 1985
Box 362 Folder 7
School Studies, 1968-1973
Box 362 Folder 8
Schulyer Hall, 1972
Box 362 Folder 9
Schwartz, James. Chair [for], 1984
Box 362 Folder 10
Schweitzer Professorship Report, 1980-1988
Box 362 Folder 11
Secretary, Office of the, 1972-1988
Box 362 Folder 12
Security, 1985-1987
Sloan Foundation
Box 362 Folder 13
General, 1982
Box 362 Folder 14
Proposal: Science, Columbia College and the New Liberal Arts,, 1982
Social Sciences, Center for the
Society of Fellows
Box 363 Folder 3
Box 363 Folder 4
Box 363 Folder 5 to 6
Mellon, 1980-1988 (2 Folders), 1980-1988
Box 363 Folder 7
Sociology--General, 1974-1982
South Africa
Box 364 Folder 1
Divestment, 1984-1985
Box 364 Folder 2
Pollack Committee on Investments in South Africa, 1984
Box 364 Folder 3
Scholarship Program, 1980
Box 364 Folder 4
The Study of South Africa [at Columbia University], 1985-1986
Box 364 Folder 5
South African Education Program, 1984
Box 365 Folder 1
Space-- Low Library, 1977-1986
Box 365 Folder 2
Correspondence, 1974, 1986, 1974, 1986
Box 365 Folder 3
Piece "The Multiplying Effect…" by Robert Goldberger, 1984
Box 365 Folder 4
Staff--Appointments, 1977-1979
(For Office of the Provost; includes job descriptions)
Box 365 Folder 5
Starr Foundation, 1984
Box 365 Folder 6
Statistics and Questionnaires, 1971-
Box 365 Folder 7
Statutes--Revisions, 1971-1975
Box 365 Folder 8
Stettheimer Fund, 1976-1984
Box 365 Folder 9
Storke Funds, 1982-1985
Box 365 Folder 10
Structure and Organizational Committee, Extra Material for the,, 1982
Box 365 Folder 11
Student Course Evaluation, 1974-1975
Student Life
Box 366 Folder 2
Student Officers, 1982-1986
Box 366 Folder 3
Student Planning and Research Center (SPARC), 1975-1976
Box 366 Folder 4
Student Prizes, 1985
Box 366 Folder 5
Student Records System, 1974
Box 366 Folder 6 to 7
Subsidies for Publications and Research, 1972-1975 (2 Folders), 1972-1975
Box 367 Folder 1
Summer Session, 1974-1977
Box 376 Folder 3
Sundler Prize in the Performing Arts Fund, 1983
Box 367 Folder 2
Tenure Review Committee, 1985
Box 367 Folder 3
Thies, Erich, 1984-1985
Box 367 Folder 4
Triga Reactor, 1979
Box 367 Folder 5
Trilling Seminars, 1977-1987
Box 367 Folder 6
University Development, 1977-1984
Box 367 Folder 7
University of Chicago, 1984
Box 367 Folder 8
University Lecture, 1986-1987
Box 382 Folder 2
University Placement and Career Services, 1975
Box 545 Folder 15
University Planning and Budgeting Committee,, 1988-1989
University Professors
University Seminars
Box 368 Folder 3 to 5
General, 1956-1981 (3 Folders), 1956-1981
Box 368 Folder 6
Internal Audit Report, 1987
University Senate
Box 368 Folder 7
General, circa, 1969-1979
Box 369 Folder 1
Budget, 1977-1978
Box 382 Folder 3 to 4
Education, Committee on, 1973-1975 (2 Folders), 1973-1975
External Relations, Committee on
Box 369 Folder 3
Libraries and Computing, Senate Committee on, 1984
Box 369 Folder 4
Box 369 Folder 5
Box 369 Folder 6
Viaduct Area Redevelopment Project, 1985
Box 369 Folder 7
Victoria College Association, 1983-1985
Box 369 Folder 8
Visiting Scholar Housing, 1984-1986
Box 369 Folder 9
Weatherhead Fund, 1980-1982
Box 369 Folder 10
Weiss, Lynn. Collection, 1981-1982
Box 369 Folder 11
Women's Center, 1983
Box 369 Folder 12
Women's Studies, 1985
Box 372 Folder 4
Washington (External Relations), 1974-1975
Box 372 Folder 5 to 6
Winter Session, 1974-1976 (2 Folders), 1974-1976
Box 373 Folder 1
Womanspace, 1978-1982
Box 382 Folder 6
Women, Ad Hoc Committee on, 1982
Box 382 Folder 15
Women, Commission on the Status of, 1975
Box 382 Folder 16
Women in the Arts, Program on Professions for, 1980
Woodring Committee
(Committee to Study the Reorganization of Arts and Sciences)
Box 382 Folder 7
Work Calendar, 1980
Box 546 Folder 6
Zhivkova Foundation, 1988
Box 373 Folder 7
Zohrab Scholarship Fund, 1980