Columbia University Office of Art Properties Records, 1960-2012

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Series I: Rotunda Exhibition Files, 1960-2012

The records in the Rotunda Exhibition Files provide a comprehensive history, through extensive documentary evidence, of exhibitions held in the Rotunda of Low Memorial Library between 1960 and 2012. The materials contained within this series are arranged chronologically. While most of the files are titled according to specific exhibition titles, miscellaneous exhibition materials, for which there is minimal documentation, are also included.

The materials found in this series are predominantly paper-based documents. Each folder contains a variety of materials and may include: exhibition check-lists and label texts, press releases, invitations to gallery receptions, catalogue manuscripts, pamphlets and posters, gallery maps and installation mock-ups, deed of gift receipts, object loan and lender forms, condition reports, newspaper clippings, exhibition installation photographs and negatives, financial records and invoices, office memos and general correspondence.

Note: The file for the exhibition "Florine Stettheimer: An Exhibition of Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings" (held from February 8 – March 8, 1973 in the Rotunda of Low Library) has been removed from Series I. To consult these materials consult Art Properties directly.

Box 1 Miscellaneous Exhibitions, Pre-1960

The Columbia University Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades, Ritual Bronzes, Weapons and Related Eurasian Bronzes from the Sackler Collection, 1960 November, 1960

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1960-1963

The Columbia University Exhibition of Three Thousand Years of Ceramic Art and Ancient Sculpture in China, 1962 November 20-1963 January 18, 1962, (2 folders)

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1964

Objects of Ancient Iranian Art: Pottery, Bronzes and Jewelry, 1964 April 8-June 2, 1964

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1965-1966

The Columbia University Exhibition of Ancient Textiles from Peru: The Central Coast, 1965 October 1, 1965

The Columbia University Exhibition of Ceramics and Bronzes of Korea from the Sackler Collections, 1965 December -1966 January 15, 1965

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1967, (2 folders)

Long Term Exhibition of Objects from the Sackler Collections: Sculpture of the T'ang Dynasty and Its Antecedents, 1967 March-July (2 folders), 1967

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1968

Box 2 Florentine Baroque Art from American Collections, 1969 April 17-June 15, 1969

New Black Artists, 1969 November 21-December 12, 1969, (2 folders)

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1969

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1970

Columbia Explores the Moon, 1970 February24-March6, 1970

From Realism to Symbolism: Whistler and His World, 1971

MFA Student Exhibition, 1972

Drawings by John La Farge: Collection of Avery Architectural Library, 1973 September 11-November 1, 1973

A Selection of Chines Objects: Gifts from Columbia University by Frank M. Michaelian, 1973 November -1974 January, 1973

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1974

Michel Butor and His Painters, 1974 March27-April 13, 1974

Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, and Drawings Exhibited to Commemorate the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533), 1974 December 9-1975 January 29, 1974

The Brothers Harper and Their Authors: An Exhibition of 19th Century Contracts, Letters and First Editions, 1975 February6-April 29, 1975

MFA Theses Exhibition, 1975 April 11-29, 1975

Surrealism, 1975 May 1-15, 1975

Early Astronomical and Mathematical Instruments, 1975 Summer, 1975

Sebastiano Serlio (1475-1555): An Exhibition in Honor of the 500th Anniversary of His Birth, 1975 October 1-29, 1975

Contributions of Columbia Men to the War for the Independence of the United States and to the Formation of the Governments of the United States and New York State, 1975 November 10-1976 January 22, 1975

Box 3 Bennet Cerf and Random House, 1976 January 28-February20, 1976

Resplendent World of the Ming: A Selection of Outstanding Works of Eminent Chinese Writers, Artists and Artisans of the Ming Dynasty,1368-1644 1976 February26-March9, 1976

Illuminated Manuscripts in Facsimile from the 15th Century, 1976 March24-April 16, 1976

The First Annual Photography Exhibit: Black and White and Color Photographs of Columbia Students, Faculty and Staff, 1976 May 6-28, 1976

Gifts in Honor of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Friends of Columbia Libraries, 1976 October, 1976

Architects for a New Nation, 1776-1976 Exhibition of Drawings, 1976 November 16-1977 January 28, 1776-1976, 1976, (2 folders)

Engel Plus Ten, 1977 February, 1977

Columbia Indoor Miniature Aircraft Society (CIMAS), 1977 March22-April 22, 1977

MFA Thesis Show, 1977 April 28-May 9, 1977

A Faculty Looks East I: Oriental Art Loaned by Faculty Members, 1977 May 13-June 3, 1977, (3 folders)

Italian Treasures from Columbia University: An Exhibition Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Casa Italiana, 1977 September 12-October 3, 1977

Box 4 The Early Railway Age, 1977 October -November, 1977

Cultural Treasures from the Land of Armenia IX Century B.C. to XIX Century A.D., 1977 November 6-18, 1977

Installation of Jacques Lipchitz's Bellerophon Taming Pegasus, 1977 November -December, 1977

Brander Matthews Masks, 1978

John Mansfield Centenary, 1978 February-March, 1978

Views of the World's Columbian Exhibition, 1893 1978 March-April, 1893, 1978

A Faculty Looks East II: Far Eastern Objects in Possession of Columbia Faculty Members, 1978 May 13-June 3, 1978, (2 folders)

Alma Mater, 1978 September, 1978

Joseph Urban Stage Design, 1978 October 16-November 6, 1978

Views of Rome: Then and Now: 41 Etchings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1978 November 6-28, 1978

The Merton Commemoration at Columbia 1978 1978 November 30-December 1, 1978, 1978

Brander Matthews, 1978 December 12, 1978

From Picasso to Rauschenberg: Twenty-five Years of Acquisitions on the Albert Ulmann Fund Endowed by Ruth Ulmann Samuel, 1979 February1-23, 1979

Georgian Grandeur: The Classical Architecture of Phillip Trammell Shutze, 1979 February2-March30, 1979

Five Contemporary Photographers, 1979 April 2-13, 1979

Box 5 Plans and Models for East Campus, 1979 April 17-27, 1979

Goya: Los Caprichos, 1979 April 17-27, 1979

Kees Verkade, 1979 May, 1979

Columbia Souvenirs, 1979 Summer, 1979

Formative Years of the Columbia School of Architecture: Student Architectural Design Drawings, 1881-1900 1979 September 17-October 19, 1881-1900, 1979

McKim, Meed and White Architectural Drawings, 1979 November, 1979

American Women Artists in Paris, 1900-1930 1979 December, 1900-1930, 1979

Avery Library Selected Acquisitions, 1980 February, 1980

Six Collections Acquired on the Friends Endowment Fund, 1980 February7-29, 1980

The Goddess in Indian Art, 1980 March3-10, 1980, (2 folders)

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Centennial, 1980 April 28-May 16., 1980

Crown, Scepter, Seal: Icons of Columbia Photographs by Frederick Knubel, 1980 May, 1980

Treasures from Columbia: A Selection 1980 September 8-October 3, 1980

American Tastemakers from the Avery Architectural Library. 1980 October 6-24, 1980

Fifty Treasures from Fifty Years: An Exhibition Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Rare Books and Manuscript Library, 1980 November 6-26, 1980

American Indian Art: Power and Transformation, 1981 January 5-30, 1981

Disraeli, 1981 February9-March2, 1981

Asian Art from the University's Collection, 1981 March2-6, 1981

Engravings from the Bibliothèque Nationale: Versailles and Le Cabinet du Roi XIV, 1981 March17-27, 1981

A Selection of Medieval Manuscripts at Columbia University: An Exhibition Held in Conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, 1981 March31-April 11, 1981

Box 6 Armenian Architecture: IV-XVIIIth Centuries, 1981 April 10, 2014, 1981, April 10, 2014

Perspectives on Jewish Messianism: An Exhibition of Rare Books and Manuscripts from the Judaica Collections of the Columbia University Libraries, 1981 April 3-24, 1981

A Masterpiece Close-up: The Transfiguration by Rapheal, 1981 September 1-30, 1981

The Changing Social Scene: Columbia University and the City of New York, 1981 October 14-November 6, 1981

The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton: An Exhibit of Manuscripts, 1981 November 9-December 4, 1981

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1981-1982

Marconi: An Exhibition Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the First Transatlantic Wireless Signal, 1982 January 1-February1(2 folders), 1982

75th Anniversary of St. Paul's Chapel, 1982 January 7-February1, 1982

M. Lincoln Schuster and the Inner Sanctum at Simon and Schuster, 1982 February4-26, 1982

The History of Landscape Gardening and Architecture from 1598 to the Late 19th Century, 1982 April 5-30, 1598, 1982

Harlan Fiske Stone, 1982 May 3-24, 1982

From Nayarit to Tiahuanco: A Pre-Columbian Legacy, 1982 June -September, 1982

New York City: Arts in the WPA, 1982 October 1-November 1, 1982

Architectural Theory and Practice from Alberti to Ledoux, 1982 November 3-December 3, 1982, (2 folders)

Box 7 Concern for Humanity, 1982 December 6-31, 1982

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1982-1983

Chinese Art from the Columbia Collection, 1983 January 4-30, 1983

Bicentennial of the Birth of Washington Irving, 1983 January 31-March21, 1983

Henry Moore, Large Two Forms: A Photographic Exploration by David Finn, 1983 March22-May 2, 1983

Vinalhaven, Maine: Landscape, Flowers, Rock, 1983 May 3-June 20, 1983

Russel Drisch, Recent Work: Sculptures and Drawings, 1983 September 6-October 5, 1983

Manuel Alvarez Bravo, 1983 October 10-November 18, 1983

From Generation to Generation, 1983 November 28-December 20, 1983

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1983-1984

Recent Acquisitions at Avery Library, 1988 December 21-1984 January 27, 1988

Russians and the West, 1984 February3-March9, 1984

American Architects Abroad, 1984 March13-April 5, 1984

Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1984 April 9-27, 1984

Four Centuries of Printing and Publishing by the Oldest Press in the World: Cambridge University Press, 1984 August 27-October 2, 1984

Whitney M. Young, 1984 October 4-November 5, 1984

All Mankind: An Exhibition of Photographs from the Christian Science Monitor by Jordon N. Converse, Chief Photographer, 1984 November 8-29, 1984

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1984-1985

Exhibitions of an American Artist, 1985 January, 1985

A Celebration of the 80s: Portraits, Photographs by Nancy Schiff, 1984 December 3-1985 January 3, 1984

The Care of Prints: Problems of Preservation, 1985 January 4-February5, 1985

Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Exhibition, 1985 March11-April 1, 1985

The Architectural Trade Catalogue in America, 1850-1950 1985 April 3-26, 1850-1950, 1985, (2 folders)

Practicing Law in Eighteenth Century New York: American Documents and English Influences, 1985 April 30-May 24, 1985

Buddha and Bodhisattva: A Chinese Homage, 1985 July 23-August 28, 1985

Romanesque Sculpture of Moissac, 1985 October 7-November 8, 1985

Box 8 Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1985-1986

Lamont-Doherty Geological Exhibition, 1986 January 8-February14, 1986

Biennial Art Exhibition: Sponsored by the Columbia University Association, 1986 February19-March21, 1986

Five Campus Building Projects: 1985-1986 1986 March1-May 1, 1985-1986, 1986, (3 folders)

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1986-1987

Third Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1987 March23-April 23, 1987

Piranesi: Selections from the Carceri, 1987 March23-April 23, 1987

Columbia Bicentennial Exhibit, 1987 April 24-June 9, 1987

Oriental Art from the Collection of Marshall L. Page and Other Donors, 1987 June 9-September 1, 1987

Medical Science in New York State: A Century of Photographs, 1987 September 3-30, 1987

Spanish Presence in American Architecture: Documents from Avery Library, 1987 October 2-30, 1987

The Influence of the U.S. Constitution Abroad, 1987 November 2-29, 1987

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1987-1988

The Dewey Years at Columbia, 1883-1888 1987 November 30-1988 February2, 1883-1888, 1987

Ocha No Kokoro: The Heart of Tea, 1988 February2-29, 1988

Box 9 The Fourth Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1988 March1-April 1, 1988, (2 folders)

Julian Clarence Levi: Watercolors and Drawings, 1884-1971 1988 April 4-29, 1884-1971, 1988

75 Years of Success: Columbia School of Journalism, 1988 May 3-7, 1988

A Backward Glance: Preservation Attitudes in New York City, 1891-1939 1988 May 11-June 3, 1891-1939, 1988

Photographs by Elliot Erwitt, Lee Friedlander and Joel Meyerowitz, 1988 August 2-September 1, 1988

Christianization of Rus', 1988 September 1-25, 1988

90th Anniversary of the Columbia School of Social Work, 1898-1988 1988 September 29-October 11, 1898-1988, 1988

Prints of British India 1780-1860 from the Collection of Max and Peter Allen, 1988 October 17-December 2, 1780-1860, 1988

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1988-1989

The Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Revisited: Prints, Watercolors, and Drawings, 1988 December 6-1989 January 29, 1988

An Exhibition of Puppets and Masks from the Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum, 1989 February1-21, 1989

Gordon Bunshaft: A Personal Archive, 1989 February23-March24, 1989

Barnard Beginnings, 1989 March28-April 21, 1989

Box 10 Fifth Columbia University Artists Exhibition, 1989 April 25-June 4, 1989

Recent Work from the MFA Program, 1989 June 6-September 7, 1989, (2 folders)

Nineteenth-Century Photography at Columbia University: An Exhibition Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Photography, 1989 September 12-28, 1989

The French Revolution: The First Revolution for the Rights of Man, an Iconographic History of the French Revolution, 1989 October 9-29, 1989

Toro Takemitsu's Images of Sound, 1989 October 31-December 7, 1989

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1989-1990

Cats: Lithographs by Karel Appel, 1989 December 11-January 26, 1989

Harlem Horizon Children's Art Studio Inaugural Exhibition, 1990 January 30-Februrary 23, 1990

Siegfried Kracauer: The Critic in Exile, 1990 February28-March23, 1990

Sixth Annual Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1990 March27-May 11, 1990

1990 Pulitzer Prizes, 1990 May 15-June 10, 1990, 1990

Works by Ceramics Students at Teacher's College, 1990 June 12-August 22, 1990

Box 11 Eisenhower at Columbia, 1990 August 27-October 2, 1990, (2 folders)

Avery's Choice: 500 Years of Architectural Books, 1990 October 8-November 1, 1990

The Diffusion of Tropical Plants and the Portuguese Discoveries, 1990 November 9-29, 1990

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1990-1991

Garcia Lorca: Poet in New York, 1990 December 4-1991 January 30, 1990

New Paintings from the Harlem Horizon Art Studio 1991 February1-27, 1991

A Retrospective View of the Columbia University Electronic Music Center, 1991 February29-April 7, 1991

Seventh Annual Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1991 April 9-May 1, 1991

Lorenzo Da Ponte: A Vision from Columbia College, 1991 May 6-31, 1991, (3 folders)

Portuguese Travels and the Meeting of Civilizations, 1991 June 5-August 23, 1991, 1991, June 5-August 23, 1991

Box 12 Winning Images: An Exhibition of Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photographs and Cartoons, 1991 August 27-October 8, 1991

Mitchell's Choice: Highlights from 20 Years of Acquisitions for Avery Library by Herbert Mitchell, 1991 October 11-November 27, 1991, (2 folders)

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1991-1992

Freedom of Speech and Press: American Developments to 1991 1991 December 6-1992 January 29, 1991, 1991

Recent Paintings from the Harlem Horizon Art Studio, 1992 February3, 1992

Donald Keene: 50 Years of Scholarship, 1992 March2-April 1, 1992

Eighth Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1992 May 1-June 16, 1992

Century of Caring: 100 Years of Nursing Education, 1992 May 1-June 16, 1992

The Lohf Years: Selected Rare Books and Manuscripts Acquired by the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 1967-1992 1992 October 15-November 30, 1967-1992, 1992

Collectif Generation: Painters, Writers and Books 1988-1992 1992 December 2-1993 January 29, 1988-1992, 1992, (2 folders)

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1992-1993

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: New Paintings, 1993 February2-26, 1993

Giuseppe Prezzolini: The American Years, 1923-1962 1993 March3-30, 1923-1962, 1993

The World of Noh and Kyogen: Japanese Traditional Theater, 1993 April 1-30, 1993

Box 13 Columbia University: The Sovern Years, 1980-1993 1993 May 4-June 30, 1980-1993, 1993

Columbians in Depth: Portrait Sculpture from the University Art Collection, 1993 July 2-August 20, 1993

Azorean Trilogy: The Spirit, the People, the Land, 1993 August 24-September 24, 1993

Columbia's Presidents: 1754-1993 1993 September 28-October 11, 1754-1993, 1993, (2 folders)

A Tradition of Excellence Columbia University Press: Reference Works from 1927 to the Present, 1993 October 13-19, 1927, 1993

Ninth Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1993 November 2-December 7, 1993

Andre Cournand: A Noble Laureate's Adventures in Science, Medicine and the Humanities, 1993 December 9-1994 January 28, 1993

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: 11 Painters, 1994 February1-28, 1994

Women at Columbia: Benefactors, Leaders and Mentors, 1994 March3-31, 1994

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1993-1994

Columbia's Presidents, 1754-1994 1994 May 4-June 17, 1754-1994, 1994

Korean Ceramics: A Selection, 1994 May 11-August 7, 1994

Against Hitler: German Resistance to National Socialism, 1933-1945 1994 September 13-November 3, 1933-1945, 1994

Metropolitan Printers: New York Presses in the Nineties, 1994, (2 folders)

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1994-1995

Box 14 Tenth Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1994 November 4-January 13, 1994

Sixth Annual Harlem Horizon Art Studio Exhibition, 1995 January 19-March9, 1995

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory: Earthquakes, Nuclear Blasts and Everyday Seismic Phenomena, 1995 March13-April 28, 1995

Continuity and Change in Korean Ceramics of the Koryo and Chosen Dynasties, 1995 April 4-29, 1995, (2 folders)

New York in Transition: The Work of Mark Freeman, 1995 May 2-June 3, 1995, (3 folders)

Journeys in Microspace: The Art of Scanning Electron Microscopes (An Exhibition of Images from the Microworld), 1995 October 17-November 10, 1995

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1995-1996

The Life and Legacy of John Jay (1745-1829), 1995 November 14-1996 January 30, 1995, (2 folders)

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Seventh Annual Exhibition, 1996 January 19-March1, 1996

Brazil, 1940-1943 One Women's View: the Images of Genevieve Naylor, 1996 March5-27 (1 of 2 folders), 1940-1943, 1996

Box 15 Brazil, 1940-1943 One Women's View: the Images of Genevieve Naylor, 1996 March5-27 (2 of 2 folders), 1940-1943, 1996

Kobo Abe's Life and Literature: Memorabilia and Personal Items, 1996 March29-May 3, 1996

Music at Columbia: The First Hundred Years, 1996 October 4-November 11, 1996

Eleventh Columbia Artists Exhibition, 1996 November 13-1997 February2, 1996, (2 folders)

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Eighth Annual Exhibition, 1997 February4-March3, 1997

Rowing at Columbia: An Exhibition Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Lightweight Crew, 1997 March6-April 9, 1997

The Harriman Institute: Fifty Years, 1946-1996 1997 April 11-May 8, 1946-1996, 1997, (2 folders)

Recent Acquisitions in Photography: Lewis Baltz, Marylin Bridges, Elliot Erwitt, Ralph Gibson, Danny Lyon, Jill Mathis, Alen MacWeeny, Arthur Rothsein, 1997 May 12-July 14, 1997

A View of Native America: Recent Gifts from Stanley B. and Caroline Stein, 1998 March9-April 15, 1998

Sita in the City: The RaMay ana's Heroine in New York. An Exhibition of Ideas and Images in Conjunction with the International Sita Symposium, 1998 April 16-May 4, 1998

School of Social Work Centennial Exhibition, 1998 May 5-September 27, 1998

Havermeyer Hall: 100 Years of Chemistry, 1998 October 9-November 8, 1998

Images of the Dharma: Buddhist Art from Columbia University Collections, 1998 November 9-1991 January 31, 1998, (2 folders)

Box 16 Columbia University Athletics: Through the Lens of Arthur Frank, 1999 April 29-11 June, 1999

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Tenth Annual Exhibition, 1999 February1-28, 1999

Deities, Demons and Other Creatures from the Sackler Collections at Columbia University, 1999 March2-April 28, 1999

The Volvo Environment Prize, 1999 October 12-November 9, 1999

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 1999-2000

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Eleventh Annual Exhibition, 2000 February2-29, 2000

An Exhibition of Africa's Iron and Copper Currencies, 2000 March2-April 2, 2000

Columbia Law Review: Celebrating 100 Years of Publishing, 2000 April 4-June 9, 2000

Meditations at Sunset: Drawn to the Evening Sun of Amida's Western Paradise. Photographs by Abbess Seikan Fushimi, Tokujo Myoin Convent, Kyoto, Japan, 2000 June 12-23, 2000, (2 folders)

Electronic Music/Computer Music Center: A Retrospective 2000 June 27-November 13, 2000

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 2000-2001

Camp Columbia, 2000 November 14-2001 January 29, 2000

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Twelfth Annual Exhibition, 2001 January 30-February28, 2001

Speak Truth to Power: Human Rights Defenders Who Are Changing Our World, 2001 March1-April 3, 2001, (2 folders)

New York Through the Eyes of George Zimbel, 2001 May 1-June 4, 2001

Storage Jars and Other Vessels from the Sackler Collections at Columbia University, 2001 June 5-August 26, 2001

George Zimbel. Columbia College, 1951 Photographs 1947-2002 2001 August 27-September 16, 1951, 1947-2002, 2001, (2 folders)

Box 17 Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Thirteenth Annual Exhibition, 2002 February7-March1, 2002

Gene Conference, 2002 March4-7, 2002

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 2001-2002

What's in a Man? Changing Images of Masculinity in Late Antique Art, 2002 April -June, 2002

The Philolexian Society: A Bicentennial Retrospective, 2002 April 5-June 10, 2002, (2 folders)

Deities, Demons and Other Creatures from the Sackler Collections, 2002 June 11-October 14, 2002

Columbia Celebrates 75 Years of Women at the Law School, 2002 October 14-November 20, 2002

Process/ion (MFA Exhibition), 2002 November 21, 2002

Navajo Sandpaintings from the Bush Collection of Religion and Culture at Columbia University, 2002 December 5-2003 January 28, 2002

Harlem Horizons Art Studio: Fourteenth Annual Exhibition, 2003 January 28-March, 2003

Columbia Commemorative Plates, 2003 May 28-October 7, 2003

Alma Mater: Celebrating 100 Years, 2003 October 7-2004 January 24, 2003, (2 folders)

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Fifteenth Annual Exhibition, 2004 January 28-May 10, 2004

Columbia at 250: From Park Place to Monrningside, 2004 May 10-November 11, 2004

Box 18 Columbia at 250: From Park Place to Morningside, 2004 May 10-November 11, 2004, (3 folders)

New York City in Focus, 2004 November 11-December 29, 2004

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 2004-2005

Vases, Pots and Vessels from the University Art Collection, 2004 December 29-2005 February, 2004

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Sixteenth Annual Exhibition, 2005 February24-March14, 2005

Americans Who Tell the Truth, 2005 June 2-July 27, 2005

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 2005-2006

Harlem Horizon Art Studio: Seventeenth Annual Exhibition. 2006 February24-March14, 2006

Chinese Art from the Sackler Collection, 2006 November 20, 2006

Through the Eyes of the Artist: The Eighteenth Annual Exhibition of the Harlem Horizon Studio, 2007 February16-March30, 2007

Primus Inter Pares/First Among Equals: An Exhibition Celebrating 90 Years of Excellence, 2007 October 15-November 7, 2007

"Outside In": New Realms for Taiwan Art, 2008 February25-March13, 2008

What's it Mean to be Columbian?, 2008 April 17-May 8, 2008

Bites of the Big Apple, 2008 May 12-25, 2008

Books in Black: A New Page!, 2008 June 11-22, 2008

Box 19 Out of the Box: Anthropology Collections Unpacked. 2009 May 11-June 3, 2009

New Generation, New Perspectives, New Media 2010 April 16-May 13, 2010

Class of 1960 2010 May 13-June 17, 1960, 2010

Columbia Engineering: Celebrating Faculty Excellence, 2010 October 1-18, 2010

AIDS in Africa: Images of Hope, 2010 October 18-December 1, 2010

Miscellaneous Exhibitions, 2011-2012

Archeology of the City: George Olcott and His Collection, Between Rome and Columbia, 2012 March3-June 1, 2012, (2 folders)