This series consists of copies of published books and brochures maintained by the Department of Physics over the years. Some books that came in the original accession have been added to the rare books collection at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Books that were found to be housed in other parts of the Columbia Libraries were returned to the Department in summer 2014.
Box 5
Addresses after a Dinner tendered to Edward Dean Adams
, 1925
Box 5
Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Pupin Laboratires
, 1977
Box 5
Department of Physics, Columbia University
, 1990s
Box 5
Deschanel's Natural Philosophy. By Professor Everett. Part I: Mechanics, Hydrostatistics, and Pneumatics
, 1881
Box 5
Deschanel's Natural Philosophy. By Professor Everett. Part II: Heat
, 1883
Box 5
Deschanel's Natural Philosophy. By Professor Everett. Part III: Electricity and Magnetism
, 1883
Box 5
Deschanel's Natural Philosophy. By Professor Everett. Part IV: Sound and Light
, 1883
Box 6
Kaogu Xuebao
, 1965
Box 6
Nueure Problems der Theoretsichen Physik by W. Wien, E.K. Adams Fund Publications, No. 7, 1913
Box 6
Physical Laboratory Notes Prepared for the Use of the Students in the School of Mines, Engineering and Chemistry, Columbia University in the City of New York
, 1913