Marc Raeff papers, 1941-2008

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Series II: Professional and research activities, 1943-2008

Subseries II.1: Talks and lectures, 1988, undated

Box 67 Folder 1 Lecture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, undated

Box 67 Folder 2 Talk at the Geneva University, 1988

Box 67 Folder 3 through 6 Lectures and talks in English, Russian, French and German, undated

Box 67 Folder 7 Draft of a lecture on Russian Jewry, undated

Subseries II.2: Term papers, college essays, dissertations, 1943-1950, undated

Box 68 Folder 1 College essays, undated

Box 68 Folder 2 Term paper "Comparison of the American and Weimar Constitutions," Harvard University, 1943 August

Box 68 Folder 3 Term paper "Contemporary Russian Policy in the Balkans" by Leo D. Fialkoff and Marc Raeff, carbon copy, 1944

See also Series I.1: Dallin, David; Nicolaevsky, Boris

Box 68 Folder 4 Doctoral dissertation "The Peasant Commune in the Political Thinking of Russian Publicists," bound copy, Harvard University, 1950

Subseries II.3: Writings, 1957-1989, undated

Box 68 Folder 5 "Imperial Russia, 1682-1825," a copy of the typed manuscript, undated

Box 68 Folder 6 "The Periodical Press of the "Great" Russian Emigration 1920s-1930s," a draft of an article for Ulbandus, 1989

Box 68 Folder 7 Book forewords and introductions, undated

Box 69 Folder 1 Book reviews, undated

Box 69 Folder 2 through 5 Newspaper articles by Marc Raeff and Marc Raeff's letters to editors, 1957 November 11, 1958 January 28, 1958 June 22

"Education in the U.S.S.R.," New York Times, November 11, 1957 and readers' letters to the editor and author, "We Do Not Teach Them to Think," New York Times Magazine, January 28, 1958 and readers' letters to editors and author, Raeff, Marc "Report on Russia's Big Red Schoolhouse," New York Times Magazine, June 22, 1958 and letters to the editor and author.

In chronological order.

Box 69 Folder 6 Unpublished materials, undated

Article "Pushkin's Russia" for "Dance Horizons," Review of "The Slavs in European History" for "Books Abroad," Article on Mother Maria Skobtsova, Review of "Die Musik in Russland und in der Sowjetunion" by Karl Laux, Review of "Geschihte der Russischen Kunst," Review of "The Terrorists" by Robert Payne, Review of "A History of Russian Music" by Richard Anthony Leonard, Review of "Von Bakunin zu Lenin" by Peter Scheibert, Review of "Anthology of Old Russian Literature," Review of "Tsar and People: Studies in Russian Myths" by Michael Cherniavsky, Review of "The Longer View of History" by Geoffrey Baraclough, Article "On Things Political – Musings of a Dilettante," Review of the first English translation of Dostoyevsky's Diary of a Writer," Summary of a work on peasant commune, Chapter for "Companion to Russian Studies" by Cambridge University Press

Box 69 Folder 7 Unpublished materials, undated

Preface to "Russian Periodical Collection" at NYPL, Review of "Serfdom and Social Control in Russia. Petrovskoe, a Village in Tambov," by Steven L. Hoch for "Labor History," Review of "Lettres Inedites a Alexandre Herzen Fils" by Nicolas Ogarev for "Ulbandus Review," Review of "Concept of Ruling Class" by John LeDonne for "Slavic Review," Article on 50th anniversary of "New Review = Novyi Zhurnal," Article "Regarding Nationalism, for "New Review = Novyi Zhurnal," Article of Georgii P. Fedotov, Article "New Additions to the Scholar's Toolkit" for "Slavic Review," Article on Russian emigration for "History Today"

Box 69 Folder 8 Drafts of various articles, undated

Box 69 Folder 9 Various handwritten notes, undated

Contains materials of academic conferences and seminars held by various institutions and include seminar programs, lists of participants, minutes and notes, manuscripts of talks by various authors as well as related correspondence.

In chronological order.

Subseries II.4: Academic and teaching activities, 1948-2008

Sub-subseries II.4.A: Seminars, symposia and conferences, 1948-2008

Box 70 Folder 1 Harvard University, Russian Research Center, Minutes of Seminar Meeting, 1948

Box 70 Folder 2 Columbia University Seminar on Slavic History and Culture, New York, NY, 1968

Box 70 Folder 3 Conference of Polish and American Historians "State and Society from the 15th to the 18th Century," Warsaw, Poland, 1974

Box 70 Folder 4 Columbia University Seminar on Eighteenth-Century European Culture, New York, NY, 1964, 1968, 1982, 1986

Box 70 Folder 5 Third International Conference of the Study Group on Eighteenth Century Russia". Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 1984

Box 70 Folder 6 "Russian and Soviet History for Secondary School Teachers," New York, NY, 1984; Evanston, IL, 1985, 1984, 1985

Box 70 Folder 7 Congress "Prospects for Transformation in Russia and the Post-Soviet World," Geneva, 1985

Box 70 Folder 8 International conference on the History of Kievan and Moscovite States, Berlin, 1992

Box 70 Folder 9 Conference on Russian Religious Thought, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1993

Box 70 Folder 10 Triangle Intellectual History Seminar, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1997-1998

Box 70 Folder 11 Symposium "Polen, Russland, Österreich," Vienna, 2001

Box 70 Folder 12 Invitations to various conferences in which Marc Raeff participated, 1960-1999

Box 70 Folder 13 Invitations to various conferences in which Marc Raeff did not participate, 1967-2008

Sub-subseries II.4.B: Fellowships, research visits, visiting professorships and lectureships, 1952-1986

Contains student syllabi, enrollment lists, annual reports and other administrative documents as well as relevant correspondence.

In chronological order.

Box 71 Folder 1 Visiting scholarship for the "Russia in Asia Project" at the University of Washington, 1952

Box 71 Folder 2 Guggenheim Fellowship, 1957-1958

Box 71 Folder 3 Lectureship at the University of Paris, 1960

Box 71 Folder 4 NEH scholarship for independent study, research visit to Vienna and sabbatical leave, 1974-1975

Box 71 Folder 5 Visiting professorship at the Johns Hopkins University, 1976-1977

Box 71 Folder 6 Research visit to Europe, 1981

Box 71 Folder 7 Visiting professorship at Harvard University. Department of History, 1982

Box 71 Folder 8 NEH scholarship for independent study, research visit to Heidelberg and sabbatical leave, 1983-1984

Box 71 Folder 9 Visiting lectureships at Stanford, UC-Davis, and University of Washington, 1984

Box 71 Folder 10 Visiting professorship at Yale University, 1984-1985

Box 71 Folder 11 Permission requests, undated

Box 71 Folder 12 "Russia in the Imperial Age," course syllabus, 1959-1960

Box 71 Folder 13 Reports of the Committee to Visit the Ukrainian Research Institute and related correspondence, 1981-1986

Box 71 Folder 14 Various academic activities, undated

Subseries II.5: Research materials, 1948-1997, undated

Sub-subseries II.5.A: Writing, lectures, etc. by others, undated

Box 72 Folder 1 through 4 Seminar notes from the Russian Research Center at Harvard University, undated

Aron, Raymond "The Possible Effects of Industrialization on Soviet Society," Aspaturian, Vernon V. "The Evolution and Organization of the Soviet Diplomatic Service," Blum, Jerome "The Dvorianstvo in the Last 150 Years of Serfdom," Blum, Jerome "The Russian Gentry," Bromke, Adam, and Drachkovitch, Milorad M. "The Polish and Yugoslav Roads to Socialism," Deutscher, Isaac "The Historian and the Russian Revolution," Dicks, Henry Victor "Some notes on the Russian National Character," Dolberg, Alexander "Consequences of the Lifting of Mass Terror," Fischer, George "The Russian Intelligentsia," Florinsky, Michael T. "The State and Russian Economy," Florovsky, Georges "The Church and the Soviet Union," Gerschenkron, Alexander "Notes on "Doctor Zhivago"," Guber, Alexander "Organization of the Historical Studies in the Soviet Union" Lowenthal, Richard "Lenin's Organizational Models," Monas, Sidney "Visiting Tolstoy: Some notes on Moscow, Tula, and Yasnaya Polyana (August 1956)," Philipp, Werner "Bolshevik Historical Thought," Pipes, Richard E. "The Public Mood in Soviet Russia," Pipes, Richard E. "Russia and the Satellites," Pisar, Samuel "World Trade and the Soviet Bloc," Poggioli, Renato "Dr. Zhivago," Rubel, Maximilien "Marx's Concept of Democracy," Rubel, Maximilien "The Present State of Marxological Studies," Rubel, Maximilien "Russian History and the Russian Revolution in Marx's Writings," Rywkin, Michael "Soviet Society as Reflected in Some Literary Sources of the "Thaw" Period," Schapiro, Leonard "The Historical Image of the Party Since Stalin's Death," Schram, Stuart "China, the Soviet Union and the Underdeveloped Countries," Togan, Ahmed Zeki Velidi "East Turkic Spiritual Movement During the Soviet Rule," Turkevich, John "Soviet Science – An Evaluation," Wolfe, Bertram "War and Socialist Internationalism Reconsidered"

Arranged alphabetically by author.

Box 72 Folder 5 and 6 Articles in German language, undated

Amburger, Erik "Das Russische Gouvernement Zwischen 1801 und 1861," Amburger, Erik "Der Hauslehrer im alten Russland," Berindei, Dan "Fragen der Volkabildung bei den Rumänen," Böning, Holger "Literatur als Instrument der Aufklärung des "Volkes"," Donnert, Erich "Phillipp Heinrich Dilthey (1723-1781) und sein Bildungplan für Katharina II," Geyer, Dietrich "Staatsausbau und Sozialverfassung," Grasshoff, Annelies "Die literarische propagierung der Volksbildung am Beispiel Russlands," Inglot, Mieczysław "Polnische literarische Kultur in der Schulausbildung (1772-1863)," Ischreyt, Irene and Heinz "Aufklärerische gesundheitserziehung in Liv-, Est- und Kurland," Kaiser, Friedhelm Berthold "Das Justizwesen vor den Reformen," Kirchner, Walther "Russland und Europa: eine Untersuchung der Beziehungen zwichen Osten und Westen im sechzehnten Jahrhundert," Müller, Otto Wilhelm "Adelsgesellschaft und Staatsverwaltung," Schlögel, Karl "Russische Emigrztion in Deutschland 1918-1941," Sebbel, Ellen "Liberales Reformdenken (Kavelin)," Torke, Hans-Joachim "Der Zivildienst," Weitzel, Evelyn "Grundzüge der Russischen Stadtverwaltung aufgrund der Gnadenurkunde von 1785," Wojtowicz, Jerzy "Das europaische Echo der polnischen Erzihungskommission (1883-1795)," Wołoszyński, Ryszard "Das Parochialschulwesen und die Edukations-kommission"

Arranged alphabetically by author.

Box 73 Folder 1 and 2 Materials from the "Inner Asia" and "Russia in Asia" colloquia, undated

Carrasco, Pedro "Land and Polity in Tibet," Carrasco, Pedro "Land Tenure in Tibet," Erlich, Victor "The Rise of Siberian Sectionalism," Isono, F. [Untitled paper on the position of women in Inner Mongolia], Kirchhoff, Paul "The Six Tribes of Tibet," Kun Chang "On Tibetan Literature," Miller, Robert "Inner Asia: Is it a Culture Area?," Poppe, N.N. "The Geographic Distribution of the Mongolian tribes in the XIII – XV Century," Poppe, N.N. "Mongolian Comparative Studies," Roaf, William E. "Russian Colonization in Manchuria," Rupen, Robert [Untitled paper on geography and history of Outer Mongolia.], Wylie, Turrell V. "Tibetan Source Material on Ancient "Tribes" or "Clans," Articles by unidentified authors

Box 73 Folder 3 through 5 Various articles and book chapters, undated

Published and unpublished articles. Adelman, Jonathan "The Russian Civil War: The Formative Years," Andreyev, N.E. "O sudbe Russkogo Istoricheskogo Arkhiva v Prage," Arel, Jules J. "German Prisoners of War in Maine, 1944-1946," Barbagallo, Corrado "Résumé de la communication "La crise economique et sociale de l'Italie de la Renaissance," Batalden, Stephen K. "Catherine's Greel Prelate: Eugenios Voulgaris in Russia, 1771-1806," DeWitt, Nicholas "Polytechnical Education and the Soviet School Reform," DeWitt, Nicholas "Reorganization of Science and Research in the U.S.S.R.," DeWitt, Nicholas "Soviet Science: The Institutional Debate," Gessen, Sergeĭ Iosifovich, "Studia z Filozofii Kultury" (book excerpts), Hobsbawm, E.J. "Revolution and Revisionism in the Marxist Movement," Issawi, Charles Philip "Social Rifts and Ideological Shifts in the Arab World," Janzen, Vladimir "Spasti, sokhranit i osvoit! O sudbe knizhnykh sobranii i arkhivov Dmitriia Ivanovicha Chizhevskogo v Germanii," Krieger, Leonard "The Uses of Marx for History," Lappo-Danilevskiĭ, K. I͡U. (Konstantin I͡U.) "Gleb Struve – istorik literatury," Marasinova, L. "Proekt "Gosudarstvennaia Doktrina rossiiskogo samoderzhiia XVIII veka I dvorianstvo," Mazur, G.O. "The Intellectual Origins of a Religious Thinker," Orchard, G. Edward (George Edward) "The Eurasia School of Russian Historiography," Perov, A.K. "Bunin v Rige," Riggs, Fred Warren "Comparative Bureaucracy: The Politics of Officialdom," Schakovskoy, Zinaïda, princesse "The February Revolution as Seen by a Child," Shturman, Dora "O mnogoprinadlezhnosti Homo Novus," Shub, David "Iz davnikh let," Tolstoy, Alexey Konstantinovich, graf "A History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev" (in English), Trubet͡skoĭ, Nikolaĭ Sergeevich, kni͡azʹ "Nash otvet," Velychko, S. P. (Stepan Petrovych), "Who Administered the Ukrainian Gubernia, 1794-1914," Watnick, Morris "Georg Lukacs: A Life o Alienated Sensibility," Wittenberg, Alexander Israel "General Education as a Challenge for Creative Scholarship," Wittenberg, Alexander Israel "Religion and the University," Wittenberg, Alexander Israel "Why a Case Study?"

Arranged alphabetically by author.

Box 73 Folder 6 Writings by unidentified authors, undated

"Intellectualnaia antropologiia: stsenarii konstruirovaniia intelligentsia v Evrope i Rossii," "The Soviet Intelligentsia: 1962," "Von Dorfordnungen"

Box 73 Folder 7 Lectures, addresses and speeches by others, undated

Dallin, Alexander "Communist Diversity: Problems for Moscow and Washington," Hazard, John N. "Communist Diversity and the Law," Karpovich, Michael "A Lecture on Russian History"

Box 73 Folder 8 Book reviews by others, undated

Sub-subseries II.5.B: Various research materials on the history of Russian emigration by others, 1983, undated

Theses, dissertations, manuscripts and articles.

Box 74 Folder 1 "Society and Atavism in First-Wave Russian Émigré Literature: Gaito Gazdanov, Boris Poplavsky, and Vladimir Nabokov," a copy of the master thesis by Daynard, Jodi, Columbia University, 1983

Box 74 Folder 2 "L'Émigration russe en France," a copy of the master thesis by Klein-Gousseff, Catherine and Saddier, Nicolas, Université de Paris, 1983

Box 74 Folder 3 Anderson, Paul B. Copies of various papers on Russian YMCA movement, undated

Box 74 Folder 4 Andreyev, N.E. (Nikolay Efimovich) "Kondakov Institute,", undated

Also contains Notes on "Kondakov Institute" by Vernadsky, George; Notes on "Kondakov Institute" by Schwarzenberg, Karl; Notes on "Kondakov Institute" by Klimov, E. P. (Evgeniĭ Petrovich)

Box 74 Folder 5 Articles, undated

Andreesen, Walter "Berlin und die russische Literatur der Zwanziger Jahre," Boldt, Frank, Segal, Dimitri, Fleishman, Lazar "Problemy izucheniia literatury russkoi emigratsii pervoi treti XX veka," Hadžega, Julius "Eine Sinnesänderung der russichen Emigration," Leppmann, Wolfgang "Die russische Geschichtswissenschaft in der Emigration," Russian Cultural Foundation "Tsentr po izucheniiu dukhovnoi kultury russkogo zarubezhia," Slatter, John "Materials on Russian Political Emigrants in the British Archives 1850-1917," Stone, Norman, Glenny, Michael "The Other Russia," table of contents and introduction, Vilinskij, Valerij "Geistesleben der russischen Emigranten," Volkmann, H.E. "Die Geistig-Kulturelle Lage der emigration"

Arranged alphabetically by author.

Box 74 Folder 6 Various thesis outlines and proposals, undated

Sub-subseries II.5.C: Bibliographies and publications related to Russian and Ukrainian periodicals, undated

Box 75 Folder 1 Bulgakov, Valentin. "Slovar' zarubezhnykh pisatelei," a copy of the manuscript with introduction by Vaněčková, G., editor, undated

Box 75 Folder 2 Hoover Institution Archives, "Gleb P. Struve, a register of his papers in the Hoover Institution Archives,", undated

Box 75 Folder 3 Russkiĭ zagranichnyĭ istoricheskiĭ arkhiv v Prage, publications and bibliographies, undated

Box 75 Folder 4 University of California, Berkeley, List of Russian émigré serials, undated

Box 75 Folder 5 Various bibliographies on émigré literary and periodical sources, undated

Fleishman, Lazar "Russian Literary Holdings in the Hoover Library and Archives," Inter Documentation Company "Slavonics Periodicals," Jakovenko, Boris V. Desiat let russkoi filosofii, 1914-1924, Kulikowski, Mark "A Neglected Source: the Bibliography of Russian Émigré Publications since 1917," Ossorguine-Bakounine, Tatiana "La Presse Russe Independente 1917-1918," Schatoff, Michael "Annual Bibliographical Index, 1962, No. 6," Yale University Library "Arkhiv F.A. Stepuna. Nekotorye pisma," Zhyvotko, Arkadii "Desiat' rokiv Ukraïns'kogo Istorichnogo Kabinetu (1930-1940)"

Box 75 Folder 6 Various loose-leaf bibliographies and related notes, undated

Sub-subseries II.5.D: Newspapers and newspaper clippings, 1920, 1948-1993

Box 76 Newpapers, 1920, 1948-1993

Clark University News, Vol. 7, No. 5. October 1984; Columbia Spectator: Vol. CIII, No 60, January 29, 1979, Vol. CIX, No. 85, March 19, 1985; Columbia University Record, Vol. 10, No. 17, January 25, 1985; Democratie 60, September 22, 1960; Emigratsiia, 7/(24) February 1993; Golos Rodiny, No. 10 (2881), March 1993; Harvard Crimson, Vol. CLXIX, No. 1, January 31, 1979; Harvard University Gazette, Vol. LXXVIII, No. 5, October 1, 1982; Informationsblatt der Ukrainischen Freien Universität, issues in German and English, April 1948, December 1948, 1949/1950); International Herald Tribune (Weekend section only), December 28, 1979; Izvestiia Literaturnogo Fonda, No. 2, 1949; New Leader: Special Section Commemorating John Dewey's Ninetieth Birthday, October 22, 1949, Section Two, May 31, 1954; Novoe Russkoe Slovo: Vol. XL, No. 14048, October 12, 1950, Vol.XLII, No. 14555, March 2, 1952 (incomplete issue), Vol. LVI, No. 19307, January 18, 1966, Vol. LX, No. 21778, January 28, 1970, Vol. LXVII, No. 24437, December 11, 1977, Vol. LXVIII, No. 24643, August 9, 1978, Vol. LXVIII, No. 24645, August 11, 1978, Vol. LXVIII, No. 24647, August 13, 1978 (incomplete issue), Vol. LXVIII, No. 24650, August 17, 1978, Vol. LXVIII, No. 24660, August 29, 1978, Vol. LXIX, No. 25059, December 7, 1979, June 2, 1981 (incomplete issue), June 21, 1981 (incomplete issue), Vol. LXX, No. 25618, September 19, 1981, Vol. LXXII, No. 26323, December 8, 1983; Posledniia Novosti, No. 167, November 7, 1920; Der Ruf, Illustrierte Sonderbeilage, 1945?; Sonder-Bericht, 1/1950; Sonder-Ausgabe, July 1950; Vpered/Forward. Ukrainian Review for Workers: No. 7-8, October/November 1949, No. 9-10, January 1950, No. 2 (11), 1950

Box 77 Folder 1 through 4 Newspaper clippings, undated

Articles by Bunin, Ivan Alekseevich, in "Novoe Russkoe Slovo"; Articles by Osorgin, Mikhail Andreevich, in "Novoe Russkoe Slovo"; Articles about and by Karpovich, Michael; Various articles from "Novoe Russkoe Slovo," in alphabetical order by author's name: Aldanov, M., Aronson, G. S. (Grigorii Semenov), Bakhrakh, Aleksandr, Berdi͡aev, Nikolaĭ, Berlin, P.A. (Pavel Abramovich), Binshtok, G., Damanskaia, A. (Avgusta), Galich, Leonid, Iordanskii, I., Iurevskii, E, Iurkovskii, Lev, Ivask, Iurii, Koriakov, Mikhail, Kuskova, Ekaterina, Litvinskii, V., Maksimov, Sergei, Merich, Arsenii, Prokopovich, S. N. (Sergeĭ Nikolaevich), Simonov, K., Stavrov, Perikl, Veinbaum, M.

Box 77 Folder 5 Various articles in Russian, English, French and German languages, undated

Box 77 Folder 6 Obituaries, undated

In chronological order.

Box 77 Folder 7 Newspaper clippings by Victoria Raeff, undated

Box 78 Folder 11 Electronic files, 1995-1997

On 3 1/2 inch floppy disks.