Vladimir Veidle Papers, 1920-1979

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Series III: Manuscripts by Vladimir Veidle

Subseries III.1: Major Manuscripts

Box 11 "Alberto Moravia et les 'Ambitions decues '"

Box 11 "Aleksis Rannit: Za gran'iu chuzhdykh slov"

Box 11 "Altchristliche und fruhbyzantinische Kunst"

Box 11 "L'amorozeta bevanda"

Box 11 "Antologiia russkoi poezii", 4 folders

Box 11 "Architectu re et style"

Box 11 "Art et langage

Box 11 "Art under Soviet Rule"

Box 12 "Batiushkov i Mandel 'shtam"

Box 12 "Beloe plat'e"

Box 12 "Bildsemantik"

Box 12 "Biologie de l'art"

Box 12 "'Blagoobrazie: ' Iz zametok o narodno-khristianskikh chertakh v russkoi literature nedavnego proshlogo"

Box 12 "Les caracteres distinctifs du style byzantin et les debuts de sa differentiation par rapport a l'occident"

Box 12 Chagall, Marc (several manuscripts on him)

Box 12 "Chesterton"

Box 12 "Chetyre dnia"

Box 12 "Christopher Dawson et l'idee de l'Europe chretienne"

Box 12 "Crises" in contemporary culture (interviews with K.D. Pomerantsev) "

Box 12 "De Wells a Eliot

Box 12 "La diversite dans l'unite de l'art europeen et la role historique de la peinture flamande"

Box 12 "A Double-Edged Ars Poetica (Vladislav Khodasevich)"

Box 12 "Drevnerusskoe isku tvo"

Box 12 "Dva gumanizma"

Box 12 "Dvoezhenets"

Box 12 "Eloge de 1'Europe", 4 folders

Box 12 "Embriologiia poezii"

Box 12 "Eshche raz o slovesnosti, slove i slovakh"

Box 12 "L'Etat present de la litterature allemande et l'oeuvre de Ernst Junger"

Box 12 "Evropeiskoe otechestvo"

Box 13 "Frantsuzskie zhivopistsy: Kora, Kurbe, Mane i Dega, Mone, Sezann"

Box 13 "un genie . . ."

Box 13 "Georgii Ivanov"

Box 13 "Giotto et Byzance"

Box 13 "Goethe: Litterature europeenne, litterature universelle"

Box 13 "Un grand peinture allemand: Hans van Marees"

Box 13 Hellenistic Art (2 related manuscripts)

Box 13 "Une histoire vrai' par Stephen Hudson"

Box 13 Interview with Hagen of Literarische Tribune

Box 13 "Iskusstvo, kak iazyk"

Box 13 "Iz arkhivov strashnogo suda"

Box 13 "Kriticheskie zametki ob istolkovanii stikhotvorenii, po preimushchestvu kasaiushchiesia trudov R.O.Iakobsona, Iu.M.Lotmana i K.F. Taranovskogo"

Box 13 "Kul'turnye traditsii dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii i ikh znachenie dlia evropeiskoi dukhovnoi zhizni"

Box 13 "La langage mimetique"

Box 13 "Das Lebendige im Kunstwerk"

Box 13 "Lettres de Th.I.Tjutscheff a sa seconde espouse"

Box 13 "Logan Pearsall Smith"

Box 13 "M. George Santayana ou la pessimisme serein"

Box 13 "La methode de T.S. Eliot"

Box 13 "Mimesis. Symbol. Zeichen" (Lexikon der Philosophie)

Box 13 "Les mosaiques venitiennes"

Box 13 "Muzyka rechi"

Box 13 "Na smert' Bunina"

Box 13 "Nimbus" (Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie)

Box 14 "O Baratynskom"

Box 14 "O edinstve, stilisticheskikh osobennostiakh i vliianii vizantiiskogo iskusstva"

Box 14 "O religioznom korne russkogo iskusstva"

Box 14 "O spornom i besspornom"

Box 14 "O tekh, kogo uzhe net"

Box 14 "Ob illiuzornosti estetiki i o zhiznennoi polnote iskusstva"

Box 14 "Ob iskusstve Ispanii" (with several related manuscripts)

Box 14 "Pamiati Prusta"

Box 14 "La parole de l'ecriicain dans le monde d'aujourd'hui"

Box 14 "Parole et poesie"

Box 14 "La pensee de Ramuz"

Box 14 "Perevod bogosluzheniia na russkii iazyk"

Box 14 "La philosophie de 1'histoire d'Arnold Toynbee"

Box 14 Picasso (several manuscripts)

Box 14 "Pisatel 'skoe slovo v sovremennom mire"

Box 14 "Pis'mo o sovremennom iskusstve: Pis'mo vtoroe"

Box 14 "Pis'mo o sovremennom iskusstve: Pis'mo tret'e"

Box 14 "Pis'mo k slepomu"

Box 14 "La place de Balzac dans 11 histoire des lettres" (with related manuscripts)

Box 14 Poems

Box 14 "Pokhvala Venetsii"

Box 14 "Polveka na zapade"

Box 14 "Le pant des arts"

Box 14 "Pozdnii ropot"

Box 14 "La presence reelle"

Box 14 "Printemps et hiver de la parole"

Box 14 Pushkin (several manuscripts)

Box 15 "Quand la Russie etait 'cosmopolite'"

Box 15 "Raspoznavanie imen"

Box 15 "Rossiia . Revoliutsiia, Religiia/ Zapisi nedavnikh let"

Box 15 Russian Icons (several manuscripts)

Box 15 "La sensation d'absolu et l'esprit mediterraneen"

Box 15 Shakespeare (several manuscripts)

Box 15 "Some Common Traits in Early Russian and Western Art"

Box 15 "Sovremenniki i potomki"

Box 15 "Sto dnei schast 'ia"

Box 15 "Sur 1'idee d 'Europe"

Box 15 Tiutchev (2 folders; several manuscripts)

Box 15 "Tol'ko v Rossiiu i mozhno verit' : O sbornike 'Iz-pod glyb"

Box 15 "Tolstoievsky"

Box 15 "Trompe l'oeil der Aethetik"

Box 15 "Ugolovshchina"

Box 15 "Umershvlenie slova"

Box 16 "Vdvoem drug bez druga", 5 folders

Box 16 "Vera, religiia i kul1tura"

Box 16 Vestiges et presages"

Box 16 "La vie de Titien d 'apres des documents nouveaux"

Box 16 "Die Wandlungen des romischen Reichskunst"

Box 16 "Zavtra i vchera : Knigo o novoi zhivopisi"

Box 16 "Zhizn 'i zhivopis' Sutina"

Box 16 "Zhretsy edinykh muz"

Box 16 "Zur Wertung der modernen Kunst"

Box 16 "Zvuchashchie smysly"

Box 16 "Die zwei 'Sprachen' der Sprachkunst"

Subseries III.2: Minor Manuscripts

Box 17 Art and Aesthetics, 4 folders

Box 17 Art and Aesthetics (Radio Courses of the College of Europe)

Box 17 Literature and Book Reviews, 2 folders

Box 17 Memoirs

Box 17 Miscellaneous topics

Box 17 Religion and Theology

Box 17 Russia (in general)

Box 17 Russia (in general--Radio Courses of the College of Europe)

Subseries III.3: Manuscript fragments

The manuscripts in boxes 18-22 were written by Weidle for his broadcasts over Radio Liberty in 1957-77. Those in 18-20 are the mimeographed transcripts of his broadcasts, in largely chronological order. The materials in 21-22 are primarily drafts, with some notes, for his broadcasts.

Box 18 Undated Radio Liberty talks, Undated

Box 18 Undated Radio Liberty talks--"Iz oblasti mysli" series, Undated

Radio Liberty talks:

Box 18 1957--"Ne khlebom edinym" series

Box 18 1958-59--"Dnevnik pisatelia" series

Box 18 1958-59--"Literaturnaia beseda" series, 2 folders

Box 18 1961

Box 18 1962, 2 folders

Box 18 1963

Box 18 1964

Box 18 1965, 2 folders

Box 19 1966

Box 19 1967, 2 folders

Box 19 1968 (3 folders, chiefly in "Parizhskie Besedy" series), 1968

Box 19 1969 (3 folders, chiefly in "Besedy" series), 1969

Box 19 1970 (chiefly in "Besedy" series), 1970

Box 20 1971 (all in "Besedy" series), 1971

Box 20 1972-73 (chiefly "Besedy" series, some "Besedy-Vospominaniia"), 1972-73

Box 20 1974 (2 folders, all "Besedy-Vospominaniia"), 1974

Box 20 1975 (2 folders, all but one "Besedy-Vospominaniia"), 1975

Box 20 1976 (chiefly "Besedy-Vospominaniia"), 1976

Box 20 1977 (all in "Besedy-Vospominaniia" series), 1977

Box 21 Original drafts for "Besedy-Vospominaniia" series, 9 folders

Box 22 "Besedy o slovakh" (original drafts)

Box 22 "Deviat' besed ob iskusstve nashego veka" (original drafts)

Box 22 "Nashe dukhovnoe nasledstvo" series (original drafts)

Box 22 "Ne khlebom edinym" series (original drafts)

Box 22 "O kritike" series (original drafts)

Box 22 Original drafts and notes for various talks, 4 folders