Box VII 3 Folder 6
AIDS, 1987-1990
Box VII 3 Folder 7
American Bar Association (ABA)--ABA-ASL Seminar (Association of Soviet Lawyers (ASL) Delegation), 1988 October 19-20), 1988 October
Box VII 3 Folder 8
American Committee on U.S.-Soviet Relations--New Outlook Quarterly, 1990-1991
Box VII 3 Folder 9
Anreyeva, Nina--Incident--"I Cannot Sacrifice My Principles," Sovetskaya Rossiya (1988 March), 1988-1989
Box VII 3 Folder 10
Anti-Soviet Memorial, 1988-1990
Box VII 3 Folder 11
Arts, 1981-1990
Box VII 3 Folder 12
Break-up of, 1991
Box VII 4 Folder 1
Cases--Prisoners, 1989
Box VII 4 Folder 2
Censorship, 1990
Box VII 4 Folder 3
Chernobyl, 1989-1990
Box VII 4 Folder 4
Christian Care East, 1988
Box VII 4 Folder 5
Civil Society Report--General, 1987-1989
Box VII 4 Folder 6
Committee to Protect Journalists--Report: The Soviet Media's Year of Decision, 1991
Box VII 4 Folder 7
Communist Party, 1988-1990
Box VII 4 Folder 8
Conscientious Objectors, 1989-1990
Box VII 4 Folder 9
Constitution--Belarusian, 1989
Box VII 4 Folder 10
Constitutional Amendments Law, 1988
Box VII 4 Folder 11
Contacts, 1987-1990
Box VII 4 Folder 12
Correspondents--Journalists, 1985-1987
Box VII 4 Folder 13-15
General, 1991-1991, (3 Folders)
Box VII 5 Folder 1-3
General, 1991-1991, (3 Folders)
Box VII 5 Folder 4
Post-Coup Aftermath, 1991
Box VII 5 Folder 5
Crime, 1989-1991
Box VII 5 Folder 6
Crimean Tatars, 1987-1990
Box VII 5 Folder 7
Criminal Code (Draft), 1989
Box VII 5 Folder 8
Conference--Helsinki--Statements, 1992
Box VII 5 Folder 9
Conference--Moscow, 1987-1991
Box VII 6 Folder 1-2
Conference--Moscow, 1991, (2 Folders)
Box VII 6 Folder 3
Conference--Moscow--Statements, 1991
Box VII 6 Folder 4
Daily Glasnost, 1989-1990
Box VII 6 Folder 5
Death Penalty, 1987-1990
Box VII 6 Folder 6
Democratic Perestroika, 1989
Box VII 6 Folder 7
Democratic Platform Conference--CPSU, 1990
Box VII 6 Folder 8
Democratic Union, 1988-1989
Box VII 6 Folder 9
Demonstrations, 1988-1990
Box VII 6 Folder 10
Dissent--Human Rights--General, 1987
Box VII 6 Folder 11
Economic Conditions, 1989
Box VII 6 Folder 12
Economic Planning, 1990
Box VII 6 Folder 13
Economic Reforms, 1991
Box VII 6 Folder 14
Education, 1988-1989
Box VII 6 Folder 15
General, 1988-1991
Box VII 6 Folder 16
Law, 1991 May
Box VII 7 Folder 1-3
Emigres, 1979-1990, (3 Folders)
Box VII 7 Folder 4
General, 1988-1992
Box VII 7 Folder 5
Environmental Groups, 1988-1989
Box VII 7 Folder 6
Estonia, 1984-1991
Box VII 8 Folder 1
Exchanges, 1988
Box VII 8 Folder 2
Family Reunification, 1988-1989
Box VII 8 Folder 3
Fascists, undated
Box VII 8 Folder 4
Forced Labor, 1985-1987
Box VII 8 Folder 5
Freedom of Information, 1988-1989
Box VII 8 Folder 6
Correspondence, 1989
Box VII 8 Folder 7
Georgian Helsinki Group, 1987
Box VII 8 Folder 8
Press Clips, 1989-1990
South Ossetia
Box VII 8 Folder 9
Mission--Notebook, 1991
Box VII 8 Folder 10
Mission--Report (Draft)--Related Materials, 1990-1992
Box VII 8 Folder 11
Mission--Research Material, 1979-1991
Box VII 8 Folder 12
Press Clips, 1991-1992
Box VII 8 Folder 13
Germans--Ethnic, 1981-1989
Box VII 9 Folder 1
Glasnost Magazine, 1987-1988
Box VII 9 Folder 2
Grigoryants, Sergei (dissident, journalist), 1988-1989
Box VII 9 Folder 3
Health Conditions, 1988-1989
Box VII 9 Folder 4
History, 1986-1989
Box VII 9 Folder 5
Homosexuality, 1989-1990
Box VII 9 Folder 6
Hospital Lists, undated
Box VII 9 Folder 7
Human Rights--Hearings on Human Rights in the USSR, 1991 September 7-8, 1991 September
Box VII 9 Folder 8
Independent Publications, 1987-1990
Box VII 9 Folder 9
"Informal" Political Groups and Parties, 1989
Box VII 9 Folder 10
Interlegal Research Center--Human Rights, 1992
International Helsinki Federation (IHF)
Box VII 9 Folder 11
General, 1986-1990
Box VII 9 Folder 12-13
Mission--Moscow (1988), 1987-1989, (2 Folders)
Box VII 10 Folder 1
Inter-Regional Group (IRG), 1989-1990
Box VII 10 Folder 2
Jews, 1990-1991
Box VII 10 Folder 3
Kazachkov, Mikhail (editor, dissident), 1989-1990
Box VII 10 Folder 4
Kazakhstan, 1989-1990
Box VII 10 Folder 5
KGB, 1988-1989
Box VII 10 Folder 6
Kuznetsov, Sergei (independent journalist), 1989-1989
Box VII 10 Folder 7
Camps, 1987-1990
Box VII 10 Folder 8
Law, 1990-1990
Law Texts
Box VII 10 Folder 9
Drafts--Informal, 1989
Box VII 10 Folder 10
Drafts--Official, 1988-1990
Box VII 10 Folder 11
Law Texts--Final, 1989-1991
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
Box VII 10 Folder 12
Briefing Papers, 1991
Box VII 10 Folder 13
Memoranda, 1989-1991
Legal Analysis
Legal Commentary
Box VII 11 Folder 3
General, 1988-1990
Box VII 11 Folder 4
Helsinki Watch, 1988-1990
Box VII 11 Folder 5
Human Rights Groups--Other, 1988-1989
Box VII 11 Folder 6
Human Rights Groups--Soviet, 1989-1991
Box VII 11 Folder 7
Soviet Press, 1989-1990
Box VII 11 Folder 8
U.S. Press, 1989-1990
Box VII 11 Folder 9
Legal Conference: Legal Reform in the Soviet Union: Prospects for Human Rights., 1990 November 14-15
Box VII 11 Folder 10
Lithuanian Catholics, 1989
Lithuanian Independence
Box VII 11 Folder 11
Correspondence, 1990 March
Box VII 11 Folder 12
Press Clips, 1990
Press Clips
Box VII 12 Folder 3
Soviet Military Occupation--Human Rights Violations--Official Statements, 1991
Box VII 12 Folder 4
Amnesty--Draft Dodgers, 1991
Box VII 12 Folder 5
Military--Russia, 1988-1992
Box VII 12 Folder 6
Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), 1988-1990
Box VII 12 Folder 7
Moscow Helsinki Group, 1990
Box VII 12 Folder 8
Moscow Independent University, 1988-1989
Box VII 12 Folder 9
Moscow Tribune Club, 1989
Moscow Trust Group
Box VII 13 Folder 3
Muslims, 1984-1989
Box VII 13 Folder 4
Mission--Notebook, 1992
War--"Operation Ring"
Box VII 13 Folder 5
Reports, 1991
Box VII 13 Folder 6
Statistics, 1991
War--Trans-Caucasus Region
Box VII 13 Folder 7
Correspondence, 1991-1992
Box VII 14 Folder 1-2
Press Accounts, 1991, (2 Folders)
Box VII 14 Folder 3
Reports, 1991
Box VII 14 Folder 4
National Endowment for Democracy, 1988-1989
Box VII 14 Folder 5
Nationalities, 1986-1990
Box VII 14 Folder 6
Orlov, Yuri (nuclear physicist, dissent, human rights activist), 1989
Box VII 14 Folder 7
"Ostashvili" Case, 1992
Box VII 14 Folder 8
Pamyat (Trans: "Memory"), 1988-1990
Box VII 14 Folder 9
"Panorama" (news weekly), 1991-1992
Box VII 14 Folder 10
Peace Mailing, 1988
Box VII 14 Folder 11
Pentecostals, 1988
Box VII 14 Folder 12
People's Labor Organization (NTS), 1989
Perm Labor Camp
Box VII 15 Folder 2
Postfactum (independent news agency), 1990
Box VII 15 Folder 3
Press--Freedom of the Press, 1990-1991
Box VII 15 Folder 4
Press--Press Law, 1989-1990
Press Club Glasnost
Box VII 15 Folder 5
General, 1987-1989
Box VII 15 Folder 6
Conference (December 10-15, 1987), 1987
Box VII 15 Folder 7-8
Current, 1987-1982, (2 Folders)
Box VII 15 Folder 9
Letter-writing Campaigns, 1987-1991
Box VII 16 Folder 2
Prosecutors, 1990-1990
Box VII 16 Folder 3
General, 1989-1991
Box VII 16 Folder 4
Independent Psychiatric Association, 1986-1989
International Association on the Political Use of Psychiatry
Box VII 16 Folder 5-8
Documents on the Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the USSR (English), 1988-1991, (4 Folders)
Box VII 16 Folder 9-11
Documents on the Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the USSR (Russian), 1989-1991, (3 Folders)
Box VII 16 Folder 12
Information Bulletin, 1986-1989
Box VII 16 Folder 13
American Psychiatric Association--American Delegation, 1989 February-March
Box VII 17 Folder 1
Assessment of Recent Changes in Soviet Psychiatry, 1989
Box VII 17 Folder 2
Cases, 1985-1990
Box VII 17 Folder 3
General, 1989-1990
Box VII 17 Folder 4
Human Rights Watch--Report, 1990 May
Box VII 17 Folder 5
Law, 1988
Box VII 17 Folder 6
Press--United States, 1989-1990
Box VII 17 Folder 7
Press--USSR, 1989
Box VII 17 Folder 8
Soviet Delegation, 1990
Box VII 17 Folder 9
World Psychiatric Association, 1989
Box VII 17 Folder 10
Public Human Rights Commission--Soviet, 1988-1990
Box VII 17 Folder 11
Reference--Contacts and Organizations, 1988
Box VII 17 Folder 12
General, 1988-1990
Box VII 17 Folder 13
Draft Law, undated
Box VII 17 Folder 14
Bulletin of Christian Opinion, 1988-1989
Box VII 18 Folder 1
Freedom of Religion, 1987-1989
Box VII 18 Folder 2
General, 1987-1991
Box VII 18 Folder 3
Law, 1990
Box VII 18 Folder 4
Republic Secession Law, 1990
Box VII 18 Folder 5
Resistance, 1987
Box VII 18 Folder 6
Russian Orthodox Church, 1988-1990
Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR)--Constitution
Box VII 18 Folder 7
Correspondence, 1990
Box VII 18 Folder 8
Draft, 1991
Box VII 18 Folder 9-11
Sakharov, Andrei D. (1921-1989) (nuclear physicist, dissident), 1984, 1987-1990, 1984, 1987-1990, (3 Folders)
Box VII 18 Folder 12
Sakharov, Elena Bonner--Statement: "The Helsinki Act in the Future", 1991 September 10
Box VII 18 Folder 13
Moscow-based journals and publications, undated
Box VII 18 Folder 14
Moscow Information Exchange Bureau (MBIO), 1989
Box VII 18 Folder 15
The Samizdat Bulletin, 1988-1989
Box VII 18 Folder 16
Scientists, 1987-1990
Box VII 18 Folder 17
Seventh Day Adventists, 1988
Box VII 18 Folder 18
Siberia, 1988-1989
Box VII 19 Folder 1
Slepak Principles, 1988-1990
Box VII 19 Folder 2
Soros Fund, 1987-1989
Box VII 19 Folder 3
Soviet-American Review, 1989
Box VII 19 Folder 4
Soviet Center for Constitutional Democracy, 1990
Box VII 19 Folder 5
Soviet Delegation--Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 1987-1988
Box VII 19 Folder 6-7
Soviet Jewry, 1991-1992, (2 Folders)
Soviet Peace Committee
Box VII 19 Folder 8
General, 1984-1989
Box VII 19 Folder 9
Twentieth Century and Peace, 1987-1989
Box VII 19 Folder 10-11
Soviet Press, 1987-1989, (2 Folders)
State of Emergency
Box VII 19 Folder 12
Law, 1990
Box VII 19 Folder 13
United Nations Declaration, 1990
Box VII 19 Folder 14
Summit Meetings--United States, 1990
Box VII 19 Folder 15
Supreme Soviet, 1989
Box VII 20 Folder 2
Television--Communications, 1983-1988
Box VII 20 Folder 3
Trade, 1988-1989
Box VII 20 Folder 4
Transition Period--Russia, 1991
Box VII 20 Folder 5
General, 1987-1989
Box VII 20 Folder 6
Reports, 1988-1989
Box VII 20 Folder 7
Union Treaty (Draft), 1991
Box VII 20 Folder 8
Unrest, 1985-1989
Box VII 20 Folder 9-12
USSR News Brief Human Rights, 1987-1991, (4 Folders)
Box VII 21 Folder 1
Vaksberg, Arkady I. (journalist), 1989
Box VII 21 Folder 2
Validata--Yankelovich Clancy Shulman--Proposals, 1992
Box VII 21 Folder 3
Vienna Groups, 1989
Box VII 21 Folder 4
Vladikavkaz--Interviews and Testimony, undated
Box VII 21 Folder 5
Voice of America, 1986 1988., 1986
Box VII 21 Folder 6
Wallenberg, Raoul (1912-1947) (Swedish diplomat), 1989
Box VII 21 Folder 7
What the Papers Say (WPS) (independent press review agency), 1992
Box VII 21 Folder 8
Workers, 1986-1991
Box VII 21 Folder 9
World Bank, 1991
Box VII 21 Folder 10
World Without War Council: Report From Leningrad, 1990 October
Box VII 21 Folder 11
Yeltsin, Boris (1931-2007) (President, Russia, 1991-1999), 1988-1992
Box VII 21 Folder 12
Youth, 1985-1990
Box VII 21 Folder 13
Zaslavsky, Ilya--Application--Reebok Human Rights Award, 1990
United Nations
Box VII 21 Folder 14
U.N.--United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1987
United States
Box VII 21 Folder 15
Congressional Hearings--USSR--Testimony, 1989-1991
Box VII 21 Folder 16
Foreign Policy--USSR--Correspondence, 1991-1992
Box VII 21 Folder 17
Foreign Policy--USSR--Dissolution of USSR, 1991
Box VII 21 Folder 18
Foreign Policy--USSR--Reports, 1989
Box VII 21 Folder 19
Human Rights Issues, 1987-1989