Box 1
Photocopies, handwritten notecards., 1980, 35 items
Box 1
Photocopies of French-language periodicals and books, 15 items
Box 1
Photocopies, typescripts in English and French., 24 items
Box 1
Photocopies, handwritten notecards., 1980, 45 items
Box 1
Photocopies of Le Monde and Le Monde juif articles., 10 items (multiple pages per item)
Box 1
Statistical data on "Denaturalisations, 1940-44," and "Sequestres, 1940"., 40 Handwritten notecards (photocopies)
Box 1
Photocopies of 1942 and 1943 data on "Administrateurs Provisoires", 2 items
Box 17
(B) Notes for Vichy France and the Jews