Marshall D. Shulman Papers, 1940s-1980s, bulk 1960s-1970s

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Series I: Manuscripts, circa 1940s - 1986

Subseries I.1: "Beyond the Cold War"

Box 74 Folder 1 BCW File Outline

Box 74 Folder 2 I.B.1. Introduction & General Themes

Box 74 Folder 3 I.B.1. Evolution of Soviet Foreign Policy-General

Box 74 Folder 4 I.B.2. Evolution of Soviet Foreign Policy, Domestic Factors-General

Box 74 Folder 5 I.B.2.a Economics & Administration

Box 74 Folder 6 I.B.2.b Political

Box 74 Folder 7 I.B.2.d Relation of Domestic Foreign Policy

Box 74 Folder 8 I.B.3. Military Factors

Box 74 Folder 9 I.B.4. Advanced Industrial Countries

Box 74 Folder 10 I. B.5. Underdeveloped Areas

Box 74 Folder 11 II. Bloc Developement-General

Box 74 Folder 12 II.A. Sino-Soviet

Box 74 Folder 13 II.B. Eastern Europe

Box 74 Folder 14 II.c. International Communist Movement

Box 74 Folder 15 III.A. Implications of Soviet and Bloc Changes

Box 74 Folder 16 III.B.1. Implications for U.S. Policy-General

Box 74 Folder 17 III.B.2. Relation to Non-Soviet Problems

Box 74 Folder 18 III.B.3. Long-Term Goals Re: SU, Communist Bloc, China

Box 74 Folder 19 III. B.4. Arms Control

Box 75 Folder 1 IIl. B. 5. East-West Trade

Box 75 Folder 2 III. B. 6. Political & Territorial Issues

Box 75 Folder 3 III. B. 7. Cult. Exchg.

Box 75 Folder 4 IV. Miscellany

Box 75 Folder 5 MDS - Manuscript for "Beyond the Cold War" Master Copy 1

Box 75 Folder 6 MDS - Manuscript for "Beyond the Cold War" Master Copy 2

Box 75 Folder 7 Manuscript for "Beyond the Cold War" loose-leaf copy

Box 75 Folder 8 "Beyond the Cold War" (misc. notes, etc.)

Box 76 Folder 1 BCW - business

Box 76 Folder 2 Lecture 1

Box 76 Folder 3 II - Bloc

Box 76 Folder 4 II - SFP

Box 76 Folder 5 Draft II

Box 76 Folder 6 II Concl.

Box 76 Folder 7 Text II

Box 76 Folder 8 CH I- Yale

Box 76 Folder 9 Ch II - Yale

Box 76 Folder 10 Ch. Ill - Yale

Box 76 Folder 11 BCW- Yale I

Box 76 Folder 12 Dinner disc, after BCW 4/27/65

Box 76 Folder 13 III Intro + main themesi

Box 76 Folder 14 III Pol. - SU 2

Box 76 Folder 15 III Other area - Al, UD 3

Box 76 Folder 16 III U.S. Intnl., ddomestic, concl. 4

Box 76 Folder 17 Atl. meeting

Box 76 Folder 18 Resources - gen'l.

Box 76 Folder 19 B.C.W. - work sheets

Box 76 Folder 20 I a - intro

Box 76 Folder 21 I b - intro

Box 76 Folder 22 I c - IP

Box 76 Folder 23 Draft I

Box 76 Folder 24 II - domestic

Box 76 Folder 25 Outline Text II

Box 76 Folder 26 BCW - Yale - Intro & notes

Subseries I.2: "Soviet Foreign Policy"

Box 77 Folder 1 SFP - Book expansion - publication

Box 77 Folder 2 Soviet Foreign Policy - Sources, Readings, Bibliography

Box 77 Folder 3 Draft I

Box 77 Folder 4 SFP - Intro

Box 77 Folder 5 I 1. Soviet World View - Sov. For'n. Pol.

Box 77 Folder 6 I 1. Rev. Draft - SFP

Box 77 Folder 7 Ch. 1 - Rev.

Box 77 Folder 8 I 2. Military Analysis

Box 77 Folder 9 Ch.2 rev.

Box 77 Folder 10 I, 3 Soviet Econ. Growth + For'n. Econ. Policies

Box 77 Folder 11 Sov. Econ.

Box 77 Folder 12 Ch.3 rev.

Box 77 Folder 13 II 3 Rel. w non-c world

Box 77 Folder 14 II 4 US internal

Box 77 Folder 15 Ch 9

Box 77 Folder 16 SFP study: miscellaneous (outline)

Box 77 Folder 17 SFP Notes (misc.)

Box 77 Folder 18 I, 4 Sovviet Unternal Changes

Box 77 Folder 19 Ch.4

Box 77 Folder 20 I 5 Soviet Orbit Relations

Box 77 Folder 21 II, 1 (Ch. 8?) US - Sov. relations

Box 77 Folder 22 II 2 Military Requirements

Subseries I.3: "Soviet Union and the West", 1949-1952

Box 78 Folder 1 Bibliography - S U + W

Box 78 Folder 2 Bibliography - Extra Copies

Box 78 Folder 3 SU - W Revision Materials 1

Box 78 Folder 4 Rev.2

Box 78 Folder 5 SPWE - Revision Notes #3

Box 78 Folder 6 Revision Notes

Box 78 Folder 7 Lacoeur Material

Box 78 Folder 8 Materials 1949-1952

Box 78 Folder 9 SPWE - Misc. Revision Materials

Box 78 Folder 10 III - 3 - US Defense Expenditures

Box 78 Folder 11 Military Background

Box 78 Folder 12 Varga - Voznesensky

Box 78 Folder 13 Zagoria Ms.

Box 79 Folder 1 Book Vellum

Box 79 Folder 2 SU + W - Manuscript & Bibliography

Subseries I.4 "Stalin's Foreign Policy", 1949-1961

Box 80 Folder 1 Galley Proof

Box 80 Folder 2 Packet W/ Manuscript

Box 81 Folder 1 Log Book w/notes, readings, interviews re France

Box 81 Folder 2 Box w/Index Cards, Notes for Stalin's...

Box 81 Folder 3 Packet - MDS, Fr. Project, Eur. 1954

Box 81 Folder 4 Packet - MDS, Eur. Misc. 1954

Box 82 Folder 1 Title, Contents

Box 82 Folder 2 L - R alternation

Box 82 Folder 3 CH.1

Box 82 Folder 4 CH.2

Box 82 Folder 5 CH.2n

Box 82 Folder 6 CH.3

Box 82 Folder 7 CH.3n

Box 82 Folder 8 CH.4

Box 82 Folder 9 CH.5 - 4n

Box 82 Folder 10 CH. 5n

Box 82 Folder 11 CH.6 - 5n

Box 82 Folder 12 CH. 7 - 6n

Box 82 Folder 13 CH. 8 - 7N

Box 82 Folder 14 CH. 8N

Box 82 Folder 15 CH.9N

Box 82 Folder 16 CH.10 o

Box 82 Folder 17 CH. 10N

Box 83 Folder 1 CH.11O

Box 83 Folder 2 CH.11N

Box 83 Folder 3 CH.12

Box 83 Folder 4 Refs. Checked

Box 83 Folder 5 Further Checking

Box 83 Folder 6 Misc.

Box 83 Folder 7 PCF. Herve, Lacoeur

Box 83 Folder 8 Periodization

Box 83 Folder 9 MDS - Bibliography - carbon copy

Box 83 Folder 10 Materials for Book

Box 83 Folder 11 Harvard University Press Style Sheets - MDS

Box 83 Folder 12 Article: "Some Implication of Changes in Sov. Policy Toward West -1949-1952", APSA '61

Box 83 Folder 13 Pravda Notes —Revision: From Thesis to First Vellum, Book Draft- 1960-61

Box 83 Folder 14 Thesis Revision

Box 83 Folder 15 MDS - "Soviet Policy in Western Europe and the French Communist Party, 1949-52." - part of author's PhD requirement at Columbia University, March 1959.

Box 83 Folder 16 Title Page

Box 83 Folder 17 ms. of typed chapters - 1-6

Box 83 Folder 18 ms. - Chs. 7-10

Box 83 Folder 19 Chs.11,12 - ms.

Box 83 Folder 20 Thesis - arrangement, mechanics

Box 84 Folder 1 Ch.1 - intro

Box 84 Folder 2 Ch.2 Background

Box 84 Folder 3 Ch.3 Jan.-Sep. 1949 - Sov.

Box 84 Folder 4 Ch.4 Jan. - Sep. 1949, PCF & Cominform

Box 84 Folder 5 Ch.5 - Peace Mov't. - 1949

Box 84 Folder 6 Ch. 6 - Draft

Box 84 Folder 7 Ch.7 - draft

Box 84 Folder 8 Ch.8

Box 84 Folder 9 Ch.9

Box 84 Folder 10 First Draft - Working Copy, Part I Ch.2 missing

Box 85 Folder 1 First draft - marginal notes by Shepard Clough

Box 85 Folder 2 First Draft- first copy - Mosely notes + final editing

Box 85 Folder 3 First Draft - Mosely copy + Editing for final typing. Chs. 6-12

Box 85 Folder 4 Unsorted - for return to files

Box 85 Folder 5 Outline + misc. notes

Box 85 Folder 6 I. Intro, draft notes

Box 85 Folder 7 II - 1: Hist. Background. PCF '44-'49 and France

Box 85 Folder 8 II - 2: Hist. Background '44-'49. Sov. Pol. in W. Eur. + related events

Box 85 Folder 9 III - 1: '49-'52 develo. SU + Soviet Policy

Box 85 Folder 10 III - 2: '49-'52 devels. Sov. Orbit

Box 85 Folder 11 III - 3: '49-'52 Related World devels. incl. Policy Korea

Box 85 Folder 12 III 4: '49-'52 Int'l C. Mov't. Other foreign CP's ex. US + Italy

Box 85 Folder 13 IV - Devels. in France 49 - 52

Box 85 Folder 14 V - 1 PCF 49 - 52 gen'l tactics

Box 85 Folder 15 V - 1b - Nationalism + PCF

Box 85 Folder 16 V - 2 PCF '49 - '52 Parliamentary tactics

Box 85 Folder 17 V - 3 PCF trade union tactics

Box 85 Folder 18 V - 4 PCF non-party mov'ts.

Box 85 Folder 19 V - 4a - Peace Mov'ts.

Box 85 Folder 20 V - 4b - neutralism

Box 85 Folder 21 V - 4c PCF Rels. w bourg. no class

Box 85 Folder 22 V 4d PCF Rels. w business groups

Box 85 Folder 23 V 4e PCF Rels. w Socialists, Fronts - united, national, etc., comparison w/earlier periods

Box 85 Folder 24 V 5 PCF Organizational/ Internal party situation

Box 85 Folder 25 V - 6 PCF Congresses

Box 85 Folder 26 V - 7 Ideol. + theoretical issues/PCF devels.

Box 85 Folder 27 V - 8 Effect / external devels. on PCF + FTs

Box 85 Folder 28 V - 9 PCF misc.

Box 86 Folder 1 VI a post '52 devels. - Sov. policy, PCF

Box 86 Folder 2 VI CPSU XIX Congress

Box 86 Folder 3 VII - Reading: Bibliog.

Box 86 Folder 4 VIII - Misc.

Box 86 Folder 5 IX - 1 Theoretical, Ideol.

Box 86 Folder 6 IX - 2 Strategic Implications

Box 86 Folder 7 IX Conclusions, interp. + signif.

Box 86 Folder 8 Miscellaneous

Box 86 Folder 9 Chronological Interpretations, 1944-54

Box 86 Folder 10 French Communist Party: Parliamentary Tactics, 1949-54

Box 86 Folder 11 French Communist Party: Internal Situation

Box 86 Folder 12 France, misc.

Box 86 Folder 13 Conclusions and themes

Box 86 Folder 14 France - people, places

Box 86 Folder 15 Foreign C.P. - Italy

Box 86 Folder 16 World.

Box 86 Folder 17 2156

Box 86 Folder 18 Germany

Box 86 Folder 19 PCF + conf. Oct.'49-June '51

Box 86 Folder 20 Peace Mov't. 50-51

Box 86 Folder 21 Ch.VI Sov. Policy Sep.49-June50

Box 86 Folder 22 PM 51-52

Box 86 Folder 23 PCF Conf.51-52

Box 86 Folder 24 Ch.VII - PCF + Cmst. movt. for Oct.49

Box 86 Folder 25 Notes on Ch.1,2 to be reviewed

Box 86 Folder 26 Notes already used

Box 86 Folder 27 B - draft 49-52

Box 86 Folder 28 Clippings

Box 86 Folder 29 B - I Gen'l. Notes

Box 86 Folder 30 B - II Chrono Series

Box 86 Folder 31 Notes for revision, ch.4

Box 86 Folder 32 B - III topical: peace mov't.

Box 86 Folder 33 B III topical: misc.

Box 86 Folder 34 Working Copy, First Draft

Box 86 Folder 35 refs. to be checked

Box 86 Folder 36 Notes, misc.

Box 87 Folder 1 Note Cards for Manuscript

Subseries I.5: Articles, 1956-1986

Box 67 Articles, 1956-1986

a) A Rational Response to the Soviet Challenge - 6 Copies, b) Tell Me, Daddy, Who's the Baddy? - 3 Copies, Discussion Paper for Panel IV: Foreign Policy Aspects - Conference on the XXVII CPSU Congress (Airlie House, April 11- 13,1986) - 3 Copies, d) Arms Control Today - What Kind of Relationship Do We Want With the Soviet Union? - 3 Copies, e) A Citizen's Guide to East-West Realtions. - 3 Copies, The Meaning of "Change" - from 6/11/56 issue of New Republic - 1 Copy