Below is a list of glass-plate slide captions, transcribed from a handwritten list of the slide titles inside the three slide boxes. Empty slots are included for numbering and filing purposes.
Box 1
1. Epidaurus, view
Box 1
2. Epidaurus, [recoust]
Box 1
3. Theatres/Dionysus, Athens
Box 1
4. Vase pantry
Box 1
5. Vase pantry
Box 1
6. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
7. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
8. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
9. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
10. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
11. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
12. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
13. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
14. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
15. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
16. Roman d' Alexander
Box 1
17. Valenciennes passion play
Box 1
18. Lucerns Easter play
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
21. London - [bankside]
Box 1
22. Globe theater
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
25. Globe theater
Box 1
26. [Roxana], title page
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
31. Titus Andronicus [illus]
Box 1
Box 1
33. Nathaniel field [portrait]
Box 1
34. Faustus title page
Box 1
35. [M][cu]lowe's house
Box 1
36. Ben[b or l]age, portrait
Box 1
37. portrait of Allen Edward
Box 1
38. Shakespeare [-rio-]
Box 1
39. Shakeapeare at Stratford
Box 1
40. Shakespeare 1st folio part-
Box 1
41. Fortune theater
Box 1
42. Dewitt - Swan theater
Box 1
43. Fortune theater
Box 1
44. "Red Bull"
Box 1
45. Plan for 'Mustopha"
Box 1
46. Drury Land Theater
Box 1
47. Dorset garden theater
Box 1
48. Map dhowing Drury lane
Box 1
49. Rowe's Shakes - 4 illus
Box 1
50. German stage
Box 1
51. Ariadne [fiontis] piece
Box 1
52. Joe [Haires] as [Mounterank]
Box 1
53. [M da de linagenairo] set
Box 1
54. Moliere - centar [chandelier]
Box 1
55. Dorset garden theater
Box 1
Box 1
57. Joe Hawes
Box 1
58. Well Gwynn [Ay] lely
Box 1
59. Empress of Morocco
Box 1
60. Empress of Morocco Scenery
Box 1
61. Empress of Morocco
Box 1
62. Empress of Morocco
Box 1
63. All for Love setting
Box 1
64. Charles II - [ou] throne
Box 1
65. Charles II - half [denath]
Box 1
66. Earl of Dorset [Kindler]
Box 1
67. Charles II - head
Box 1
68. Sam - Pepys - portrait
Box 1
69. Dry den portrait
Box 1
70. Brabara [Villier] and Son
Box 1
71. Dryden portrait
Box 1
72. Duchess of Portsmouth
Box 1
73. [Moll] Davis
Box 1
74. Nell Gwynn as Venus
Box 1
75. Duchess of Portsmouth
Box 1
76. Restoration Ladies
Box 1
Box 1
78. Nell Gwynn
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
Box 1
84. Swan theatre - fisher's map
Box 1
Box 1
86. The [Banys] as [Bajazet & Solim a]
Box 1
87. Garrick as [Tarfred]
Box 1
88. John Komble [---st]
Box 1
89. The Barrys as The Macbeths
Box 1
90. [Spr.] barry as Macbeth
Box 1
91. Ms. barry as Sismonda
Box 1
92. Dr. Johnson portrait
Box 1
93. R.B. Sheridan as [vedma]
Box 1
94. Casey as [Moc reath]
Box 1
Box 1
96. [Beardsley], Aubrey
Box 1
Box 1
98. Nell Gwynn
Box 1
99. Garrick as Hamlet
Box 1
100. Restoration Lady & Child
Box 2
101. Duchess of Mo[zaune]
Box 2
102. Mrs. Brace[gudle]
Box 2
103. Mrs. Brace[gudle]
Box 2
104. Barbara Villiers
Box 2
105. Duchess of Mo[zaune]
Box 2
106. Nell Gwynn portrait
Box 2
107. Mrs. Eliz. Barry
Box 2
108. [Wrn] Wycheily part.
Box 2
109. Congreve portrait (youth)
Box 2
110. WM. Congreve portrait
Box 2
111. Steel buttons
Box 2
112. Van Burgh - portrait
Box 2
113. costumes - 1610-20
Box 2
114. costumes - 1610-20
Box 2
115. costumes - 1610-20
Box 2
116. costumes - 1600-10
Box 2
117. costumes - 1690-1700
Box 2
118. Blenheim palace
Box 2
119. Rowe's Shakos - illas
Box 2
120. Rowe's Shakos - illas
Box 2
121. Rowe's Shakos - illas
Box 2
122. Rowe's Shakos - illas
Box 2
123. Rowe's Shakos - illas
Box 2
124. Rowe's Shakos - illas
Box 2
125. Lavinia [Fenta] portrait
Box 2
126. Hogarth Children's performing
Box 2
127. actress dressing [L Born]
Box 2
128. Barry in Romeo and Juliet
Box 2
129. Commedia dell Arte
Box 2
130. Garrick as Richard III
Box 2
131. Garrick in Venice observed
Box 2
132. Macklin as Sh[y]lock
Box 2
133. Garnick in [Faimeis Relir]
Box 2
134. Drury Lane Theater 1794
Box 2
135. Lintolch [__] field theat.
Box 2
136. Leigh as Spanish friar
Box 2
Box 2
138. Kemble as Hamlet
Box 2
139. Kemble as Richard III
Box 2
140. Scene from Falstaff
Box 2
141. Ms. Prichard as Lady Machise
Box 2
142. Parsons in "The [wish] widow"
Box 2
Box 2
144. Garricks 1st Theater
Box 2
145. McReady as Hamlet
Box 2
146. Henderson as Hamlet
Box 2
147. Hamlet
Box 2
148. Spr. Barry [bust]
Box 2
149. Spr. Barry as Harry Wildaire
Box 2
150. foote as the Devil
Box 2
151. Miss Woffington as [Mist. Foid]
Box 2
152. Miss Woffington bust
Box 2
153. Miss Woffington bust
Box 2
154. Quinn as Falstaff
Box 2
155. S. Barry and [Grov_ ] as Lear
Box 2
156. Ci[ff]er [Theu.] [pistol]
Box 2
157. Quinn as Corialanus
Box 2
158. foote as Major Sturgeon
Box 2
159. Garrick as [os myn]
Box 2
160. Garrick as Formers [return]
Box 2
161. Garrick as Ranges
Box 2
162. Garrick as Macbeth
Box 2
163. Henderson as Macbeth
Box 2
164. Garrick as Rich. III
Box 2
165. Garrick as Kitley
Box 2
166. Garrick portrait
Box 2
167. Garrick portrait
Box 2
168. Garrick and wife
Box 2
169. Garrick [wal] bust of Shakes.
Box 2
170. Garrick as A. Drugger
Box 2
171. Garrick as Sir [tolm bute]
Box 2
Box 2
173. Garrick on front is [pac]
Box 2
174. Garrick ded. statue/shakes
Box 2
175. overflowing of the pit
Box 2
176. the pit entrance
Box 2
177. fitz. riot
Box 2
178. side lights - german theater
Box 2
179. Garrick as Macbeth
Box 2
180. Garrick as Richard III
Box 2
181. Eliz. Lunley and brother
Box 2
182. Mrs. Abington as Scrub
Box 2
183. love in a village
Box 2
184. *crossed out* statue of Shakes.
Box 2
185. Mrs. Abington as Prue
Box 2
186. Twelfth Night
Box 2
187. School for Scandal
Box 2
188. School for Scandal
Box 2
Box 2
190. Haymarkety Theater
Box 2
191. Eliz. Lunley and sister
Box 2
192. Regency Theater
Box 2
193. Park Theater, NY 1893
Box 2
Box 2
195. Covent garden in 1794
Box 2
196. Moody in West Indian
Box 2
197. Moody in the strate gem
Box 2
198. recruiting officer
Box 2
199. Drury Lane theater
Box 2
Box 3
201. Vaurhall
Box 3
202. Hogarth - children's performs
Box 3
203. the Duenna
Box 3
204. Garrick in Romeo and Juliet
Box 3
205. John Rick entering Covent Garden sq.
Box 3
206. Calley [Cibber]
Box 3
Box 3
208. Sheridan as yng. man
Box 3
Box 3
210. George Villiers
Box 3
211. Hogarth - laughing audience
Box 3
212. [Wm.] Davenport (portrait)
Box 3
213. Hogarth
Box 3
214. Hogarth
Box 3
215. Hogarth
Box 3
216. Hogarth
Box 3
217. Hogarth
Box 3
218. Hogarth
Box 3
219. Hogarth
Box 3
220. Hogarth
Box 3
221. Hogarth
Box 3
222. Hogarth
Box 3
223. Hogarth
Box 3
224. Hogarth
Box 3
225. Hogarth
Box 3
226. Hogarth
Box 3
227. Hogarth
Box 3
228. Hogarth
Box 3
229. Hogarth
Box 3
Box 3
231. Mrs. Hartley as Cleopatra
Box 3
232. St. Mary's church
Box 3
233. Verona
Box 3
234. Wm. Davenport
Box 3
235. Henry Hamis as Wolsley
Box 3
236. globe theater
Box 3
237. Shake - Rowe and Johnson
Box 3
238. Th. Betterton portrait
Box 3
239. Miss Farrer as Olivia
Box 3
240. Ms. Ab[arg]ton and Beatrice
Box 3
241. Macklin as [s---] lock
Box 3
242. Mrs. Kemble as Juliet
Box 3
243. Ms. C[ry]ler as Cressida
Box 3
244. Mrs. Siddons, Pizzaro
Box 3
245. Mrs. Abington in Rosalind
Box 3
246. Mrs. Pope as Cleopatra
Box 3
247. Barrys in Venice preserved
Box 3
248. Garrick as Don John
Box 3
249. Quinn in Falstaff
Box 3
250. Garrick - Farmers return
Box 3
251. "speculation"
Box 3
252. school for scandal
Box 3
253. Mrs. Yates portrait
Box 3
254. Garrick in provoked wife
Box 3
255. Mrs. Prichard port.
Box 3
256. Bannister in Syl. Daggerwood
Box 3
Box 3
258. Colley Cibber - portrait
Box 3
259. Garrick [bet] Comedy & Tragedy
Box 3
260. Mrs. Boode[m] - Claudestone marriage
Box 3
261. Mrs Jordan
Box 3
262. French tennis court
Box 3
263. Rich. II prompt. book
Box 3
264. Rich. II prompt. book
Box 3
265. Milward benefit ticket
Box 3
266. Mrs. Yates as Isabella
Box 3
267. Foote in fondle wife
Box 3
268. Foote in the minor
Box 3
269. Garrick as LEar
Box 3
270. Bettys, Master (bust)
Box 3
271. John Ce[rndle] as Rolla
Box 3
272. Mrs. Young as Cleopatra
Box 3
273. Palmen as Geo. Barnwell
Box 3
274. Sheridan as Cato
Box 3
275. Miss Younge as Zara
Box 3
276. "Miss [h] her teens"
Box 3
277. Miss Balkley as Mrs. Wilding
Box 3
278. Garrick and friends
Box 3
279. John Rich as Harlequin
Box 3
280. Mrs [oed]field
Box 3
281. Dr offingholm (Sweden)
Box 3
282. Dr offingholm curtain
Box 3
283. Dr offingholm curtain
Box 3
284. Dr offingholm
Box 3
285. Dr offingholm scenes
Box 3
286. Dr offingholm scenes
Box 3
287. Dr offingholm scenes
Box 3
288. Dr offingholm scenes
Box 3
289. Dr offingholm cross section
Box 3
290. Perdita Robinson port
Box 3
291. Betty, Master - portrait
Box 3
292. Betty (as Roscius) - Douglas
Box 3
293. Betty as Hamlet
Box 3
294. Jefferson in school for scandal
Box 3
295. Mrs. Mattocks
Box 3
296. Mrs. Pope - bust
Box 3
297. bust
Box 3
298. Walker Benefit - Beggars opera
Box 3
299. Betty as Hamlet
Box 3