Box 14
Alekseevich, N. — "Iz Istorii Politicheskogo Soznaniia Russkikh Narodnykh Mase"
Box 14
Arndt, Walter W. — Poems
Box 14
Aronson, G. — "Zapiski Provintsialnogo Zhurnalista"
Box 14
Arseniev, Nikolai — Poems
Box 14
Baitrushaitie, IU. — "O Syshehnosti Iskusstva i Tyorcheskom Dolge Khugotznika"
Box 14
Belli — "Kapitan-Leitenant, Karginal i lakobintsy"
Box 14
Berezov, R. — Poems and short pieces
Box 14
Bisk, Aleksandr -- "RiIke i Rossia"
Box 14
Brovtsyn, B.
Box 14
Buryshkin, P. A. — "S. N. Tretiakov: Glava iz Vospominanii"
Box 14
"Chernye Vremena"
Box 14
Chumakov, T. — "Vysshee Obrazovanie v Sovetskom Soiuze"
Box 14
"Chutzie v Seme"
Box 14
"The Course of Russian History"
Box 14
Dudorova, Nataliia — Poem
Box 14
"Dva Goda za Granitsei"
Box 14
Dvinov, B. — "Problema Azii"
Box 14
Dzhanumov, lurii — Poems
Box 14
Elenev, Nikolai — "Kem Byla Marina Tsvetaeva?" and miscellaneous manuscripts
Box 15
Epstein — "Russian Constitutional and Administrative History in Modern Times"
Box 15
Evangulov, G. — "Den Prazdnogo Cheloveka"
Box 15
Evspev, Nikolai — Poems
Box 15
Facenko, T. — "Ot Starogo k Novomu"
Box 15
Fischer, George — "General Vlasovinchina"
Box 15
"The First Russian Sect"
Box 15
Galperin, A. — "Pamiati R. M. Plekhanovogo"
Box 15
Glinka, Gleb — "Velikoe Razorenie"
Box 15
Gorskaia, A. — Poems
Box 16
Greenblatt, Michael and Grossman, Albert — "Communism: the Devil's Jargon"
Box 16
Gurdzhiian, Grigorii — "Armeniia" and "Sovetskaia Torgovlia"
Box 16
"Herzen, Bakunin, Chernyshevski"
Box 16
"The Holy Fools"
Box 16
lurevskii, E. — "Doktrina Pravogo Kommunista"
Box 16
Ivantsov, D. N. — "Poslevoennye Sudby Zhivotnovodstva v S. S. S. R."
Box 16
"Iz Barselonskoi Dnevnika"
Box 16
"Iz Perepiski P. B. Struve s S. L. Frankom"
Box 16
Izhorskii, Aleksei — "Neobychainaia Propoved Patera o Vikentiia"
Box 17
Karpovich, Michael, circa 1948-1958
"The Chairman's Review of the Papers Presented at the 'Collectivism and Individualism' Session of the Conference on 'Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought"
"East and West in the Present Crisis" (1948 speech)
Note Cards from English and American Books
Note Cards from French Books
Note Cards from Russian Books
Notes, drafts, and clippings (1958)
Report on George Stewart's "The White Armies of Russia"
Box 17
Korff, S.R. 1917 diary, 1917
Box 17
"Korovin, K. A. : Semia i Detstvo"
Box 17
Kucherov, S. — "O Konstantinopole i Prolivakh"
Box 17
Kudriavtsev, V. — "P. I. Chaikovskii i Russkaia Tserkovnaia Muzyka"
Box 17
Kuskova and Meshner
Box 17
Makaev, I. — "Prohozhii"
Box 17
Makovskii, Sergei — "Zabytyi Pisatel Konstantin Slychevskii"
Box 17
Maksimov, Nikolaia — "Ideaia Iskupleniia u Dostoevskogo i Vozmezgiia u V. Soloveva"
Box 17
Manusevich, Victor —"'Dvoinik' Dostoevskogo"
Box 17
Martinovich, N. — "Rossiia i Blizkii Vostok"
Box 17
Meshner (see Kuskova and Meshner)
Box 17
"Moskovskii Komercheskii Institut"
Box 17
Nartsissov, Boris — Poems
Box 17
Neimirok, Aleksandr — Poems
Box 17
Novikoff, M.
Box 17
"O Sovetskoi Mologfezhi"
Box 17
"Ocherk Zhizni Deiatelnostii Andreia Grigorevicha Gagarina"
Box 17
Olshanskii, B. — "Budni Zakliuchennago"
Box 17
"Ot Vrestskogo Mira do Gratzanskoi Voiny"
Box 17
Pavlov, M. — "Skorbleni Put Sovetskoi Intellegentsii"
Box 18
Poltoratskii, N. — "Russkaia Religioznaia Filosofiia"
Box 18
"The Post-Stalin Era in Russia; The Ascendancy of Nikita Khruschov; The New Rulers of the Soviet Union"
Box 18
"Put k Oktiabriu"
Box 18
Riabushinskii, V. P. — "Pamiati Pavla Afranacevicha Buryshkina"
Box 18
Rolik-Skagovskii, S. — "Arsenii Kaverin"
Box 18
Russian Authors, miscellaneous
Box 18
Saburova, Irina — "Korabli Starogo Goroda"
Box 18
Samarin, V. — "Mnogolikii Gorod" and miscellaneous manuscripts
Box 18
Samylova, Olga — Zaitsev manuscript
Box 18
Shaikeveg, A.
"O Mednom Vsadnike, o Chernshevom Moste i ob Antikvarakh c Basseinoi Ulitsty"
"Baron N. E. Vrangel i Ego Zerkalo Kolombiny"
"Enriko Rastelli"
"Peterburgskaia Bogema"
Box 18
Shaw, Joseph T. — "Bibliographies and Russian Literature"
Box 18
Shuberskii, A. — "Karatelnoe Nastuplenie Gitlera na lugoslaviiu v 1941 Gody"
Box 18
Shuvalova, Elizaveta — Poems
Box 18
Skonichenko, Olga — Poems
Box 18
Smolich, I. K. — "Vzaimootnosheniia Mezhdy Tserkoviu i Gosudarstvom, kak Osnovaniia dlia PeriogizatsiiIstoii Russkoi Tserkvi"
Box 18
Sokolovskii, P. — "U Staroi Rampy: Iz Teatralnykh Vospominanii"
Box 18
Stanka, Vlagas — "Iskusstvo"
Box 19
Stenbock-Fermor, Elisabeth — "The Great Water Road"
Box 19
Strakhovekii, Leopid
Box 19
Swan, Alfred J. — "The Life of Nicolas Medtner"
Box 19
Tauber, Ekaterina — Poems
Box 19
Troitski, Nikolas
Box 19
Trubetskoi — "Stikhi iz Knigi 'Ternovnik'"
Box 19
Tschenkeli, K. — "Introduction to the Georgian Language"
Box 19
Tzemchutznyi, Aleksandr — Poem
Box 19
Ulianov, N. — "Zastignuti Nochiu"
Box 19
Vacilev, S. — "Geopolitika i Ekonomika Russkoi Arktiki"
Box 19
"Valkanskii Mirotverts"
Box 19
"Vasili Grigorevich Basilevskii"
Box 19
Velichkovskaia, Tamara -- Poems
Box 19
Viereck, Peter
Box 19
"Vokrug V. A. Maklakova: Lichnye Vospominaniia"
Box 19
Vrangel — "Tirgatao"
Box 19
"Which? (The Ballad of Nevins and Commanger)"
Box 19
Yakovloev, Boris (see Troitski, Nikolas)
Box 19
Miscellaneous (poems)
Box 19
Box 20
Bauler, A. — "Tip Starykh Emigrantov" manuscript for Novyĭ zhurnal
Box 20
"Escape to England" manuscript for Novyĭ zhurnal
Box 20
Milenko, G. — "Problema Prava u Tolstogo i Dostoevskogo" manuscript for Novyĭ zhurnal
Box 20
Nordman, N. — "Hoziastvo S. S. S. R." manuscript for Novyĭ zhurnal
Box 20
Notley, Frances — translations of Kazimierz Wierzynski manuscript for Novyĭ zhurnal
Box 20
Ortega-Josset, Jose — translation of L. R. Nikolenko manuscript for Novyĭ zhurnal
Box 20
"The Russian Middle Ages" manuscript for Novyĭ zhurnal
Box 20
Vivnaver, R. — "Kadetskaia Partiia i Eia Vozhdi" manuscript for Novyĭ zhurnal
Box 21
The Roots of the Russian Revolution lecture notes, 1935
Box 21
Anglo-Soviet-American Collaboration lecture notes, 1942
Box 21
Medieval Europe lecture notes, 1942
Box 21
Changing Russia — Russia's Relations with her Western Allies lecture notes, 1943
Box 21
The Old and the New in Present-day Russia lecture notes, 1943
Box 21
Origins of Revolutionary Socialism in Russia lecture notes, 1943
Box 21
Russia and Europe lecture notes, 1943
Box 21
Russia and her Allies lecture notes, 1943
Box 21
The Position of Lenin in the Russian Revolution Movement lecture notes, 1944
Box 21
American Policy and Russia lecture notes, 1946
Box 21
Decline of Tsardom and Rise of Soviet Power lecture notes, 1946
Box 21
Life and Culture in Pre-Revolutionary Russia lecture notes, 1946
Box 21
Major Phases in the History of Anglo-Russian Relations lecture notes, 1946
Box 21
Russia and Eastern Europe lecture notes, 1946
Box 21
Russia and the World lecture notes, 1946
Box 21
Soviet Foreign Policy; What's Russia Up To? lecture notes, 1946
Box 21
Miscellaneous Notes lecture notes, 1946
Box 21
Growth of Social and Political Ideas in Modern Russia lecture notes, 1947
Box 21
Has There Been a Thermidor in the Russian Revolution? lecture notes, 1947
Box 21
How Revolution Came to Russia lecture notes, 1947
Box 21
Russia and the West: Cultural Contacts lecture notes, 1947
Box 21
Russia's Place in the Post-War World lecture notes, 1948
Box 21
Religion in Nineteenth Century Russia lecture notes, 1948
Box 21
Russia and the Revolution of 1848 lecture notes, 1948
Box 21
Russia and Europe (1848-1948) lecture notes, 1948
Box 21
Russia in the Near East lecture notes, 1948
Box 21
What Should We Teach About the Soviet Union? lecture notes, 1948
Box 21
Miscellaneous notes, 1948
Box 21
Vostok i Zapad v Rossii lecture notes, 1949
Box 21
Contemporary Russia in Relation to Her Historical Background lecture notes, 1950
Box 21
The Old and the New in Soviet Foreign Policy lecture notes, 1950
Box 21
The Political Heritage of Modern Russia lecture notes, 1951
Box 21
History notes, 1953
Box 21
History Introduction, 1957
Box 22
The Constitutional Period lecture notes
"The Beginning of the War"
"The Constitutional Regime"
"Economic Development of Russia in the Last Decade Before the Revolution"
"The Political Crisis"
"The Revolution of 1905"
"Russia's Pre-War Diplomacy"
"Russia in the World War"
"Trends in Russian Life"
Box 22
Dostoevsky and Tolstoy lecture notes
"Dostoevsky's Life to 1867"
"Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov"
"Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment"
"Dostoevsky's The Eternal Husband and The Gentle Saint"
"Dostoevsky's House of the Dead"
"Dostoevsky's The Idiot"
"Dostoevsky's Notes From the Underground"
"Dostoevsky's The Possessed"
"Tolstoy's Early Life to 1862"
"Tolstoy's Early Writings (1851 - 1863)"
"Tolstoy's War and Peace"
Box 22
Eastern Europe lecture notes
"The Baltic Countries to the End of the Eighteenth Century"
"Czechoslovakia and Hungary"
"Poland to the End of the Eighteenth Century"
"Poland Since 1918"
"Prussian Poland to 1914"
"Russian Poland After the Partitions"
Box 23
Historiography lecture notes
"American Historiography"
"Historical Analysis"
"Historiography of the Renaissance and Reformation"
"Medieval Historiography"
"Nineteenth Century Historiography"
"Review of Historiographical Literature"
"The Synthesis and the Marxist Interpretation of History"
"Testament of Peter the Great"
Box 23
Modern Russian Literature lecture notes
"Blok: Symbolism"
"Features of Russian Literature"
"Karanenin and Krylov"
"Nekrasov and Fet"
"Pushkin and Mickiewich"
"Revolution as a Theme"
"Social and Intellectual Changes"
"The Soviet Period"
"The Soviet Period: Historical Novel/Satire"
"The Symbolists"
Box 24
Modern Russian Literature lecture notes
"The End of the Century"
"Zhukovsky and Batyushkov"
"The Age of Pushkin"
"Pushkin: the Man"
"Pushkin as a Poet"
"Pushkin: the Early Poems"
"Pushkin: Supreme Origin"
"Pushkin: Boris Golunov, Poltova, and The Bronze Horseman"
"Pushkin: 'Little Tragedies'"
"The Fairy Tales"
"Pushkin: The Genre"
"Boratynsky and Tintchev"
"The New Spirit in Literature, The Age of Revolt: Griboelov"
"Lermantov: the Man"
"Lermantov: the Past"
"Lermantov: His Fame"
"Gogol: the Man"
"Realism and Romanticism"
"Gogol: the Ukrainian Tales"
"Gogol: the St. Petersburg Stories"
"Gogol: Revizof"
"Gogol: Dead Souls"
"The Age of Realism: Aksakov-Goncharov"
"Goncharov - Oblanov"
"Turgenev: the Man and the Writer"
"Turgenev: Short Stories and Short Novels"
"Turgenev: Rudin and A Nest of Gentlefolk"
"Turgenev: On the Eve and Fathers and Sons"
"Turgenev: Smoke and The Virgin Soil"
Box 25
Modern Russian Literature: Tolstoy and Dostoevsky lecture notes
"Tolstoy's The Resurrection"
"Tolstoy's War and Peace"
"Tolstoy's Late Works"
"Tolstoy: After the Crisis"
"Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: Hartford Lecture Series"
"Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: Conclusion"
"Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: Miscellaneous"
Box 26
Russian History lecture notes
"The Agrarian Crisis"
"Alexander II"
"Catherine II"
"Civilization of Museorite Russia and the Crisis of the Seventeenth Century"
"Cultural Development in the Seventeenth Century"
"Cultural Progress During the Constitutional Period"
"English Literature in the Eighteenth Century"
"First Nine Centuries of Russian History (a Retrospective Survey)"
"From the 1917 Revolution to the Establishment of Soviet Russia"
"History of Russian Civilization"
"Industrial Revolution"
"Ivan the Terrible"
"The Industrial Revolution"
"The Liberation Movement"
Box 27
Russian History lecture notes
"Middle Ages"
"The 1917 Revolution"
"Paul I"
"Peter the Great"
"Peter the Great to Catherine II"
"The Political Crisis During the War and the Revolution of March 1917"
"The Problem of Foreign Policy"
"The Provincial Government and the Bolsheviks"
"Rise of Absolutism"
"Rise of Lithuania"
"Russia in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century"
"Russia in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century"
"Russia in World War I"
Box 28
Russian History lecture notes
"Russian Church and State in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries"
"Russian Government in the Seventeenth Century"
"Russia's Intellectual Development in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century"
"Russia's Nationalistic Reaction Against the West and the Church"
"Russo-Japanese War"
"Siberia and the Far East"
"Social and Political Ideas in the Eighteenth Century: the Development of Public Opinion"
Box 29
The Soviet Period lecture notes
"Approaches to the Revolution"
"The Bolshevik Coup D'etat"
"Bolshevik Theory and Practice"
"Changes in the Social Structure of Russia Since the Revolution"
"The Communist Party"
"Cultural Developments in the U. S. S. R."
"Cultural Life Under the Soviet regime"
"Education in Soviet Russia"
"Evolution of the Political Structure"
"The Federalist Features of the Soviet State"
"Lenin's Design for the Russian Revolution"
"Literature in the Russian Civil War"
"Literature in Soviet Russia"
"Military Communism"
"Civil War and Intervention"
"The New Economic Policy and the Struggle Within the Party"
"The New Socialist Offensive and the Supremacy of Stalin"
"The Provincial Government"
"Religion in Soviet Russia"
"Science Under the Soviet Regime"
"The Social and Economic Structure"
"The Stalin Constitution"
"The System of Thought Control"
Box 29
The Tsardom of Moscow lecture notes
"John the Terrible"
"The Time of Troubles"
"The First Romanovs"
"Russian Expansion Eastwards and Southwards"
"Nationalism and Western Influence"
Box 30
American Culture lecture notes
Box 30
The Constitution of 1936 lecture notes
Box 30
Democracy and Revolution lecture notes
Box 30
Evolution of Foreign Policy of the U. S. S. R. lecture notes
Box 30
Italian History lecture notes
Box 30
Masayk and Russia lecture notes
Box 30
Modern English History lecture notes
Box 30
Plefapov lecture notes
Box 30
Pornesov lecture notes
Box 30
The Problem of Man and Moral Freedom lecture notes
Box 30
Romanticism, notes of various writers lecture notes
Box 30
Russia and Satellite Countries lecture notes
Box 31
Russia from 1894 to 1914 lecture notes
Box 31
Russian Agriculture lecture notes
Box 31
Russian Economy lecture notes
Box 31
Russian Expansion lecture notes
Box 31
Early Russian History (1893 - 1921) lecture notes
Box 31
Russian History lecture notes
Box 31
Russian History, Notes and Research Cards
Box 32
Russian Notes, miscellaneous
Box 32
Russian Revolutionary Movement lecture notes
Box 32
Russian Theater lecture notes
Box 32
Soviet Civilization lecture notes
Box 32
Soviet Economics lecture notes
Box 32
State Control Over Literature in Marxist Dogma in its Bolshevik Interpretation lecture notes
Box 32
Trevelyan's History of England, notes on
Box 32
Miscellaneous Notes
Box 33
Miscellaneous Notes in Russian, 1941
Box 33
Miscellaneous Notes in Russian, 1943
Box 33
Miscellaneous Notes in Russian, 1947
Box 33
Miscellaneous Notes in Russian, 1948
Box 33
Miscellaneous Notes in Russian, 1950
Box 33
Miscellaneous Notes in Russian, undated
Box 34
Bibliographies for lectures
Box 34
Britain: Decade of Revolution lecture notes
Box 34
Britain: The Jacobins lecture notes
Box 34
The Constitutional History of England: The Seventeenth Century lecture notes
Box 34
Cromwell's Place in History lecture notes
Box 34
Jaine's "La Revolution" lecture notes
Box 34
Miscellaneous Notes (in French)
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter I, Lecture 1: Introduction: the Subject and the Method, 1955 February 3
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 2/3/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter II, Lectures 2 and 3: 18th Century, 1955 January 10, February 8
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - lecture 2 dated 2/8/55 and lecture 3 dated 1/10/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter III: Radishchev, circa 1955 February
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter IV, Lecture 4: Early 19th Century, 1955 February 15
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 2/15/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter V, Lecture 5: Decembrists and Pushkin, 1955 February 17
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 2/17/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter VI, Lecture 6: 1830-1840 and Chaadayev, 1955 February 24
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 2/24/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter VII, Lectures 7 and 8: The Slavophiles, Parts I and II, 1955 February 26, March 1
Recorded - lecture 7 dated 2/26/55 and lecture 8 dated 3/1/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter VII, Lecture 9: The Westerners - Belinsky, 1955 May 21
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 5/21/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter VIII, Lectures 10 and 11: Gogol, 1955 March 10
In two pieces, lecture 11 dated 3/10/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter IX, Lectures 11 and 12: Herzen, 1955 March 15
In two pieces, lecture 12 dated 3/15/55.
Box 42
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter IX A, Lecture 13: Bakunin, 1955 March 17
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 3/17/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter X, Lectures 13 and 14: "Nihilism" - The aesthetic controversy, 1955 March 22
In two pieces, lecture 14 dated 3/22/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XI, Lectures 15 and 16: Populism, 1955 March 24
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - lecture 15 dated 3/24/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XII, Lectures 16 and 17: Dostoevsky, 1955 March 29, 31
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - lecture 16 dated 3/29/55 and lecture 17 dated 3/31/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XIII, Lecture 17: Tolstoy, 1955 March 31
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded, dated 3/31/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XIV, Lecture 18: Russian Liberalism - Turgenev, 1955 April 12
Three versions: (1) two versions revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 4/12/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XV, Lecture 19: Nationalism. Danilevsky, 1955 April 14
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 4/14/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XVI, Lecture 20: Soloviev, 1955 April 21
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 4/21/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XVII, Lectures 21, 22 and 23 (until page 21): The Turn of the Century, 1955 April 23, 26, 28
Two versions: (1) written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - lecture 21 dated 4/23/55, lecture 22 dated 4/26/55 and lecture 23 dated 4/28/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XVIII, Lectures 23 (from page 21) and 24: Russian Marxism, 1955 April 28, 30
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - lecture 23 dated 4/28/55 and lecture 24 dated 4/30/55.
Box 43
Lectures on Russian Intellectual History, Chapter XIX, Lecture 25: Conclusion: Lenin and the Russian Tradition, 1955 May 3
Two versions: (1) revised and written up by Karpovich; (2) recorded - dated 5/3/55.
Box 43
Miscellaneous Writings and Notes on Chaadaev
Box 43
Lectures on the History of Eastern Europe: History 55, Lecture notes, 1940 October 1-1941 February 16, 68 pages; Holograph manuscript.
Box 43
Lectures on the History of Eastern Europe: Lecture on Foreign Policy under Alexander III, 1942 November 5, 4 pages; Typescript.
Box 43
Lectures on the History of Eastern Europe: History 57, Drafts and Research notes, 1943 February 2, Holograph manuscript and scrap-notes.
Box 43
Lectures on the History of Eastern Europe: History 57, 1943 February 2, 86 pages
Box 43
Talk by Professor Karpovich: Problems of Russian Historiography, 1947 August 13, 3 pages; Typescript.