Notes and other research materials. Notes, manuscripts, some correspondence and copies of correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed
materials on various subjects; also including groups of papers of other economists
Box 5
Adams, Charles Francis
Box 5
Adams, Henry Carter
Box 5
Adams, Thomas S.
Box 5
American Economic Association
Box 5
Anderson, Adam
Box 5
Andrews, Elisha Benjamin
Box 6
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Box 7
Box 7
Box 8
Box 8
Beard, Charles A.
Box 8
Bentham, Jeremy
Box 8
Box 8
Box 9
Bradish, Luther
Box 9
Bullock, Charles J.
Box 9
Burns, Arthur F.
Box 9
Burton, John Hill
Box 9
Byllesby, Langdon
Box 10
Cambreleng, Churchill C.
Box 10
Box 10
Clark, John Bates
Box 11
Clark, John Maurice
Box 12
Clark, John Maurice
Box 13
Columbia University: Teaching, administrative, etc.
Box 14
Commons, John R.
Box 14
Copeland, Morris A.
Box 14
Crosskey, William Winslow
Box 15
Box 16
Davenport, Herbert Joseph (1861-1931)
Correspondence, notes, printed materials, a photograph, and Davenport's own correspondence file, 1909-1913.
Box 17
Del Mar, Alexander
Box 17
Dew, Thomas R.
Box 17
Dickinson, Z. Clark
Box 17
Dictionary of American Biography
Box 17
Douglas, Paul H.
Box 17
Box 18
The Economic Institute, Inc.
Box 18
Box 18
Ellet, Charles, Jr.
Box 18
Ely, Richard T.
Notes, copies of correspondence, minutes, etc.
Box 18
Box 19
Ela, Richard (d. 1863)
Box 20
Ela, Richard (d. 1863)
Box 21
Box 21
Ferris, J.A.
Box 21
Fetter, Frank A.
Box 21
Folwell, William W.
Box 21
Ford, Worthington C.
Box 21
Foster, William Trufant
Box 22
Franklin, Benjamin
Box 22
Friday, David
Box 22
Box 23
Gallatin, Albert
Copies of correspondence and notes
Box 23
George, Henry
Box 23
Gouge, William A.
Xeroxes of correspondence and notes
Box 23
Box 24
Hansen, Alvin H.
Box 24
Hamilton, Alexander
Box 24
Hamilton, Walton H.
Box 25
History of Economics Society / The History of Economic Thought
Box 25
Hoxie, Robert
Box 25
Box 26
Box 27
Box 28
Jackson, Andrew and Jacksonian era economics
Box 29
Jackson, Andrew and Jacksonian era economics
Box 30
Jackson, Andrew and Jacksonian era economics
Box 31
Johannsen, Nicholas August Ludwig Jacob (1844-1928)
Correspondence, notes, and his manuscripts
Box 32
Johnson, Alexander Bryan
Box 32
Box 32
Box 33
Kent, James (1763-1847)
Box 33
Knight, Frank H.
Box 34
Box 35
Lassalle, Ferdinand
Box 35
Laughlin, James L.
Notes & copies of correspondence
Box 35
Marshall, Alfred (1842-1924)
Box 35
Malthus, Thomas
Box 35
Medieval economics
Box 36
McCrea, Roswell Cheney
McCrea's own correspondence file, 1900-1937 and printed materials
Box 37
Mill, John Stuart
Box 37
Mills, Frederick C.
Box 37
Box 37
Moulton, Harold G.
Box 38
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874-1948)
Correspondence, his manuscript notes, photographs, printed materials, and his miscellaneous notes. "Criticism of Modern civilization" 40p., and "Money, Economy and Modern Civiliaztion" 56p. are also available on microfilm MN#93-2049-4.
Box 39
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874-1948)
Box 40
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874-1948)
Box 41
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874-1948)
Box 42
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874-1948)
Box 43
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874-1948)
Box 44
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874-1948)
Box 45
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (1874-1948)
Box 46
Box 47
Nettels, Curtis Putnam
Box 47
New York Home Colony Association
Box 47
New York Workingmen
Box 47
Box 48
Box 48
Box 49
Ravenstone, Piercy, pseud.
Edward Edwards, 1789-1832, supposed author; the Brentwood School; letters from R.R. Lewis
Box 49
Ricardo, David
Box 49
Rogers, James H.
Box 50
Box 51
Samuels, Warren J.
Box 51
Sedgwick, Theodore (1780-1839)
Including xerox copies of his correspondence
Box 51
Slichter, Sumner H.
Box 51
Smith, Adam
Box 51
Stewart, Walker W.
Box 51
Stilwell, Silas Moore (1800-1881)
Box 52
Seligman, Edwin R.A.
Including his correspondence file, 1925-1927 and lecture notes.
Box 53
Box 54
Box 54
Taussig, Frank William (1859-1940)
Box 54
Box 54
Box 55
Treasury Department
Box 56
Tugwell, Rexford G.
Correspondence File: A - F
Box 57
Tugwell, Rexford G.
Correspondence File: G - M
Box 58
Tugwell, Rexford G.
Box 59
Tugwell, Rexford G.
Manuscripts and Notes; Printed Materials
Box 60
Box 60
Box 60
Box 60
Vinter, Jacob
Veblen, Thorstein Bunde (1857-1929)
Box 75
Walras, LĂ©on
Box 75
Warburton, Clark
Box 75
Weber, Max
Box 75
White, Horace
Box 75
Box 76
Box 76
Wilshire, Gaylord
Box 76
Wilson, Woodrow
Box 76
Wolfe, A.B.
Box 76
Young, Allyn A.
Box 76
Box 77