Mark Van Doren papers, 1910-1976

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Series V: Arranged Correspondence

Box 56 A

Adams, F.B.


Alderfer, W.K.

Alden, J.

Alfano, C.T.

Ames, R.W.

Andrews, E.D.

Angle, P.

Arbolim, J.

Arms, R.H.

Asch, K.

Austouther, D

Box 56 Aylward, Stephen

Box 56 B

Bach, M

Bade, W.F.

Balakia, A

Bardwell, E.B.

Barnett, D.

Bate, W.J.

Beaty, D.

Beetles, C.

Bennett, S.J.

Berrien, L.

Besmer, D.

Bevans, M

Beyer, W.

Boie, M


Booth, R.

Bose, B.

Bowles, F.

Bowser, R.W.

Brady, V.

Bradley, M.M.

Brammer, CM.

Breckenridge, A

Brinitzer, M.R.

Brooks, M

Brown, A.W.

Brown, D.

Buchanan, V & D.

Burke, W.H.

Butterfield, L.H.

Box 56 Bonazzi, H.

Box 56 Brook, G.

Box 56 C:

Call, R.

Cantieni, J.

Caras, R.

Carpenter, H.

Carr, D.

Carruth, H.

Chamberlain, L.H.

Chapman, F.S.

Clacyssens, A.E.

Clark, D.L.

Clendenin, J.

Coleman, K.V.

Coleman, S.C.

Collier, J.M.

Covin, J.C

Congdon, K.

Constantino, J.

Cooley, M

Cornwall Hollow Cemetery Assoc

Cox, S.

Cralle, M.B.

Crothers, G.

Crowe, W.R.

Cuppy, W.

Currier, L.

Curry, W.C.

Box 56 Carrier, C.V.

Box 57 Claire, W. F.

Box 57 Crossett, J.

Box 57 Crump, E. Elam, S. M.

Box 57 D

Dalven, R.

Damon, H.

Davidson, A.

Davies, M.C.

Deas, G.T.

De Bary, W.T.

Dell, S

Del Tredici

Dever, I.

Dilliard, I.

Dirks, S.B.

Dittler, E.L.

Dodds, J.

Donaldson, N.V.

Dorgan, C.

Downs, R.B.

Doyle, E.

Draxton, N.

Dubow, P.S.

Dulaney, N.T.

Box 57 Darkey, W.A.

Box 57 Dike, C.A.

Box 57 E

Eckstein, A.R.

[Eckstein, H.I.]

[Eomen, B]

Ehrlich, M

Epstein, B

Estabrook, M

Evarts, J.

Evert, W.B.

Box 57 Elam, S.M.

Box 57 F


Fauror, I.N.

Ferguson, O.

Field, E.

Finkelstein, L.

Firestone, C.B.

Fontera, R.

Forbes, M.E.

Frank, G.

Friedman, H.

Fuller, M.

Box 57 G

Gainey, B

Gallagher, T.

Geffen, F.

Gelmartin, A.

Gifford, J.P.

Goodson, W.C.

Gore, R.T.

Gorrin, P.

Grady, R.

Graen, S.

Grean, S.

Griffen, J.

Grisez, Mrs. D.

Griswold, H.

Box 58 H

Hackett, F.S.

Hadas, G.

Hale, A.

Halliday, M.

Hancock, A.S.

Hannell, P.

Hanson, D.

Hapgood, C.


Hastings, C.

Hatmaker, D.

Henderson, G.

Henry, D.D.

Henry, 0.

Herndon, Mrs. L

Hindus, M

Hinz, J.

Hoffman, D.

Hoffman, R.

Holden, D.

Holmes, P.V.

Horan, G.R.

Horn, M.

Horowitz, A.

Hotaling, D.

Hubbell, 0.

Hutchins, M.

Huvelle, C.H.

Box 58 Henrich,E.

Box 58 Hillyer,R.

Box 58 J

Jacobs, A.C.

Jacobs, Jane

Jacobsen, J.


Jessup, P.C.

Jestes, D.A.

Jewett, I.A.

Jenson, B.

Joseph, N.

Box 58 K

Kaderli, E.L.

Kahn, S.J.

Kaufman, S.

Keene, Donald

Keith, J.

Kelleg [?] E.

Killiany, J.G.

Knecht, J.F.

Koenig, H.

Kouwenhoven, J

Kraus, H.

Kugeman, L.

Kuniholm, S.

Kurz, J.W.

Box 58 L

Landis, P.

Latham, A.

Ledbetter, J.

Ledley, W.

LeFebvre, G.

Levine, R.

Lewis, J.K.

Levy, W.T.

Ley, M.

Life, J.


Lipschultz, I

Locke, C.

Lohf, K.

Loir, G.


Loth, D.

Lowry, M.

Box 58 M

McCann, C

McCleary, D.

McDonald, G.

McElroy, J.P.

McGillow, J.

MacGowan, K.

McKay, M.W.

McKnew, J.

Macleish, Archibald

Macleish, Mrs. W.H.

McMahon, F.H.

McNallen, J.D.


Maguire, C.

Mandelbaum, B.

Manheim, L.M.

Marksbury, H.

May bank, F.

May bar, P.L.

Mayer, M.

Mazzeo, H.

Mellquist, J.

Melnechuk, T.

Mergdorf, E

Merriam, E.

Merton, S.


Miles, H.D.

Mill, D.

Miller, C.

Miller, W.

Millspaugh, C.A.

Moldavan, B.

Moler, R.


Moore, J.G.

Moore, R.T.


Muse, W.H.

Mutch, G.E.

Box 58 McCartin, J.T.

Box 58 Meisel, F.H.

Box 58 Miller, B.

Box 58 Mitchell, L.D.

Box 58 Molarsky, D.

Box 58 N

Nathan, D.M.

Nebel, H.

Neider, C.

Nettles, J.E.

Nettleton, M

Newborg, K.

Nicolson, M.H.

"Nimmo Hill"

Norris, M.H.

Box 58 O

O'Brien, D.

O'Brien, Justin

Ogilivie, R.B.

Ohlhoff, H.

0lmstead, A.

Olsen, E.

Oppenheimer, J.J

Orcutt, E.

O'Shea, M.

Owen, Mrs. W.

Box 59 P

Paepcke, E

Parke, J


Perlberg, M.

Piel, P.

Porter, J.

Powers, O.K.

Prentice, T.M.

Pusey, N.

Box 59 R

Rainey, J.W.

Raphael, A.

Rascoe, B.

Rasky, H.

Remington, T.


Richards, P.L.

Riols, E.

Roberts, M.O.

Robinson, L.W.

Rongen, M.

Roskam, V.R.

Box 59 S

Sargent, R.


Schless, H.

Schmedtye, J

Schoenstein, R.

Scott, K.

Scott, W.

Scudder, T.

Sethness, C.H.

Seward, W.W.

Sherwin, R.V.

Shin, P.H.

Sisley, B.

Sloane, W.

Smith, A

Smith, J.J.


Steere, P.V.

Steeves, H.R.

Stein, S.


Stern, E.B.

Stevens, M.L.

Stewart, H.

Stillman, B

Sturmer, E.

Sullivan, W.P.

Swartz, R.T.

Box 59 Simpson, W. G.

Box 59 Sloan, J.

Box 59 Smith, C. P.

Box 59 T-V

Tenall, J.

Tindall, W.

Tomlinson, A.

Tooni, I.

Valenti, L

Van Doren Family

Villard, J.

Vinson, J.

Virginia, M.

Vivas, E.

Von Abele, R.

Box 59 25th Anniversary Party-Correspondence

Box 59 25th Anniversary Party-Postcards

Box 59 Van Doren Family

Box 59 W-Z

Wagner, C.A.

WakefieId, Dan

Waldinger, E.

Walker, H.

Wang, A.

Wang J.

Watkins, E.

Watts, R.

Webber, R.A.

Weik, M.H.


Werenko, F.

Weseley, D.

West, R.

Westlein, P.

Whitney, B.

Wickenden, D.

Willey, B.

Williams, G.

Wins low, M.


Wood, S.

Wright, F.

Young, H.

Young, J.

Young, V.


Zorbaugh, K.

Box 59 Miscellaneous and Unidentified