Subseries I.1: 1965 Gift
(Papers, correspondence, and drafts of articles and books)
l) Original carbon copy with notes and corrections of college history essay written in 1923 by Richard B) Morris at City College, New York, under Professor J) Salwyn Schapiro, the eminent European historian
2) Correspondence concerning the writing and publication of the Treasury of Great Reporting (coedited by Louis L) Snyder, and published by Simon & Schuster in 1949) including letters from M) Lincoln Schuster, and drafts of material written by Richard B) Morris, including first drafts and Introduction
3) Miscellaneous correspondence connected with the writing of the prize-winning Studies in the History of American Law (1930), including correspondence with Carl Becker, Edward S) Corwin, John K) Wigmore, Judge C) M) Kough, Justice Henry J) Friendly, Samuel Eliot Morison, A.M) Schlsinger, and Lawrence H) Gipson
4) Copies of letters to Felix Frankfurter and Roscoe Pound from Richard B) Morris
5) Draft of text by Richard B) Morris for Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Nation (Dial Press, 1957)
6) Correspondence with Dumas Malone and Alvin Johnson, editors, Dictionary of American Bibgraphy, and drafts of articles by Richard B) Morris
7) Correspondence re Greene and Morris, Guide to Principal Sources for American History, including letters from Evarts Boutell Greene (book published in 1929)
8) Correspondence with Professor Morris Raphael Cohen, the eminent philosopher, and Justice Henry Friendly
9) Final draft of Foreword to the Morris edition of G.O) Trevelyan's The American Revolution (McKay, 1964)
10) Draft of article by Richard B) Morris, "Legalism vs) Revolutionary Doctrine in New England" (1930) New England Quarterly (1930)
11) Draft of first published scholarly article by Richard B) Morris in American Historical Review (1926), with correspondence from the eminent editor and historian J) Franklin Jameson
12) Program Committee Correspondence, American Historical Association Annual Meeting, 1946, including letters from Prof) Joseph Borfman
Subseries I.2: 1966 Gift:
1) Felix Frankfurter-Richard B) Morris correspondence, 1929-1942, 1929-1942
(including correspondence Morris's Studies in the History of American Law; the organization and activities of of the Committee on the Littleton-Griswold Fund (Committtee on Legal History of the American Historical Association); Frankfurter's public career; his views on legal history; the preparation of the volume on Rhode Island's Admiralty records, for the American Hisrical Association, etc. None of theses letters have ever been published, and they convoy much of Felix Frankfurter's literary felicity and pungency as well as his in views on life and law)
2) Evarts Boutell Greene-Richard B) Morris correspondence, 1926-1947
(including correspondence of Morris as graduate student of Greene's; of collaboraton of Greene and Morris; Guide; as Secretary of Legal History Committee of which Greene was chairman; and certain research revisions made by Morris for Greene at the latters suggpestion in l947. Included also is a letter postmarked June 24, 1947, the last letter Evarts Boutell Greene ever wrote, which reached Morris after the news of Greene's death had been announced in the papers)
3) "Massachusetts and the Common Law," Masters eassy by Richard B) Morris, done under E.B) Greene, 1925, which was accepted for publication in American Hist) Review.
4) Benjamin Franklin Magazine Awards Competition—correspondence of Morris as a judge in the national competition.
5) Correspondence concerning award to Morris by Society of Colonial Dames and Colonial Dames of America of $1,000 prize for Studies in the History of American Law, 1930
6) Correspondence of Morris with Robert L) Schuyler as editor of American Historical Review, 1941
7) Correspondence of Morris with officers and editors of the New York State Historical Association, 1929=1938, concerning articles and reviews
8) Correspondence of Morris with editors of New England Quarterlt, 1930-1938, concerning articles, etc.
9) Julian P) Boyd to Morris, May 29, 1941, announcig Jefferson Papers Project
10) Evangeline Holcombe Walker Andrews (Mrs. Charles M. Andrews) to Morris following the death of Charles McLean Andrews, 1944
11) Draft and notes by Morris for The American Revolution: A Brief History, Anvil Books, Van Nostrand, 1955
12) Treasury of Great Reporting miscellaneous notes, chapter outlines (written by Louis L) Snyder) Schuster, 1949
13) Government and Labor in Early America comments on this project by Harry J) Carmen and Richard Pares, 1945
14) Correspondence with the noted european historian Jacob Salwyn Schapiro, concerning col1aboration between Morris and Schapiro on Civilization in Eupope, including correspondence with the publisher, Houghton Mifflin, 1928
15) Rand School Lecture Correspondence, 1945-1946
16)) Columbia University Press correspondence, chiefly 1935, with Charles G) Proffiftt et al) concerning editing and reducing in size Government and Labor in Early America, with some notes by the author
17 Correspondence concerning articles for the Sunday Times by Morris, concerning "The Ten Greatest Presidental Decisions" and "Rendezvous with Destiny" 1960
18) Committee on Legal History; Professor Francis S) Philbrick to Morris, 1940
19) Original Notes made by Morris on the Mayor's Court Papers acquired by Dr) Benjamin Salzer in 1935 and donated to Columbia University's Special Collections in 1958 as a result of the efforts of Morris
20) Draft copy and correspondence concerning The First Book of the Constitution, Franklin Watts, 1958
21) Correspondence with Mary Quinn Sullivan (Mrs. Cornelius J. Sullivan) and Notes concerning paper on James DeLancey prepared by Morris for Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1939
22) Correspondence as Consultant Historical Statistics of the U.S., rev) ed., 1958-60
23) Original Notes for sample selection of Great Presidential Decisions (Lippincott, 1960)
24) Legal History Committee, AHA, miscellaneous correspondence with Judge Carroll T) Bond and Dean J) Nelson Frierson, 1928-30, and correspondence concerning editorial problems of the Committee with Mark De Wolfe Howe and John Dickinson, 1950, and further correspondence, of Committee and A.H.A., 1950-52
25) Notes by Morris for Select Cases of the Mayor's Court of New York, 1674-1784 Washington, D C 1935), including draft of Introduction
26) Correspondence re) Select Cases of Mayor's Court including letters from Dean Wigmore, Lawrence H) Gipson, and Mrs) Mary Curtis Bok, 1935-36
27) Research notes by Morris for monograph Early American Court Records: A Publication Program (1941), including draft of monograph
28) Draft of article by Morris on Federal Arclves of New York City, published in American Historical Review, 1936, with editorial comments
29) Correspondence of Morris as Regional Director of Survey of Federal Archives in New York City, Lorng Island, and Eastern Penns 1935-36, including letter of appointment
30) Notes by Morris for article on "Confederation Period and the Historian", William and Mary Quarterly, 1955
31) Correspondence of RBM concerning Society of American Archives, and meetings, 1942-43, including activities as member of Committee on Municial Archives
Subseries I.3: 1967 Gift:
1) Survey of federal archives — progress reports of staff to Regional Director, Richard B) Morris, 1935-37.
2) Documents and notes for article on piracy by Richard B) Morris, in New York History
3) Transcripts of original documents in the District Court of New York on the Embargo and Importation Agreements, 1807-12
4) Notes used in the writing of introduction to Select Cases of the Mayor's Court of New York City, published by the American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., 1935, edited by Richard B) Morris
5) Documents in connection with price and captures by Union Navy in cases brought before Federal District Court of New York, 1861-1865
6) Original tables compiled by Richard B) Morris of fugitive slave cases in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware used in preparation of Government and Labor in Early America.
7) Draft of article, "The Challenge of Historical Materials," published in American Archivist, 1940
8) Transcripts of Civil War Prize cases brought into the District Court of New York City, made by the Survey of Federal Archives under the direction of Richard B) Morris
9) First, second, and third drafts of The Peacemakers, along with corrected galleys) It should be pointed out that the original draft contains about 125 type-written pages which were not contained in the final book
(The Peacemakers received the Bancroft Award in 1966. It was also a runner-up for the National Book Award and received the award of the Pulitzer Prize Jury in 1966, although the Advisory Board saw fit to override the Jury's verdict)
10) Notes and corrected galleys of the Spirit of '76 by Henry Steele Commager and Richard B) Morris, Bobbs Merrill (1958), and Harper and Row (1967).
Subseries I.4: 1968 Gift
1) Correspondence of Morris with historians, jurists, etc., regarding The Peacemakers, Bancroft prize winning book (Harper and Row, 1965)
( including Chief Judge Earl Warren, Chief Judge Stanley Fuld, Cass Canfield, Allan Nevins, Lyman Butterfield, Robert R. Palmer, etc.)
la) Draft of chapter of The Peacemakers; notes for American Revolution Reconsidered and drafts and chapters (Harper & Row, 1967)
2) Notes and First Draft of text of Fair Trial (Knopf, 1952)
(including material on witchcraft for an unpublished chapter. Draft of article and research notes on Wright Plaque and Houdon Bust of Washington, including correspondence with John Hill Morgan, O. Rundle Gilbert/ etc. Research notes for article in the Jury; Research notes for Introduction to Select Cases of the Mayor's Court, American Legal Records, Washington, D.C., 1935.)
3) Drafts of book reviews by Morris and draft of article on "Criminal Conspiracy," published in Political Science Quarterly
(Correspondence on Conference on Jewish Relations (Morris on Board of Editors of Jewish Social Studies) Correspondence of Morris with editor of Dictionary of American History and draft of article)
4) Correspondence and notes for various editions of the Encyclopedia of American History (Harper & Row, 1953, 1960, 1965)
Subseries I.5: 1969 Gift
New American Nation Series correspondence with the following authors:
Abernethy, Thomas P) (3 items)
Agar, Herbert (6)
Alden, John R) (53)
Bailyn, Bernard (2)
Baldwin, Leland D) (12)
Beale, Howard (18)
Bends, Samuel F) (2)
Billington, Ray A) (26)
Boyd, Julian P) (9)
Brant, Irving (1)
Brebner, J) Bartlett (3)
Bridenbaugh, Carl (8)
Brogan, D) W) (1)
Buchanan, A) Russell (38)
Carr, Robert K) (1)
Catton, Bruce (4)
Clere, Hazel (1)
Corwin, Edward S) (11)
Craven, Wesley Frank (55)
Current, Richard N) (4)
Curti, Merle (6)
Dangerfield, George (45)
De Voto, Bernard (5)
Dulles, Foster Rhea (26)
Eaton, Clement (43)
Fairman, Charles (11)
Faulkner, Harold U) (29)
Filler, Louis (73)
Freeman, D) S) (6)
Freidel, Frank (2)
Gabriel, Ralph Henry (5)
Garraty, John A) (13)
Gibson, Charles (30)
Gipson, Lawrence Henry (70)
Goldman, Eric F) (15)
Greenfield, Kent Roberts (1)
Hale, William Harlan (2)
Harrington, Fred Harvey (1)
Heindel, Richard N) (2)
Hendrick, Burton J) (2)
Herring, Pendleton (4)
Hicks, John D) (38)
Hofstadter, Richard (9)
Jensen, Merrill (4)
Johnson, Walter (2)
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr.(2)
Krout, John A) (3)
Labaree, Leonard W) (35)
Leonard, Irving A) (9)
Leuchtenburg, William E) (15)
Levy, Leonard W) (8)
Malone, Dumas (21)
Mason, Alpheus T) (10)
May, Ernest R) (5)
Miller, John C) (23)
Miller, Perry (5)
Millis, Walter (5)
Milton, George Fort (4)
Mirsky, Jeanette (28)
Monaghan, Frank (6)
Morison, Samuel Eliot (2)
Mowry, George (25)
Notestein, Wallace (60)
Nye, Russell B) (24)
Owsley, Frank L) (7)
Parry, J) H) (1)
Paxson, Frederick L) (4)
Philbrick, Francis S) (160)
Pringle, H) F) (1)
Randall, James G) (3)
Robbins, Roy M) (9)
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr) (6)
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr) (2)
Schriftgiesser, Karl (3)
Shannon, Fred A) (61)
Simpson, Lesley Byrd (40)
Smelser, Marshall (58)
Swisher, Carl B) (3)
Van Deusen, Glyndon G) (37)
Vandiver, Frank (17)
Wade, Mason (75)
Webb, Walter P) (12)
Wecter, Dixon (5)
Whitaker, Arthur P) (14)
Wiley, Bell I) (8)
Woodward, C) Vann (9)
Wright, Benjamin F) (2)
Wright, Louis B) (60)
Subseries I.6: 1976 Gift
(Boxes 54-62: Material relating primarily to the off-shore oil case of United States vs Maine et al., 1970-1972. Exhibits, testimony, briefs, miscellaneous including notes for "Rags to Riches" article in Saturday Review and Wall Street Journal, based on "300 Notable Americans." (Part III of Encyclopedia) and biography poll for enlarging Part III to "400 Notable Americans.")
5) Draft of First Book of the War of 1812, published by Franklin Watts, 1961
6) Draft of Chapters of Life History of the U.S., Vols) I and II, published by Time, Inc, 1962
7) Correspondence and drafts of book reviews and articles for New York Times and scholarly magazines since ca) 1940 including draft and correspondence for article on [not legible]
8) Correspondence concerning Addresses by Morris on Bill of Rights at St) Paul's and Mt) Vernon School, Mt) Vernon, N.Y., 1966
9) Conference on Early American History, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 1961 correspondence) Conference of Institute of Early American History, Oct., 1966, Rutgers, Correspondence and papers) (Withdrawn bu Morris 7/12/1969)
(10) Address by RBM to New York Historical Society, May 4, 1965
(11) Correspondence regarding Address to A.L.A., July 1966, New York City
12) Correspondence with Russell and Russell, Inc., regarding introduction by Morris to Vols) 3 and 4 of new edition of Commons Documentary History of American Industrial Society
13) Notes and correspondence for Great Presidential Decisions
Subseries I.7: 1997 Gift
1) AHA-APSA Project 1987
2) AHA-APSA Project 1987
3) AHA-APSA Project 1987
4) AHA-APSA Project 1987
5) AHA-APSA Project 1987
6) AHA-APSA Project 1987
7) AHA-APSA Project 1987
8) AHA-APSA Project 1987
9) AHA-APSA Project 1987
10) AHA-APSA Project 1987 files & this Constitution (journal)
11) NY State American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
12) AHA 1976 American Revolution Bicentennial Committee
13) AHA 1976 American Revolution Bicentennial Committee
14) AHA 1976 American Revolution Bicentennial Committee
15) AHA 1976 American Revolution Bicentennial Committee
16) Bicentennial: miscellaneous
17) Bicentennial: miscellaneous
18) Bicentennial commission
19) [Contents not listed]
20) AHA 1975-1977: President-elect; President; Past President
21) AHA 1975-1977: President-elect; President; Past President
22) AHA 1975-1977: President-elect; President; Past President
23) AHA 1975-1977: President-elect; President; Past President
24) AHA Bicentennial Committee; AHA Presidential Address (1976); Society of American Historians: President
25) Projects: Task Force on Municipal Archives (appointed by Mayor Lindsay); US Mexico Project; US Senate Hearings, Committee on Foreign Relations, War Powers Legislation, 1970s (Javits Commission1)
26) Projects: John Jay Homestead: Friends, Trustees, Family etc., 1970s-1988
27) Projects: US v) 13 States (Department of Justice, US) testimony
28) Projects: US Department of Justice expert witness: US v) 13 States, US v) Canada
29) Projects: Task Force on Municipal Archives (1)
30) Projects: Task Force on Municipal Archives (2)
31) The Encyclopedia of American History: additions and foul matter
32) Emerging Nations and the American Revolution 1970 (1)
33) Emerging Nations and the American Revolution 1970 (2)
34) Emerging Nations and the American Revolution 1970 (3)
35) Emerging Nations and the American Revolution 1970 (4)
36) Emerging Nations and the American Revolution 1970 (5)
37) Emerging Nations and the American Revolution 1970 (6)
38) Emerging Nations and the American Revolution 1970 (7) research notes
39) Labor History MS (1)
40) Labor History MS (2)
41) Labor History MS (3)
42) Research material: US Fisheries (1)
43) Research material: US Fisheries (2)
44) Forging of the Union MS
45) Forging of the Union rough MS draft
46) USA survey text (Rand McNally): chapters 2-10 and correspondence
47) USA survey text (Rand McNally): chapters 11-16
48) USA survey text (Rand McNally): chapters 17-24
49) The Peacemakers: notes and draft
50) The Peacemakers: notes
51) The Peacemakers: 2nd and 3rd carbons (incomplete)
52) John Jay, volume I, The Making of a Revolutionary: typescript pp) 1-664
53) John Jay, volume I, The Making of a Revolutionary: typescript pp.665-1199
54) John Jay, volume I, The Making of a Revolutionary: typescript pp.l200-end
55) John Jay, volume I, The Making of a Revolutionary: galley proof
56) John Jay, volume I, The Making of a Revolutionary: galley proof
57) John Jay, volume II, The Winning of the Peace (1980): xerox: Parts I and II
58) John Jay, volume II, The Winning of the Peace (1980): xerox: Part III
59) John Jay, volume II, The Winning of the Peace (1980): page proofs and MS index
60) John Jay, volume II, The Winning of the Peace (1980): page proofs
61) John Jay, volume II, The Winning of the Peace (1980): page proofs
62) John Jay, volume II, The Winning of the Peace (1980): MS (Part I)
63) John Jay, volume II, The Winning of the Peace (1980): MS to end; master proof
64) Labor History (journal)
65) Labor History (journal)
66) Various publications (chapters, articles) with various publishers: MSS and related correspondence
67) Research notes
68) Typed transcriptions of documents etc.