Box 2 Folder 2
"Professor loses long court battle" in The VOICE of the faculties, October 1969
Box 5 Folder 3
Reports of Pritzker Architecture Prize (acquired in connection with oral history, 1979-1983 (5Reports ), 1979-1983
Box 6 Folder 1
Program of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Atlanta, 1975
Box 6 Folder 1
Tearsheets from Dance and Film re. Leni Riefenstahl and Joseph von Sternberg (includes publication request from Cohen to St. Martin's Press)
Box 6
"Sober Second Thoughts on Van Buren, the Albany Regency, and the Wall Street Conspiracy" (Reprint from The Journal of American History, June 1966)
Box 6
A Note on the "Mercantilistic Imperialism" of Alfred Hayer Mahan (Reprint from The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, March1962)
Box 6
"Spoils of the Bank War: Political Bias in the Selection of Pet Banks" (Reprint from American Historical Review, October 1964)
Box 6
"The Coinage Legislation of 1834" (Reprint from The Journal of Political Economy, February1937)
Box 6
"A Historian and the Federal Government" (Reprint from Pacific Historical Review, August, 1969)
Box 6
"The Suscol principal, Preemption, and California Latifundia" (Reprint from Pacific Historical Review, November, 1970)
Box 6
"Frontier Estate Builders and Farm Laborers" (Reprint from The Frontier in Perspective, 1957)
Box 6
"Religio, Priesthoods and Magistracies in the Roman Republic" (Reprint from NVMEN, August 1971)
Box 6
"United States Depression Diplomacy and the Brazilian Revolution, 1839-1894" (Reprint from The Hispanic American Historical Review, February, 1960)
Box 6
"Social meaning in the Monastic and Mendicant Spiritualities" (Reprint from Past & Present, May 1974)
Box 6
"Alternatives to Publication" (Reprint from Maryland Historian, Spring 1976)
Box 6
"Hungarian Jobbágyság in the Fifteenth Century" (Reprint from The Frontier in Perspective, 1957)
Box 6
"The Supreme Court and American Trade Associations, 1921-1925" (Reprint from The Business History Review, 1970)
Box 6
"J.R. Walsh of Chicago: A Case Study in Banking and Politics, 1881-1905" (Reprint from The Business History Review, 1966)
Box 6
"Confiscation of Confederate Property in the North" (Reprint from Cornell Studies in American History, Literature and Folklore )
Box 6
"Feudal War and Monastic Peace" (Reprint from VIATOR, 1971)
Box 6
"The Counsellors of the Seneschal of Beaucaire and Nimes, 1250-1350" (Reprint from Speculum, July 1969)
Box 6
"A man for Both Parties: Francis J. Grund as Political Chameleon" (Reprint from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 1973)
Box 6
Soviet Economy in a New Perspective
, October 1976
Box 6
Goodbye, Columbus
, 1963
Box 6
Pressure Groups and Recent American Land Policies by Paul W. Gates, 1980
Box 6
Does Defense Beggar Welfare?
, 1979
Box 6
"Historical Approaches to Studying Crime" Workshop, Chantilly, Virginia, 1979
Box 6
"Research in the History of American Land tenure", (Reprint form Agricultural History, 1934)
Box 6
A Preliminary List of References for the History of the Granger Movement
, 1967
Box 6
"A Study of Capital Alliances: The St Paul & Pacific" (Reprint, University of Toronto Press)
Box 6
"The Somers Mutiny and Billy Budd: Melville in the Penal Colony"
Box 6
"The Presidency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation"
Box 6
"Corrections, Society, and Social Control in America"
Box 6
"Myth and Violence: The Fascism of Julius Evola and Alain de Benoist"
Box 6
"Roosevelt, Churchill, and Indochina: 1942-45"
Box 6
Argosy Book Shop catalog 765
Box 6
Broadside ad. for a rock concert: "Concentracion Rock en Cordoba"
Box 12 Folder 3
IAHCCJ Newsletters
, 1979
Box 12 Folder 13
Clippings re. Chinese immigrants.
Box 12 Folder 16
Two magazines: The University of Chicago and Change
Box 12 Folder 16
Map of the Battle of Honey Springs
Box 13 Folder 8
Dr. R. Raack "Looking at 'Triumph of the Will'"
Box 14 Folder 10
Miscellaneous clippings, notes, and a copy of The Voice (1968)
Box 14 Folder 12
Miscellaneous printed matter: Roger Brown Exhibition; red White & Green; Lear's; Economic perspectives; Dienstbare Kunst; Chicago Murals; Risks and Failures in Banking
Box 14 Folder 6
Criminal Justice History: An International Annual