Box 1
Francisco Pizarro, Conqueror of Perú and Founder of Lima. (Pictures)
Box 1
Power of Attorney given by Francisco Pizarro to Bernardino de San Pedro, to collect 628 Gold Pesos, 1538
Box 1
Autograph of Bernardino de San Pedro (also a member of Pizarro's entourage that conquered Peru. He attested the Power of Attorney, as Royal Notary, 1538
Box 1
Autograph of Don Júan de la Torre, Conquistador of Perú, one of the 13 Spaniards including, Pizarro, that against unsurmountable calamities, decided at the Isla del Gallo to conquer Perú, 1548
Box 1
Picture of Ferdinand VII, King of Spain and Emperor of the Indies, 1811
Box 1
Appointment by Ferdinand VII, of Jose Ignacio Sanchez y Santa Cruz as Notary in Lima. Cadiz, 1811
Box 1
Autograph of Fernando De Abascal, Peruvian Viceroy, Lima, 1808
Box 1
Autograph Brigadier General Simon de Rávago, His Secretary, Lima, 1808
Box 1
Bond issue by the Viceroyalty of Peru for Pesos 500, Signed by the Viceroy Marqués de la Concordia, Lima, 1815
Box 1
Autograph of Joaquin Bonet, Minister of the Royal Treasury, Lima, 1815
Box 1
Autograph of Antonio de la Fuente, President of the Royal Tribunal of the Consulate (Both signed the bond). Lima, 1815
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier General Pedro Antonio de Molina, in charge of the Defense of the city, Lima, 1812
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Joaquin de Zubillaga, General in Chief of the Royal Militias Lima, 1802
Box 1
Royal Commissioner José Antonio de Areche. Bloodthirsty and cruel, he stamped out the revolt of Inca Tupac Amaru II, ordering his being quartered, Lima, 1782
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Mariano Campero, participant in the Cuzco conspiracy with Aguilar and Ubalde in 1805. Promoted to General during the Republic. In 1836 Minister of the Interior of the Estado Sud-Peruano. Cuzco, 1836
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier General Juan Ramírez (Ramírez in 1820 was General in Chief of the Army of Upper Peru), who put down the Cuzco Revolt of Angulo and Pumacahua in 1814, defeating them at the Battle of Humachiri, 1815. Oruro, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier General Bartolome de Salamanca. He defeated the revolutionist Zela at [Tocoa] in 1811. Arequipa, 1811
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier General Juan Angel Bajanda (In 1822, Bajanda was Political chief of Cuzco), one of the chief participants in the Pumacahua Revolt. Cuzco, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish Brigadier General Jose Gabriel Moscoso, shot by order of Pumacahua In 1815. Arequipa, 1812
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Pedro Gonzalez Bandero, follower of Pumacahua and his Agent at Huamanga. Ayacucho, 1833
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Colonel, Pedro José Lazon, Vice-Governor of Huaura. He helped to defeat the revolt of Angulo and Pumacahua at Huamanga in 1815. Huaura, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Captain General Joaquín de la Pezuela (Pezuola was Viceroy of Peru in 1819), General in Chief of the Royal Armies of Upper Peru fighting against the Rebel Buenos Aires Junta, 1811-1818. Lima, 1818
Box 1
Autograph of General José Manuel de Goyeneche, Chief of Army at Potosi, who defeated the Argentine Army at Huaqui in 1811, and was responsible for the continuance of the Spanish domination for 16 additional years. Potosi, 1812
Box 1
Color litograph of the Republic of Peru by the Peruvian Artist Teófilo Castillo. Lima, 1921
Box 1
Sample of Stamped Royal Revenue Paper, 1820/1821, and restamped by the General San Martin Government. Lima, 1822
Box 1
Copy of picture of General San Martín at Government Palace, Lima
Box 1
Letter of General San Martin to General Francisco de Paula Otero, with instruction on the war at the Sierras. Lima, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Francisco Almirall, Chilean patriot and Agent of General San Martin. Lima, 1822
Box 1
Autograph on same document, of Juán José de Larratea, San Martin Advisor, who donated his wealth to the cause of independence, 1822
Box 1
Letter of José de Riglos, (San Martín's Agent to him). Lima, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of General Juan de Pedernera, Vice President of the Argentina Confederation, and follower of S. Martín. Copacabana, 1838
Box 1
Letter of General Rudeoindo Alvarado, Argentine, General in Chief of the Liberating Army in 1821, Pisco, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of General F. Antonio Pinto, Chief of Staff of the Liberating Army, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Bernardo Monteagudo, War Minister of General San Martin (1821-1822). Assassinated in Lima, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Argentine General Tomás Guido, War Minister of San Martin. Lima, 1822
Box 1
Letter of Grand Marshall José Bernardo de Tagle, Marqués de Torre Tagle, First Ad-Interim President of Peru, during the absence of San Martin in 1822. Trujin, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Doctor José Hipólito Unánue, a Member of the Cabinet of San Martin and Bolívar's Governments, 1822-1826. In August 1026, he acted as Minister of Justice and Religion. Lima, 1826
Box 1
Autograph of Mariano Vidal, Minister of Finance under President Riva Arguero. Lima, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Francisco Valdivieso, a Hero of the Independence and Minister of Finance. Lima, 1823
Box 1
Autograph in the same document of Don José do Boqui, (Director of the Mint appointed by San Martin. In 1823, Boqui fled with the funds of the Mint. He was never apprehended), 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Diego de Aliaga, Sub-Director of the Mint, A Hero of the Wars of Independence of Peru. Lima, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Manuel Quimper, Royal Commanding General of the Southern Coastal Region, who defended the Port of Pisco against the San Martin Armies. He defeated by Colonel Manuel Rosas. Pisco, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Argentine Colonel Manuel Rosas, who defeated Spanish Colonol Quimper at Pisco, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier General (Spanish) Antonio Vacaro commanding General of the Navy at Callao. Lima, 1819
Box 1
Autograph in the same document of Brigadier Don Toribio de Acebal, Secretary to Viceroy Pezuela (1819-1822), 1819
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Condo do Monte Mar y de Monte Blanco, Head of the Armies of the Coastal Region. Pisco, 1816
Box 1
Brigadier General Manuel Gonzalez, Sub-Inspector General of the Viceroyalty of Peru 1815-1820. Lima, 1815
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Fernando Comunes, Navy Commander at the port of Callao. Callao, 1818
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General José de la Mar, who served later in the Armies of the Patriots, and defeated the Spaniards at the battle of Ayacucho. Chorrillos, 1819
Box 1
Autograph of Admiral Jose Pascual de Vivero. La Plata, 1817
Box 1
Autograph of Doctor Francisco Javier Mariátegui, Minister of Government and Foreign Affairs, Lima, 1827
Box 1
Autograph of Doctor Miguel de Araníbar, Priest of Cuzco and a Hero of the Wars of Independence of Peru. Cusco, 1824
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Juan Valdivieso, defeated at Macacona by the Royalists. Piura, 1829
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel José María Pascio, Army Commander at Puno, 1825
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Juan Escobedo, Hussars of Junín. Puno, 1825
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Ramón Echenique, Commanding the guerrillas during the wars of independence. Cajatambo, 1824
Box 1
Autograph of Argentine Colonel Manuel Muñoz, Head of guerrillas. Santa Ines, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Grand Marshall Juan Antonio Alvárez de Arenales Argentine, who defeated in the Sierras, Brigadier General Ricafort. Trujillo, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Mariano Ricafort, cruel and bloodthirsty, who set fire to Cangallo. Recalled to Spain, he was appointed Governor of Cuba. Arequipa, 1818
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Manuel de Aramburú, Governor of Huancavelica, 1819-1821. Huancavelica, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of General Jose de Montenegro (last Governor of Huancavelica under the Viceroyalty and defeated by the patriot Colonel Otero (Argentine) in 1820), 1819
Box 1
Autograph of Patriot Colonel Eduardo Lúcar, Mayor of Huánuco, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Colonel Franciaoo Zapatín, defeated by the Arenales forces. Huamanga, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Dr. José Agustín Larrea, Priest of Huamanga, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Pedro Zorraquín, Head of the Royal Army at Huamanga, 1820
Box 1
Royalist Colonel Aparicio de Vidaurrázaga, (Autograph) Military Commander of Chancay. Chancay, 1811
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Colonel Ignacio dal Alcázar, Defeated by Argentine General Arenales at Huamanga, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Captain Ignacio Castro de Nagreiros, who defended the barracks against the attack of Arenales, at Huamanga in 1820, 1819
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Francisco Hernandez Eyzaguirre Governor of the Province of Lucana, S. Juan de Lucanas, 1820
Box 1
Ordinance of the Municipal Council of Huancavelica, by several heroes of the Independence, 1825
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Colonel Domingo Mendizábal. Governor of Pampas, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Colonel Vicente Jiménaz, (of the Huamanga revolt of 1814). Huamanga, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Colonel Gregorio Delgado, Governor of Huaytara, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Colonel Joaquín Martín, Governor of Chupaca, 1822
Northern Peru – Piura
Box 1
Autograph of Patriot Colonel Miguel G. Seminario, Governor of Piura. Piura, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Patriot Colonel José Mariá Arellano, Chief of the Patriot forces of Piura. Piura, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Patriot Colonel Francisco Escuedero. Piura, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Patriot General Podro Vargas Machuca, (same document). Piura, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Patriot Captain Gregorio Alvarez, (Piura's independence), 1822
Box 1
Autograph of General Antonio da la Guerra, (Participant in the wars of Independence in Northern Peru). Trujillo, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Colonel José Clementa Merino, Head of the Spanish Forces at Payta, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Royalist Captain Francisco Rivas Cazos (same document), 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Patriot Colonel Manuel Torres de Valdivia, Governor of Piura, (Independent). Piura, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Patriot Lieutenant José M. Sánchez Cabaña. Piura, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish Brigadier General José Mariá Casariego defeated at Piura by the Patriot Forces. He was Commander in Chief of the Province of Piura. Piura, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Argentina Colonel Carlos Delgado, Governor of Cerro de Pasco, 1826
Box 1
Autograph of Priest Melchor de Cáceres, Lieutenant Colonel in the Patriot's Army, Huanta, 1826
Liberator Simón Bolívar
Box 1
Portrait of the Liberator, Litograph by Lópes at Lima, and printed in Germany, 1825
Box 1
Decree of the Liberator, as President of Colombia, and as Dictator of Peru, (on Public Instruction). Lima, 1825
Box 1
Signed by the Liberator, also by José Sánchez Carrión, his Minister
Box 1
Autograph of General Tomás de Heres, Minister of War of the Liberator. Trujillo, 1824
Box 1
Printed Decree of the Council of Government, creating the Coat of Arms of Peru, as well as the wording and Coat of Arms on the silver and gold coins of the Country. Lima, May 28, 1825
Box 1
Autograph of General Ramón Herrera, Minister of War and Navy under President Niva Aguero. Lima, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Doctor José Sánchez Carrión, Minister of Government and of State, under Bolívar. Lima, 1825
Ayacucho Battle
Box 1
Portrait of Grand Marshall Antonio José de Sucre, 1793-1830
Box 1
Photo reproduction of Ayacucho and surrounding landscape
Box 1
Communication of Marshall Sucre to General Aparicio, Military Commander of Puno. General Headquarters at Chuquisaca, 1826
Box 1
Portrait of Grand Marshall José de la Mar, Head of the Peruvian Contingents at the Battle of Ayacucho, and afterwards President of Peru
Box 1
Communication of Jose de la Mar, as Sub-Inspector General of the Royalist Army, under Viceroy Pezuela. Lima, 1820
Box 1
Photograph (Reproduction) of General José Mariá Córdova. His bravery at the Battle of Ayacucho, decided the battle in favor of the Patriots.
Box 1
Oversized: Letter, under his own handwriting, of General José Mariá Córdova. His autographs are exceedingly rare). Chuquisaca, 1826
Box 1
Autograph of General Jacinto Lara, (Patriot), who distinguished himself at the battle of Ayacucho. Arequipa, 1829
Box 1
List of the survivors of the "Vendedores" Squadron, after the battle of Ayacucho, January 18, 1825
Box 1
Portrait of General Guillermo Miller, who commanded the Peruvian Cavalry at Junin and at Ayacucho, 1824
Box 1
Communication of Miller, as Chief of the General Staff of the Peruvian Army to President Riva Aguaro. Lima, 1823
Box 1
Autograph, (on same document), of Jose de Berindoaga, Conde de San Bonas, (Minister of War of War of Riva Aguero and in 1825 in Lima, as a traitor to the country), 1825
Box 1
Autograph, (on same document) of Lieutenant. Colonel Francisco Jiménez, who deserted the royalist armies in favor of the Patriots. Lima, 1823
Box 1
Panoramic view of Farm house of La Quinua, on the plains of Ayacucho, where a capitulation was signed after the battle.
Box 1
Autograph of General Trinidad Morán (Moran was Chief of the Military Forces at Lima in 1836, a Venezuelan, who saved the Army of the Patriots, at the Quebrada de Colpahualco, before the battle of Ayacucho), 1824
Box 1
Autograph of Grand Marshall Antonio G. de la Fuente, President of Peru. In 1829 he was Governor. Arequipa, 1829
Box 1
Autograph, (on same document) of Grand Marshall Agustín Gamarra (Chief of Staff at Ayacucho, and later President of Peru. In 1829 he was Governor of the Province of Cusco), 1829
Box 1
Autograph of Argentina General Francisco de Paula Otero, Head of the Vanguard of the Liberating Army of San Martin. Huanuco 1823, 1829
Box 1
Letter to Berindoaga, Conde da San Donas, by General Manuel Valdez, Venezuelan, who was with Bolívar in Boyaca and Bombona. He was at Ayacucho. Lima, 1824
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Juan Lira, Peruvian who fought at Ayacucho in 1828 he was Vice-Governor of Andahuaylas, 1828
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel J. Agustin [Lima?], Chief (ad Interim) of the General Staff of the Army of the North. Piura, 1829
Box 1
Autograph of General Juán José Larrea, Governor of the Cuzco Department. (He was at Ayacucho). Cuzco, 1836
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Ancalmo Canbene, Governor of Cuzco, (Ayacuchano), 1835
Box 1
Autograph of Colombian Colonel Manuel Maria Forero, Conqueror at the battles of Junin and Ayacucho Taona, 1863
Box 1
Autograph of General José de la Serna, Commander In Chief of the Royalist Armies of Upper Peru. He was later appointed Viceroy of Peru, and defeated at the battle of Ayacucho. Tupiza, 1818
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier General Pío Tristán, who for a few weeks, after Viceroy La Serna was taken prisoner at the battle of Ayacucho, became Acting Viceroy. Cuzco, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Geronimo Valdés, who capitulated at the battle of Ayacucho, Locumba, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General José de Canterac, Head of the Armies under Viceroy La Serna, who as such, signed the Capitulation Agreement at Ayucucho. Tepehuas, 1824
Box 1
Landscape of the "Quinua" plain where the battle of Ayacucho took place
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Jose Carratalá, who capitulated at Ayacucho. Huamanga, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Field Marshall Alejandro González Villaloboa who capitulated at Ayacucho. Cusco, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Miguel Gonzales Vigil, capitulated at Ayacucho. Taona, 1821
Box 1
Autograph of Jose Santos de la Hora (same document), 1821
Box 1
Autograph of General Juan Antonio Monet, who capitulated at Ayacucho. Monet was in 1817 at Lima. Colonel of the 5th Royal Regiment of the "Infante Don Carlos", 1817
Box 1
Portrait of Captain General Francisco Narvaes, who capitulated at Ayacucho. When he returned to Spain he was promoted to Captain General
Box 1
Autograph of Narvaes, Huancavelica, 1824
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Felipe de la Hera, (Ayacucho), Desaguadero, 1813
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Juan Bautista de Lavalle, Arequipa, 1818
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Pedro Jose Munez. Treasurer of the Royal Army, Capitulated at Ayacucho, Tupiza, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Manuel, Mila, Capitulated at Ayacucho, Tupiza, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Manuel Clavel, (same two above documents). Tupiza, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Jose de Elisaide, Aid de Camp of Viceroy La Serna at Ayacucho. Cuzco, 1824
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Luis Labraque, capitulated at Ayacucho. Cuzco, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Ramón Manuel de Pazos, Treasurer R.A. Huancavelica, 1820
Box 1
Autograph or Colonel Manuel Sambrano, capitulated at Ayacucho. Lima, 1819
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Manual Basadre (same document) Capitulated at Ayacucho. Lima, 1819
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish Colonel Pedro Ignacio Morales, Capitulated at Ayacucho. Lima, 1819
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish Colonel Gabriel Pérez, Capitulated at Ayacucho. Puno, 1816
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish Colonel Antonio Luis Pereyra, Capitulated at Ayacucho. Cuzco, 1816
Independence of Ecuador
Box 1
Autograph of Captain General Conde Ruiz de Castilla, President of Quito, under Spain, and assassinated by the patriots in 1811. Cuzco, 1802
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier General Manuel de Mendiburu, who defended Guayaquil from the attack of the Argentina Naval Squadron under Admiral Brown in 1816. Guayaquil, 1818
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish General Juan Vasco Pascquel, Governor of Guayaquil during the revolt 1811/1820. Guayaquil, 1811
Box 1
Autograph of General Juan José Flórez, First President of Ecuador in 1830. Quito, 1843
Box 1
Autograph of General Vicente Rocafuerte, who succeeded General Florez as President of Ecuador. Ambato, 1835
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Gregorio Escobedo, who proclaimed the Independence of Guayaquil in 1820, 1820
Box 1
Autograph of Pedro José Roca, Member of the First Government Junta of Guayaquil. Lima, 1825
Box 1
Autograph of Diago Hobon, Ecuadorian Patriot of the Revolution. Guayaquil, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Angel Tola, (same document) Patriot of the Revolution. Guayaquil, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of General Jose Villamil, Ecuadorian Patriot of the Revolution. Guayaquil, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of Manuel Calvo, Ecuadorian Patriot of the Revolution. Guayaquil, 1822
Box 1
Autograph of María Josefa Cortázar, Guayaquilena, Mother of General Jose de la Mar. Guayaquil, 1812
Independence of Upper Peru (Bolivia)
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier José de Mendizábal e Imaz, Royalist Governor of La Paz, (Bloodthirsty and cruel). La Paz, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel José María Sánchez Chaves, who proclaimed the Independence at Cochabamba. Potosi, 1819
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Tadeo de Gérato, Governor of Puno, who suffocated Nurillo revolt in 1809. Zepita, 1812
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Gerónimo Marrón de Lombera, Royaliat Governor of Potosi. Puno, 1814
Box 1
Autograph of Conde Casa Real de Moneda. Potosí, 1817
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Fermín de la Vega, Governor of Oruro, 1818
Independence of Chile
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Rafael Maroto, (Talavera Regiment). Later on, as a General, he was defeated by San Martin at the battle of Chacabuco in Chile. Cuzco, 1817
Box 1
Autograph of Brigadier Gonzáles de Socasa, who distinguished himself as a cruel and revengeful individual in the re-conquest of Chile. Oruro, 1811
Box 1
Autograph of Dr. Jose Manuel de Egaña, Author of the Chilean Constitution. Real de Minas de Hualgayoc, 1811
Box 1
Autograph of Spanish Brigadier Antonio Leafduel, who assisted General Quintanilla at the siege of Chiloe in 1825. Lima, 1806
Peru-Siege of Gallao against Rodil
Box 1
Colored litograph of Goneral Rodil, the last of the Spanish General to surrender at Callao, in 1825, 1825
Box 1
Autograph of Rodil, while defending the fortress of "Real Felipe" at Callao, April 28, 1824
Box 1
Autograph of General Bartolomé Salóm, Venezuelan, who compelled Rodil to surrender the Callao Ports, after a siege of nearly two years. Bellavista, 1825
Box 1
Autograph of Colonel Manuel Arenas, who acted as intermediary in the Capitalation of Gallao with General Rodil. Cuzco, 1838
Box 1
Autograph of Captain General of Upper Peru, Pedro Antonio de Olañeta, who refused to obey the Viceroy and accept the Ayacucho Capitulation. Killed at Tumusla by his own soldiers in 1825. In the above autograph dated at Challapata in 1813, he collects 57 pesos from the Spanish Treasury, which he had paid to some spies, 1813
Independence of Nueva Granada
Box 1
Letter signed by Simón Bolívar (When the Liberator was 20 years old. It is addressed to his uncle Carlos Palacios) at Caracas, October 14, 1803
Box 1
Letter (written by his own hand) of Don Domingo Caycedo, to whom Bolívar relinquished the Presidency of Colombia, on March 1st, 1830. Caycedo acted as President of the Council of Ministers. Two months later, Congress elected him Vice President of the Republic. Date of the letter, Purificación, 1832
Box 1
Medallion of the profile of General Francisco de Paula Santander. He was in charge of the Government of Grand Colombia, (during Bolívar's absence) from 1821 to 1828, as Vice President. Later he was elected President of Colombia 1832, 1839., circa 1821-1828
Box 1
Autograph of General Santander, Bogota, 1833
Box 1
Portrait of General José Antonio Páez, First President of Venezuela (after the dissolution of Gran Colombia). Páez was twice elected President of Venezuela. He was mainly responsible for the victory at the Battle of Carabobo that liberated Venezuela. Páez died in New York in 1873. He was 83 years old.
Box 1
Autograph of General Páez, Caracas, 1841
Box 1
Letter of General Rafael Urdaneta (Urdanota was one of the most trusted Lieutenants of Bolívar. He was the last Minister of War of the Gran Colombia) in his own handwriting, dated at Maracaibo, July 22, 1824
Box 1
Autograph of General Mariano Montilla. As a General, under Bolívar, after a siege of eleven Months, he succeeded in obtaining the surrender of Cartagena in 1821. Montilla fought in most of the wars of independence on the side of the patriots. In 1833, he was appointed Venezuelan Ambassador to London and Madrid. He died in 1851. Cartagena, 1825
Box 1
Autograph of letter (in his own handwriting) by General José Tadeo Monagas (He was President of Venezuela). Maturin, 1842
Box 1
Autograph of General J.G. Monagas. Barcelona, 1845
Other Documents on Peru
Box 1
Printed Decree of Grand Marshall Andrés de Santa Cruz, in charge of the Presidency of Peru by the Liberator. Lima, June 7, 1827
Box 1
Printed Communication by "El Peruano", of a Resolution by the Peruvian Congress continuing the President of the Council of Ministers, Grand Marshall Andres de Santa Cruz, as Head of the Government. Lima, June 5, 1827
Box 1
Autograph of Guillermo del Rio, Editor of the First Magazine printed in Peru, and of the Official Gazette of the Viceroys. Lima, 1815
Box 1
Autograph of Manuel del Río, Minister of the Interior and of State, during the Government of Marshall José de la Mar. Lima, 1828
Box 1
Military appointment made by General José de San Martín, Protector of Peru, countersigned by his Secretary, General Tomas Guido. Lima, 1822
Box 1
Appointment made by Simón Bolívar, as Libertador Presidente de la Republic a de Colombia, Libertador de la del Peru, y Encargado del Supremo Mando de Ella. Lima, 1825
Box 1
Order of payment by José Boqui, First Director of the Peruvian Mint, 1823
Box 1
Autograph of General Jose de la Serna, Chief of the Royalist Armies of Upper Peru, (Later appointed Viceroy of Peru). Tupiza, 1818
Box 1
Autograph of Manuel del Río, Secretary of State of the Interior, Lima, 1829
Box 1
Letter addressed by the Secretary of State at Washington [Lewis Cass?], to the Peruvian Minister, (signature illegible) dated at Washington, May 31, 1859
Box 1
Picture and facsimile of his signature
Box 1
Letter by William H. Seward, as Secretary of State, Washington, 1861
Box 1
Letter by William H. Seward, as Secretary of State, Washington, 1867
Box 1
Two pictures of Mr. Seward
Box 2
Printed and miscellaneous materials, 1950s