Herbert H. Lehman Papers, 1878-2002, bulk 1930-1963

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Series IX: Photographs

This series contains photographs of Lehman and his family members and colleagues as well as photographs taken by Lehman.

Items identified with an "L" code rather than a box number can be seen by appointment only.

Subseries IX.1: Photographs, 1878-1994

The majority of photographs in the collection can be found in this subseries. It includes images of Lehman with other political figures including Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Charles Poletti, among many others; UNRRA photographs depicting the countries to which it provided aid; many photos of Edith Lehman and members of the Lehman family; formal portraits; Lehman's show dogs; the Central Park Children's Zoo; and the Lehman home, Lehman College, and the Lehman Suite at Columbia University. It also contains photographs of landscapes, European towns, and ruins taken by Herbert Lehman, some of which were matted for an exhibit. Most photographs are black and white prints. They are arranged alphabetically by name or subject.

Acheson, Dean G

Box 341 Folder 1 with Herbert.H. Lehman, 1943

Box 341 Folder 2 et al, undated 1951

Box 341 Folder 3 et al, Atlantic City, N.J., 1943 November, 1943

Box 341 Folder 4 Ackerman, Olga M., undated

Box 341 Folder 5 Ackerman, Sigmund, undated

Box 341 Folder 6 Allies for Peace Rally, New York, 1945 November 14, 1945

Box 341 Folder 7 Altschul, Arthur, San Francisco, undated

Box 341 Folder 8 Altschul, Camilla, San Francisco, undated

Box 341 Folder 9 Altschul, Charles, San Francisco, undated

Box 341 Folder 10 Altschul, Frank, undated

Box 341 Folder 11 Altschul, Helen Goodhart, undated

Box 341 Folder 12 Amalgamated Dwellings, New York City, 1938-1941

Box 341 Folder 13 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, undated

Box 341 Folder 14 American Legion, Albany, New York, 1939 August 8, 1939

Box 341 Folder 15 Arnstein, Leo, undated

Box 341 Folder 16 Artworks, undated

Box 341 Folder 17 Artworks--Paintings by Edith A. Lehman, undated

Box 341 Folder 18 Benton, William and Herbert H. Lehman, Los Angeles, 1960 July, 1960

Box 341 Folder 19 Bingham, Jonathan, undated

Box 341 Folder 20 Block, Herman W., et al, New York, 1961

Box 341 Folder 21 Boxer Dogs, undated

Box L1 Boxer Dog Puppies, Framed

Box 341 Folder 22 Boy Scouts of America, Albany, New York, 1934 February 14, 1934

Box 341 Folder 23 Brown, Walter T., and Herbert H. Lehman, 1936

Box 341 Folder 24 Brunkard, Thomas V., et al, undated

Box 341 Folder 25-31 Campaign, 1932-1950, (7 folders)

Box 341 Folder 32 Campbell, Levin H., et al, New York, undated

Box 341 Folder 33 Canavan, Joseph and Herbert H. Lehman, circa, 1928

Box 341 Folder 34 Cantor, Eddie and Herbert Lehman, undated, 1949

Box 341 Folder 35 Cardozo, Benjamin N., New York, undated

Box 341 Folder 36 Case, Clifford P., undated

Box 341 Folder 37 Central Park Children's Zoo, New York, undated

Oversize Box 1351 Folder 1 Central Park--Children's Zoo, circa, 1960

Box 1340 Folder 18 Central Park--Lehman Children's Zoo, 1960-1961

Box 341 Folder 38 Chavez, Dennis, New Mexico, undated

Box 342 Folder 1 Christmas at 820--Slides, undated

Box 342 Folder 2 Children's Christmas, New York, undated, 1949

Box 342 Folder 3 Conway, Albert, 1956 December, 1956

Box 342 Folder 4 Democratic National Conventions, 1936-1960

Box 342 Folder 5 Dewey, Thomas E., and Herbert H. Lehman, New York, 1938

Box 342 Folder 6 Douglas, Paul H., undated

Box 342 Folder 7 Douglas, Paul H., et al, New York, 1969 June, 1969

Box 342 Folder 8 Dubinsky, David, and Herbert H. Lehman, 1936 April 25, 1936

Box 342 Folder 9 Dubinsky, David, et al, Albany, N.Y., 1940 July 11, 1940

Box 342 Folder 10 Edelstein, Julius C.C., and Herbert H. Lehman, undated

Box 342 Folder 11 Edelstein, "Suzy,", undated

Box 342 Folder 12 Einstein, Albert, undated

Box 342 Folder 13 Einstein, Albert, et al, circa, 1938

Box 342 Folder 14 Eisenhower, Dwight D., et al, Washington, D.C., 1947 February 23, 1947

Box 342 Folder 15 Farley, James A., and Herbert H. Lehman, 1938 September 30, 1938

Box 342 Folder 16 Farley, James A., et al, 1938 January 8, 1938

Box 342 Folder 17 Fatman, Sttie Lehman, New York, undated

Box 342 Folder 18 Filipino Veterans Association, 1951 January, 1951

Box 342 Folder 19 Fulbright, William J., undated

Box 342 Folder 20 Garment Industry Strike Mediation, New York, 1958 March 8-11, 1958

Box 342 Folder 21 George VI, King of England, et al, New York, 1939 June 10, 1939

Box 342 Folder 22 Goodhart, Hattie (Mrs. Philip J.), undated

Box 342 Folder 23 Goodhart, Philip J., undated

Box 342 Folder 24 Goodhart, Philip J., et al, undated

Box 342 Folder 25 Governors' Conference 1939 Albany, NY, 1939 June 16, 1939, 1939

Box 342 Folder 26 Governors' Conference 1939 Hyde Park, NY, 1939 June 28, 1939, 1939

Box 342 Folder 27 Graham, Frank, undated

Box 342 Folder 28 Green, Theodore Francis, undated

Box 342 Folder 29 Gronchi, Giovanni, et al, March 1956

Box 342 Folder 30 Gustav Adolf VI, King of Sweden and Herbert H. Lehman, New York, 1938

Box 342 Folder 31 Hammerschlag, Paul, undated

Box 342 Folder 32 Hanley, Joe R., New York, undated

Box 342 Folder 33 Harriman, Averell, et al, undated

Box 342 Folder 34 Hellman, Ester Newgass, undated

Box 342 Folder 35 Henry Street Settlement, New York, undated

Box 342 Folder 36 Hill, Lister, undated

Box 342 Folder 37 Home of Judge Irving Lehman, Port Chester, NY, circa, 1920s

Box 342 Folder 38 Humphrey, Hubert H. and Edith Altschul Lehman, New York, 1965 December 6, 1965

Box L2 Humphrey, Hubert Signed Photo, undated

Box L22 Humphry, Hubert Signed Photo, undated

Box 342 Folder 39 Israel Discount Bank, 1962 April 3, 1962

Box 342 Folder 40 Israel, circa, 1959

Box 342 Folder 41 Israel Tenth Anniversary, New York, 1959 May, 1959

Box 342 Folder 42 Jackson, Henry M. "Scoop,", undated

Box 342 Folder 43 Jackson, Hugh R., and Herbert H. Lehman, circa, 1943

Box 342 Folder 44 Jackson, Robert G. A., undated, (2 folders)

Box 342 Folder 45 Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, undated

Box 342 Folder 46 Johnson, Lyndon Baines, and Edith Altschul Lehman, circa 1967 July 3, 1967

Box 342 Folder 47 Junior Grange, Ithaca, N.Y., 1936 February 19, 1936

Box 342 Folder 48 Kefauver, Estes, undated

Box 342 Folder 49 Jacqueline B. Kennedy, et al, undated

Box 342 Folder 50 Kennedy, John F., et al, undated

Box 1432 Kennedy, John F.--Portrait in The President's Club Folder, 1963

Box 342 Folder 51 Kennedy, John, and Herbert H. Lehman, circa, 1960

Box 342 Folder 52 Kennedy, Robert F., et al, New York, 1964

Box 342 Folder 53 Kerr, Robert S., undated

Box 342 Folder 54 Kollek, Teddy, et al, undated

Box 342 Folder 55 Koo, Wellington, and Herbert H. Lehman, Washington D.C., 1947 July 31, 1947

LaGuardia, Fiorello H.

Box 343 Folder 1 New York, undated

Box 343 Folder 2 et al, New York, undated

Box 343 Folder 3 et al, undated, 1946-1947

Box 343 Folder 4 et al, Washington, D.C., 1947

Box 343 Folder 5 Lehman, Adele (Mrs. Arthur), undated

Box 343 Folder 6 Lehman Arthur, undated

Box 343 Folder 7 Lehman, Babette Newgass (Mrs. Meyer Lehman), undated

Box 343 Folder 8 Lehman, Babette Newgass, undated

Lehman, Edith A.

Box 343 Folder 9 General, undated

Box 343 Folder 10 et al, undated

Box 343 Folder 11 Family Photographs, undated

Box 343 Folder 12 Portraits, undated

Box 343 Folder 13 Lehman, Emanuel, undated

Lehman, Herbert H.

Box L22 Lehman Swearing into Office

Box L22 Photo of Four Governors--Herbert Lehman, Al Smith, Nathan Miller, Charles Whitman

Box L14 Lehman with Boxer Dog, Framed

Box 343 Folder 14 General, undated

Box 343 Folder 15 "Route to Tivoli," Italy, circa, 1957

Box 343 Folder 16 "St. Moritz Lake," St. Moritz Lake, Switzerland, undated

Box 343 Folder 17 "Trivoli Gardens," Tivoli, Italy, 1957

Box 343 Folder 18 "Azay-le-Rideau," Azay-le-Rideau, France, 1957 June, 1957

Box 343 Folder 19 Miscellaneous Photographs, undated

Box 343 Folder 20 Rome, Rome, 1957

Box 343 Folder 21 "National Arboretum," Washington, D.C., undated

Box 343 Folder 22 General, 1878-1894

Box 343 Folder 23 General, 1895-1899

Box 343 Folder 24 General, 1900-1915

Box 344 Folder 1 General, 1916-1918

Box 344 Folder 2 General, 1919-1932

Box 344 Folder 3 General, 1933-1943

Box 344 Folder 4 General, undated, 1944-1963

Box 344 Folder 5 80th Birthday, New York, 1958 March 28, 1958

Box 344 Folder 6 Inaugurations, Albany and New York, 1932-1938

Box 344 Folder 7 Honorary Degrees, New York, 1933-1960

Box 344 Folder 8 Miscellaneous Photographs, undated

Box 344 Folder 9 Inaugural Speeches, Albany, New York, 1933-1939

Box 344 Folder 11 Portraits, undated

Box 344 Folder 12 75th Birthday, New York, 1953 March 28, 1953

Box 344 Folder 13 Senate Staff, Washington D.C., undated, 1950-1956

Box 344 Folder 14 Senate Staff Holiday Party, Washington D.C., 1954 or 1955, 1954, 1955

Box 344 Folder 5 and Robert H. Arnow, undated

Box 344 Folder 16 et al, undated

Box 345 Folder 1 and Edith A. Lehman, 1910-1963

Box 345 Folder 2 Family Photographs, undated

Box 345 Folder 3 and Irving Lehman, undated

Box 345 Folder 4 et al, Crete, 1945

Box 345 Folder 5 Lehman Reviews Troops, 1942 July 14, 1942

Box 345 Folder 6 with Smith Campaign Leaders, New York, 1928

Box 345 Folder 7 et al, Atlantic City, N.J., 1943

Box 345 Folder 8 with J.C. McKenzie, New York, 1945 March, 1945

Box 345 Folder 9 et al, Athens, 1945 June, 1945

Box 345 Folder 10 and Family at Election, Albany, New York, 1932 November, 1932

Box 345 Folder 11 et al, Albany, New York, 1942 December 21, 1942

Box 345 Folder 12 et al, Albany, New York, 1930s

Box 345 Folder 13 et al, Montreal, 1944 September 18, 1944

Box 345 Folder 14 et al, New York, 1944 circa 1949, 1944, 1949, (2 folders)

Box 345 Folder 15 et al, Rome, 1943-1946

Box 345 Folder 16 et al, Salonika, Greece, 1943-1946

Box 345 Folder 17 et al, undated

Box 345 Folder 18 et al, undated

Box 1324 Folder 1 as a Child in Family Portrait, 1880s

Box 1324 Folder 2 as a Child, with unknown child, circa, 1885

Box 1324 Folder 3 College Group Portrait, circa, 1899

Box 1324 Folder 4 On a Train, circa, 1930s

Box 1324 Folder 5 With Peter Lehman, 1943

Box 1324 Folder 6 with Boxer Dog, 1950s

Box 1324 Folder 7 in his Office, 1950s

Box 1324 Folder 8 With Children, 1950s

Box 1324 Folder 9 On "Noah's Ark" with Children, 1950s

Box 1324 Folder 10 Taking Oath, undated

Box 1324 Folder 24 Multiple Events--Negatives, undated

Box 1432 Multiple Events--8 Copies on Foam Backing for Exhibition

Box 1335 Folder 1-3 Formal Portraits in Folders, undated, (3 folders)

Box 1335 Folder 4 Lehman with Roman Orphans (torn)--UNRRA, undated

Box 1335 Folder 5 Political Cartoons--Negatives, 1936-1955

Box 1335 Folder 6 Unidentified Negatives, undated

Box 1335 Folder 7 Unidentified Slides--Landscapes and Planes, undated

Box 1335 Folder 8 Lehman Portraits and Unidentified, undated

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 5 80th Birthday, 1958

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 5 85th Birthday, 1963

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 6 Lehman Authorizing a Referendum for the three Platoon System in the Fire Department--Left to Right, John F. McManus, George Meany, Charles Poletti, Walter Brown, Vincent Kane, Edward Leonard, John Whelan, 1936

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 7 Lehman Portraits and Lehman with FDR, undated

Oversize Box 1351 Folder 3 Herbert Lehman and Unknown, undated

Oversize Box 1351 Folder 4-7 Herbert Lehman Portrait, undated, (4 folders)

Lehman, Irving

Box L22 Portrait of Irving Lehman

Box 345 Folder 18 circa, 1910

Box 345 Folder 19 and Sissie Straus (Mrs. Irving), undated

Box 345 Folder 20 et al, undated

Box 345 Folder 21 and Alfred E. Smith, undated

Box 345 Folder 22 and Albert Einstein, undated

Box 345 Folder 23 Portraits, undated

Box 345 Folder 24 Washington, Law Institute, 1937 May 8, 1937

Box 345 Folder 25 Bermuda, 1934

Box 345 Folder 26 with Al Smith, Albany, 1926 December 31, 1926

Box 345 Folder 27 General, undated

Box 345 Folder 28 et al, undated

Box 345 Folder 29 Lehman, John R., 1919-1962

Box 345 Folder 30 Lehman, John R., et al, undated

Box 345 Folder 31 Lehman, John R., and Herbert. H. Lehman, undated

Box 345 Folder 32 Lehman, May er, undated

Box 345 Folder 33 Lehman, May er--Family Photo, Tarrytown, NY, 1886

Box 345 Folder 34 Lehman, Peggy, et al, undated

Box 345 Folder 35 Lehman, Penny, undated

Lehman, Peter G.

Box 345 Folder 36 Portraits, undated

Box 346 Folder 1 General, 1922-1943

Box 346 Folder 2 Gravesite, Cambridge, England, 1943

Box 346 Folder 3 and Herbert Lehman, undated

Box 346 Folder 4 et al, undated

Box 346 Folder 5 Settie Lehman, et al, undated

Box 346 Folder 6 Sissie Straus (Mrs. Irving), 1884-1898

Box 346 Folder 7 Sissie Straus (Mrs. Irving), circa 1901 1932, 1901, 1932

Box 346 Folder 8 Sissie Straus (Mrs. Irving), 1908-1920

Box 346 Folder 9 Lehman Brothers (Arthur, Irving, and Herbert), undated

Box 346 Folder 10 Lehman College, New York, 1969 June-1975 March 4, 1969

Box 346 Folder 11 Lehman Family--General, undated, (2 folders)

Box 346 Folder 12 Lehman home, Montgomery, Alabama, undated

Box 346 Folder 13 Lehman Suite--Miscellaneous, New York, 1971, (3 folders)

Box 346 Folder 14 Lehman Suite Dedication, New York, 1971

Box 346 Folder 15 Lehman Village, New York City, New York, 1963

Box 346 Folder 16 Linda and Nathan, New York, undated

Box 346 Folder 17 Long Island Tercentenary, Nassau County, NY, 1936

Box 346 Folder 18 Loyal Legion, Military Order of New York, 1960 December 16, 1960

Box 346 Folder 19 MacDuffie, Marshall, undated

Box 346 Folder 20 McFarland, Ernest W., undated

Box 346 Folder 21 McNamara, Patrick, undated

Box 346 Folder 22 Mansfield, Michael J., undated

Box 346 Folder 23 Mark, Julius, and H.H.L, New York, 1956 January 12, 1956

Box 346 Folder 24 Master, Hilda Altschul, undated

Box 346 Folder 25 May er, Cecile--Family Photos, undated

Box 346 Folder 26 Meany, George, et al, New York, 1931 October 10, 1931

Box 346 Folder 27 Meir, Golda and Edith A. Lehman, New York, 1971 December 11, 1971

Box 347 Folder 1 Monroney, Michael, undated

Box 347 Folder 2 Morgenthau, Elinor Fatman (Mrs. Henry, Jr.), undated

Box 347 Folder 3 Morse, Wayne, undated

Box 347 Folder 4 Mt. Sinai Medical School, New York, 1969-1972

Box 347 Folder 5 Murray, James E., undated

Box 347 Folder 6 National Council for Young Israel, New York, 1938 June 19, 1938

Box 1324 Folder 23 Nationalities Division (Democratic National Committee) Dinner, Philadelphia, 1959 November 29, 1959

Box 347 Folder 7 Neuberger, Richard L., and Maurine Neuberger, undated

Box 347 Folder 8 New York State Capital, Albany, New York, undated

Box 347 Folder 9 New York State Electoral College, Albany, New York, 1936

Box 347 Folder 10 New York State Executive Mansion, Albany, New York, undated

Box 347 Folder 11 New York State Military Staff, Albany, New York, 1935 January 1, 1935

Box 347 Folder 12 New York State Supreme Court, Albany, New York, undated

Box 347 Folder 13 New York University Law School, New York, 1949

Box 347 Folder 14 Newgass, Clara, undated

Box 347 Folder 15 Newgass, Betty, undated

Box 347 Folder 16 Newgass, Frederica (Mrs. Isaac), undated

Box 347 Folder 17 Newgass, Isaac, undated

Box 347 Folder 18 Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, New York, 1948 April 27, 1948

Box 347 Folder 19 O'Mahoney, Joseph C., Casper, Wyoming, 1954

Box 347 Folder 20 Pastore, John O., undated

Box 347 Folder 21 Patterson, Robert P., et al, 1954

Box 347 Folder 22 Payne, Frederick G., undated

Box 347 Folder 23 Pius XII, et al, Rome, 1957 August, 1957

Box 347 Folder 24 Poletti, Charles, Geneva, 1950

Box 347 Folder 25 Poletti, Charles, et al, undated

Box 347 Folder 26 Poletti, Jean Ellis, circa, 1936

Box 1324 Folder 11 Political Cartoons by Rollin Kirby for the New York World, 1930s

Oversize Box 1441 Folder 6 Presidential Medal of Freedom--Six Matted Photos of Posthumous Presentation, Washington DC, 1964 January 28, 1964

Box 347 Folder 27 Rochester Industrial Exposition, Rochester, New York, 1936 August, 1936

Box 347 Folder 28 Rooney, John J., undated

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Box 347 Folder 29 General, undated

Box 347 Folder 30 et al, New York, 1938

Box 347 Folder 31 et al, New York, 1949

Box 347 Folder 32 et al, New York, 1961

Box L22 Signed Photo

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Box L6 Signed Photo of FDR in Frame

Box 347 Folder 33 Hyde Park, New York, 1932 January 30, 1932

Box 347 Folder 34 et al, 1928-1936

Box 347 Folder 35 Statue, undated

Box 347 Folder 36 and William D. Connor, West Point, New York, 1935

Box 347 Folder 37 et al, New York, 1930

Box 347 Folder 38 and Herbert H. Lehman, 1930-1936

Oversize Box 1351 Folder 2 and Herbert Lehman, undated

Box 347 Folder 39 et al, Albany, New York, 1929 December 31, 1929

Box 347 Folder 40 et al, New York, 1930 November 1, 1930

Box 347 Folder 41 et al, Albany, New York, 1933 January, 1933

Box 347 Folder 42 Jr., undated

Box 347 Folder 43 Rossbach, Max J. Howard--Family Photographs, undated

Box 347 Folder 44 Saratoga Battlefield--Tomb of Unknown Soldier, Saratoga, New York, 1930

Box 347 Folder 45 Scandrett, Richard B., undated

Box 347 Folder 46 Seaton, Fred A., undated

Box 347 Folder 47 Sinatra, Frank, and Charles Poletti, New York, undated

Box 347 Folder 48 Slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopment Program, 1950 February 10, 1950

Box 347 Folder 49 Smith, Alfred E., and Irving Lehman, New York, undated

Box 347 Folder 50 Smith, Alfred E., et al, New York, 1932 undated, (2 folders)

Box L2 Smith, Alfred E.--Signed Framed Photo, undated

Box 347 Folder 51 Sparkman, John, undated

Box 347 Folder 52 Spellman, Francis, New York, 1949

Box 347 Folder 53 Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., et al, undated

Box 347 Folder 54 Stevenson, Adlai E., et al, undated

Box 347 Folder 55 Stevenson, Adlai E., and Herbert H. Lehman, New York, 1951 September 21, 1951

Oversize Box 1351 Folder 8 Stevenson, Adeli--Portrait, Signed, 1956

Box 347 Folder 56 Straus, Nathan and Lina (Mrs. Nathan), circa, 1932

Box 347 Folder 57 Symington, Stuart, undated

Box 347 Folder 58 Synagogue Council of America, New York, 1961 December 3, 1961

Box 347 Folder 59 Temple, Shirley, and Herbert H. Lehman, Palm Springs, California, 1936 November 25, 1936

Box 347 Folder 60 Temple, Shirley, and Herbert H. Lehman, Palm Springs, California, and Purchase, New York, 1936-1937

Box 347 Folder 61 Temple, Shirley, et al, Palm Springs, California, 1936 November, 1936

Box 347 Folder 62 "Thank to Scandinavia," New York, October 1970

Box 347 Folder 63 Truman, Harry S., and Herbert H. Lehman, 1950

Box L22 Truman, Signed Photo

Box 347 Folder 64 United Jewish Appeal, New York, undated


Box 348 Folder 1 Albania, 1943-1946

Box 348 Folder 2 Australia, 1943-1946

Box 348 Folder 3 Austria, 1943-1946

Box 348 Folder 4 China, 1943-1946

Box 348 Folder 5 Czechoslovakia, 1943-1946

Box 348 Folder 6 France, 1944-1946

Box 348 Folder 7 Germany, Munich and Herzfeld, 1945-1946

Box 348 Folder 8 Greece, 1943-1946

Box 348 Folder 9 Italy, 1944-1946

Box 348 Folder 10 Middle East, El Shatt, circa, 1945

Box 348 Folder 11 Personnel, undated

Box 348 Folder 12 Poland, 1944-1946

Box 348 Folder 13 Yugoslavia, 1943-1946

Box 348 Folder 14 General, 1943-1946, (2 folders)

Box 1340 Folder 1 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Conference, 1943

Box 1340 Folder 2 United Orphanage of Brooklyn--Lehman Visits to Orphanage, Brooklyn, New York, 1934-1938

Box 1340 Folder 3 Wagner, Robert F., Washington, D.C., 1932

Box 1340 Folder 4 Wagner, Robert F., and Herbert H. Lehman, 1936

Box 1340 Folder 5 Wagner, Robert F., et al, Philadelphia, 1936

Box 1340 Folder 6 Wagner, Robert F., Jr., and Herbert H. Lehman, New York, 1961 October, 1961

Box 1340 Folder 7 Wald, Lillian, New York, undated

Box 1340 Folder 8 Ward, Barbara (Mrs. Robert G.A. Jackson), undated

Box 1340 Folder 9 Ward, Barbara, et al, undated

Box 1340 Folder 10 Weisgal, Meyer, New York, undated

Box 1340 Folder 11 Weizmann Institute of Science, New York, undated

Box 1340 Folder 12 Wise, Hilda Jane Lehman, undated

Box 1340 Folder 13 Wise, Deborah L., undated

Box 1340 Folder 14 Wise, Peter, undated

Box 1340 Folder 15 Wise, Stephanie, L., undated

Box 1340 Folder 16 Xanthaky, George, undated

Box 1340 Folder 17 Yates, Sidney, undated

Box 1340 Folder 19 Unidentified Negatives, undated

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 8 Unidentified Portrait, undated

Box L2 Unidentified Family Portraits

Lehman's Art Photography

Exhibit of Lehman's Photos

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 1 Azay-le-Rideau, France, 1957

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 2 En Route to Trivoli, 1957

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 3 Inside the Old Cursader's Fortress in Accre, Israel, 1959

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 4 Roman Ruin, Rome, 1957

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 5 JJ (Dog) with Shadow of Herbert Lehman, 1960

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 6 Florence, Italy, 1955

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 7 Garden, undated

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 8-9 Landscape, undated, (2 folders)

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 10 Moonlight on St. Horte Lake, undated

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 11 Trivoli Gardens, 1957

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 12-14 St. Moritz Lake, 1957, (3 folders)

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 15 Exhibit Labels, undated

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 16 Landscape, undated

Oversize Box 1345 Folder 17 Landscape, undated

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 1 Florence, Italy, 1955

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 1 Roman Garden, undated

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 1 Rome, 1957

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 2 Snow Scene, 1955

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 3 Cote d'Azure, France, 1955

Oversize Box 1360 Folder 4 Sun Valley, Idaho, 1955

Box L2 Framed Snow Scene

Box L2 Framed Ships in Harbor

Box L2 En Route to Tivoli

Box L2 National Arboretum

Box L21 Mrs. Edith Altschul Lehman at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

Box L21 Azay-Le-Rideau

Framed photos

Box L15 Lehman Family, undated

Box L15 Jacob Blaustein, Senator Lehman, President Kennedy, Irving Engel, Louis Caplan, John Slawson, undated

Box L15 George RI and Elizabeth R, 1939

Box L15 Lehman and FDR, undated

Box L15 Lyndon B. Johnson--President's Club, 1964

Box L15 Capital Building, undated

Box L15 Signed Etching of FDR

Box L15 Edith Lehman Collage of Photos

Box L15 Signed Photo of Lehman and Shirley Temple

Box L15 FDR, signed

Box L15 Unidentified Photos

Box L15 Herbert Lehman at Columbia University Graduation

Box L18 Photo of Lehman with Shirley Temple

Box L18 Lehman and FDR

Box L18 Lehman and Albert Einstein

Box L18 Signed Photo of Lyndon B. Johnson

Box L18 Signed Photo of JFK

Box L18 Lehman and John F. Kennedy

Subseries IX.2: Printing Plates and Prints, circa, 1930s

This series holds metal printing plates and prints of photographs of Lehman, including his portrait, several events, and campaign ads.

Box 1324 Folder 12 Metal Printing Plate

Box 1324 Folder 13 Prints, undated

Box 1324 Folder 14 1936 Campaign Photo with Lehman, Franklin Roosevelt, and Robert F. Wagner--Print, undated, 1936, undated

Box 1324 Folder 14 Dean Acheson, Francis Cardinal Spellman (Archbishop of New York), and Herbert Lehman at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner, undated

Box 1324 Folder 15 Metal Printing Plate

Box 1324 Folder 16 Prints

Box 1324 Folder 17 Herbert Lehman for Senator--Print, undated

Box 1324 Folder 18 Herbert Lehman Standing on Steps--Metal Printing Plate, undated

Box 1324 Folder 19 Herbert Lehman and Edward Maguire--Metal Printing Plate, undated

Campaign Ad, undated

Box 1324 Folder 20 Metal Printing Plate

Box 1324 Folder 21 Metal Printing Plate on Wooden Block

Box 1324 Folder 22 Print

Box 1411 Folder 3 Plate of "The Place of Social Welfare in the Continuing Governmental Process" Article

Box 1411 Folder 4 Plate of Presentation of Washington Award to Michael Pupin, 1928

Subseries IX.3: Personal Photo Albums, 1952-1962

This subseries holds photo albums of the Lehman's trips to France, Italy, Florida, California, and Germany, and other personal photos.

Box 1398 Album #1: Santa Paula Cruise; Florida, 1952

Box 1398 Album#2: Beaulieu, Paris, St. Moritz, 1952

Box 1398 Album#3: Sun Valley, 1954

Box 1398 Album#4: Cannes, Paris, 1955

Box 1398 Album#5: St. Moritz, 1955

Box 1398 Album#6: Washington, Palm Springs, 1956-1957

Box 1398 Album#7: St. Moritz, 1957

Box 1398 Album#8: Rome #1-100, 1957

Box 1398 Album#9: Rome, #101-200, 1957

Box 1398 Album#10: Rome, #201-240, Stresa, Vicinity of Berne, 1957

Box 1399 Album#11: Chateaux, Gstaad and Vicinity, 1957

Box 1399 Album#12: Paris, Riviera, 1957

Box 1399 Album#13: Zurich, Stem-am-Rhein, Rheinfall, 1958

Box 1399 Album#14: S.S. Constitution, Pompeii, Riviera, St. Moritz, 1958

Box 1399 Album#15: Trip to Israel, 1959

Box 1399 Album#16: Venice, Monte Carlo, Central Park, California, 1959-1960

Box 1399 Album#17: Lake Placid, Kildare, Palm Beach, Palm Springs, 1960-1961

Box 1399 Album#18: Zoo, Hershey, Zoo, Palm Springs, Washington, Lake Placid, 1961-1962

Box 1398 Personal Albums #1-10, 1952-1957

Box 1399 Personal Albums #11-17, 1957-1962