Ol'ga Ivanovna Subbotina Papers, 1846-1954

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Series I: Correspondence, 1876-1947

Arranged in three sub-series. More letters see in Series II: Documents.

Subseries I.1: Alexandra Fedorovna, Empress of Russia, 1912-1916

Box 1 Folder 1 Alexandra Fedorovna, Empress of Russia letters and telegrams to Mariia Sergeevna Benkendorff (3 autograph letters and 2 telegrams), 1912-1916

Subseries I.2: Family Correspondence, 1886-1939, undated

Benkendorff, Mariia Sergeevna correspondence, 1915-1928

Box 1 Folder 2 with Ol'ga Subbotina, 1916-1921, undated

Box 1 Folder 3 with Elizaveta Taube, 1915-1928, undated

Box 1 Folder 4 with Mitropolit Evlogii and Archbishop Vladimir, 1927, undated

Box 1 Folder 5 Dolgorukaia, Varvara: letters to Mariia Sergeevna Benkendorff, undated

Box 1 Folder 6 Dolgorukii, Aleksandr Sergeevich: letters to Mariia Benkendorff and Elizaveta Taube, 1920-1921, undated

Dolgorukov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich letters

Box 1 Folder 7 to Mariia Sergeevna Benkendorff, his mother, 1913-1919, undated

Box 1 Folder 8 to Pavel Konstantinovich Benkendorff, his stepfather, 1917

Box 1 Folder 9 to Ol'ga Subbotina, 1916-1918

Box 1 Folder 10-11 to Elizaveta Taube, 1910-1918

Box 1 Folder 12 to Harold Roberts, 1914

Box 1 Folder 12 to Petia [?], 1919

Dolgorukov, Vasilii Aleksandrovich letters

Box 1 Folder 13 to Mariia Sergeevna Benkendorff, his mother, 1900-1918, undated

Box 1 Folder 14 to Pavel Konstantinovich Benkendorff, his stepfather (also included a plan of the house in Tobol'sk where Imperial family stayed in exile), 1913-1918

Box 1 Folder 15 to Elizaveta Taube, 1917

Box 1 Folder 16 Hatzfeldt, Natalie: letters to Mariia Benkendorff and Ol'ga Subbotina, 1926-1935

Box 1 Folder 17 Obolenskii, Aleksei: to Anna Saltykova, [1917]

Box 1 Folder 18 Subbotin, Nikolai: letters to Ol'ga Subbotina, 1924-1930

Subbotina, Ol'ga correspondence:

Box 1 Folder 19 with Elizaveta Taube, 1913-1936

Box 1 Folder 20 letters to Harold Roberts, 1923, 1933

Box 1 Folder 21 letter to Margarita Zorina, 1932

Box 1 Folder 21 letters to unidentified, undated

Various family members letters

Box 1 Folder 22 to Mariia Sergeevna Benkendorff (including letters from Saltykova, and others), 1886-1928

to O'lga Subbotina, 1913-1938

Box 1 Folder 23-25 general letters (including from Sergei Aleksandrovich Dolgorukii, Sergei Taube, Iurii Taube, Kotik Taube, and others), 1922-1938, undated

Box 2 Folder 1 on Subbotina's divorce (also included Nikolai Subbotin's will), 1920-1939

Box 2 Folder 2 to Elizaveta Taube, 1913-1947

Subseries I.3: General and Subject Correspondence, 1876-1940, undated

Various persons letters to:

Box 2 Folder 3 Mariia Sergeevna Benkendorff (including invitations), 1876-1936

Box 2 Folder 4 Ol'ga Subbotina, 1925-1940

Box 2 Folder 5 Elizaveta Taube, 1910-1921

Box 2 Folder 6 Unidentified, undated

Box 2 Folder 7 Calling cards, undated

Subject correspondence

Box 2 Folder 8 Apponyi affair (includes letters from Apponyi, George Benkendorff, Mary Benkendorff, and others), 1930-1931

Series II: Documents, 1846-1948

Arranged in three sub-series. Contains personal, financial, legal documents, including photo IDs.

Subseries II.1: Personal Documents and Wills, 1846-1948

Benkendorff, Mariia Sergeevna, 1846-1933

Box 2 Folder 9 Identification documents (passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, calling cards, other documents), 1846-1923

Flatbox 13 Folder 1 Oversize identification certificates, 1921

Box 2 Folder 10 Wills, 1923-1933

Box 2 Folder 11 Benkendorff, Pavel Konstantinovich (baptism certificate, marriage certificate, passports, pension book, death certificate, will, other documents), 1897-1921

Box 2 Folder 1 Subbotin, Nikolai: will, 1920

Subbotina, Ol'ga

Box 2 Folder 12 Registration ceritificate, residence permit, 1920, 1923

Flatbox 13 Folder 2 Oversize identification certificate, 1924

Box 2 Folder 13 Naturalization papers for Great Britain, 1939-1948

Box 2 Folder 14 Taube, Elizaveta (birth certificate, marriage certificate, registration documents, other), 1885-1919

Subseries II.2: Financial and Legal Documents, 1913-1936, undated

Benkendorff, Mariia Sergeevna

Box 2 Folder 15-16 Register books, account book, 1913-1919,

Box 3 Folder 1-2 Check books, checks, receipts, lists of assets and property, etc., 1914-1917, undated

Benkendorff's finances in Western Europe

Box 3 Folder 3 Letters and bank statements, 1921-1936

Flatbox 13 Folder 1 Memoranda of Agreement, 1933-1934

Box 3 Folder 4 Claim against Soviet authorities for assets left in Russia(appeals, lists of assets, letters, etc.), 1918-1923

Box 3 Folder 5-7 Claim against the National Bank of New York (affidevits, correspondence, etc.), 1923-1936

Box 3 Folder 8 Benkendorff, Pavel Konstantinovich (letters, receipts, other), 1917-1919

Box 3 Folder 9 Dolgorukov, Vasilii Aleksandrovich (check book, bank statement), 1918, undated

Other family members finances

Box 3 Folder 10 Fanny Dolgorukaia: inheritance of "Nashdom", 1922-1924

Box 3 Folder 11 Ivan Taube, Anna Saltykova, and others, 1907-1920

Subseries II.3: General Documents, 1917

Box 1 Folder 14 Plan of the house in Tobol'sk where Imperial family stayed in exile, 1917

Box 3 Folder 12 Plan of Benkendorff's house in St. Petersburg, 1917

Box 3 Folder 13 List of Nicolas II escort in his train after the abdication (copy), 1917

Box 3 Folder 14 Dinner menu; various, 1917

Series III: Diaries, Notebooks, Calendars, Notes, 1917-1936, undated

Box 4 Folder 1 Benkendorff, Mariia Sergeevna: diary and notebook, 1917-1928

Box 4 Folder 2 Benkendorff, Pavel Konstantinovich: notebook and address book, up to Jan. 1921

Box 4 Folder 3-4 Subbotina, Ol'ga: diaries and notebooks (6 items), 1929-1936

Box 5 Folder 1-2 Taube, Elizaveta: diary and notebook, 1919-1924, undated

Box 5 Folder 3 Unidentified various notes, undated

Series IV: Photographs and Prints, 1861-1936, undated

Arranged in three sub-series. Comprises original photographs and prints of immediate and extended family members, Nicholas II family, and European royalty.

Subseries IV.1: Royal Families, 1861-1924, undated

Box 5 Folder 4 Aleksandr II and Mariia Aleksandrovna, et al. (postcard), 1861

Edward VII, King of England, and Alexandra, Queen consort of England

Box 5 Folder 7 Group photo with Maria Fedorovna, 1908

Flatbox 11 Folder 1 Oversized group photo (framed), undated

Flatbox 12 Folder 1 Oversized portrait (framed), undated

Box 5 Folder 5 Elizaveta Fedorovna, Grand Duchess, Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (portrait and framed group photo), undated

Box 5 Folder 6 Eugenia, Queen of Spain with her children (signed), 1917

Box 5 Folder 4 George V and Queen Mary, et al. (postcard; also included Prince and Princess Nicholas of Greece and others), undated

Box 5 Folder 4 George, Prince, Duke of Kent and Princess Marina (postcards), undated

Flatbox 11 Folder 2 Kseniia Aleksandrovna, Grand Duchess, daughter of Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, undated

Flatbox 11 Folder 3 Maria, Queen of Romania (print), undated

Mariia Fedorovna, Empress, consort of Alexander III, Emperor of Russia

Box 5 Folder 7 Group photo and postcard, 1908, 1924

Flatbox 11 Folder 2 Oversized group photo (framed), undated

Box 5 Folder 4 Marina, Princess of Greece (postcards), undated

Nicholas II family

Nicholas II

Box 6 Folder 1-3 Portraits and group photographs and postcards, 1915, undated

Flatbox 12 Folder 2 Lithography, undated

Box 6 Folder 2 Alexandra Fedorovna (portraits and group photographs and postcards), undated

Box 6 Folder 2-3 Anastasiia Nikolaevna, Mariia Nikolaevna, Ol'ga Nikolaevna, Tatiana Nikolaevna (portraits and group photographs and postcards; 2 photos are framed in one frame), 1911, 1915, undated

Aleksei Nikolaevich, Czarevitch

Box 6 Folder 2-3 Portraits and group photographs and postcards, undated

Box 7 Folder 2 In Tobol'sk, 1917

Box 6 Folder 4 Imperial household, undated

Box 6 Folder 5 Palaces (interior and exterior views), undated

Box 5 Folder 8 Romanova, Irina Aleksandrovna, Princess of Russia, 1932

Box 5 Folder 4 Vladimir Kirillovich, Grand Duke, and Leonida Georgievna, Grand Duchess (postcards), undated

Subseries IV.2: Family Photographs, 1883-1936, undated

Box 6 Folder 6 Apraksina, Mariia Aleksandrovna, undated

Benkendorff, Mariia Sergeevna

Box 6 Folder 7 Portraits, undated

Box 6 Folder 8 Group photos with various people (including Subbotina, Taube, Ol'ga Benkendorff, and others), undated

Box 7 Folder 1 Group photo with Vasilii Dolgorukov, undated

Flatbox 12 Folder 4 Oversized portrait (framed print from photo of Levitskii), undated

Flatbox 12 Folder 3 Funeral of Mariia Sergeevna Benkendorff, 1936

Benkendorff, Ol'ga Konstantinovna (Marchesa Guiccoli), undated

Box 6 Folder 9 Individual photographs

Box 6 Folder 8 Group photographs

Benkendorff, Pavel Konstantinovich

Box 6 Folder 10 Individual photographs and portraits, undated

Box 7 Folder 1 Group photograph, 1917

Flatbox 12 Folder 5 Oversized portrait (print from photo of Levitskii), undated

Dolgorukaia, Francis (Fanny)

Box 6 Folder 11-12 Cabinet photo and other photographs, undated

Flatbox 11 Folder 1 Oversize group photo, undated

Dolgorukii, Alexis Sergeevich

Flatbox 13 Folder 5 Portrait

Flatbox 11 Folder 1 Group photo, undated

Box 7 Folder 5 Dolgorukii, Serge, undated

Box 6 Folder 13 Dolgorukov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, undated

Box 6 Folder 14 Dolgorukov, Aleksandr Sergeevich, undated

Box 6 Folder 15 Dolgorukov, Nikolai Sergeevich, undated

Dolgorukov, Vasilii Aleksandrovich

Box 7 Folder 1 Portraits and group photo, undated

Box 7 Folder 2 In Tobol'sk, 1917

Box 7 Folder 3 Group cabinet photo, undated

Dolgorukova, Ol'ga Aleksandrovna (Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Taube)

Box 7 Folder 8 Portraits, undated

Flatbox 13 Folder 4 Oversized, 1883

Box 7 Folder 4 Roberts, Halord, 1936, undated

Subbotina, Ol'ga

Box 6 Folder 8 Group photos, undated

Box 7 Folder 4 Group photos, 1936, undated

Taube, Elizaveta

Box 7 Folder 4-6 Portraits and group photos, undated

Box 6 Folder 8 Group photos, undated

Box 7 Folder 7 Taube, Georgii Ivanovich, undated

Taube, Ivan Ferdinandovich

Box 7 Folder 8 Portraits, undated

Flatbox 13 Folder 4 Oversized (framed), 1883

Flatbox 14 Wilson, Pellew Fleetwood (father of Frances Dolgorukaia; framed lithography), undated

Box 7 Folder 9 Unidentified (portraits and group photographs), undated

Subseries IV.3: General Photographs, 1905-1917, undated


Box 7 Folder 1, 10 Buxhoeveden, Sophie (Sofiia Karlovna Buksgeveden), 1917, undated

Box 7 Folder 1, 3 Gilliard, Pierre, 1917

Box 7 Folder 1-3 Gendrikova, Anastasiia Vasil'evna, 1917

Box 7 Folder 12 Keppel, Sir Henry, undated

Musakhan, prince

Box 6 Folder 8 Group photos, undated

Box 7 Folder 4, 10 Individual and group photos, undated

Box 7 Folder 4, 10 Saltykov, prince, undated

Box 7 Folder 3 Shneider, Ekaterina Adol'fovna, 1917

Box 7 Folder 3 Tatishchev, Il'ia Leonidovich, 1917

Box 7 Folder 9 Unidentified (portraits and group photographs), undated

Box 7 Folder 11 Imperial Guards Horse Regiment parade, 1908

Flatbox 11 Folder 4 Russian crouser "Askol'd", 1905


Box 7 Folder 11 Villa Sforza (Rome), undated

Box 7 Folder 11 Russian scences, 1909, undated

Series V: Memorabilia, undated

Includes family and Alexandra Fedorovna's, Empress of Russia, memorabilia.

Royal memorabilia, undated

Flatbox 15 Alexandra Fedorovna's, Empress of Russia, parasol and cushion

Family memorabilia, undated

Box 8 Album

Box 8 Leather box

Box 8 Leather case

Box 8 Leaser folder

Box 8 Picture frames (2)

Series VI: Printed Materials and Postcards, 1912-1954, undated

Comprise pamphlets, journals, newspapers, clippings and postcards.

Books and pamphlets

Box 9 Folder 1 Pamiatnaia knizhka na 1917 g. (belonged to Pavel Konstantinovich Benkendorff), 1917

Box 9 Folder 2 Russian Experience of the Soviet Regime, undated

Periodicals and newspapers

Box 9 Folder 3 Reviews of Soviet press (typescripts), 1921

Box 9 Folder 4 "Chasovoi" (2 issues), 1938

Box 9 Folder 5 "Country Life" (1 issue), 1912

Flatbox 10 Folder 1 "Graphic" (clippings), 1917-1919

Flatbox 10 Folder 2 "Illustrated London News" (clippings), 1919-1921

Box 9 Folder 6 "Listener" (1 issue), 1954

Flatbox 10 Folder 3 "Russkii invalid" (1 issue), 1933

Flatbox 10 Folder 4 "Times: Russian Supplement" (bound), 1913-1917

Flatbox 13 Folder 3 Vozrozhdenie, 1938

Box 9 Folder 7 Clippings, undated

Box 9 Folder 8 Postcards: St. Petersburg and Moscow, undated