Research Program on the USSR Manuscripts, 1950-1955

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Series I: Manuscripts

Series I is composed of manuscripts and associated materials on a broad range of topics related to the Soviet Union and the Soviet sphere of influence. Manuscripts within Subseries I.1: Economics address topics including natural resources, agriculture, forestry, industrial and urban development, and Soviet economic policy and administration. Subseries I.2: Social and political sciences is the largest group of materials in the collection. It contains manuscripts on the history of the Russian Empire, the USSR, and regional ethnic minority groups, from the seventeenth century through World War II and the immediate post-war period. It also contains manuscripts on Soviet foreign and domestic policy, including the structure and functions of the Communist Party, military, and secret police. Finally, it includes materials on Soviet society, including education, religion and the suppression thereof, and other distinctive aspects of Soviet culture. Conversely, Subseries I.3: Science is the smallest group of materials in the collection. It includes nineteen manuscripts on the process of conducting research in various scientific fields in the Soviet Union. Subseries I.4: The arts addresses Soviet literature, linguistics, and press freedom; theatre; music; film; and architecture. There are both original literary manuscripts and scholarly manuscripts addressing other works of literature in this subseries.

Subseries I.1: Economics

Box 1 Anonymous, "Boevoe zadanie," 4 pages; "Kolkhoznaia zhizn'," 7 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Construction materials of the N. Caucasus," 171 pages (with related material)

This was number 20 of the mimeographed series, "Construction materials of the Northern Caucasus."

Box 2 Anonymous, "Kratkii obzor vozniknoveniia statisticheskikh uchrezhdenii v Rossii,'' 41 pages

Box 2 Anonymous, "Lokomotivnyi park SSSR 1917-1952 gg.," 320 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Neftianaia promyshlennost' Sovetskogo Soiuza," 172 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Osvoenie Kamchatki: Ocherki," 141 pages (with related material).

This was number 4 of the mimeographed series, "Kamchatka: Survey and recollections."

Box 3 Anonymous, "Perspektivy razvitiia zhelezodelatel'noi promyshlennosti v SSSR," 153 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Praktika 'ochkovtiratel'stva' i 'komufliazha' v planirovanii sovetskoi sistemy," 17 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Razvitie zhelezodelatel'noi promyshlennosti v SSSR (1921-1953)," 33 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Shelkovodstvo v SSSR," 25 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Sovremennyi park tovarnykh i passazhvaganov zheleznykh dorog SSSR," 263 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Syr'evaia baza sakharnoi promyshlennosti SSSR," 66 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Trudovaia distsiplina i distsiplinarnotrudovoe pravo SSSR," 72 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Trudovye konflikty i poriadok ikh razresheniia po sovetskomu zakonodatel'stvu," 68 pages; "Ocherki sovetskogo trudovogo prava: Rabochee vremia i otdykh po sovetskomu zakonodatel'stvu," 73 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Trudovye rezervy," 6 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Ustanovlenie norm vyrabotki na proizvodstvakh v SSSR i prichiny ikh izmeneniia," 14 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "V kaleidoskope revoliutsii," 7 pages; "Trudovaia shkola," 20 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Vozniknovenie i razvitie zhelezodelatel'noi promyshlennosti v razlichnykhraionakh Rossii i SSSR," 118 pages

Box 5 Anonymous, "Vypiska iz rukopisi 'Vosstanovlenie sel'skogo khoziaistva nad Kubani poslevtoroi mirovoi voiny'," 2 pages

Box 5 Anonymous, "Zashchitnye lesnye nasazhdeniia v bor'be s zasukhoi i navolneniami," 18 pages (with related material).

Box 5 Anonymous, "Zavod im. Baranova v Zaporozh'e kak primer vosstanovleniia i raboty tiazheloisovetskoi industrii posle vtoroi mirovoi voiny," 113 pages

Box 6 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "Genetics and selective breeding of sugar beets in the USSR," 55 pages (with related material).

Box 6 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "K voprosu o ratsionakh pitaniia dlia razlichnykh sloevnaseleniia SSSR," 16 pages

Box 6 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "Materials on problems related to diets, caloric intake, and deficiency diseases," 19 pages

Box 6 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "Metody selektsii sakharnoi svekly v SSSR," 14 pages

With English translation entitled, "Methods of sugar beet selection in the USSR," 12 pages.

Box 6 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "Raionirovanie sel'sko-khoziaistvennykh kul'tur v SSSR," 225 pages (with related material).

Box 7 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "Selective breeding of sugar beets in Russia and the USSR," 71 pages

Box 7 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "Selektsiia i semenovodstvo sakharnoi svekly v SSSR," 333 pages

This was published in Munich in 1954.

Box 7 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "Selektsiia sakharnoi svekly v SSSR," 175 pages (with related material).

Box 7 Arkhimovich, Aleksandr, "Zernovye kul'tury SSSR," 114 pages

Box 10 Belosor, S., "Spetsializatsiia truda i sotsial'nye izmeneniia v kolkhoznoi derevne," 51 pages

Box 10 Belov, Fedor, "The history of a Soviet collective farm," 369 pages and two charts

Box 11 Chinchenko, John M., "Ekonomgeografichna kharakteristika pivdeno-skhid'noi chastini Ukraĭni," 170 pages

With English translation entitled, "Economic and geographic characteristics of the southeastern part of Ukraine."

Box 10 Dobrovolskii, Aleksandr, "Proizvoditel'nost' truda i ekonomika sovkhozov," 62 pages

Box 12 Dobrovolskii, Aleksandr, "Obshchestvennaia i partiinaia organizatsii Leningrad-skogo sel'sko-khoziaistvennogo instituta (L. S. Kh. I.)," 33 pages

Box 12 Dobrovolskii, Aleksandr, "The operation of a state farm." 28 pages

Box 12 Dobrovolskii, Aleksandr, "Proizvoditel'nost' truda i ekonomika sovkhozov," 62 pages

This was number 63 in the mimeographed series, "Economic administration and labor productivity on a Soviet state farm."

Box 12 Donchenko [Belokon'], "Istoriia odnogo kolkhoza," 144 pages

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, "Age of the serpentinite belt of the Caucasus Range," 38 pages

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, "Bazy mineral'nogo ser'ia, ispol'zuemogo, v SSSR dlia polucheniia metallicheskogo aliuminiia," 70 pages

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, "Chemical constitution of saponites, bowlingites, sauconites," 25 pages

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, "Geikielite from Mount Jemorakly-Tube, North Caucasus, USSR," 7 pages

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, "Mineral'no-syr'evaia baza margantsa-v SSSR," 90 pages

With English translation entitled, "Soviet resources in manganese," 81 pages plus 3 charts.

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, "Origin of Listwanites of the Caucasus and the Urals," 28 pages

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, "Veins of alumoserpophite in serpentinite rocks (North Caucasus)," 26 pages

Box 15 Ershov, V., "O sovetskoi 'planovoi' sisteme khoziaistva i ee kharakternykh osobennostiakh," 9 pages

Box 18 Gudim-Levkovich, Iurii G., "Novaia sovetskaia sistema zemledeliia," 252 pages

Box 18 Gudim-Levkovich, Iurii G., "Sovetskaia agrarnaia politika posle XIX s"ezda partii," 36 pages

Box 18 Hardt, John, "Electrification plans and the deficiency of electric power for industry in the Soviet Union," 48 pages

Box 20 Kazakov, G., "Peat industry," unpaginated (with related material).

Box 21 Kazakov, G., "Torfianaia promyshlennost' Sovetskogo Soiuza," 528 pages

Box 21 Kazakov, G., "Torfianye resursy SSSR kak baza dlia razvitiia spetsial'nykh otraslei promyshlennosti i sel'skogo khoziaistva," 220 pages

With English translation entitled, "Soviet peat resources as a base for the development of special branches of industry and agriculture." This was the fifth book-length work published by the RP-USSR, issued in 1953 as "Soviet peat resources." 201 pages plus map.

Box 23 Kolymsky, Peter, "Geograficheskoe rasprostranenie zony kasbtanovykh pochvi solontsov," 157 pages

This was number 54 in the mimeographed series, "Solonetz and chestnut brown solonetzic soils in the USSR."

Box 23 Koptevskii, Sergei L., "Stoimost' stroitel'stva materialy ukrainy," 10 pages (with related material)

This was published by the RP-USSR in 1952 and entitled, "The costs of construction of new metallurgical plants in the USSR."

Box 24 Kornilov, A. V., "Estestvenno-stroite'nye materialy Ukrainy," 10 pages

With English translation entitled, "Building stone resources of the Ukraine."

Box 24 Korol, Nestor, "Novye sel'skoe-khoziaistvennye kul'tury," 34 pages

This was number 41 in the mimeographed series, "The introduction of new plants in Soviet agriculture."

Box 27 Kripton, Konstantin, "Severnyi ledovityi okean v khoziaistve i politike sovetskogo gosudarstva," 287 pages

With English translation entitled, "The Arctic Ocean in the economy and politics of the Soviet state."

Box 27 Kripton, Konstantin, "Sovetskaia sistema nauchno-issledovatel'skikh raboti voprosy transportnogo osvoeniia Evraziinskogo severa," 34 pages

Box 28 Liaskovskii, N., "O nekotorykh voprosakh upravleniia sovetskoi promyshlennost'iu," 44 pages

Box 29 Makhiv, Grigorii, "Sel'skoe khoziaistvo Ukrainy," 152, 217, 175 pages

With related material and English translation entitled, "The collectivization of agriculture in Ukraine."

Box 30 Marchenko, V. P., "Organizatsiia zarabotnoi platy v SSSR na praktike," 103 pages

Box 30 Marchenko, V. P., "Zagadka pokazatelei razvitiia promyshlennosti," 9 pages

Box 30 Markov, George, "Osobennosti gorodskogo stroitel'stva v Sovetskom Soiuze," (With related material)

This was number 47 in the mimeographed series, "Urban construction in the Soviet Union."

Box 31 Naidenov, Andrei, "Azerbaidzhanskaia neft'" 25 pages (with related material).

Box 32 Naidenov, Andrei, "Upravlenie promyshlennost'iu Azerbaidzhana," 19 pages (with related material)

This was number 3 in the mimeographed series, "Administration of Azerbaijani industry."

Box 32 Nikitin, P., "Organizatsiia i planirovanie lesnogo khoziaistva SSSR," 219 pages (with related material).

Box 33 Novak, Taras, "Problema transporta Sovetskogo Soiuza," 246 pages and two charts

Box 36 Postriganev-Khotianintsov, V. G., "Perspektivy razvitiia zhelezodelatel'noi promyshlennosti v SSSR," 158 pages

Box 37 Postriganev-Khotianintsov, V. G., "Vozniknovenie i razvitie zhelezodelatel'noi promyshlennosti v razlichnykh raionakh Rossii i SSSR," 117 pages

With related material and English translation, 132 pages.

Box 44 Smirnov, L. P., "Analysis of the geological structure of the European and West African sectors of the Arctic regions and of oil prospects of Franz Joseph Land," 94 pages (with related material).

Box 44 Smirnov, L. P., "Oil Resources of the Black Sea Basin," 16 pages

Box 44 Smirnov, L. P., "Oil bearing basins on the eastern edge of the Russian platform," 13 pages

Box 45 Sosnovy, Timothy, "Housing problem in the USSR," unpaginated

Box 45 Sosnovy, Timothy, "Housing problem in the USSR," 214 pages

This was the eighth book-length work published by the RP-USSR. It was issued in 1954 and entitled, "The Housing problem in the Soviet Union."

Box 45 Sosnovy, Timothy, "Urban housing in the USSR," 24 pages

This was published by the American Slavic and East European Review in 1952 and was entitled, "The Soviet urban housing problem."

Box 45 Sosnovy, Timothy, "Zhilishchnyi vopros v SSSR," 35 pages (with related material)

Box 46 Starkov, S., "Breakdowns in electrical power stations in the Soviet Union," 42 pages

Box 46 Stashelevskii, M., "Kratkii obzor vozniknoveniia statisticheskikh uchrezhdenii," 29 pages

Box 46 Stec, George, "The local budget system of the USSR," 138 pages typed plus 35 pages handwritten (with related material)

This was number 75 in the mimeographed series and was entitled, "The local budget system of the USSR: Its development and functions."

Box 46 Sukry, K., "Erforschung der Dauergefrornis in Osteuropa und Asien," 32 pages

Box 46 Taskin, Iu., "The influence of the continuing drop in the level of the Caspian Sea on the economy of the adjoining areas of the USSR," 36 pages plus 8 pages of bibliography

With English translation, 45 pages plus 6 pages of bibliography. This was published by the Geographical Review in 1954 and was entitled, "The falling level of the Caspian Sea in relation to Soviet economy."

Box 46 Taskin, Iu., "Planovoe khoziaistvo Sovetskogo Soiuza," 39 pages

Box 46 Tsonev, V. , "Falsification of Soviet industrial statistics," 184 pages

Box 46 Uranov, Petr, "Promyslovaia kooperatsiia SSSR," 455 pages (with related material)

This was number 51 in the mimeographed series, "Consumer cooperatives in the Soviet Union."

Box 47 Uranov, Petr, "Rol' gosudarstvennogo banka v rabote mestnoi promyshlennosti," 86 pages

Subseries I.2: Social and political sciences

Box 1 Anonymous, "Antibol'shevistskie vosstaniia i partizanskaia bor'ba v Belorussii," 154 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Bor'ba s religioznymi ubezhdeniami v krasnoi armii," 8 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Evakuatsiia naseleniia iz raionov prifrontovoi polosy v period 1941-1942 godov," 11 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Evreiskii vopros v SSSR," 7 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Fil'tratsiia," 10 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Formy soprotivleniia krest'ian sovetskoi vlasti," 79 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "From destruction to reconstruction; Principles and ways of realization of communist upbringing in the Soviet school system: Socvikh," 170 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Impressions of Central Asia," 40 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Kazakhstan: Sotsial'naia perestroika," 77 pages (with related material).

Box 1 Anonymous, "Kharkov under the Germans," 16 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Komandari," 4 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Kommunisticheskii imperializm i Iran," 182 pages

Box 1 Anonymous, "Komsomol v gody NEPa," 21 pages; "Komsomol v derevne," 8 pages; "Desiaf let v komsomole," 11 pages

Box 2 Anonymous, "Krasnaia armiia: Po zapiskam voennogo korrespondenta," 78 pages

Box 2 Anonymous, "Miateus Osman Batyra," 20 pages

Box 2 Anonymous, "NKVD," 41 pages

Box 2 Anonymous, "N. T. S.," 123 pages (with related material).

Box 3 Anonymous, "Partiinaia shkola," 94 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Podvizhnost' sovetskoi armii: Resursy i predely, opyt analiza ofitsial'nykh dannykh i lichnykh nabliudenii," 25 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Polevaia pochta sovetskoi armii armeiskogo sostava," 11 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Poslevoennyi period," 12 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Rasskaz perebezhchika," 8 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Religioznost' i antireligioznaia propaganda v Sov. Soiuze," 9 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Sostav verkhovnogo soveta SSSR: Sozyvov 1937-1946-1950 gg.," 46 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Sovetskaia molodezh'," 13 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Sovetskaia tainaia rabota vne SSSR," 21 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Sovetskaia tainaia rabota za rubezhami SSSR," 5 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Sovetskoe pravosudie," 22 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Vosstanie na severnom kavkaze," 13 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Vtoraia mirovaia voina v Belorussii: Bibliograficheskii spravochnik," 8 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Vyderzhki iz rukopisi 'Epizody iz zhizni'," 3 pages

Box 5 Anonymous, "Zhizn' v armii," 34 pages

Box 5 Anonymous, "Zolotoi zapas Ispanii v SSSR, v obmen na oruzhie, boepripasy, strategicheskiematerialy i prodovol'stve," 32 pages

Box 5 Adamovich, Anton, "Bol'shevizm na putiakh k ustanovleniiu svoego kontrolia nad Belorussiei," 83 pages

Box 5 Adamovich, Anton, "Istoriia Bol'shevizma v Belorussii," 245 pages (with partial translation and related material).

Box 6 Aleksandrov, Vladimir, "Sovetskaia ekonomicheskaia politika v vostochnoi Germanii," 39 pages (with related material).

This was number 37 in the mimeographed series, "Soviet dismantling of equipment in postwar Germany."

Box 6 Alekseev, Vasilii, "Bibliografiia k rabote: 'Russkaia pravoslavnaia tserkov' vo vremia nemetskoi okkupatsii'," 19 pages (with related material).

Box 6 Alekseev, Vasilii, "Some conclusions on the subject of: the foreign policy of the Moscow patriarchate, 1939-1953," 19 pages

This was number 70 in the mimeographed series, "The foreign policy of the Moscow patriarchate, 1939-1953."

Box 6 Andreevich, E. A., "Doprosy i 'sledstvennoe vozdeistvie'," 23 pages

Box 6 Andreevich, E. A., "A glossary of Soviet secret police terms, abbreviations and expressions," 46 pages

Box 6 Andreevich, E. A., "Pochemu 'soznaiutsia," 4 pages

Box 6 Andreevich, E. A., "Organization and functions of the Soviet secret police," 127 pages. With English translation and related material.

Box 6 Andreevich, E. A., "Sledstvie," 10 pages

Box 6 Andreevich, E. A., "Struktura sovetskoi politsii," 4 pages

Box 7 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P., "Deiatel'nost' organov gosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti v Sovetskom Soiuze," 35, 38 pages

Box 7 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P., "Ispravitel'no-trudovye lageria MVD SSSR," 112 pages

Box 7 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P., "Okhrana gosudarstvennykh granits Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsial'isticheskikh Respublik," 30 pages

With English translation entitled, "The protection of the frontiers of the USSR" and related material.

Box 8 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P., "Podbor i podgotovka sovetskikh sluzhashchikh, pred-naznachennykh dlia raboty v sovetskikh predstavitel'stvakh v inostrannykh gosudarstvakh i ikh osobaia deiatel'nost' zagranitsei," 27 pages

With English translation, 28 pages. This was number 68 in the mimeographed series, "Selection and training of Soviet personnel for trade missions abroad and the Soviet trade mission in Iran."

Box 8 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P., "Vooruzhennye sily MVD i Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezo-pasnosti SSSR," 36 pages

With English translation entitled, "The armed forces of the Soviet organs of State Security."

Box 8 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P. and Burlutskii, G. B., "Kadry, prokhozhdenie sluzhby ipodgotovka pogranichnykh voisk MBD SSSR," 52 pages

With English translation entitled, "Personnel, conditions of service and training of the border troops."

Box 8 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P., and Burlutskii, G. B., "Pogranichnye voennouchebnye* zavedeniia," 25 pages.

With English translation entitled, "Military training institutions of the MVD border troops."

Box 8 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P. and Burlutskii, G. B., "Poslevoennaia organizatsiia i deiatel'nost' sovetskikh organov gosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti," 42, 82, 77 pages

Box oversize One chart for the manuscript by Artem'ev and Burlutskii entitled, "Poslevoennaia organizatsiia i deiatelnost' sovetskikh organov gosbezopasnosti."

Box 8 Artem'ev, Viacheslav P. and Burlutskii, G. B., "Poslevoennye svedeniia o generalitete gosbezopasnosti SSSR 1945-1955 gg.," unpaginated (with related material).

Box 8 Astrakhantsev, A., "Krest'ianskii vopros v Rossii," unpaginated (with related material)

Box 10 Bat'eev, A., "Milli-Firka, partiia v Krymu," unpaginated

Box 10 Belov, F., "Organy MGB," unpaginated [49 pages] (with related material)

Box 10 Belov, F., "Partiino-politicheskaia rabota v sovetskoi armii," 56 pages

Box 11 Bogdanov, A., "Izmeneniia v etnicheskom i religioznom sostave naseleniia kavkaza so vremeni okonchaniia russko-kavkaznoi voiny," 32 pages

With English translation entitled, "Changes in the ethnic and religious composition of the population of the Caucasus since the Russo-Caucasian War."

Box 11 Bogdanov, A., "Politicheskie deiateli i ikh gruppirovki v Osetii," 46 pages

Box 11 Boiarov, T. V., "Manchzhuriia pered prikhodom sovetskoi armii," 92 pages

With English translation entitled, "Manchuria before the arrival of the Soviet army."

Box 11 Burmeister, Alfred, "Aus der Geschichte der Liquidierung der Komintern," 44 pages

This was number 77 in the mimeographed series, "Dissolution and aftermath of the Comintern."

Box 11 Chikalenko, Levko, "European-American analogies in the field of primitive art," 103 pages

Box 12 Davletshin, T., "Tatarskaia avtonomnaia respublika nakanune vtoroi mirovoivoiny," 157 pages

This was number 49 in the mimeographed series, "Cultural life in the Tatar Autonomous Republic."

Box 12 Dmitriev, I., "Partiino-politicheskii apparat i osobye otdely," 116 pages

Box 12 Dmitriev, I., "Partiino-politicheskie organy sovetskoi armii," 87 pages

This was number 36 in the mimeographed series, "Party and political organs in the Soviet army."

Box 12 Dmitriev, I., "Remilitarizatsiia sovetskoi zony Germanii," 73 pages

Box 13 Eit, N. (Adler, N.), "Likvidatsiia negramotnosti i malogramotnosti (Ukraina, Zakavkaz'e, Severnyi Kavkaz) 1922g.-1941g.,"

With English translation entitled, Liquidation of illiteracy and semiliteracy."

Box 13 Ereli, M., "Deiatel'nost' upravleniia "SMERSH" pri MGB v sovetskoi armii," 56 pages

Box 13 Ereli, M., "Partiia bol'shevikov v sovetskoi armii," 139 pages

Box 13 Ershov, P., "Kak sovetskie studenty izuchaiut zapadnoevropeiskuiu i amerikanskuiu literaturu?," 40 pages

Box 15 Ershov, V., "Dvadtsat' pervyi medikosanitarnyi batalion i gigant izhorskogozavoda," 9 pages

Box 15 Ershov, V., "Leningradskie gospitalia vo vremia blokady v 1941/44 gg.," 12 pages

Box 15 Ershov, V., "Ofitsial'nye i skrytnye raskhody na vooruzhenie i vooruzhennykhsil SSSR," 12 pages

Box 15 Ershov, V., "Rekvizitsii na territorii Germanii," 17 pages

Box 15 Ershov, V., "Rekvizitsionnaia sistema v voennoe i mirnoe vremia v SSSR," 12 pages

Box 15 Ershov, V., "Repatriatsiia," 55 pages

Box 15 Ershov, V., "Soviet war preparation in 1941," 125 pages

Box 15 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Appraisal of the doctrine on complex reflexes in Soviet publication," 55 pages (with related material).

Box 15 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Istochniki i printsipy sovetskoi estetiki," 421 pages

Box 16 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Istoricheskie predposylki izucheniia bol'shevizma," 114 pages

Box 16 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Izmenie psikhiki pod vlianiem bol'shevizma," 30 pages

Box 16 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Logic and dialectic in the Soviet Union," 167 pages

This was the first book-length work published by the Research Program on the USSR.

Box 16 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Logika v sovetskoi filosofii i politike," 156 pages

Box 16 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "'Pravda' u russkikh i u bol'shevikov," 14 pages

Box 17 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "The revolutionary aesthetics of Leo Tolstoy," 108 pages (With related material).

Box 17 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Rol' dushevnobol'nykh v revoliutsii," 15 pages

Box 17 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "'Russkaia idea' i bol'shevistskii messianizm," 17 pages

Box 17 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "The Soviet concept of aesthetics," 120 pages (with related material).

Box 17 Gai, B., "Perechen' spetsial'nykh chekistskikh terminov k rukopisi 'NKVD SSSR," 13 pages (with related material).

Box 17 Georgiev, Aleksandr, "Popytka pokhishcheniia Aleksandra Georgieva,'' 4 pages

Box 17 Glinka, Gleb, "Velikoe razorenie," 51 pages

Box 17 Grigor'ev, A., "Sledstvennye metody NKVD," 165 pages

With related material and English translation entitled, "Investigative methods of the secret police."

Box 18 Grigoriev, I., "Remilitarizatsiia sovetskoi zony Germanii," 73 pages

Box 18 Grishin, Nikolai, "Soviet operation of uranium mines in Eastern Germany," 14 pages

Box 18 Holmes, E., "Organizatsiia sovetskoi armii," 196 pages (with related material).

Box 18 Holmes, E., "Voennoe znachenie dorog SSSR," 231 pages

Box 18 Hryshko, Vasyl, "K voprosu obrazovaniia sovetskoi tatarovolzhskoi gosudarstvennosti." 33 pages

Box 18 Hryshko, Vasyl, "Pan-Slavism," 29 pages (with related material).

Box 19 Hryshko, Vasyl, "Panslavizm v sovetskoi istoriografii," 142 pages

With English translation entitled, "Panslavism in Soviet historiography."

Box 19 Hryshko, Vasyl, "Pravovoe sostoianie Povolzhskikh tatar v Rossii so vtoroipoloviny 19-go st.," 274 pages

With English translation entitled, "The legal position of the Volga Tatars in Russia from the second half of the nineteenth century to 1917" and related material.

Box 19 Ianivs'kyi, B., "Russkii tekst 'Knig bytiia ukrainskogo naroda' N. Kostomarova," 33 pages (with related material).

This was number 60 in the mimeographed series, "Kostomarov's 'Books of Genesis of the Ukrainian people.'"

Box 19 Iaresh, L., "Arbitrazh v SSSR," 164 pages (with English translation)

This was number 52 in the mimeographed series, "Arbitration in the Soviet Union."

Box 20 Iaresh, L., "Krest'ianskie voiny v Rossii XVII-XVIII w. i izobrazhenii sovetskoi istorigrafii," 27 pages (with related material).

Box 20 Iaresh, L., "Normanskaia teoriia i sovetskaia istoricheskaia nauka," 26 pages

With English translation, "The Norman theory and Soviet historical science."

Box 20 Iaresh, L., "Obrazovanie tsentralizovannogo russkogo gosudarstva (XIV-pol. XVI v.) v izobrazhenii sovetskoi istoriografii," 46 pages

This was number 76 in the mimeographed series, "Two essays in Soviet historiography."

Box 20 Iaresh, L., "Tsar' Ivan Groznyi i terror oprichininy v kharakteristike sovetskoi istoriografii," 31 pages (With related material).

Box 20 Iaresh, L., "Voina 1812 goda Rossii s Napoleonom I v izobrazhenii sovetskoi istoriografii," 31 pages (With related material).

Box 20 Iaresh, L., "Vopros o roli lichnosti v istorii v osveshchenii sovetskoi nauki," 48 pages (With related material).

Box 20 Iaresh, L., "Vopros ob 'Epokhe soslovno-predstavitel'noi monarkhii v Rossii', i issledovanie etoi epokhi v sovetskoi istoriografii," 56 pages

Box 20 Iaresh, L., "Sovetskaia istoricheskaia nauka, posviashchennia otsenke i kharakteristike imperatritsy Ekateriny II i ee vremeni"

This was number 76 in the mimeographed series, "Two essays in Soviet historiography."

Box 20 Iarovyi, Petro, "Ukrains'kyi natsionalistychnyi rukh i diial'nist' Banderivshchyny," 35 pages

With English translation entitled, "The Ukrainian nationalist movement and the activities of the Banderist group."

Box 20 Istokov, Boris, "Vospitanie kalmytskoi molodezhi v sovetskikh shkolakh," 65 pages

Box 20 Ivanov, Nikolay, "Higher technical training in the USSR," 58 pages

This was number 42 in the mimeographed series.

Box 20 Karov, D. , "Chernyi voron," 38 pages

Box 20 Karov, D. , "Nemetskaia kontrrazvedka v okkupirovannykh oblastiakh SSSR v voinu 1941-1945 gg.," 101 pages (With related material)

Box 20 Karov, D., "Pamiatka partizana," 71 pages

Box 20 Karov, D., "Russkaia politsiia v okkupirovannykh oblastiakh SSSR v voinu 1941-1945 gg.," 109 pages (With related material).

Box 21 Khal'skii, Vasilii, "Sovetskii letchik," 99 pages

Box 21 Kirimal, Edige, "Krimsko-Turetskaia sem'ia i polozhenie zhenshchiny musul'manki Kryma do i posle revoliutsii 1917 goda," 25 pages

With related material and English translation entitled, "The Crimean Turkish family and Moslem women."

Box 21 Kirimal, Edige, "Otnoshenie sovetskoi vlasti k musul'manskgi religir v Krymu vepokhu 'tatarizatsii' i 'sovetizatsii' Kryma," 23 pages

Box 21 Kirimal, Edige, "Sovetskaia istoricheskaia nauka na uslugakh u russkogo imperializma," 12 pages

With German translation entitled, "Sowjetische Geschichtswissenschaft in Dienste des Russischern imperialismus."

Box 22 Kitaev, M. I., "Ataka filosofii zapada," 15, 29 pages

Box 22 Kitaev, M. I., "Partiinye portrety," 337 pages

This was number 67 in the mimeographed series, "Communist party officials: A group of portraits."

Box 22 Kitaev, M. I., "Portrety akademikov," unpaginated

With English translation, "Portraits of academicians."

Box 22 Kokhno, Katerina, "Krytychna analiza osnov sovets'koi osvitn'o-vikhovno systemi," 212 pages

Box 22 Kokhno, Katerina, "Sovets'ka pedahohika i zastosuvannia amerikans'kikh pedahohichnikh idei v systemi SSSR," 37 pages

With English translation entitled, "Soviet pedagogy and the application of American educational ideas in the USSR system."

Box 23 Kolosov, Mikhail, "Kak strazhalas' sovetskaia armiia," 100 pages

Box 23 Kolosov, Mikhail, "Kommunisticheskaia partiia i sovetskaia armiia," 60 pages

Box 23 Kolosov, Mikhail, "A leap out of hell," 47 pages

Box 23 Kolosov, Mikhail, "The militarization of the population," unpaginated

Box 23 Kolosov, Mikhail, "Osobye otdely sovetskoi armii," 40 pages

Box 23 Kolosov, Mikhail, "Protivotankovye chasti soedineniia sovetskoi armii," 36 pages

Box 23 Kolosov, Mikhail, "The Soviet army," 220 pages

Box 24 Koshenova, Tuka, "Women's consultation offices in the Soviet Union," 49 pages

Box 24 Kosonesov, "Voprosy zasekrechennosti v geologicheskoi sluzhbe SSSR," 101 pages

With English translation entitled, "Secret and security regulations in the USSR."

Box 24 Kostiuk, Grigorii [Hryhoryi], "Padenie P. P. Postysheva," 32 pages

With English translation. This was number 69 in the mimeographed series, "The fall of Postyshev."

Box 25 Kostiuk, Grigorii [Hryhoryi], "Ukraina posle 1930 goda," 530 pages

Box 26 Kotsevalov, Andrei, "Classical philology and philosophy," 214 pages

Box 26 Kotsevalov, Andrei, "Nauka o klassicheskoi drevnosti v Sovetskom Soiuze," 272 pages

Box 26 Kripton, Konstantin, "Natsional'nye men'shinstva sovetskogo krainego severa," 273 pages

with English translation entitled, "National minorities in the Soviet north."

Box 26 Kripton, Konstantin, "Politika sovetskogo pravitel'stva v severnykh natsional'nykh raionakh posle vtoroi mirovoi voiny," 32 pages

Box 27 Kuz'min, Ivan, "Postroenie sovetskikh organov bezopasnosti v Pol'shche [sic] i ikh deistvie," 22 pages

Box 27 Kuz'min, Ivan, "Sovetskie liudi na rukovodiashchikh postakh v Pol'shche [sic], 8 pages (with related material).

Box 27 Lawrynenko, Jurij, "Ukrainian communism," 35 pages

This was published by the RP-USSR in 1953 as the introduction to Lawrynenko's, "Ukrainian communism and Soviet Russian policy toward the Ukraine: An annotated bibliography, 1917-1953."

Box 27 Leontii, "Kontrol' nad pravoslavnoi tserkov'iu v Sovetskom Soiuze," 149 pages

Box 28 Leskov, Vlas, "Deiatel'nost' partiinoi organizatsii Polka," 11 pages

Box 28 Leskov, Vlas, "Vneshniaia torgovlia v vostochnoi Germanii," 15 pages

Box 28 Liaskovskii, N., "Metody, kotorymi diktatura organizovyvaet narodnye massyna osushchestvlenie postavlennykh eiu tselei," 51 pages

Box 28 Liaskovskii, N., "O nekotorykh problemakh sotsiologii sovetskogo obshchestva," 65 pages

Box 28 Liaskovskii, N., "Slabye i sil'nye storony sovetskoi gosudarstvennoi mashiny," 27 pages

Box 28 Lunin, "Raboche-krest'ianskaia militsiia," 51 pages (with English translation).

Box 28 M., N., "Organizatsiia upravleniia universitetov v SSSR," 64 pages

Box 28 Maistrenko, Ivan, "Borot'bizm: Istoriia odnieichii ukrarns'koho kommunizmu," 341 pages

This was the ninth book-length work published by RP-USSR. It was issued in 1954 and entitled, "Borot'bism: A chapter in the history of Ukrainian communism."

Box 30 Manuilov, M. D. , "Odessa v period vtoroi mirovoi voiny, 1941-1944," 155 pages

Box 30 Miller, M., "Arkheologiia v SSSR," 184 pages

Box 30 Miller, M., "Introduction to the history of the Don-Azov Basin," 352 pages

Box 31 Miller, M., "Pervobytnyi period v istorii Nizhnego Dnepra," 511 pages plus 117 pages of maps and drawings

Box 31 Miller, M., "Zhurnal obsledovaniia pobberezh'ia i ostrov r, Dnepra ot kolonii Iamburg do Dnepropetrovska 1931-1932 gg.," 330 pages with illustrations

Box 31 Miropol'skii, Alekandr, "F. O. N.," [Fakul'tety Osobogo Naznacheniia], 35 pages (with English translation).

Box 31 Moskalenko, Andrij, "Pohliady radians'kykh istorikiv na Bohdana Khmel'nytskoho, Pereiaslavs'ku uhodu 1654 roku na Ivan Mazepa ta Poltavs'ku Bitvu 1709 r.," unpaginated

This was number 73 in the mimeographed series, "Khmel'nyts'kyi and the Treaty of Pereyaslav in Soviet historiography," 40 pages.

Box 32 Nevskii, Viacheslav, "Sovetskaia sel'skokhoziaistvennaia politika v vostochnoi Germanii posle vtoroi mirovoi voiny," 75 pages

Box 32 Nickel, S., "Die deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in der SU," 112 pages

Box 32 Nickel, S., "Luba-Die Geschichte eines Madchens aus Russland," 50 pages (with related material).

Box 33 Okinshevich, L., "Nauka istorii prava velikogo kniazhestva litovskogo," 49 pages

This was number 32 in the mimeographed series, "The law of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania."

Box 36 Pavlov, M., "Teachers' training schools in Kirghizia," 37 pages (With related material).

Box 36 Petrus, K., "Kommuny religioznikov v SSSR," 121 pages

With English translation entitled, "Religious communes in the USSR." This was number 44 in the mimeographed series, "Religious communes in the USSR."

Box 36 Polonska-Vasilenko, Natalia, "Colonization of South Ukraine, 1734-1775," 447 pages (with related material).

Box 37 Proshchakov, B. V., "Zhizn' i rabota professorov v SSSR," 48 pages (with partial English translation).

Box 37 R., A., "Birobidzhan vmesto Palestiny," 187 pages

Box 37 Rokosovsky, V., "Repatriatsiia sovetskikh grazhdan," 12 pages

Box 38 Romano, Nina, "Professor Pletnev v Kremle," 52 pages

Box 38 Rossianin, Ivan, "F. O. N.: Fakul'tet osobogo naznacheniia," (With English translation).

Box 38 Rossianin, Ivan, "Ia prepodaval enkevedistam," 47 pages (with related material).

Box 38 Rossianin, Ivan, "Pedagogicheskie instituty Sovetskogo Soiuza," 35 pages

Box 38 Rudol'f, Vladimir, "NKVD-NKGB, MGB-MVD v Germanii," 12 pages (with related material).

Box 38 Rudol'f, Vladimir, "Vnutrennie vzaimootnosheniia sovetskikh khoziaistvennykh organizatsii i iz rukovoditelei v sovetskoi zone Germanii," 36 pages

Box 38 Samarin, V., "Sovetskaia shkola v 1936-1942 gg.," 46 pages

Box 38 Samarin, V., "The years of turmoil: In German occupied regions of Russia from 1941-1945" 13 pages

This was number 58 in the mimeographed series, "Civilian life under the German occupation, 1942-1944."

Box 38 Sapozhkov, V. P. (Riazanov, V.), "Dukhovnye svoistva russkogo naroda," 309 pages (with related material).

Box 39 Savchenko, A., "Organizatsiia komendatur: oblastnykh, raionnykh i poselkovykh, ikh funktsii i obiazannosti," 42 pages (with related material).

Box 40 Selehen, Halyna, "Sotsial'nyi sostav naseleniia SSSR po perepisi 1939 goda," 33 pages

Box 40 Shatov, M., "Sketches of the operations of the NKVD," unpaginated

Box 41 Shteppa, Konstantin F. [Godin, V.], "Feliks Dzerzhinskii: sozdatel' ChK osnovatel' "chekizma": K istorii sovetskogo terrorizma." 69 pages (with related material and English translation).

Box 41 Shteppa, Konstantin F. [Godin, V.], "Leading Soviet historians," 219 pages

Box 42 Shteppa, Konstantin F. [Godin, V.], "Na istoricheskom fronte: Sovetskaia istoricheskaia nauka i politicheskaia liniia praviashchei partii, 1917-1953," 75 pages (with related material).

Box 43 Shteppa, Konstantin F. [Godin, V.], "Na istoricheskom fronte: Sovetskaia istoricheskaia nauka i politicheskaia liniia praviashchei partii, 1917-1953" (related material).

Box 43 Shteppa, Konstantin F., [Godin, V.], "Osnovy Stalinizma," unpaginated

Box 44 Shumilin, I. N. , "Pravda o religii v SSSR," unpaginated

Box 45 Sokolov, V. L., "Demontazh nemetskoi nauki i tekhniki," 56 pages

This was number 72 in the mimeographed series, "Soviet use of German science and technology 1945-1946."

Box 45 Sonevytsky, Leonid, "The Paris Peace Conference and the Polish-Ukrainian conflict in Galicia," 21 pages

Box 45 Sorochenko, Nina M., "General'naia liniia partii i doshkol'noe vospitanie v SSSR," 66 pages

With English translation entitled, "The general line of the party and preschool education in the USSR."

Box 46 Tanin, Boris, "Mikhail Oktan," 13 pages

Box 46 Tanin, Boris, "TsK VLKSM: Nizovye organizatsii," 24 pages

Box 46 Tulin, Mikhail, "Counter-intelligence detachments of the Committee of State Security: Political and party organizations in the Soviet army and their relationships," 49 pages

Box 46 Tulin, Mikhail, "Komsomol'skie organizatsii v sovetskoi armii i ikh vzaimootnoshenie s organami kontrrazvedki KGB SSSR," 30 pages

Box 46 Tushin, N., "Evreiskaia avtonomnaia oblast'," 27 pages

Box 46 Tushin, N., "Politicheskaia rabota (Polirabota) v krasnoi armii," 74 pages

Box 46 Ugriumov, G., "Ispoved," 59 pages

Box 47 V., A., "Shkoly spetsial'nogo naznacheniia," 22 pages

Box 47 Varlamov, V., "Dvorianskie revoliutsionery: Dekabristy pered sudom sovetskoi istoriografii," 117 pages

With English translation entitled, "The appraisal of the 'Aristocratic Revolutionaries': The Decembrists in Soviet historiography."

Box 47 Varlamov, V., "Narodnichestvo pered sudom Bol'shevistkoi istoriografii," 242 pages

With related material and English translation entitled, "Populism before the bar of Bolshevik historiography."

Box 48 Varlamov, V., "Russkie 'Iakobintsy' i 'Blankisty': M. Bakunin, S. Nechaev, P. Zaichnevskii i P. Tkachev v sovetskoi istoriografii," 36 pages

With English translation. This was number 79 in the mimeographed series and was entitled, "Bakunin and the Russian Jacobins and Blanquists as evaluated by Soviet historiography."

Box 48 Varlamov, V., "Russkie prosvetiteli XVIII veka: Radishchev i Novikov v sovetskoi istoriografii," 80 pages

Box 48 Vibe, G., "Obshchestvenno-politicheskie aspekty zhizni studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii SSSR," 86 pages

With related material and English translation entitled, "Student life in a Soviet university."

Box 52 Zorin, P., "Sovetskie voennye tribunaly," 40 pages

This was number 50 in the mimeographed series, "Soviet military tribunals."

Box 53 Musazade, Mecid, "Guide to bibliographic materials on Azerbaidjani [Azerbaijani] history located in the New York Public Library," approximately 500 index cards.

Box oversize A set of 45 charts entitled, "General organizational structure of the NKVD of the USSR".

Box oversize Two maps entitled, "Karta evreiskoi avtonomnoi SSR".

Subseries I.3: Science

Box 9 Basilevich, Ivan, "Soviet geriatrics," 1160 pages (with partial English translation).

Box 10 Belov, K., "Dialekticheskii materializm i fizika v SSSR," 50 pages

Box 10 Belov, K., "Razvitie fiziki v Sbvetskom Soiuze"

With English translation entitled, "The development of physics in the USSR."

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, "Geologicheskie nauki v SSSR," 38 pages

Box 13 Efremov, Nikolai, Miscellaneous scientific papers, unpaginated

Box 16 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Izgnanie dukha v sovetskom materializme: Uchenie Bekhtereva i Pavlova o refleksakh i sud'ba ego," 545 pages

Box 16 Filipov, Aleksandr P., "Lenin and Soviet science," 20 pages

Box 22 Kitaev, M. I., "Science, politics and social relationships in the Academy of Sciences," 92 pages

Box 24 Koshevatyi, N., "Usloviia nauchnoi raboty v SSSR v oblasti biologii," 123 pages

Box 27 Kubanskii, "Geologicheskie nauki v SSSR," 38 pages

Box 28 M., N., "Sovetskaia delegatsiia na mezhdunarodnom matematicheskom s"ezde 1954 goda (Amsterdam)," 11 pages (With English translation).

Box 30 Marchenko, V. P., "The planning of scientific work in the USSR," 59 pages (With related material)

This was number 35 in the Mimeographed Series published by the RP-USSR in 1953 and entitled, "Planirovanie nauchnoi raboty v SSSR."

Box 32 Nevskii, Viacheslav, "Pochvovedenie v SSSR," 130 pages

With related material and English translation entitled, "Soil science in the USSR."

Box 33 Obraztsov, N. S., "O nauchnoi rabote v SSSR v oblasti zoologii," 170 pages (with English translation).

Box 33 Obraztsov, N. S., "O nekotorykh teoreticheskikh voprosakh v sovremennoisovetskoi zoologii," 63 pages

Box 40 Sementsov, A., "Khimiia v SSSR," 44 pages (with English translation).

Box 48 Vetukhiv, M., "Usloviia raboty po genetike v SSSR," 68 pages

With English translation entitled, "The state of genetics in the Soviet Union."

Box 52 Znamenskii, A. V., "O molekuliarnoi dielektricheskoi postoiannoi," 9 pages

Box 52 Znamenskii, A. V., "O molekuliarnoi refraktsii u prirodnykh minerallov," 22 pages (with related material)

Subseries I.4: The arts

Box 1 Anonymous, "Jewish Art Theater in Moscow," 54 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Nashenivstvo, kak belorusskoe literaturno-natsional'noe dvizhenie," 65 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Russkii iazyk pri sovetakh," 6 pages

Box 3 Anonymous, "Slovar' blatnogo iazyka," 114 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Teatral'nye uchebnye zavedeniia v Sovetskom Soiuze," 16 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Tserkovne mystetsvo ukrainy v doby barokka," 36 pages

Box 4 Anonymous, "Velikii perelom: Iz istorii sovetskoi literatury, 1929-1934 gg.," 48 pages

Box 5 Adamovich, Anton, "Oppozitsionnye techeniia v Belorusskoi sovetskoi literature," 315 pages (with related material).

Box 6 Aivazian, Gurgen, "Teatr i dramaturgiia v Armenii posle sovetizatsii," 69 pages (with English translation).

This was number 74 in the mimeographed series, "The theater in Soviet Azerbaidzhan [Azerbaijan]."

Box 6 Aivazian, Gurgen, "Teatr i teatral'noe iskusstvo v Zakavkaz'i posle sovetizatsii," 59 pages

Box 8 Babitskii, P. and Lutich, M., "Fil'my i rezhissery sovetskogo kino," 53 pages

This was number 31 in the mimeographed series, "The Soviet movie industry."

Box 8 Babitskii, P. and Rimberg, J., "The Soviet film industry," 374 pages

Box 11 Chaplenko, Vasilii, "Sprava ukraĭns'koi shkoli na Naddniprianshchini i Kubani," 12 pages

Box 11 Chaplenko, Vasilii, "Ukrains'ki movni: Problemy v period 1905-1917 r.r.," 18 pages

Box 12 Domherr, Ludwig, "American words and expressions and their Russian equivalents," 53 pages

Box 13 Ershov, P., "The attempt to train cadres of actors for the Moldavian and Bulgarian theaters, 1934-1938: The Odessa Theatrical Technicum," 30 pages

Box 13 Ershov, P., "Fantasticheskaia i utopicheskaia literatura v SSSR," 69 pages

This was number 62 in the mimeographed series, "Science fiction and Utopian fantasy in Soviet literature."

Box 13 Ershov, P., "Literatura narodov SSSR v osveshchenii Bol'shoi sovetskoi entsiklopedii," 17 pages

With English translation entitled, "Survey of articles on literature of Soviet nationalities in the New Soviet Encyclopedia."

Box 14 Ershov, P., "Smekh v sovetskom teatre," 517 pages

With related material and English translation entitled, "Laughter in the Soviet theater," pages 1-250.

Box 15 Ershov, P., "Laughter in the Soviet theater," pages 251-553.

Box 17 Finn, A., "Partiinye i obshchestvennye organizatsii v redaktsii gazety," 37 pages (with related material and English translation).

Box 17 Gaev, Arkadii, "Zametki o metodakh raspredeleniia pressy v SSSR," 2 pages

Box 18 Hirniak, Yosup, "Narys ukrains'koho porevoliutsiinoho teatru," 126 pages

Box 18 Hirniak, Yosup, "Ukrainian theater," 107 pages

Box 25 Kotliar, A., "Hazeta v SSSR: Spohady i notatki sovets'koho zhurnalista," 117 pages

This was number 71 in the mimeographed series, "Newspapers in the USSR: Recollections and observations of a Soviet journalist."

Box 27 Kudaibergen, K., "Kirghiz proverbs," 65 pages

Box 30 Maksimov, Sergei, "Denish Bushuev," 369 pages

Box 30 Maksimov, Sergei, "Kak delaiutsia kar'ery," 40 pages

Box 34 Ol'khovskii, Andrei, "Agoniia sovetskoi muzyki," 619 pages (With related material).

Box 34 Ol'khovskii, Andrei, "Creative freedom or another round of 'activation'," 6 pages

Box 34 Ol'khovskii, Andrei, "Muzykal'noe obrazovanie v SSSR," 32 pages

Box 35 Ol'khovskii, Andrei, "Sergiei Sergieievich Prokof'ev [sic]," 494 pages

Box 35 Orlovskii, Sergei, "Kolkhozno-sovkhoznye teatry," 14 pages

Box 35 Orlovskii, Sergei, "Moskovskie teatry v 1917-1941 godakh," 129 pages

Box 35 Pavlov, M., "Ivan Eroshin," 3 pages

Box 35 Pavlov, M., "Literaturnaia gruppa 'Nastoiashchee' kak terroristicheskaia gruppirovka v sibirskoi literature," 20 pages

Box 35 Pavlov, M., "Ob oirotskoi literature," 7 pages

Box 37 Ramenskii, G. G. [Menskii, R.], "Partiia i literatura," 17 pages

Box 37 Ramenskii, G. G. [Menskii, R.], "Sozhzhenie Rafaelia," 19 pages

Box 37 Ramenskii, G. G. [Menskii, R.], "Teatr v sovetskom kontslagere," 163 pages

Box 39 Seduro, Vladimir, "Belorusskii teatr i drama," 583 pages

This was the tenth book-length work published by the Research Program on the USSR. Issued in 1955, it was entitled, "The Byelo-russian theater and drama."

Box 39 Seduro, Vladimir, "Byelorussian opera and ballet: From folk song to opera," 333 pages

Box 40 Seduro, Vladimir, "Dostoevskii v literaturnoi kritike," 557 pages (with related material).

Box 44 Sichyns'kyi, Volodymyr, "Ukrains'ka derevliana arkhitektura i riz'ba," 118 pages

Box 47 Varlamov, V., "Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' literatury o M. Bakunine, S. Nechaeve, P. Zaichnevskom i P. Tkacheve," 20 pages

Box 48 Vitov, Nikolai, "Literaturnyi institut im. Gor'kogo," 110 pages

Box 48 Volkov, Boris, "Khudozhniki sovetskogo teatra," 34 pages

Box 48 Volkov, Boris, "Teatr v krasnoi armii," 45 pages

Box 48 Zavalishin, Viacheslav, Miscellaneous poetry translations, unpaginated

Box 48 Zavalishin, Viacheslav, "Pavel Vasil'ev," 25 pages

Box 48 Zavalishin, Viacheslav, "Russkaia literatura poslevoennogo perioda: 1917-1951 gg.," 639

Box 49 Zavalishin, Viacheslav, "Russkaia literatura poslevoennogo perioda: 1917-1951 gg.," unpaginated

Box 50 Zavalishin, Viacheslav, "Russkaia literatura poslevoennogo perioda: 1917-1951 gg.," unpaginated

Box 51 Zavalishin, Viacheslav, "Russkaia literatura v period grazhdanskoi voiny i voennogo kommunizma," unpaginated (with related material)

Series II: Printed material

The Research Program on the USSR published two sets of manuscripts, selected from among the approximately 400 manuscripts commissioned by the program. These were the so-called "Mimeographed Series" of article-length manuscripts (Subseries II.1) and a smaller series of book-length works (Subseries II.2). The titles of these publications were translated into English regardless of the language of the text, which was usually Russian. The collection does not include all of the original manuscripts published by the RP-USSR. It is also lacking several printed items from the Mimeographed Series: numbers 5, 6, 11, and 19.

Subseries II.1: Mimeographed Series

Box 54 1. Anonymous, "Army requisitions in Soviet Russia."

Box 54 2. Anonymous, "Soviet requisitions in occupied Germany."

Box 54 3. Naidenov, Andrew [Andrei], "Administration of Azerbaijani industry."

Manuscript in Box 32.

Box 54 4. Anonymous, "Kamchatka: Survey and recollections."

Manuscript in Box 3.

Box 54 7. Anonymous, "The Moscow Literary Museum and Archives."

Box 54 8. Anonymous, "Political work in the Soviet army."

Box 54 9. Anonymous, "Electrification plans and the deficiency of electric power for industry in the Soviet Union."

Box 54 10. Anonymous [Dobrovolskii, Aleksandr], "Party and administration in the Leningrad Agricultural Institute."

Manuscript in Box 12.

Box 54 12. Anonymous, "Lenin School for training of political officers of the Soviet army."

Box 54 13. Anonymous, "The shelter-belt project: Postwar afforestation in the USSR."

Box 54 14. Anonymous, "Soviet military intelligence: Two sketches."

Box 54 15. Anonymous, "Notes of a political prisoner."

Box 54 16. Anonymous, "The operation of a state farm."

Box 54 17. Anonymous [Kuz'min, Ivan], "Soviet security agencies in postwar Poland."

Manuscript in Box 27.

Box 54 18. Anonymous, "Soviet generals: Personalities, attitudes and conflicts."

Box 54 20. Anonymous, "Construction materials of the Northern Caucasus."

Manuscript in Box 1.

Box 54 21. Ossadcha-Janata, Natalia, "Herbs used in Ukrainian folk medicine."

Box 54 22. Belosor, S., "An NKVD Sovkhoz in the Altai region."

Box 54 23. Anonymous, "Prospects for oil output in the USSR by 1960."

Box 54 24. Uranov, Peter [Petr], "Some aspects of Soviet price policy."

Box 54 25. Lindemann, Vladimir, "Soviet forestation: Agricultural and social significance."

Box 54 26. Budanow, Jakow, "Technical institutes in the USSR."

Box 54 27. Anonymous, "Soviet political personalities: seven profiles."

Box 55 28. Istokov, Boris, "Some aspects of Kalmyk history and society."

Box 55 29. Sosnovy, T., "The Soviet urban housing problem."

Manuscript in Box 45.

Box 55 30. Anonymous, "Political indoctrination in the Soviet postwar army."

Box 55 31. Babitsky [Babitskii] and Lutich, "The Soviet movie industry: Two studies."

Manuscripts in Box 8.

Box 55 32. Okinshevich, Leo, "The law of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Background and bibliography."

Manuscript in Box 33.

Box 55 33. Belosor, S., "Kolkhoz mechanization."

Box 55 34. Krushinsky, S., "Byelorussian communism and nationalism: Personal recollections."

Box 55 35. Martschenko, Basilius [Marchenko, V. P.], "Soviet population trends," 1926-1939."

Box 55 36. Dmitriev, I., "Party and political organs in the Soviet army."

Manuscript in Box 12.

Box 55 37. Alexandrov, Vladimir [Aleksandrov], "Soviet dismantling of equipment in postwar Germany."

Manuscript in Box 6.

Box 55 38. Makhiv, Gregory, "The science of fertilization in Ukrainian agriculture."

Box 55 39. Mab, Mikhail, "The administration of the coal industry in Soviet-occupied Germany."

Box 55 40. Glinka, Gleb, "Pereval: The withering of literary spontaneity in the USSR."

Box 55 41. Korol, Nestor, "The introduction of new plants in Soviet agriculture: Supervision and control."

Manuscript in Box 24.

Box 55 42. Ivanov, Nicolay, "Higher technical training in the USSR."

Manuscript in Box 20.

Box 55 43. Kazakov, G., "The 1952 plan for the draining of the pripet marshes."

Box 55 44. Petrus, K., "Religious communes in the USSR."

Manuscript in Box 36.

Box 55 45. Domherr, Ludwig, "The Pushkin edition of the USSR Academy of Sciences."

Box 55 46. Philipov, Alexander [Filipov, Aleksandr], "The concise philosophical dictionary: A critical review."

Box 55 47. Markov, George, "Urban construction in the Soviet Union."

Manuscript in Box 30.

Box 55 48. Nikitin, P., "Lespromkhoz as an administrative and production unit."

Box 55 49. Dawletschin, T. [Davletshin], "Cultural life in the Tatar Autonomous Republic."

Manuscript in Box 12.

Box 55 50. Zorin, P., "Soviet military tribunals."

Manuscript in Box 52.

Box 56 51. Uranov, Peter, "Consumer cooperatives in the Soviet Union."

Manuscript in Box 46.

Box 56 52. Yaresh, Leo A. [Iaresh], "Arbitration in the Soviet Union."

Manuscript in Box 19.

Box 56 53. Dubicki, Jan, "Elements of disloyalty in Turkmenistan."

Box 56 54. Kolymsky, Peter, "Solonetz and chestnut brown solonetzic soils in the USSR."

Manuscript in Box 24.

Box 56 55. Starosolskyj, Jurij, "The principle of analogy in criminal law: an aspect of Soviet legal thinking."

Box 56 56. Anisimov, Oleg, "The German occupation in Northern Russia during World War II: Political and administrative aspects."

Box 56 57. Yershov, Peter [Ershov, P.], "Soviet national literature in the New Soviet encyclopedia."

Manuscript in Box 13.

Box 56 58. Samarin, Vladimir D., "Civilian life under German occupation, 1942-1944."

Manuscript in Box 38.

Box 56 59. Anonymous, "Soviet shipping in the Spanish Civil War."

Box 56 60. Yanivs'kyi, B. [Ianivs'kyi], "Kostomarov's 'Books of Genesis of Ukrainian people'."

Manuscript in Box 19.

Box 56 61. Alexeev, Wassilij [Alekseev, Vasilii], "Russian Orthodox bishops in the Soviet Union, 1941-1953: Materials for the history of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USSR."

Box 56 62. Yershov, Peter [Ershov, P.], "Science fiction and Utopian fantasy in Soviet literature."

Manuscript in Box 13.

Box 56 63. Dobrovolsky, Alexander [Dobrovolskii, Aleksandr], "Economic administration and labor productivity on a Soviet state farm."

Manuscript in Box 12.

Box 56 64. Taskin, George A., "Geographic studies in Soviet universities and teachers' colleges."

Box 56 65. Kytasty, Hryhory, "Some aspects of Ukrainian music under the Soviets."

Box 56 66. Finn, A., "Experiences of a Soviet journalist."

Box 56 67. Kitaeff, Michael [Kitaev, M. I.], "Communist party officials: A group of portraits."

Manuscript in Box 22.

Box 57 68. Artemiev, Viacheslav [Artem'ev], "Selection and training of Soviet personnel for trade missions abroad and the Soviet trade mission in Iran: Two "brief studies."

Manuscript in Box 8.

Box 57 69. Kostiuk, Hryhory, "The fall of Postyshev."

Manuscript in Box 24.

Box 57 70. Alexeev, Wassilij [Alekseev, Vasilii], "The foreign policy of the Moscow patriarchate, 1939-1953: Materials for the history of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USSR II."

Manuscript in Box 6.

Box 57 71. Kotlyar, A. [Kotliar], "Newspapers in the USSR: Recollections and observations of a Soviet journalist."

Manuscript in Box 25.

Box 57 72. Sokolov, V. L., "Soviet use of German science and technology, 1945-1946"

Manuscript in Box 45.

Box 57 73. Moskalenko, Andrij, "Khmel'nyts'kyi and the Treaty of Pereyaslav in Soviet historiography."

Manuscript in Box 31.

Box 57 74. Ayvasian, Kourken [Aivazian, Gurgen], "The theater in Soviet Azerbaidzhan [Azerbaijan]."

Manuscript in Box 6.

Box 57 75. Stec, George, "The local budget system of the USSR: Its development and functions."

Manuscript in Box 46.

Box 57 76. Yaresh, Leo [Iaresh], "Two essays in Soviet historiography: The centralized Russian state of the seventeenth century; The age of Catherine II."

Manuscript in Box 20.

Box 57 77. Burmeister, Alfred, "Dissolution and aftermath of the Comintern: Experiences and observations, 1937-1947."

Manuscript in Box 11.

Box 57 78. Nikitin, P., "Organization and utilization of forests in the Ukrainian SSR."

Manuscript in Box 32.

Box 57 79. Varlamov, V., "Bakunin and the Russian Jacobins and Blanquists as evaluated by Soviet historiography."

Manuscript in Box 48.

Subseries II.2: Book-length works

Box 58 1. Philipov, Alexander [Filipov, Aleksandr], "Logic and dialectic in the Soviet Union."

Manuscript in Box 16.

Box 58 2. Krypton, Constantine [Kripton, Konstantin], "The Northern Sea Route: Its place in Russian economic history before 1917."

Box 58 3. Yershov, Vasili [Ershov, Vasilii] et al., "Soviet economic policy in postwar Germany."

Box 58 4. Lawrynenko, Jurij, "Ukrainian communism and Soviet Russian policy toward the Ukraine: An annotated bibliography 1917-1953."

Box 58 5. Kazakov, George, "Soviet peat resources: A descriptive study."

Manuscript in Box 21.

Box 58 6. Artemyev, Vyacheslav P. [Artem'ev, Viacheslav P.], "Political controls in the Soviet army."

Box 58 7. Hirniak, Yosup et al., "Soviet theaters 1917-1941: A collection of articles."

Box 58 8. Sosnovy, Timothy, "The housing problem in the Soviet Union."

Manuscript in Box 45.

Box 58 9. Majstrenko, Iwan [Maĭstrenko, Ivan], "Borot'bism: A chapter in the history of Ukrainian communism."

Manuscript in Box 28.

Box 58 10. Seduro, Vladimir, "The Byelorussian theater and drama."

Manuscript in Box 39.

Box 58 Miscellaneous printed materials