Ignat Arkhipovich Bilyi Papers, 1918-1973

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Series I: Correspondence, 1920-1973

Series mostly consists of the correspondence related to Bilyi's activities as Ataman, and the journal "Kazak". There is also correspondence related to the activities of anti-Communist groups (such as the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations - ABN), and some personal correspondence. Arranged chronologically.

Box 1 1920-1964

Box 2 1965-1969

Box 3 1969-1973

Box 5 Envelopes

Series II: Manuscripts and Notes

Series includes articles, reminiscences, drafts of appeals and proclamations, and speeches mostly concerning the Cossack movement, Cossack history, and the anti-Communist movement.

Box 4 Articles, reminiscences, appeals, proclamations, speeches

Series III: Documents, 1919-1970

Series mostly consists of documents regarding KNOD and related organizations for the period ca. 1955-1970; a few documents relate to the Cossacks in 1919-1945.

Documents of interest from the period 1919-1949 include the following:

(in chronological order)

Box 5 Prikaz Kubanskogo Voiskovogo Atamana (po Kubanskomu Kraiu) no. 65, Ekaterinodar, 6 Dec. 1919

Box 5 Report to "Pan Golovnyi Otaman", 10 Aug. 1920, (typescript)

Box 5 Posluzhnyi spisok podkhorunzhago 2 Umanskoi Sotni 2 Svodno-Kubanskogo Polka K. K. V. Prisiagi, 1921, (manuscript)

Box 5 Report to General Weygand about Kuban Cossacks and Volunteer Army, ca. 1920, (manuscript)

Box 5 Otkrytoe pis'mo glavnokomanduiushchemu vooruzhennymi silami komiteta osvobozhdeniia narodov Rossii gen.-leitenantu A. A. Vlasovu, by Gen. P. N. Krasnov, nachal'nik glavnogo upravleniia kazach'ikh voisk, 15 March 1945, (typed copy)

Box 5 Sekretnoe soobshchenie Min. Pol'sk. Pravitel'stva o besede pol'skogo predstavitelia Ponikevskogo s prem'erom Ukrainskogo Pavitel'stva Prof. Mazepoi, 14 May 1949

(handwritten translation from Polish)

Series IV: Photographs

Box 5 Bilyi in Cossack dress

Box 5 Various Cossack emigre organization activities

Series V: Paintings and Drawings

Ovesize materials.

Mapcase 14-K-1 Portraits of Ignat Bilyi and his wife, Tatiana Iur'evna, in national dresses (his Cossack, hers Czech)

Mapcase 14-K-1 Cossack leaders

Mapcase 14-K-1 Cossack heraldry

Mapcase 14-K-1 Map of "Cossackia"

Series VI: Subject Files

Series contains clippings, printed materials, notes, and correspondence related to KNOD, ABN, "Kazak", Ukrainian-Cossack relations, and the Vlasov movement. Arranged in alphabetical order.

Box 6 A-B

Box 7 D-Kap

Box 8 Kaz

Box 9 Kaz-M

Box 10 N-Ne

Box 11 Ne-R

Box 12 S

Box 13 T-V

Series VII: Printed Materials

Series includes newspaper "Kazak", printed ephemera, and newspaper clippings mostly from Russian and Ukrainian emigre publications.

Box 18-51 "Kazak" newspaper; ephemera of KNOD, ABN, and similar organizations

Box 14-17 Newspaper clippings