Tear sheets, general:
Box 1
Editing: Document- 3
Box 1
Misc Papers: Documents- 7
Box 1
General Correspondence: Documents (letters, note cards and postcards)- 28; Photos - 6
Box 1
Knopf/Cookbook: Documents- 3
Box 1
Speeches; Documents- 4
Box 1
LOA, 1959-1966: Documents- 5 documents, multi-page
The Literary Classics of the United States/The Library of America:
Box 1
Documents- 68; Booklet from LoA- 1; Folder, The Guardians of American Letters Fund documents- 10
Box 1
Contracts: Documents- 15
Box 1
Random House: Documents- 10
Box 1
FDN, Mail, etc.: Documents- 29
Box 1
Book Business: Documents- 90; Booklets- 1
Box 1
Edited Proofs of Book Business – 6 full unbound printed books, 2 smaller multipage edits, 1; bound uncorrected proof
Box 2
Japan: Documents- 13; Booklets- 2
Box 2
Adler: Documents- 27
Box 2
240 Centre: Documents- 29
Box 2
Siegel, Sacks, Press & Lacher, PC: Documents- 2
Box 2
240 Centre Street: Blueprints- 9
Box 2
SAG Harbor: Documents- 9
Box 2
SH and Montank: Booklets- 7; Documents- 3
Box 2
Research for EH- History & Guide: Documents- 12
Box 2
Inn @ Little Washington: Documents -4
Box 2
Business Correspondence: Documents- 10
Box 2
Garden Readers: Sale Documents- 21; Garden Book Club (Booklets- 6; Documents- 16)
Box 2
Nabokov File: Documents- 2
Box 2
NY Rev/Sale: Documents- 26
Box 2
Speech 11/29/88: Documents- 2
Box 2
Readers Catalogue: Documents- 13
Box 2
Jason Epstein ODB: Documents- 7
Box 2
Jason Epstein ODB 2: Documents- 17
Box 2
ODB: Documents- 18
Box 2
On Demand: Documents- 33
Box 2
On Demand 2: Documents- 7 & Booklet- 1
Box 2
On Demand Books: Documents- 20
Amazon Archives:
Box 2
Amazon Documents- 9;Amazon (Blue folder) &Booklets- 2; Documents- 12; Amazon (Green folder); Documents- 4
Box 2
Lillian Hellman: Documents- 2
Box 2
Gray/Black Notebook- Various notes throughout
Box 3
17 books with written notes and edits
Box 3
7 short (and partial) manuscripts with notes and edits
Box 3
Box of color prints from Staples to add to the archives, scans of books and photographs, kept and/or sold, but with significant inscriptions and letters to Jason
Box 4
3 wood and metal plaques, awards and honors
Box 4
2 round metals with ribbons, awards and honors, 1988, 2000
Box 4
29 tearsheets and New York Review of Books relevant to Jason Epstein
Box 4
Various photographs and unframed awards on paper
Box 4
Envelope of important correspondence with writers
Box 4
Flash drive of all scans and photographs completed by Cyndi Shattuck Archiving
Box 5
John Jay award, 1988
Box 5
2 black-and-white matted photos