Bernard E. Harcourt collection on Doyle Lee Hamm, 1919-2023

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Series XII: Doyle Lee Hamm Lethal Injection Litigation

(In Federal Court in Northern District of Alabama (2017-2018) in case: Hamm v. Dunn 17-CV-02083-KOB)

(All of the pleadings in this federal litigation should be available on PACER now)

Box 12 Folder with Doyle Hamm's medical releases

Box 12 Binder with DLH plaintiff's exhibits

Box 12 Binder with DLH plaintiff's exhibit #8

Box 12 Binder with DLH plaintiff's Donaldson Prison medical records

Box 12 Binder with DLH plaintiff's response to summary judgment motion and exhibits

Box 13 Collection of Donaldson Correctional Facility medical records of Doyle Lee Hamm received by Bernard E. Harcourt, 20 July 2017

Box 13 Large manila envelope of eye doctor medical records of Doyle Lee Hamm received by Bernard E. Harcourt, 3 January 2018

Box 13 Priority U.S. mail box of medical records received from Donaldson Correctional Facility by Bernard E. Harcourt at the Institute for Advanced Study, 3 May 2013