This series contains records related to the Writers in Schools (WinS or WINS) program. This program arranges for authors to visit and also to provide books to students in Washington, D.C. schools. The series contains administrative files, brochures, grant files, guidebooks, photographs, planning records, school publications, author files, and school files.
There are digital photographs and recordings related to the Writers in Schools program in Subseries X.2: Digital Photographs and Series XI: Audiovisual Materials.
Most of the records for individual school visits are closed, as they contain records of individual students and their work, and are restricted under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The majority of the school visit records are related to Spingarn Senior High School and were provided by a single teacher, Vera Rosier.
Administrative Files
Brochures, Guidebooks, etc.
Box 12
Brochures, etc., 2 folders
Box 12
WINS--Summer Writing Program--Guidebook/Workbook, 2012
Box 12
WINS--Summer Supper and Book Club--Guidebooks/Workbooks, 2014, 2015
Box 12
WINS--Teacher Guidebooks, circa 2005, 2012-2017, 2 folders
Box 12
WINS--Volunteers Handbook, circa 2014
Box 13
WINS--Compact Disk, 1 compact disks
2 copies. Content is unclear: this might be related to one of the guidebooks for teachers or volunteers (cover art is similar).
Box 13
WINS--Brighter Strategies, 2018
Consultant; includes program information.
Box 13
Infographic, 2018-2019
Box 13
WINS--Budgets and Expenses, 2001-2006, 7 folders
Box 13
WINS--Expenses, circa 2013-2015
Box 13
WINS--Committee Meeting, 2006 October 27
Includes Executive Committee minutes, information on teacher visits, etc. and a teacher guidebook.
Box 13
WINS Committee Meetings, 2018
Box 13
Data Evaluation Tips (White Papers)
Box 13
WINS School Year (SY) 2018-2019 Report, 2019
Box 14
Dream Me Home Safely Writing Contest, 2005-2006, 4 folders
Correspondence, planning documents, promotional materials, press releases, and student submissions for the student writing contest.
Box 45
WINS--Educator Guide, circa 2006
This isn't a finished guide; file includes student work.
Box 14
WINS--Feasibility Study Report [for Program Expansion], 2000
Box 14
WINS--Feasibility Study Update, circa 2000
Fundraising and Grants
Box 14
WINS--Joseph Suarez [Booz Allen Hamilton], 2007-2008
Box 14
WINS--Hattie Strong, 2007
Box 14
Commonweal, 2007-2008
Box 14
Grants Rejected, 2008-2010
Box 15
Washington D.C. Commision on the Arts and Humanities (DCAAH) FY12 [Guidelines], 2011
Box 15
Herb Block FY13, 2012
Box 15
WINS--Movie Benefit (Binder), 1995-1998
Box 15
WINS--National Advisory Council, 2002
Correspondence, mainly related to invitations and acceptances
Box 15
WINS--National Coordinators--Planning (Binder), 2005-2006, 3 folders
Includes the PEN/Faulkner 2005-2006 Strategic Plan, and feasability studies, meeting notes, and other documentation related to long-range planning for the Writers in Schools program.
Box 15
WINS Observation Form (Master)
Box 16
Photographs, 1999-2008, undated, 6 folders
Mostly photographic prints, some CDs. Includes photographs from Spingarn Senior High School, Francis L. Cardozo Senior High School, Anacostia High School, and others. Some envelopes are identified; the majority of individual photographs are unidentified.
Box 15
WINS--Press, 1991-1992, undated
WINS School Year (SY) 2018-2019--Surveys, 2019
Box 15
Blank Student Surveys
Box 15
Brighter Strategies Notes (Evaluation)
Box 15
WINS Data Snapshot and Current Evaluations
Box 15
WINS Info and Data
Box 15
WINS--Teaching Docs, 2008
Box 15
Together We Read, SY 2018-2019
Box 17
[Washington] D.C. Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative ("DC Collab")--Professional Development Committee, 2001-2006
WINS Author Files
Clippings, correspondence, etc.
Box 17
Menéndez, Ana, 2004
Box 17
Meyers, Margaret, 2000-2001
Box 17
Miller, E. Ethelbert, 2001-2004
Box 17
Norman, Howard, 2002
Box 17
Robinson, Roxanna, 2003
Box 17
Rubio, Gwyn Hyman, 2005
Box 45
Authors--Programs / Schools, 2015-2016
This includes not only author releases, but also student pre-program questionnaires.
WINS Schools
Clippings, correspondence, etc.
Box 45
Anacostia High School, 1989-2005, 4 folders
Include correspondence, evaluations, class materials, examples of student work, etc.
Box 45
Ballou High School, 1990-2001
Includes correspondence, photographs, evaluations
Box 45
Benjamin Banneker High School, circa 1991-2004, 3 folders
Includes correspondence, evaluations, examples of student work, student publication, etc.
Box 46
Benjamin Banneker High School, circa 1991-2004, 5 folders
Includes correspondence, evaluations, examples of student work, student publication, etc.
Box 46
Duke Ellington High School, 1991-2000
Includes correspondence, clippings.
Box 46
Dunbar High School, circa 1993
Box 46
Eastern High School, 1995-2001
Includes correspondence, evaluations, examples of student work, press, etc.
Spingarn Senior High School--Author Files
Author/Teacher Files for Vera Rosier's classes at Springarn Senior High School, including correspondence and pages with photographs and other documentation of the visits (similar those found in the binders in the collection).
Box 46
Gardiner, John, 2000-2001
Box 46
Hyman, Rick and Rhonda, 2000
Box 46
Jones, Edward P., 2008
Box 46
Mehta, Gina, 2003
Box 46
Wideman, John Edgar, 2000
Spingarn Senior High School--Binders
Box 49 Binder 24
Spingarn Senior High School--Waiting, by Ha Jin, 2000
Binder by Vera J. Rosier, for visit to her African American Literature/English IV, Grade 12. Includes correspondence, student assignment examples, evaluations, and documentation of the author's classroom visit.
Box 49 Binder 25
Spingarn Senior High School--Drown, by Junot Díaz, 2002
Binder by Vera J. Rosier, for visit to her class. Includes correspondence, student assignment examples, evaluations, and documentation of the author's classroom visit.
Box 50 Binder 26
Spingarn Senior High School--Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, 2002
Binder by Vera J. Rosier, for visit to her class. Includes correspondence, student assignment examples, evaluations, and documentation of the author's classroom visit.
Box 49 Binder 28
Spingarn Senior High School--The White, by Deborah Larsen, 2003
Binder by Vera J. Rosier, for visit to her African American Literature/English III and IV, Grades 11 and 12. Includes correspondence,student assignment examples, evaluations, and documentation of the author's classroom visit.
Box 50 Binder 27
Spingarn Senior High School--Endangered Species, by Louis Bayard, 2003
Binder by Vera J. Rosier, for visit to her class. Includes correspondence, student assignment examples, evaluations, and documentation of the author's classroom visit.
Box 50 Binder 29
Spingarn Senior High School--A Hole in the Earth, by Robert Bausch, 2004
Binder by Vera J. Rosier, for visit to her class. Includes correspondence, student assignment examples, evaluations, and documentation of the author's classroom visit.
Box 50 Binder 30
Spingarn Senior High School--Drinking Coffee Elsewhere, by ZZ Packer, 2004
Binder by Vera J. Rosier, for visit to her class. Includes correspondence, student assignment examples, evaluations, and documentation of the author's classroom visit.
Box 50
Spingarn Senior High School--Miscellaneous Pictures, circa 1998-2004, 1 folders
Miscellaneous photographs, probably from binders.
Box 17
Spingarn Senior High School--Vera Rosier, 1998-2004
"The Wave" a student literary magazine, and "The Sentinel" school newspaper, include documentation of WINS Programs.