LGBT Ephemera from countries of Eastern Europe, 2015-2023

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Series I: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Croata, Bulgaria, and Albania

Box 1 Folder 1 Brochures (folded), pamphlets, ads., pin buttons (2), 2019, 1 document box

Box 1 Folder 2 2 tote bags

Box 1 Folder 3 1 T-shirt

Box 1 Folder 4 Bulgaria pamphlets (6), 2018-2020

Box 1 Folder 5 Albania pamphlets (4), 2015-2021

Series II: Slovenia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Poland

Flatbox 2 Gejm, ISSN 2670-4471 (v.9, v.10);

Flatbox 2 Kvartirjev Transzine, ISSN 2670-6334 (2019:no.2, 2021:no.4-5);

Flatbox 2 Kvir papir, without ISSN (no.2-11)

Flatbox 2 Miscellaneous pamphlets and ephemera

Box 2 Polish LBTQ+ Icons (Calendar for 2023)