Smith-Plimpton East Asian Collection, circa 700-1937

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Series: Chinese, Books and Manuscripts

The series comprises of Chinese books collected by Smith and Plimpton. The wide range of subjects covered in the books include: Bibliography, Arithmetic and Mathematics, Abacus, Astronomy, Calendar, Classics, Religion, Education, Names, Language and Literature, and Games.

Some items have been individually cataloged. Please search for the following query as Call Numbers in CLIO ( "Smith Chinese" OR "Plimpton Chinese"

The information about the items prefixed with A-Y in this series came from The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, by Miwa Kai, 1989.

Item Smith Chinese C-1 Ji he yuan ben : shi wu juan = 幾何原本 : 十五卷, 1865, 8 volumes

Published: Jinling [Nanjing] : Zeng Guofan shu jian, Qing Tongzhi 4 [1865]

金陵 [南京] : 曾國藩署檢, 清同治4 [1865].

萬曆丁未35年 [1607]; 原序咸豐7年 [1857]; 序同治4年 [1865] 同治四年夏月刻於金陵曾國藩署檢


See CLIO catalog record for more information.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #3

Item Smith Chinese C-2 Jie yuan san zi jing = 解元三字經, 1866, 1 volumes ; 25 cm

Published: [China] : Shi qi fu ming jing ge cang ban, Qing Tongzhi 5 [1866]

平陽,近仁書,清同治丙寅 [5年, 1866] 較正; 十七甫明經閣藏板

刻本/block print Inside of book: 三字經

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #71

Item Smith Chinese C-3 Jian yi suan fa gui chu she yao : si juan = 簡易算法歸除攝要 : 四卷, 1889, 2 volumes ; ill. ; 17 cm

Published: Guangzhou : Shi jie yuan, Qing Guangxu 15 [1889]

粵東: 拾芥園, 清同治5年 [1862], 新刻清光緒15年 [1889]

刻本/block print

Also on title page: 內附找換糶糴提零貴賤同分異乘同除

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #48

Item Smith Chinese C-4 Simplified Arithmetic Chinese Primary School = 簡明筆算教科書 / 壽孝天編纂,商務印書館校訂, 1912, 4 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

Published: Shanghai: Shang wu yin shu guan, Zhonghua minguo yuan nian [1912]

上海: 商務印書館, 中華民國元年 [1912]

訂正 Revised edition


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #4

Item Smith Chinese C-5 Jian ben si shu : [ shi jiu juan ] = 監本四書 : [十九卷] / 朱熹序, 1870, 6 volumes ; 30 cm

[苏州] : 教忠堂, 清同治康午 [9年, 1870]

刻本/block print

Content: 大學1卷,中庸1卷,論語10卷,孟子7卷

On bottom of each 冊: 四書集注

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #58

Item Smith Chinese C-6 Qin ding si ku quan shu · jian ming mu lu quan shu : er shi juan = 欽定四庫全書·簡明目錄全書 : 二十卷 / 永瑢, 1782, 6 volumes ; 18 cm

Published: [Beijing] : [Wu ying dian jian zao], [Qing Qianlong 47 nian, 1784]

[北京] : [武英殿監造], [清乾隆47年, 1784]

刻本/block print

Note: From K.M.Wong

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #1

Item Smith Chinese C-7 Qin ding si ku quan shu zong mu hou fu si ku wei shou shu mu : wu juan juan shou = 欽定四庫全書總目 後附四庫未收書目 : 五卷 卷首 / 阮元撰, 1894, 20 volumes ; 17 cm

Published: Shanghai : dian shi zhai, Qing Guangxu 20 nian [1894]

上海 : 點石齋, 清光緒20年 [1894]

刻本/block print

卷i-200 (20卷)

卷20(卷200後): 四庫未收數目提要5卷,阮元譔

卷21: 欽定四庫全書簡明目錄

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #2

Item Smith Chinese C-8 Chinese games with dice by Stewart Culin, 1889, 21 p. ill. ; 23 cm

Published: Philadelphia: Franklin Printing Co., 1889.

Read before the Oriental Club of Philadelphia, March 14, 1889.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #88

Item Smith Chinese C-9 Jiu zhang suan jing fu bu tu yin yi : er shi qi juan = 九章算經 附補圖音義 : 二十七卷 / 劉徽注, 李淳風等注釋, 1890, 7 volumes ; ill. ; 25 cm

Published: [Shanghai]: [publisher not identified] Qing Guangxu 16 [1890]

春重鋟于滬上, 清光緒庚寅 [16年, 1890]

刻本/block print

第1-3冊: 九章算術. 9 卷.九章算術音義. 1卷.李籍撰(算經十書之2). 第4冊: 策算1卷.海島算經1卷.周髀算經音義1卷.李籍撰. 第5冊: 孫子算經上中下.五替算經5卷. 第6冊: 夏侯陽算經上中下. 第7冊: 張邱建算經上中下.甄鸞注經, 李淳風等注釋, 劉孝孫撰細草.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #5

Item Smith Chinese C-10 Jiu zhang suan jing xi cao tu shuo : jiu juan= 九章算經細草圖說 : 九卷 / 劉徽注, 李淳風等注釋, 鐘祥李潢雲門譔,沈欽裴算校, 1820, 8 volumes ; ill. ; 24 cm

Published: [Beijing] : Yi ya tang, Qing Jiaqing geng chen [25 nian, 1820]

[北京] : 肄雅堂, 清嘉慶庚辰 [25年, 1820]

letter press


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #6

Item Smith Chinese C-11 Chou ren chuan : si shi liu juan , xu juan 47-52 = 疇人傳 : 四十六卷, 續卷47-52 / 阮元撰, 1896, 20 cm

Published: Shanghai: Ji heng tang jing shang yang zhe yi tang, Qing Guangxu bing shen [22 nian, 1896]

上海: 璣衡堂經上洋著易堂, 清光緒丙申 [22年, 1896]

letter press


三編坿近代疇人著述記 7 卷;附記1冊 阮元撰。 續傳。羅士琳續補。疇人傳三編。諸可寶纂錄

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #7

Item Smith Chinese C-12 Zhou bi suan jing : juan shang zhi 1-2, juan shang zhi 3, juan xia zhi 1-3 = 周髀算經 : 卷上之1-2,卷上之3,卷下之1-3 / 趙君卿注,甄鸞重述,李淳風釋,徐立綱恭校, [17--], 2 volumes ; ill. ; 26 cm

Published: [Beijing] : Wu ying dian, Qing [17--]

[北京] : 武英殿, 清 [17--]

武英殿聚珍版=Imperial Printing Press and Bindery ju zhen ban


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #8

Item Smith Chinese C-13 Zhou bi suan jing : shang xia juan = 周髀算經 : 上下卷 / 趙君卿注,甄鸞重述,李淳風等注釋,胡震亭提辭,鮑山較, circa 1621-1627, 4 volumes ; ill. ; 25 cm

Collector Seal: Zhu Changfang (1608-1646) 明潞王朱常淓朱文篆書方印『潞國叢/一□人/世傳寶』; Unidentified □□ (白文方印)

卷上: 周髀音義。李籍撰

卷下: 明 新安鲍山在齋較

Purchased in China by David E. Smith, 1907. With notes by DES. Late Ming block print. Possibly published in Anhui, China.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #9

Item Smith Chinese C-14 Chou suan qian shi : er juan = 籌算淺釋 : 二卷 / 勞乃宣, 1897, 2 volumes ; 27 cm

清光緒丁酉 [23年, 1897]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #10

Item Smith Chinese C-15 Chou suan fen fa qian shi = 籌算分法淺釋 / 勞乃宣, 1898, 1 volumes ; 27 cm

清光緒戊戌 [24年, 1898]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #11

Item Smith Chinese C-16 Chou suan meng ke : zhong = 籌算蒙課 : 終 / 勞乃宣, 1898, 1 volumes ; 27 cm

清光緒戊戌 [24年, 1898]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #12

Item Smith Chinese C-17 Methods for teaching the use of abacus = Chu deng xiao xue zhu suan jiao ke shu jiao shou fa : er juan = 初等小學珠算教科書教授法: 二卷 / 杜綜大,杜秋孫編纂, 1907, 2 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,清光緒33年 [1907]

In colophon: 珠算教科書教授法

Commercial Press's new primary school text books

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #49

Item Smith Chinese C-18 Zhuang yuan you xue shi = 狀元幼學詩, [18--], 1 volumes ; 25 cm

[China] : 舒近仁書,十七甫明經閣藏板年, [18--?]

刻本/block print

Inside of book: 鑑韻幼學

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #84

Item Smith Chinese C-19 Chun qiu bei zhi quan chuan : shi er juan = 春秋備旨全傳 : 十二卷 / 鄒聖脉, 鄒可庭編次, 鄒景揚校訂, 寄傲山房塾課纂輯, [18--], 6 volumes

[Guangzhou] : 寄傲山房

刻本/block print

Caption title: 春秋備旨

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #59

Item Smith Chinese C-20 Zhong xiao xin zeng you xue gu shi qiong lin : juan shou, si juan = 重校新增幼學故事瓊林 : 卷首 四卷 / 程允升原本,鄒聖脉增補,謝梅林,鄒可庭參訂,石韞玉重校, 1920, 5 volumes ; ill. ; 26 cm

上海 : 廣益書局, 民国9 [1920]

Cover title: 幼學瓊林

Running title and caption title: 新增繪圖幼學故事瓊林

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #85

Item Smith Chinese C-21 Chong jiao tang shi san bai shou zhu shu : 6 juan = 重校唐詩三百首註疏 : 六卷 / 蘅塘退士手編,章燮註,孫考根校正, 1835, 3 volumes ; 25 cm

廣州 : 登雲閣書房,道光15 [1835](序)

刻本/block print

Running title: 唐詩三百首註疏

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #86

Item Smith Chinese C-22 Zhong xi suan xue da cheng : yi bai juan = 中西算學大成 : 一百卷 / 陳維祺纂, 1901, 32 volumes ; ill. ; 20 cm

上海 : 鴻文堂書局, 清光緒27年 [1901] 清石印本

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #13

Item Smith Chinese H-1 Xiao jing = 孝經 / 唐元宗王帝注,司馬光指解,范祖禹說, 1847, 1 volumes ; 26 cm

羊城 : 福芸閣,太虛宮重刊年, 清道光27年 [1847]

刻本/block print

Running title: 孝經注解. In preface 序: 今文孝經. In postscript 跋: 重刊孝經注解.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #60

Item Smith Chinese H-2 Xiao xue ji jie : liu juan = 小學集解 : 六卷 / 朱熹撰,張伯行輯註, 1901, 4 volumes ; 30 cm

廣東 : 廣雅書局,清康熙50年 [1711]序,清雍正5年 [1727]序,清光緒辛丑 [27年, 1901]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #72

Item Smith Chinese H-3 Xiao xue xin du ben : juan yi juan er juan si zhi liu = 小學新讀本 : 卷一 卷二 卷四至六 / 林奎編輯, 1902, 4 volumes ; ill. ; 23 cm

橫濱 : 馮紫珊, 明治35年 [1902]


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #73

Item Smith Chinese H-4 新算術(筆算): 第1-6冊= A new arithmetic for common schools, volume 1-6 / 駱師曾編纂,壽孝天校訂, 1912, 6 volumes ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館, 中華民國元年 [1912]

letter press

At head of title: 共和國教科書. Colophon title: 高等小學新算術. Running title: 高等小學筆算.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #14

Item Smith Chinese H-5 新算術教授法=The teacher's manual for the new arithmetic for primary schools / 壽孝天編纂,商務印書館編譯所校訂, 1912, 8 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館, 中華民國元年 [1912]

letter press

初等小學校用. At head of title: 共和國教科書. Running title: 初等小學筆算.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #15

Item Smith Chinese H-6 新算術教授法(筆算)=The teacher's manual for the new arithmetic for common schools / 駱師曾編纂,壽孝天校訂, 1912, 6 volumes ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館, 中華民國元年 [1912]

letter press

At head of title: 共和國教科書. Colophon title: 高等小學新算術教授法. Running title: 高等小學校用.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #16

Item Smith Chinese H-7 新算術初等小學校用(筆算)= New arithmetic for primary schools / 壽孝天編纂,商務印書館編譯所校訂, 1912, 8 volumes ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館, 中華民國元年 [1912]

letter press

At head of title: 共和國教科書. Colophon title: 初等小學新算術. Running title: 初等小學筆算.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #17

Item Smith Chinese H-8 Xin zeng Shi jing bu zhu bei zhi xiang jie : [8 juan]/新增詩經補註備旨詳解 : 八卷 / 鄒梧岡纂輯, 鄒廷猷編次, 鄒景揚訂,, 1864, 4 volumes ; 27 cm

善美堂, 清同治甲子 [3年, 1864]

刻本/block print

Caption title: 新增詩經補註附考備旨

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #61

Item Smith Chinese H-9 Xue sheng zi dian = 學生字典 / 陸爾奎, 方毅編纂, 1915, 1 volume

Published: Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, minguo 4 [1915]

上海 : 商務印書館, 中華民國4年[1915]

Item Smith Chinese I-1 Yijing jinghua : [6 juan]/易經精華 : 六卷 / 陳龍標編輯,紀曉嵐鑒定, [18--], 3 volumes ; 27 cm

佛山 : 翰文堂, 清道光元年 [1821]序

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #62

Item Smith Chinese K-1 Gao hou meng qiu : si ji = 高厚蒙求 : 四集 / 徐朝俊纂, 徐紱校,徐綬校, 1815, 4 volumes ; ill. ; 24 cm

雲間徐氏藏版, 清嘉慶乙亥 [20年, 1815]

刻本/block print

At head of title page: 天學入門 Also on title page: 另刊天文中西合圖餘俟續刻

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #55

Item Smith Chinese K-2 Ju gu ge huan ji : san juan = 句股割圜記 : 三卷 / 戴震撰, 1744, 2 volumes ; ill. ; 30 cm

清乾隆甲子 [9年, 1744]

刻本/block print

戴氏七經小記4,includes 策算1卷 at end.


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #18

Item Smith Chinese K-3 Ju gu ge huan ji : san juan = 句股割圜記 : 三卷 / 戴震撰, 1890, 1 volumes ; ill. ; 25 cm

清乾隆23年 [1758] 序 清光緒庚寅 [16年, 1890]

刻本/block print


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #19

Item Smith Chinese K-4 Ju gu ge huan ji : san juan = 句股割圜記 : 三卷 / 戴震撰, 1890, 1 volumes ; ill. ; 25 cm

清乾隆23年 [1758] 序 清光緒庚寅 [16年, 1890]

刻本/block print


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #20

Item Smith Chinese K-5 Gu chou suan kao shi : 6 juan/古籌算考釋 : 六卷 / 勞乃宣撰, 1886, 6 volumes ; 27 cm

清光緒12年 [1886]

刻本/block print


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #21

Item Smith Chinese K-6 Gu chou suan kao shi : 6 juan/古籌算考釋 : 六卷 / 勞乃宣撰, 1886, 6 volumes ; 27 cm

清光緒12年 [1886]

刻本/block print


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #22

Item Smith Chinese K-7 Gu chou suan kao shi xu bian : 8 juan/古籌算考釋續編 : 八卷 / 勞乃宣撰, 1900, 8 volumes ; 27 cm

清光緒庚子 [26年, 1900]

刻本/block print


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #23

Item Smith Chinese K-8 Gong he guo min xin du ben : 2 juan/共和國民新讀本 : 二卷 / 孟森,秦瑞珍編纂,商務印書館編譯所校訂, 1914, 2 volumes ; 20 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,中華民國3年 [1914]

高等小學校用. Running title: 共和國民讀本.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #74

Item Smith Chinese K-9 公民須知=What a citizen ought to know / 劉大紳編輯,陳承澤校訂, 1917, 1 volumes ; 20 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,中華民國6年 [1917]

At head of title: 共和國教科書 Republican series. 國民學校修身科學生用 For lower primary schools.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #75

Item Smith Chinese L-1 老子道德經 = Lao-tzu's Tao-teh-king / with introd, transliteration, and notes by Paul Carus, 1898, 345 p. 21 cm

Published: Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1898

Added title page: Lao-tze's Tao-teh-king. Chinese-English with introduction, transliteration, and notes, by Dr. Paul Caruso

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #63

Item Smith Chinese L-2 Li ji jing hua : shi juan = 禮記精華 : 十卷 / 汪基,江永,叔熙等訂, 1881, 5 volumes ; 25 cm

崇文堂, 清光緒辛巳 [7年, 1881]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #64

Item Smith Chinese L-3 Li shi yi shu = 李氏遺書/李鋭著,阮元撰, 1823, 4 volumes ; ill. ; 25 cm

道光癸未 [3年, 1823]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #24

Item Smith Chinese L-4 Li suan quan shu : qi shi wu juan = 歷算全書 : 七十五卷 / 梅定九先生著,魏荔彤輯, 1723, 24 volumes ; ill. ; 26 cm

清雍正元年 [1723]

刻本/block print

In 2 cases. At head of 總目: 兼濟堂纂刻梅勿菴先生曆算全書. On case: 梅氏叢書.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #56

Item Smith Chinese L-5 Li suan tian ji quan shu : shi juan = 歷算天機全書 : 十卷 / 譚在玆先生著, 1752, 8 volumes ; ill. ; 25 cm

三樂齋發兑, 清乾隆17年 [1752] 序

刻本/block print

At head of text: 數學尋原

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #26

Item Smith Chinese L-6 Li ti ji he xue jie fa : di 6 - 9 bian = 立體幾何學解法 : 第6-9編 / 溫特渥斯[Wentworth], 魏鏡譯, 1914, 1 volumes ; ill. ; 19 cm

上海 : 科學會編譯部, 中華民國3年 [1914]

letter press

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #25

Item Smith Chinese M-1 Mei shi cong shu ji yao : liu shi er juan = 梅氏叢書輯要 : 六十二卷 / 梅文鼎定著,[梅]文鼎學,[梅]穀成[等]較輯,丁維烈[等]校字, 1761, 24 volumes ; ill. ; 26 cm

清乾隆辛巳 [26年, 1761]

刻本/block print

Title page: 宣城梅氏叢書輯要

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #27

Item Smith Chinese M-2 Meng xue du ben quan shu : 1 bian/蒙學讀本全書 : 第一編第一卷 / 無錫三等公學堂編輯, 1903, 1 volumes ; 19 cm

上海 [等],光明書局,清光緒29年 [1903]


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #76

Item Smith Chinese M-3 Ming jing ge jiao zheng jian yun fen zhang fen jie Si shu zheng wen/明經閣校正監韻分章分節四書正文 / 顏茂猷較正, [18--], 1 volumes ; 26 cm

Published: Guangzhou: Ming jing ge


On cover: 明經閣四書正文. Inside of book: 四書正文. Contains: 大學,中庸.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #65

Item Smith Chinese M-4 名賢集=A collection of Chinese family maxims / translated into English by F M Jefferson 謝福生, editor of The Oriental Republic Messenger, 1915, 1 volumes ; 18 cm

威海衛, 中華民國4年 [1915]

In Chinese and English.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #77

Item Smith Chinese M-5 名賢集=A collection of Chinese family maxims / translated into English by F M Jefferson 謝福生, editor of The Oriental Republic Messenger, 1915, 1 volumes ; 18 cm

威海衛, 中華民國4年 [1915]

A collection of Chinese family maxims translated into English by F. M. Jefferson 謝福生, editor of The Oriental Republic Messenger, Asiatic Republicans (英文白話報), The Weihaiwei Post, The Chinese Catholic Review (中華公教西報). Lacks title page.

In Chinese and English.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #78

Item Smith Chinese P-1 Bai jia xing fa = 百家姓法, [18--], 1 volumes ; 20 cm

省城: 古經閣

刻本/block print

Caption title: 百家姓法帖. Running title: 百家姓.

新科較正無訛 增補官話

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #83

Item Smith Chinese S-1 San zi jing zhu jie bei yao : [er juan] = 三字經註解備要 : [2卷] / 王應麟著,賀興思註解,郎軒氏較正,余廷霖重較, 1880, 2 volumes ; 25 cm

芸居樓,同治癸酉 [12年, 1873](序,清光緒庚辰 [6年, 1880]重刊

刻本/block print

In preface 序: 三字經註

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #87

Item Smith Chinese S-2 Yu li chao chuan sheng xiang = Jade Record =玉歷鈔傳聖像, 1835, 1 volumes ; ill. ; 22 cm

Published: [China] : Anhui xin shi Fang Yingxiang chong kan, Qing Daoguang 15 [1835]

安徽信士方應祥重刊,道光15 [1835]

刻本/block print


Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #70

Item Plimpton Chinese S-3 Shi san jing zhu shu : san bai san shi san juan = 十三經注疏 : 三百三十三卷, 1878, 98 volumes ; 23 cm

Published: Ji gu ge, Qing Guangxu 4 [1878]

淮南書局補刊, 汲古閣, 清光緒4 [1878]

刻本/block print

In 14 cases.

Case 1: 周易正義 9卷4冊。王弼註,孔穎達正義(卷第1-6);韓康伯註,孔穎達(卷第7-9)Caption title: 周易兼義。Running title: 周易疏.

Case 2: 尚書註疏 20卷6冊。孔安國傳,孔穎達疏. Preface title: 尚書正義。Running title: 尚書疏.

Case 3-4:毛詩註疏 20卷(in 70 parts)14冊。鄭玄.

Case 5-6:周禮註疏.

Case 7: 儀禮註疏.

Case 8-9: 禮記註疏.

Case 10-11:春秋左傳註疏.

Case 12:春秋公羊註疏.

Case 13:春秋穀梁傳註疏; 論語註疏; 孝經註疏.

Case 14:爾雅註疏; 孟子註疏.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #66

Item Smith Chinese S-4 Shu jing jing hua : liu juan = 書經精華 : 六卷 / 陳龍標編輯,紀曉嵐鑒定, [18--], 2 volumes ; 25 cm

佛山 : 翰文堂,光韙堂(柱)

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #67

Item Smith Chinese S-5 Shu du yan : juan shou er shi san juan = 數度衍 : 卷首 二十三卷 / 方中通, 1890, 8 volumes ; ill. ; 26 cm

成都 : 順德楊文貴得爵氏刊,志古堂,太原王氏重校刊, 清乾隆庚寅 [16年, 1890]

刻本/block print

Caption title: 方位伯先生數度衍二十四卷附錄一卷

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #28

Item Smith Chinese S-6 Si shu : shi qi juan = 四書 : 十七卷 / 朱熹集註, [18--], 12 volumes ; 25 cm


刻本/block print

Rare Book copy: 欠一卷一冊.

Contents: 大學(柱:四書句辨)1卷1冊,中庸(柱:中庸章句)1卷1冊,論語10卷5冊,孟子(柱:孟子集註)5卷5冊(欠第4卷1冊)

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #68

Item Smith Chinese S-7 Si shu zheng wen = 四書正文, [18--], 1 volumes ; 25 cm

Published: Guangzhou: Shi jing tang

廣州 : 石經堂書局石印

On cover: 四書正文學庸. Contains: 大學,中庸.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #69

Item Smith Chinese S-8 Si yuan yu jian xi cao : shang zhong xia juan = 四元玉鑑細草 : 上中下卷 / 朱世傑編述,鐘煜校正,羅士琳補草, 1836, 6 volumes ; ill. ; 20 cm

清道光丙申 [16年, 1836]

刻本/block print


Inside book: 四元玉鑑細草新編,四元釋例,易之瀚編

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #29

Item Smith Chinese S-9 Suan jing shi shu : fu lu san shi san juan = 算經十書 : 附錄33卷, 1890, 8 volumes ; ill. ; 25 cm

清光緒庚寅 [16年, 1890]

刻本/block print

Rare Book copy: 欠第9書=missing volume 9

1. 周髀算經2卷1冊。趙君卿撰,甄鸞重述。-周髀算經音義1卷同冊,李籍撰。

2. 九章算經9卷2冊。劉徽注, 李淳風等注釋。-九章算術音義1卷同冊,李籍撰。

3. 策算1卷1冊。海島算經1卷同冊劉徽撰。

4. 孫子算經3卷同上冊。李淳風等注釋。

5. 五曹算經5卷1冊。李淳風等注釋。

6. 夏侯陽算經 3卷同上冊。甄鸞注。

7. 張邱建算經3卷1冊。甄鸞注經,李淳風等注釋,劉孝孫撰細草。

8. 五經算術2卷1冊。甄鸞注經,李淳風等注釋。-五經算術考證。戴震注。

9. 欠 [綴術]。

10. 緝古算經1卷1冊。王考通撰注. Title page: 上緝古算經。附錄。數術記遺1卷同上冊。徐岳撰,甄鸞注。

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #30

Item Smith Chinese S-10 Suan xue qi meng : san juan = 算學啟蒙 : 三卷 / 朱世傑編撰, 1871, 2 volumes; 25 cm

Published: [Beijing] : Liulichang, Qing Tongzhi 10 [1871]

[北京] : 琉璃廠, 清同治10年 [1871]

刻本/block print

Inside book: 新編算學啟蒙

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #31

Item Smith Chinese S-11 算術教本珠算= The students' arithmetic, specially designed with regard to the use of the abacus : 第1,3 冊 / 壽孝天編輯,張廷華同編, 1907, 2 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,清光緒33年 [1907]


Colophon title: 高等小學學生用算術教本珠算.

Commercial Press's new common school text books.



Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #50

Item Smith Chinese S-12 算術教本珠算= The teachers' arithmetic, specially designed with regard to the use of the abacus : 三卷 / 壽孝天編輯,張廷華編校, 1907, 3 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,清光緒33年 [1907]

高等小學堂用; 教員用.

Commercial Press's new common school text books.

Cover title: 高等小學算術教本.

Colophon title: 高等小學教員用算術教本珠算.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #51

Item Smith Chinese S-13 算術教本珠算部= The students' manual of the use of the abacus : 第四版 第二冊 / 壽孝天編纂,張廷華校訂, 1911, 1 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,清宣統3年 [1911]

高等小學用 Chinese common school.

Colophon title: 高等小學算術教本學生用珠算.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #52

Item Smith Chinese S-14 算術教本筆算=The students' arithmetic: 第3冊 / 壽孝天編輯,杜亞泉校訂,駱師曾參校, 1907, 1 volumes ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,清光緒32年 [1907]

letter press

第三學年學生用. Colophon title: 高等小學學生用算術教本筆算=Commercial Press's new common school text books.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #32

Item Smith Chinese S-15 算術教本筆算=The teachers' arithmetic : 第1-3冊 / 壽孝天編輯,杜綜大,杜亞泉校訂, 1907, 3 volumes ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,清光緒32年 [1907]

letter press

高等小學教員用 Cover title: 高等小學算術教本=Commercial Press's new common school text books.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #33

Item Smith Chinese S-16 算術教本筆算部=The students' manual of arithmetic : 第三版第1-2, 4冊 / 壽孝天編纂,杜亞泉,駱師曾校訂, 1911, 3 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館, 清宣統3年 [1911]

letter press

高等小學用, Chinese common school

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #34

Item Smith Chinese S-17 算術教本筆算部 : 第三版第4冊=The students' manual of arithmetic / 壽孝天編纂,杜亞泉校訂, 1911, 1 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館, 清宣統3年 [1911]

letter press

Chinese common school. Colophon title: 高等小學算術教本教員用筆算.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #35

Item Smith Chinese S-18 Suan you : si juan = 算牖 : 四卷 / 許桂林學,吳廣德校, 1830, 2 volumes ; 22 cm

道光庚寅 [10年, 1830]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #36

Item Smith Chinese T-1 Dai shu shu : er shi wu juan = 代數術 : 二十五卷 / 華里司輯,傅蘭雅口譯,華蘅芳筆述,劉彝程校算, 1897, 6 volumes ; 25 cm

時宜書室, 丁酉 [1897]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #37

Item Smith Chinese T-2 道字注音課本 / issued under the auspices of the Phonetic Promotion Committee, of the China Continuation Committee 提倡注音字母特委員所,中華續行委辦會, 1919, 1 volumes ; 20 cm

上海 : 華美書局,中華民國8年 [1919]

Foreword: "The book is the work of Miss Trench 童教士, of Hotsin, Sha 海津縣... issued under the auspices of the Phonetic Promotion Committee, of the China Continuation Committee 提倡注音字母特委員所,中華續行委辦會".

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #79

Item Smith Chinese T-3 Duo ji chou fa : er juan = 垛積籌法 : 二卷 / 勞乃宣學,勞絅章闇文演, 1900, 2 volumes ; 27 cm

清光緒庚子 [26年, 1900]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #38

Item Smith Chinese T-4 Zui xin zhu suan jiao ke shu : juan xia (jia yi) = 最新珠算教科書 : 卷下(甲乙) / 杜秋孫編纂, 1906, 2 volumes ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,清光緒32年 [1906]

初等小學堂用. Inside of book: 初等小學珠算教科書. Colophon title: 珠算教科書.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #53

Item Smith Chinese T-5 最新珠算教科書 = Advanced lessons on the use of the abacus : 第四冊 卷上 甲乙 / 杜綜大編纂, 1910, 2 volumes ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,清宣統2年 [1910]

高等小學用 Chinese common school. Colophon title: 高等小學珠算教科書.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #54

Item Smith Chinese T-6 最新初等小學筆算教科書=Chinese primary school elementary arithmetic : 第1-4冊 / 徐寯編算,杜亞泉,張元濟校訂, 1912, 4 volumes ; ill. ; 20 cm

上海: 商務印書館,中華民國元年 [1912]

letter press

Cover title and running title: 最新筆算教科書.

At head of cover title: 訂正 Revised edition. 中華民國初等小學用.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #39

Item Smith Chinese T-7 最新國文教科書=New national readers : 第一冊 / 蔣維喬,莊俞編纂,高鳳謙,張元濟校訂, 1910, 1 volumes ; ill. (some color) ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,宣統2 [1910]

初等小學用 Chinese primary school. Colophon title: 初等小學最新國文教科書.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #80

Item Smith Chinese T-8 最新筆算教科書=Advanced arithmetic (Revised edition) : 四卷 / 王兆柟, 杜亞泉編纂, 1912, 4 volumes ; 20 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,中華民國元年 [1912]

letter press

At head of title: 訂正 中華民國高等小學用=Chinese common school.

Inside book: 高等小學筆算教科書.

Colophon title: 訂正 高等小學最新筆算教科書.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #40

Item Smith Chinese T-9 最新筆算教科書教授法=Methods for teaching advanced arithmetic : 第六版第一至四冊,第七版第四冊,4卷 / 王兆柟, 杜亞泉,壽孝天編纂, 1911, 4 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,辛亥 宣統3 [1911]

letter press


Inside book: 最新高等小學筆算教科書教授法=Chinese common school.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #41

Item Smith Chinese T-10 最新筆算教科書教授法=Methods for teaching elementary arithmetic / 徐寯編纂, 1912, 3 volumes ; ill. ; 21 cm

上海 : 商務印書館,中華民國元年 [1912]

letter press

At head of title: 訂正 中華民國初等小學用=Chinese primary school.

Colophon title: 訂正 初等小學最新筆算教授法.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #42

Item Smith Chinese T-11 Cui wei shan fang shu xue : san shi er juan = 翠薇山房數學 : 三十二卷 / 張作南學算,范景福校訂,江臨泰補圖, 1821, In 2 cases. 20 volumes ; ill. ; 25 cm

道光元年 [1821]年, 卷19序

letter press

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #43

Item Smith Chinese T-12 Tong su shi yong jia ji bu ji jiao ke shu = Practical family book-keeping = 通俗實用家計簿記教科書 / 會稽壽孝天編纂, 1912

Published: Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, Zhonghua Minguo 5 nian [1916]

上海商務印書館印行, 清宣統3/Qing Xuantong 3[1912]

第七版/7th edition

Formerly: Chinese Rare 4

Item Smith Chinese T-13 Tu jie dai shu = Graphic algebra = 圖解代數, 1915

Author: 朱文鑫 Zhu wen xin.

Publisher: Shanghai: Nan yang lu kuang xue xiao, minguo 4[1915]


First Edition

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #not in list

Item Smith Chinese W-1 Wu jing suan shu : er juan = 五經算術 : 二卷 / 甄鸞撰,李淳風等注釋, 1890, 1 volumes ; 25 cm

清光緒庚寅 [16年, 1890]

刻本/block print


Also contains: 五經算術考證,戴震注。算經十書之8-上緝古算經。王孝通撰刊注1卷.

Running title: 緝古算經(算經十書之10)--數術記遺1卷.徐岳撰,甄鸞註.(算經十書附錄).

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #44

Item Smith Chinese Y-1 Yan yuan xiao cao : er juan = 衍元小草 : 二卷 / 勞乃宣,孔慶齊,孔慶靄述,勞絅章閱文, 1898, 2 volumes ; 27 cm

清光緒24年 [1898]

刻本/block print

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #45

Item Smith Chinese Y-2 英譯朱柏盧先生治家格言=The family maxims of Chu Pai-Lu / translated into English by F M Jefferson 謝福生, 1914, 3 copies; 1 volumes ; 18 cm

Weihaiwei : Office of the Oriental Republic Messenger, printed at the Weihaiwei Mission Press, minguo 3 [1914]

In Chinese and English.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #81

Item Smith Chinese Y-3 You zhi xin du ben 幼稚新讀本 : 卷三 卷五, 1903, 2 volumes ; ill. ; 22 cm

Published: Yokohama: Feng Zishan, Meiji 36 [1903]

橫濱 : 馮紫珊, 明治36 [1903]

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #82

Item Smith Chinese Y-4 Yu zhi li xiang kao cheng : [wu shi er juan] = 御製曆象考成 : [五十二卷] / 允禄 ... [et al.] 纂修, circa 1736-1795, 14 volumes ; ill. ; 30 cm

[China : s.n., Qing Qianlong i.e. between 1736 and 1795]

刻本/block print

Rare Book copy: 欠上編卷6-7,9-10.

Added title: 曆象考成

At heast of 序: 御製[清聖祖]律曆淵源

Formerly Smith Chinese Rare 10

See CLIO catalog record for more information.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #57

Item Smith Chinese Y-5 Yu zhi shu li jing yun : [wu shi san juan / Yunzhi ... et al.] = 御製數理精藴 : 五十三卷, 1882, 32 volumes ; ill. ; 27 cm

廣東 : 藩司敬刊;廣州府城,富文齋印行, 清光緒8年 [1882]

刻本/block print


Bottom edge of pages: 數理精藴

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #46

Item Smith Chinese Y-6 Yu zhi shu li jing yun : [wu shi san juan / Yunzhi ... et al.] = 御製數理精蘊 : [五十三卷 / 允祉 ... et al.], 1722, 30 volumes ; ill. ; 26 cm

[Beijing] : 武英殿, 清康熙 61年 i.e. 1722]

刻本/block print


Rare Book copy: 欠上編卷1-2.

Formerly Smith Chinese Rare 22

See CLIO catalog record for more information.

Also in The David Eugene Smith Collection of works in Chinese on mathematics and other subjects, entry #47

Item Smith Chinese Z-1 Zi hui tang mo bao, by Zhao Songxue (1254-1322) = 滋蕙堂墨寶, 子昂, 趙松雪書, 歸去來并序, 不早於乾隆戊午年[no earlier than 1738]

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 1

Item Smith Chinese Z-2 zhen cao qian zi wen = 真草千字文, 戊午[]冬月度完題, circa 1858 or 1918


Fomerly: Chinese Rare 2

Item Smith Chinese Z-3 Ji he yuan ben=Euclid's Elements = 幾何原本,梅文鼎批註抄本

8 volumes in 2 cases. Manuscript of Matteo Ricci's Chinese Translation of Euclid's Geometry, with annotations by Mei Wending.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 3

Item Smith Chinese Z-4 Hu shi lun shuo, Ce tu suan su, Ju gu suan shu = 明嘉靖壬子抄本3冊: 弧矢論說, 測圓算術, 句股算術, [circa 1552?], 3 Volumes

3冊序共有: 嘉靖壬子春三月吉吳與顧應祥識

Manuscript edition.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 8

Item Smith Chinese Z-5 Shu xue qi meng = 數學啟蒙,偉烈亞力,金咸福跋, circa 1853

This book was written by British missionary Alexander Wylie in Chinese.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 14

Item Smith Chinese Z-6 Fan chou li shu cai shu = 範疇理數裁述,鄞縣羅青岩先生手輯,無名居藏板, circa after 1710

Notes on slip: "Book on astrology ca. 1650. Old printing from the original blocks, no column rules in text-metal rules in diagrams."

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 6

Item Smith Chinese Z-7 Hua ting dong gong mo ji (moben), by Dong Qichang (1555-1636) = 明董其昌華亭董公墨跡(摹本)

Bound in silk. Also on cover: [][]曆乙丑年 翰林官至首相

Notes: "One of the Wen Li ancient Chinese classics, Tung Chi Chang (Dong Qichang). Ming dynasty, being a copy of a work composed in the Song dynasty." "The work of a student copiest, although there is some dispute. The majority of scholars favor it to be a work of a student."

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 7

Item Smith Chinese Z-8 Xi shu shu fa = 溪墅書法

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 23

Item Smith Chinese Z-9 Tui bei tu manuscript = 推背圖抄本

tui bei tu ("Push Back Chart") manuscript with colored illustrations, Chinese prophecy manuscript from the 7th-century Tang dynasty, also a banned manuscript since the Song dynasty, transmitted orally and copied by hand, therefore each copy is unique.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 20

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-10 Imperial Examination: Juren Yue Wei = 清岳維舉人殿試, 清康熙45/Qing Kangxi 45[1706]


Most likely acquired through George A. Plimpton. See Plimpton papers, correspondence with Fu Zengxiang demonstrates Plimpton's interest in learning about and acquiring materials related to the imperial examination.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 17

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-11 Ling ji duan bi = 零璣斷璧, [between 1000 and 1644]

12 Song Dynasty specimen. See CLIO catalog record for more information.

Purchased from Fu Zengxiang by Plimpton in 1920, see Edgren, Soren. "George Arthur Plimpton and His Chinese Connection." Columbia Library Column 40:1 (1990), 14-23.

Fomerly: Smith Chinese Rare 11.

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-12 Zuo zhuan = 左傳

Song specimen, volume of small character print of Zuozhuan. A Ming edition of the first half of the sixteenth century, is based on a Song edition.

on hantao spine: 左傳 宋刻小字本

on cover, written by Fu Zengxiang: 宋刻小字本左傳殘帙計三十五葉

collector seal: Xie Xiangsan 謝象三「四明謝/氏博雅/堂藏書」白文方印

Purchased from Fu Zengxiang by Plimpton in 1920, see Edgren, Soren. "George Arthur Plimpton and His Chinese Connection." Columbia Library Column 40:1 (1990), 14-23.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 18

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-13 Zhu ru jiao zheng tang shu xiang jie: juan 28 = 諸儒校正唐書詳節 : 卷28, 1497

Song specimen volume, birch wood printing, small character type, copper movable type, based on a Song edition.

on cover: 宋刊唐書評節第二十八卷 彭元瑞藏書

collector seals: Peng Yuanrui (1731-1803) 彭元瑞「南昌/彭氏」朱文方印、「知聖道/齋藏書」朱文長方印、「遇讀/者善」白文方印

Purchased from Fu Zengxiang by Plimpton in 1920, see Edgren, Soren. "George Arthur Plimpton and His Chinese Connection." Columbia Library Column 40:1 (1990), 14-23.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 16

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-14 Hui tong guan jiao zheng yin shi shi jing : er shi juan = 會通館校正音釋詩經 : 二十卷 = [華燧輯], 1497

Huitong guan movable type edition of the Shijing. See CLIO catalog record for more information:

Purchased from Fu Zengxiang by Plimpton in 1920, see Edgren, Soren. "George Arthur Plimpton and His Chinese Connection." Columbia Library Column 40:1 (1990), 14-23.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 5

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-14a Hui tong guan jiao zheng yin shi shi jing : er shi juan = 會通館校正音釋詩經 : 二十卷 = [華燧輯], Microfilm reproduction, 1 positive reel

1 positive microfilm reel of Plimpton Chinese Z-14.

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-15 Hui tong guan jiao zheng song zhu chen zou yi : 41 juan = 會通館校正宋諸臣奏議 : 卷41, 1490

Minister petition. Zhuchen zouyi (printed by Hui tong guan) is a specimen volume of the original edition of 1490.

on cover: 明宏治會通館活字本宋諸臣奏議一卷

Purchased from Fu Zengxiang by Plimpton in 1920, see Edgren, Soren. "George Arthur Plimpton and His Chinese Connection." Columbia Library Column 40:1 (1990), 14-23.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 15

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-16 Luancheng ji : juan 16-20 = 欒城後集, 卷16-20, circa 1522-1566

Su Luanchengji is a sixteenth-century edition, Ming movable type.

on hantao spine label: 明活字版零本一冊卷16-20

on cover: 明嘉靖四川活字本蘇欒城集

Purchased from Fu Zengxiang by Plimpton in 1920, see Edgren, Soren. "George Arthur Plimpton and His Chinese Connection." Columbia Library Column 40:1 (1990), 14-23.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 9

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-17 Sixuan ji: juan 3-5 = 思玄集,卷3-5,四庫底本, 1574


Wooden movable type specimen volume of the Sixuanji, 1574. Original text from the Four Repositories.

Notes on slips: "Collection of Essays. To City advice from minister to engraver."

on hantao spine: 活字版零本一冊卷3-5

on cover: 明活字本思玄集三卷 明桑悦著

Purchased from Fu Zengxiang by Plimpton in 1920, see Edgren, Soren. "George Arthur Plimpton and His Chinese Connection." Columbia Library Column 40:1 (1990), 14-23.

Also see Princeton catalog: 思玄集 : 十六卷 / 桑悦著 ; 計宗道校. [China : 桑大協, 明萬曆 2年 i.e. 1574] Sixuan ji : shi liu juan / Sang Yue zhu ; Ji Zongdao jiao. [China : Sang Daxie, Ming Wanli 2 nian i.e. 1574]

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 13

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-18 You xuan shi zhe juedai yu shi bie guo fangyan = 輶軒使者絕代語釋別國方言:十三卷, 1920 Edition of Song Qingyuan 6(1200) Edition/民國九年(1920)影 宋慶元六年(1200)刊本

Fangyan (compiled by the Han dynasty poet and philosopher Yang Xiong, was the first Chinese dictionary of regionalisms). The Fangyan in two volumes was reprinted in collotype facsimile by Fu Zengxiang from the rare Song edition (1200) in his own collection.

on hantao spine:輶軒使者絕代語釋別國方言 十三卷 2 V. 民國九年(1920)影 宋慶元六年(1200)刊本

on cover, written by Fu Zengxiang: 影宋本方言十三卷奉 蒲立敦先生惠存 中華民國九年四月十九日 傅增湘 時寓北京石老娘胡同七號

Purchased from Fu Zengxiang by Plimpton in 1920, see Edgren, Soren. "George Arthur Plimpton and His Chinese Connection." Columbia Library Column 40:1 (1990), 14-23.

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 24

Item Plimpton Chinese Z-19 Book of Wei: table of contents = Wei shu: mulu = 魏書目錄, 1 volume

三朝本/Sanchaoben/three dynasty editions (Song, Yuan, Ming dynasty)

Also see Book of Wei, from Taiwan National Central Library, 魏書, 南宋初期刊宋元明嘉靖遞修本

Fomerly: Chinese Rare 21

From the Plimpton Library.

Series: Manchu and Mongolian, Books

The series comprises of Manchu and Mongolian books collected by David Eugene Smith.

Item Smith Manchu-1 Manchu mathematics textbook = 滿文數學書

Item Smith Manchu-2 Qing yu zhai chao = 《清语摘钞》四種, 清光緒15/Qing Guangxu 15[1889]

《清语摘钞》 一函四册


Individual titles on each volume: 公文成語,摺奏成語,官銜名目,衙署名目

In Manchu and Chinese.

Formerly: Rare 37

Item Smith Manchu-3 Manchu book = 滿文書

Formerly: Rare 34

Item Smith Manchu-4 Manchu book = 滿文書

Formerly: Rare 35

Item Smith Mongolian-1 Arifmetika na mongol'skom iazyke: sochinenie Imperatorskago Kazanskago universiteta professora / Aleksandra Popova = Арифметика на монгольском языке : сочинение Императорскаго Казанскаго университета профессора / Александра Попова, 1837

Published: Kazan : V Universitetskoi tipografii, 1837 / Казань : В Университетской типографии, 1837.

In Cyrillic and Mongolian.

Series: Japanese, Books and Manuscripts

The series comprises of Japanese books collected by Smith and Plimpton. The wide range of subjects covered in the books include: Bibliography, Arithmetic and Mathematics, Japanese Mathematics, Abacus, Astronomy, Calendar, Surveying, Economics, Education, Religion, Art and Calligraphy, Language and Literature.

Some items have been individually cataloged. Please search for the following query as Call Numbers in CLIO ( "Smith Japanese" OR "Plimpton Japanese"

The information in this series came from The David Eugene Smith collection of works in Japanese on Japanese mathematics, by Miwa Kai, 1986.

Series: Memorabilia

This series contains a variety of memorabilia collected by David Eugene Smith and George A. Plimpton during their travel to East Asia. Materials include manuscripts, paintings, works on fabric, objects, woodblocks, rubbings, scrolls, and so on.

Formerly part of the Smith Orientalia collection.

Box 1 Journal Article: The Lineal Measures of Fa-hian and Yuan Chwang, by W. Vost, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 65-107 (43 pages), January 1903

Box 1 Notes on a book, reproduction fascimile on a book

Box 1 Collection notes, 1910

A letter to DES on Japanese mathematics, 1910

Box 1 Da ming baochao = 大明寶鈔, 洪武/Hongwu[circa 1375]

Gift from Dallas Pratt, 1965.


Box 1 Children's addition colored chart wheel, 1911-04

Commercial press,上海商務印書館

Box 1 Children's multiplication colored chart wheel, 1911-04

Commercial press,上海商務印書館

Box 1 Chinese Rubbing: Inscription on the establishment of the Women and Children Protection Center in Changzhou = 盛康《常郡創建保節保嬰總局碑記》拓本, 清光緒5/Qing Guangxu 5[1879]

Colophon text: Written by Zhou Jiamei. Drafted by Yao Meng.


Box 1 Arithmetic papers of Children in Higher State Normal School, Tokyo, Japan, Age 8-13, circa 20th century

Age 8: 算術科 第二部 尋常三年生

Age 9: 算術科 第二部 尋常四年

Age 10: 算術科

Age 11: 算術科 高等二年

Age 12: 算術科 高等三年

Age 13: 算術科 高等四年

Box 1 Japanese calendar: Enpō 8 = 延宝八庚申暦, 延宝8年/Enpō 8[1680]

巻首「伊勢内宮改暦 榊葉善大夫/延宝八年かのとのとりの暦 凡三百八十?ケ日」。

奥書「延宝七年十一月一日 榊葉重宜謹勘之」(陰刻)。

Box 1 Japanese Ofuda = お札/御札/御神札, circa 1900s-1931, 2 items

春日若官社御神符/Kasugataisha Kan-sha go shinpu

北野天満神守護所/Kitano Tenmangū kami Shugo-sho

Box 1 Japanese Rubbing, 大正甲子/Taisho 13[1924]

Colophon text on rubbing:

大正甲子十月朔/1924 October 1st

松蔭荘川弘篆額/Seal by Matsukageso Kawahiro

日窟居士増島六一郎撰/Written by Masushima, Rokuichiro

靖堂福島保三郎書/Calligraphed by Yasudo Fukushima, Hosaburo

Box 1 Korean manuscript

Possibly a writing practice book, or a tone/music related writing

Box 2 4 Porcelain blue and white knobs, 4 items

set of 2: yin-yang design. One with circle in center, blue filled with white surrounding. Another with two circles, no fill, lines around.

Box 2 Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Prajnaparamita sutra) daihannya haramittakyō 584= 大般若波羅蜜多經, 卷584, 5 Paper fragments, circa 11-12th century

on slip: "Beginning of the Kamakura Dynasty, 11th-12th century, from the Jing-go temple, Kyoto, Japan. Purchased in 1930. David Eugene Smith"

1. 智非有色法不離有色...

2. 智相應之心,爾時爾時無容間起緣餘境心

3. []有彼我與無我若汝能[]如是布施是[]

4. 滅道聖諦清淨故一切智智清淨何以故

5. 爾時爾時漸復鄰近一切智智

Japanese Woodblock Prints

Box 1 Kyōkun zen'aku kagami = A Didactic Mirror of Good and Evil = 教訓善悪鏡, 明治5年/Meiji 5 [1872]

Artist: Shōsai, Ikkei/昇斎一景

Publisher seal and date seal:

Publisher: Tsutakichi ban 蔦吉版 (Tsutaya Kichizō 蔦屋吉蔵 Marks 556 - seal 25-427), 1860-1867

Date seal: possibly 酉十, 1873

Mapcase 13-C-1 Great Poetry Gathering (Dai-e kyô hai ten ku) = 大会狂俳点句 = たいかいきょうはいてんく, 明治元年5月/Meiji 1 May [1868 May], 2 Leaves

種別: 錦絵 = Type: Nishikie

作者: 玉斎/画 = Creator: Gyokusai

発行所: 菱善/版 = Publisher: Ryozen

改印: 辰五改 = Censor Seal: Dragon 5 aratame

Also see:

Mapcase 13-C-1 Tokuyō kō nuri mono aitsu ya = 徳用向ぬり物あいつ屋, circa 1868-1969, 2 Leaves

With censor seal and publisher seal.

種別: 錦絵 = Type: Nishikie

発行: 定/版 = Publisher: Tei or Sada

改印:辰八改 = Censor seal: Dragon 8 aratame

Also see:

「徳用向ぬり物あいつ屋」について 加藤 征治 郵政博物館 研究紀要 第11号 (2020年3月)


Box 5 Smith Japanese O-4a: 5 woodblocks, Onna daigaku takara bunko = 版木: 女大學寶文庫 貝原益軒, Fushimi [Kyoto] : Kameya Hanbe, 1846, 5 items

2 leaves per woodblock (front and back) see Smith Japanese O-4

Box 6 Smith Japanese O-4a: 1 woodblock, Onna daigaku takara bunko = 版木: 女大學寶文庫 貝原益軒, Fushimi [Kyoto] : Kameya Hanbe, 1846, 1 item

2 leaves per woodblock (front and back) see Smith Japanese O-4

Shelf 13v; 40w; 3 Smith Japanese O-4a: 9 woodblocks, Onna daigaku takara bunko = 版木: 女大學寶文庫 貝原益軒, Fushimi [Kyoto] : Kameya Hanbe, 1846, 9 items

wide width woodblocks (9 total, 4 leaves per woodblock)

1:leaf 15-18; 2:19-22; 3:23-24; 4:25-28; 5:29-32; 6:33-36; 7:37-39; 8:40-43; 9:44-46[1-2]

see Smith Japanese O-4

Shelf 13v; 40w; 3 Woodblock: Weidu Fu, Monzen/Wenxuan, kan 6, leaf 13, Text with annotations = 版木:《魏都赋》文選, 卷六, 十三, after 1772?

Wen Xuan, also known as the Selections of Refined Literature. Main text is the same as the Qianlong 37 [1772] edition (, see part 1, page 223-226), but this particular woodblock contains different annotations and also include Japanese reading marks. In text pagination on both side of the woodblock: v. 6, leaf 13-14.


Text: 別乾,蕃屏皇家。勇若任城,才若東阿。抗旍則威噞秋霜,摛翰則華縱春葩。英喆雄豪,佐命帝室。相兼二八,將猛四七。赫赫震震,開務有謐。故令斯民睹泰階之平,可比屋而為一。

Shelf 13v; 40w; 3 Woodblock: Sandhinirmocana Sutra/Gejinmikkyō : 5-kan, kan 4, leaf 11-12, Text with annotations = 版木: 解深密經: 5巻, 卷四, 十一, 十二, 1868

Authors:玄奘譯., 玄奘 / Genjō yaku, Xuanzang

Publisher: 永田調兵衞, 京都, 1868=Nagata Chōbē, Kyōto, 1868

Same copy as Keio University's digitized copy (See 114@19@2, image #65-68):

Clio record to hathitrust:

Gift of Daniel Greenberg, 2017.

Shelf 13v; 40w; 3 Woodblock: Taoist text, Zhongxiao gao = 雕版: 忠孝誥, 忠誥下卷, 清道光30/Qing Daoguang 30[1850 September]

Text of the first 2 lines:



Box 6 Woodblock: Taoist Canon (Zhengtong Daozang), Authenticity Grotto (Dongzhen bu), Histories and genealogies (Pulu lei) = 雕版: 正統道藏·洞真部·譜籙類, circa 1850

Text of the first 2 lines:



Box 6 Woodblock: Criminal Report Delegation form = 雕版: 刑事委任, circa 1912-1936

Box 6 Woodblock: Authorization form = 雕版: 具領狀人, circa 1912-1936

Box 6 Woodblock: Ying yuan shu yuan zhi lüe = A Brief Account of Yingyuan Academy, folio 9 = 雕版: 應元書院志略, 清同治9/Qing Tongzhi 9[1870]

Yingyuan Academy is located in Guangdong, China. The woodblock came from leaf 9 of the 1870 edition. Also includes a folder of the positive print

Box 7 3 pieces of oracle bones = 三片甲骨, circa 1300-1050 B.C.

Also known as "Smith Chinese Rare 39".

The following items are part of the David Eugene Smith Chinese Rare 39 at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, located at the Butler Library 6th floor. Please contact for more information.

The front face of all three ox scapula are not real carved inscriptions. The center back of one (39b recto) has remains of gan-zhi day name. The latter date to PV of oracle bone. This dating is based on the form of character and style of writing. This inscription on the back is real. Notes by Qi Wenxin (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Department of History), 1997 August 25.

三对牛肩胛骨正面全是伪刻。中间一对反面(39b recto)有残干支表,为第五期刻碎。从字体,行款,来看应为真品。齐文心 (中国社会科学院) 1997年8月25日.

Use of digitized images is recommended: 大学数字图书馆国际合作计划 CADAL Project. 甲骨数字化 Digitized Oracle Bone Collections

Box 7 Smith Chinese 39a

Spurious (Qi Wenxin, 08/25/97)

Box 7 Smith Chinese 39b, verso

Spurious (Qi Wenxin, 08/25/97)

Box 7 Smith Chinese 39b, recto

Genuine (Qi Wenxin, 08/25/97)

Box 7 Smith Chinese 39c

Spurious (Qi Wenxin, 08/25/97)

Box 7 Notes regarding the oracle bones

Box 8 10 Chinese Bamboo Brushes, circa 1912-1936

Commercial press, 商務印書館. Each brush has engraving, noting the brush size and type of hair.

Box 8 Ri jin ri zhu gao liu bu qian yi yuan he guan = 日進 日逐稿流部 千衣 源和館, circa 19-20th century, 1 volume

"oblong" volume, an account book for a place named "Yuan he guan".

On the back of the ledger: William Bartholomew

Box 8 Impressions from Manchurian Prayer boards, 民國12/minguo 12[1923]

3 sheets: front side, reverse side impressions.

Stamp: 北京巴倫特; 中華民國十二年五月六參日送.

Margin notes: "This original and genuine prayer board carved in hard (teak) wood during reign of Emperor Kang Hsi Ching Dynasty, 1662-1723 A.D." "Printed from original Manchu prayer board. These Manchu prayer boards are from the great temples at Jehol, in southwestern Manchuria."

Box 9 3 Reprints of paintings from the Baoyunlou Collection (寶藴樓藏), printed by Beiping Antiquities Exhibition (北平古物陳列所印行), circa 1912-1918

Box 9 Exploring Lotus by Tang Yin (Ming Dynasty) = 明唐寅探蓮圖, circa 1912-1918

Box 9 Smoke and Trees by Mi Fu (Song Dynasty) = 宋米芾雲山煙樹, circa 1912-1918

Box 9 Heron in Autumn Pond by Wang Yuan (Yuan Dynasty) = 元王淵秋塘立鷺圖, circa 1912-1918

Box 9 Calligraphy: Ming ren shu ti, qian jing wu chuang= 名人書體 千金勿傳, circa 18th century

Note: "Collection made by a Korean scholar. Old specimens on silk, with modern characters on the margins, 18th century"

Formerly: Rare 27

Box 9 Tang ren xie jing = 唐人寫經, 片紙一幀, 民國八年春/minguo 8[1919 Spring]

Dunhuang Buddhist leave. Text comes from Abhiseka Sutra (Fo Shuo Guan Ding Jing), 12 juan

Gift of Zhang Yuanji (張元濟, 1867-1959) to Plimpton.

Formerly: Rare 30



Box 9 6 watercolors on silk, by Ren Tan Kin = 蓮潭金先生畫妙, circa 1600

"6 watercolors on silk , by Ren Tan Kin, ca. 1600. laid in: 2 modern Japanese watercolors" and "ms of Ren-tan-kin, a well-known Korean artist of c.1600, with a series of paintings on silk"

Also include 2 Japanese prints: Asazuma Dancer in a Boat, Hiroshige, Nikko #18; Crow on a Branch, by Kawanabe Kyosai, Nikko #19.

Formerly: Rare 32

Box 9 Manuscript and paintings of artist So-ko = 滄江畫帖

Also include 10 watercolors in 1 volume

Formerly: Rare 31


Box 9 Map of China, Japan, Korea = 東洋三國地圖, 1 volume

on the verse side:《大唐三藏聖教序》弘福寺沙門懷仁集晉右將軍王羲之書

Formerly: Rare 26

Box 9 Map of Gyeonggido, Korea = 京畿都地圖, circa mid-18th century, 1 volume

folded in 1 volume

Formerly: Rare 28

Box 9 Map of Korea = 朝鮮地圖, 1710, 1 volume

folded in 1 volume

Formerly: Rare 29

Box 9 Autograph letters of Tai-in-kun, adviser of the Emperor of Korea = 石坂大院王筆, circa 1875

Box 10 Item Plimpton Japanese K-33 Folio Old masterpieces reproduced by the Shimbi Shoin/Shinbi Shoin = 古代名書選 30枚

Tokyo, The Shimbi Shoin, Ltd. On note: " Presented to Mr. George Arthur Plimpton, with compliments of Maruzen Company, Limited, Tokyo".

Box 10 Item Plimpton Japanese H-18 Folio Hiroshige nikuhitsu gojūsantsugi zu = 廣重肉筆五十三次圖, 國華社, Tōkyō : Kokkasha, Taishō 9 [1920]

with note "Mrs. Plimpton, with compliments, Baroness Kanda"

Box 10 History of Chinese Mathematics, written by Yoshio Mikami in Yibei Daily News = 支那の数学, 三上義夫 in 藝備日日新聞

Newspaper containing Japanese translation of DES's article "history of Chinese mathematics"

Box 10 Japanese illustration manuscript: Calculation text and illustration of one man counting money and another man on abacus, circa 1815-1842

Only publisher seal and censor seal:

Publisher: 江崎屋吉兵衛 Ezakiya Kichibei (Marks 058 - seal 21-091), 1807-1845

Censor seal: 極 kiwame, 1815-1842

Box 10 Flag of South Korea, circa 20th century

Box 11 Hyakumantō dharani = One Million Pagodas and Dharani Prayers = 百萬塔內無垢淨光經, circa 764-770 C.E.

1 Box includes an pagoda and a wooden box. 1 folder includes 4 sheets of flatten mini scrolls.

Also include a letter from Y. Seki to Bertha M. Frick, dated 21th June 1952.

Formerly labeled as "Smith Rare 25".

College Pennant of Lingnan University = 嶺南學堂三角旗, circa after 1903

Imperial Diploma: Liu Boxin = 清劉柏馨監照, 清光緒29/Qing Guangxu 29[1903]


Formerly part of Chinese Rare 17 or Plimpton Chinese Z-10.

Japanese celestrial globe Papier-mâché, late 17th century

Part of the Smith Instrument collection. Please email for more info.

Japanese Surveying instrument, Early 19th century

Part of the Smith Instrument collection. Please email for more info.


2 Title scrolls to Land in Manchuria, 1797-1879

Gift of H. G. Friedman, June 15, 1960.

Text in manuscript, stamped and embroidered.

Citation of title in Chinese and Manchu with dates.

Box Scroll 1 January 13, 1797; January 14, 1816; January 8, 1822; February 2, 1874

Box Scroll 2 February 2, 1847; January 17, 1862; January 22, 1867; January 9, 1879

Box Scroll 3 Chinese Calligraphy Couplet Scrolls: "Er jing xin dui" by Huang Huaisen (1829-1902) = 二京新对, 植庭黄槐森, circa 1829-1902, 2 items

On scroll title: 二京新对

scroll 1 text: 書倉径史熔才气

scroll 2 text: 心地芝蘭藴德華

Box Scroll 4 Chinese Calligraphy Quatrain Scrolls: Kai mu miao shi que ming by Wu Jingming (1856-1928) = 開母廟石闕殘字, 西坡吳敬命, 民国壬戌冬日[1922 Winter], 4 items


Scroll 1: 極正而降休潁芬茲楙於圃疇閉木連理

Scroll 2: 於芊條盛胙日新而累熹而慕化鹹來王

Scroll 3: 而會...

Scroll 4: 朝其清靜九域尐其修治祈福

Box Scroll 5 Scroll: Twenty-five Articles of Priest Kukai's Last Will = Goyuigo = 御遺告, circa 1700

D.E.S. Note: "Scroll written about 1700. Buddhistic teachings of the great priest-teacher Kobo dai shi [Kobo the great teacher]. Purchased at Kyoto, 1930."

This text is the teachings that Kukai (774-835; posthumously known as Kobo Daishi) provided for his disciples on the fifteenth day of the third month of Jowa 2 (835), 6 days before his death, which is called "Goyuigo" (the Last Words).

In the Goyuigo, he anticipated that he would soon die and he gave detailed directions on the management and operation of the temples of the Shingon or "True Word" school of Buddhism. The Shingon School has handed it down as an important canon.

For more info, also see:

Box Scroll 6 Scroll: Ittō-Ryū Hyōhō = 一刀流兵法 =One Sword School Teaching, circa 1769

D.E.S. Note: "Education of a Samurai. A treatise on fencing, being a secret set of instructions given by the famous instructor Ito Kagehisa (Itō Ittōsai Kagehisa 伊藤 一刀斎 景久), about 1600. This is a copy made by the teacher Kawada [Sashi], at Nara, from Ito Kagehisa's original ms, 1769. It bears two of Kawada's handprints and was given to one of his pupils on graduating from his school. Purchased by me at Nara, 1930. David Eugene Smith"

Box Scroll 7 Scroll: History of Christianity = 基督傳概畧

Timeline of Christianity, with illustrations.

Box Scroll 8 Scroll: Japanese portrait scroll, reproduction, 明治24/Meiji 24[1891]

On publisher label:

明治24年9月1日印刷/Printed Meiji 24, September 1

明治24年9月13日出版/Published Meiji 24, September 13


発行者 官幣中社北野神社社幣所

Possibly portrait of Nobunaga? Oda Family Kamon on the cloth of the sitting person

Box Scroll 9 Scroll: Buddhist text: Womb Realm Samaya = 胎藏界三昧耶我隨要記, circa 15th century

on slip: "Buddhist scripture manuscript by hand of priest Ryo-un, in a monastry called cho-rakuji in Joshu 上州新田庄長楽寺"

Japanese Calendar scrolls

Box Scroll 10 Kanagoyomi = かな暦, 慶長14-16年/Keichō 14-16[1609-1611]

Box Scroll 11 Guchūreki, Kan'ei 14 nen [1637] = 具注暦, 寬永14年[1637], 明治40/Meiji 40[1907]

Emperor Miosho. Shogun Ieyasu.

Box Scroll 12 Tenmon 3 to 5 nen Guchūreki, uragaki Hyakunin'isshu = 天文三年同五年具注暦, 裏書百人一首抄合巻一, 天文3-5年/Tenmon 3-5[1534-1536]

Also includes handwritten manuscript of Hyakunin Isshu/100 celebrated ancient poems/百人一首

Box Scroll 13 Enpō hachi-nen no koyomi = Calendar, Enpō 8[1680] = 延宝八年之暦, 明治40/Meiji 40[1907]

Shogun Ieyasu.

Box Scroll 14 Enpō hachi-nen no koyomi = Calendar, Enpō 8[1680] = 延宝八年之暦, 明治40/Meiji 40[1907]

Shogun Ieyasu.

Box Scroll 15 Enpō roku-nen Guchūreki = Calendar, Enpō 6[1678] 延宝六年具注暦, 明治40/Meiji 40[1907]

Box Scroll 16 Scroll: Letter from the Emperor to Judge Li Pei's Grandparents... = 卷軸: 捐職布政司理問李霈之祖父母..., 清道光5/Qing Daoguang 5[1825]

on note: "Letter from the Emperor of China to a man and his wife of the Li family. Daoguang 5(1825), December 13th. In Manchurian and Chinese. [Of?] serve the characters woven at the ends." 捐封大字貳百六十八号布理李霈

Formerly: Rare 36

Box Scroll 17 Typus eclipsis lunae, by Verbiest, Ferdinand= 卷軸: 康熙十年二月十五日丁酉夜望月食圖, 南懷仁, 康熙十年二月十五(農曆)/Qing Kangxi 10[1671 March 25, 5pm-7pm]

Scroll depicting lunar eclipse observation in various locations on 1671 February 15, 5pm-7pm.

Scroll title: 康熙十年二月十五丁酉夜望月食圖

Woodblock print mounted on scroll.

on note: "Treatist on eclipse of moon Kangxi [period] of Qing dynasty in Latin, Manchu, and Chinese."

17b: Original tube for the scroll

Formerly: Rare 33

Box Scroll 18 Scroll: Tōshō-gū goikun = Testament of Ieyasu = 東照公御遺訓, circa late Meiji period

Reproduction on scroll, with Portrait of Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康.

Box Scroll 19 Scroll: Standing portrait of 8 ladies = 卷軸: 仕女圖

Box Scroll 20 Japanese painting and calligraphy on silk, 昭和戌年? [1934?]

Box Scroll 21 I Ching = Yi Jing, brush on silk, by Cao Jian (active 18th century) = 易經, 聽泉山人曹澗書

on note: "Decorative astrological wall hanging (a treatise on astrology), written and painted on silk"

Box Scroll 22 Scroll: Qing Dynasty hanging couplet (first half) = 卷軸: 仁德優洽身受福慶

On red paper, Anonymous

Shelf Scroll 23 Scroll: Chinese calligraphy couplet, A forgery of calligraphy by Fu Shan (late Ming calligrapher), 2 items

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Han bei = Han stele rubbing = 漢碑 拓本

Rubbing reproduction, mount on cardboard

Text: "行成[]內名立聲著當擭自天之[][]" "[]年廿有[]熹平二年十一月乙未[]"

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Rubbing of Tang dynasty stele

Chu Ch'ang Yen Couplet Scrolls

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: Qing dynasty hanging couplet (1st half) by Chu Ch'ang Yen

Birthday celebration calligraphy gifted to Furen.

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: "Happy place within the five cardinal relationships" by Chu Ch'ang Yen= 卷軸: 五倫之內自有樂地, 壽甫仁兄大人 雅鑑

Birthday celebration calligraphy gifted to Furen

"copy from Tang 617-906" "Qing dynasty hanging couplet (1st half) by Chu Ch'ang Yen"

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: Lotus and herons, painting on silk = 卷軸: 蓮花白鷺圖

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: Painting of ladies in court yard = 卷軸: 庭園仕女圖

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: "Is it not a delight after all to have friends come from afar" by Zhu Chunnian = 卷軸: 有朋自遠方來不亦樂乎, 祝椿年, 1920 April 10

Calligraphy celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Plimpton's visit to China by Zhu Chunnian.

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: Landscape painting by Qi Zhijia (1594-1683) = 卷軸: 祁豸佳殘山剩水圖, circa 19-20th century

Wooden case, side: 祁豸佳山水

Wooden case, top of lid: 祁豸佳殘山剩水圖

Wooden case lid, inside, handwritten calligraphy text:



進之助也 相陰論畫 丁未春初 []杵山[]送題於平安[]居 [印]景逸


Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: Snow Landscape by Lan Ying (1585-1666) = 卷軸: 明藍瑛雪景山水, circa 19-20th century

Box case, side 唐十七号,藍天字,雪景山水

on scroll title: 藍田州雪景

Wooden case lid, inside, handwritten calligraphy text:


画史彙傳 杭州府志 畫史繪要 無[]詩史 圖繪寶鑑續纂 畫徵錄 壬寅夏 桂[]記 [印]


Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scrolls: Qing Dynasty Family Ancestral Portraits by Wang Yiting (1867-1938)

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 I. Fourth Ancestor, Portrait of Genlin Wang gong, by Wang Yiting = 四世祖 根林王公之像 王一亭畫, circa 1887-1936

on scroll spine title: 四世祖 根林王公之像 王一亭畫

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 II. Family Ancestral Portrait, by Wang Yiting, circa 1887-1936

4 sitting individual: 1 male ancestor and 3 female ancestors

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 III. Family Ancestral Portrait, by Wang Yiting, circa 1887-1936

Sitting person is a female ancestor.

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 IV. Family Ancestral Portrait, by Wang Yiting, circa 1887-1936

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 V. Family Ancestral Portrait, by Wang Yiting, circa 1887-1936

Sitting person is a female ancestor.

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Stele rubbing: Tian wen tu = A Map of the Stars = 北宋黃裳《蘇州石刻天文圖》拓本, Late nineteenth century (rubbing) of 1247 (stele)

Original stele is located in Suzhou.

text: 太極未判,天地人三才函於其中...

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: Reproduction Portrait of Zhu Boru (Song Dynasty) = 宋朱伯儒先生遺像真蹟

Also known as Chu Pai-Lu, 朱柏盧 (1627-1698)

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: Republican era forgery of Kao Ch'i-P'ei painting

Shelf 13v; 40w; 4 Scroll: lithograph, calligraphy by Confucius' descendant K'ung Ch'ing-jung