Jaroslav Šváb archive, 1928-1968

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Series I: Book Designs and Illustrations

Box 1 Folder JS-001 Jihočeská výstava v Táboře [South Bohemian Exhibition in Tábor], 1929

Photomontage postcard. Typographical specimen.

Box 1 Folder JS-002 Keramická akciová společnost v Bechyni [Ceramic Joint-Stock Company in Bechyně]

Photocollage sheet. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-003 Der Kraftfahrer [The Driver 9 ], 1929

Prague: Schriftleitung und Verwaltung. Radical cover design for obscure German-language motoring periodical published in Prague. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-004 Der Kraftfahrer [The Driver 1 ], 1931

Prague: Schriftleitung und Verwaltung. Radical cover design for obscure German-language motoring periodical published in Prague. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-005 Bedřich Smetana. Má vlast. [My Country], 1930

Front cover printing specimen. Red color variation. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-006 Bedřich Smetana. Má vlast. [My Country], 1930

Full wrapper printing specimen. Brown color variation. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-007 Typografia. Issue 4-5. Vol, 1931

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Artist's pencil notes on recto and verso. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-008 Josef Herzan, Tabor

Photomontage poster on card. Typographical specimen. (30 x 25cm)

Box 1 Folder JS-009 Výroční zpáva Lužnický elektrárenský svaz v táboře [The Annual Report of the Power Company Association in Tábor], 1933

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-010 Výroční zpáva Lužnický elektrárenský svaz v táboře [The Annual Report of the Power Company Association in Tábor], 1934

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-011 Chodské lidové písně a tance [Chodenland Folk Songs and Dance], 1932

Full wrapper printing specimen. Brown variation. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-012 Chodské lidové písně a tance [Chodenland Folk Songs and Dance], 1932

Front cover printing specimen. Green variation. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-013 Chodské lidové písně a tance [Chodenland Folk Songs and Dance], 1932

Front cover printing specimen. Red variation. Peculiar day/hour/minute date stamp on verso. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-014 Dětské písně [Children's Songs], 1933

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-015 Delnicka rocenka. [The Worker's Almanac 1934], 1933

Front cover printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-016 Moderní tragedie [A Modern Tragedy], 1934

Front cover. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-017 Zbytečný sňatek. [The Unnecessary Marriage], 1933

Front cover and flap. Photomontage specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-018 Kniha o životě a smrti [The Book of Life and Death], 1933

8vo Front cover and spine printing specimen. Artist's pencil notes on verso. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-019 Silvestr Hippman – Sonatina, 1934

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to)

Box 1 Folder JS-020 Houslový repertoár [Violin Repertoire], 1934

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Green variant. Artist's pencil notations. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-021 Houslový repertoár [Violin Repertoire], 1934

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Red variant. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-022 Dvanast ludovych piesni zo Šarisa [12 Folk Songs from Šariš], 1934

Full wrapper printing specimen. Green variant. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-023 Dvanast ludovych piesni zo Šarisa. [12 Folk Songs from Šariš], 1934

Front cover printing specimen. Brown variant. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-024 Detské pesničky [Children's Songs], 1934

Slovak language. Full wrapper printing specimen. Blue variant. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-025 Detské pesničky [Children's Songs], 1934

Slovak language. Orange and black. Front cover printing specimen. Orange and black variant. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-026 Dětská cvičebnice zpěvu [A Children's Songbook], 1934

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-027 Čtyřicet dnů [Forty Days], 1934

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Artist's notes on verso. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-028 Delnicka rocenka. [The Worker's Almanac 1935], 1934

Full wrapper printing specimen (4to)

Box 1 Folder JS-029 Ilustrovaný zeměpis světa [Geography Illustrated 17 ], 1934

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.) Photomontage

Box 1 Folder JS-030 Ilustrovaný zeměpis světa [Geography Illustrated 28 ], 1934

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.) Photomontage

Box 1 Folder JS-031 Braninoří v Čechách [The Brandenburders in Bohemia], 1934

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.) Frottage

Box 1 Folder JS-032 Její Pastorkyňa [Her Stepdaughter], 1934

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-033 Tarabas, 1934

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Artist's pencil notes and stamp on verso. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-034 Námořník Mikuláš [Nicholas the Sailor]

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-035 Na přechodu k manželství [Transitioning to Marriage], 1934

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-036 Kam od Říma? [Where to Go from Rome?], 1934

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-037 Na prahu republiky. [On the Threshold of the Republic], 1934

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-038 Josef Suk žívot a dílo [Josef Suk: His Life and Work]

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-039 Vilém Kurz. Technické základy klavírní hry. [Technical Basics of Piano Playing], 1935

Front cover printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-040 Živí mrtvým [The Living to the Dead], 1935

Front cover printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-041 Etudy ku spojování poloh [Etudes for Connecting Positions], 1935

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-042 Technické základy kavírní hry [The Technical Basics for Piano Playing], 1935

Front wrapper printing specimen. (4to.) NOT FOUND!

Box 1 Folder JS-042 Technická cvicení v polohách [Technical exercises in positions violin solo], 1935

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-043 Malá suita [A Minor Suite], 1935

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-044 Prosté klavírní skladby [Simple Piano Scores]

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to)

Box 1 Folder JS-045 Praha ve své slávě a utrpení [Prague in its Glory and Suffering], 1935

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-046 Hranice stínu [The Shadow's Boundary], 1935

Photomontage cover printing specimen tipped onto thick card, hand corrections (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-047 Hranice stínu [The Shadow's Boundary], 1935

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-048 Julian Grant bloudí [Julian Grant Loses His Way], 1935

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-049 Kontrapunkt života [Point Counter Point], 1935

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-050 Hymna sovětského svazu [Hymn of the Soviet Union], 1930s

Original maquette on a printed basic backing sheet, hand corrections

Box 1 Folder JS-051 Plížil jsem se Evropou [I Crawled Across Europe], 1935

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-052 Vlci [Wolves], 1935

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-053 Ze tří čtvrtin zvědavost [Three Quarters Curiosity], 1935

Front cover and flap printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-054 Wolf Solent/Ostrov černých kouzel, 1935

Double-sided printing sample sheet, artist's hand corrections and notations. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-055 Job, 1936

Double-sided printing sample sheet. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-056 Elflometa – Transverter, Early 1930s

Single sheet advertisement. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-057 V nový život [A New Life], 1936

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-058 Spartakus [Spartacus], 1936

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-059 Delnicka rocenka. [The Worker's Almanac 1936], 1935

Front cover printing specimen (4to).

Box 1 Folder JS-060 Delnicka rocenka. [The Worker's Almanac 1937], 1936

Front cover printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-061 Dům vyhnanství [The House of Exile], 1936

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-062 Plachetnicí dvěma oceány [Sailing Two Oceans], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-063 Adolf čeká na smrt [Adolf Awaits Death], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-064 Podzemní plameny [Underground Flames], 1938

Front cover printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-065 Prodavač novin světovým vynálezcem [The Newspaper Boy Becomes a Great Inventor], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-066 Evrope v 19. Století [Europe in the 19th Century], 1938

Front cover printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-067 Obrazy z dějin národa českého [Pictures from the History of the Czech Nation], Circa 1939-1946

Original maquette with pastedowns. Book planned prior to WW2, but published after. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-068 Italská trilogie [The Italian Trilogy], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-069 Hrozny hněvu [The Grapes of Wrath], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-070 Nahubek [The Muzzle], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-071 Život Heřmana Coena [The Life of Herman Coen], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-072 Touha po Africe [Longing for Africa], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-073 Milostný kruh [Lover's Circle], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-074 Bence, člověk s hor [Bence, Mountain Man], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo)

Box 1 Folder JS-075 Zelené břehy [The Green Shores], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-076 Bombi Bitt a já [Bombi Bitt and I], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-077 Osamělý rváč [The Lonely Brawler], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-078 Královi chlapci [The King's Boys], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-079 Salka valka [The War Against the Land], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-080 & JS-080A Dobývání Sibiře [Conquering Siberia], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimens, 2 color variations. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-081 V roklinách Darvázu [In the Darvaz Gorges], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-082 V zemi sobů [In the land of the Caribou], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-083 Hokrovy průvodce Kam na Slovensko a Podkarpatskou Rus [Hokr's Guide to Slovakia and the Carpathian Region], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-084 Hokrovy průvodce Kam na dovolenou [Hokr's Vacation Guide], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-085 & JS-085A V žáru vzpoury [In the Glow of Revolt], 1938

Front cover and spine printing specimen, artist's sketch and corrections at border. Together with: Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-086 Zítra [Tomorrow], 1936

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-087 & JS-087A Hroby bez křížů [Unmarked Graves], 1936

Full wrapper printing specimens. Two variations, Uncut and cut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-088 Žid Süss [Feuchtwanger's Jew Süss], 1936

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-089 Raněný slepotou [Eyeless in Gaza], 1936

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Artist's pencil notations on verso. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-090 Malý velikan [The Small Giant], 1937

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-091 Lovci mikrobů [The Hunters of Microbes], 1937

Full wrapper printing sample. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-092 Unidentified pre-production wrapper printing sample, 1930s

Without text (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-093 & JS-093A Babbitt, 1937

Full wrapper printing specimen. 2 Variations, Uncut and cut. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-094 V zákopech u Madridu [In the Trenches at Madrid], 1937

Typographic specimen, full wrapper. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-095 Hudební matice katalog [1907-1937 Catalogue for Hudební matice), 1937

Full wrapper printing specimen. Joint design with Ladislav Sutnar. Yellow variant. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-096 Hudební matice katalog [1907-1937 Catalogue for Hudební matice), 1937

Full wrapper printing specimen. Joint design with Ladislav Sutnar. Blue variant

Box 1 Folder JS-097 Dělnická ročenka 1938 [The Workers' Almanac 1938], 1937

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-098 Bravo, torero!, 1937

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Uncut. Artist's pencil notes on front flap. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-099 Rusalka, Mid-1930s

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-100 Škola zpěvu [The School of Song], Mid-1930s

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-101 Dalibor, Mid-1930s

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-102 Sobotecký hřbitov [Sobotec Cemetery], Mid-1930s

Front cover printing specimen with printer's alignment marks. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-103 Nálady [Moods]

Front cover printing specimen with printer's alignment marks. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-104 Všesokolské slety [The All-Sokol Festivals], 1938

Front cover printing specimen with printer's alignment marks. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-105 Zázračný rybolov [The Miraculous Catch], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-106 Modrá a zlatá [Blue and Gold], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-107 Kokrhající slepice [The Squawking Hen], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. 8vo.

Box 1 Folder JS-108 Od bodu k čtvrtému rozměru [From a Point to the Fourth Dimension], 1939

Full wrapper printing specimen (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-109 Napříč říší Tamerlánovou [Across the Tamerlane Empire], 1939

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-110 Básně Jana Nerudy [The Poems of Jan Neruda], 1939

Full wrapper printing specimen. 8vo.

Box 1 Folder JS-111 Nádherné dobrodružství [A Wonderful Adventure], 1939

Front cover printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-112 & JS-112A Nádherné dobrodružství [A Wonderful Adventure], 1939

Full wrapper printing specimens, 2 color variations. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-113 O lidech Kočovných [Nomadic People], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-114 Cibuláři [Onion Diggers], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-115 Příroda se mstí [Nature Hits Back], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-116 Sestra moje čína [My Sister China], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-117 Veselá plavba k lidožroutům [Let's See if the World Is Round], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-118 Šílený Job/ Advokát chuďasů [Advocate of the Poor], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-119 Verše nad melodií [Verse over Melody], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-120 Hovory konfuciovy [The Words of Confucius], 1940

Front cover printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-121 Ethiopská lilie [The Ethiopian Lilly], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-122 Život s pochodní v ruce [Life with a Torch in Hand], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-123 Úvod do národního hospodářství [An Introduction to National Economics], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-124 Sestry v kráse [Sisters in Beauty], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-125 & JS-125A Věrnost [Loyalty], 1941

Front cover with spine printing specimens, 2 color variations. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-126 Bláhové mládí [The Blissful Young], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimens. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-127 Cesta do Iloku [Der Weg nach Ilok], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-128 Jan Amos Komenský ve světle svých spisů [Comenius in the Light of His Writings], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-129 Hrozny hněvu [The Grapes of Wrath], 1946

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-130.5 Útěk ze šosáckého míru [Escape from the Shaky Peace], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-130 & JS-130A Cesta na konec světa [The Voyage to the End of the World], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen, together with front cover isolated printed mock-up in larger format. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-131 Unique photomontage photogravure of Karpathian peasant against Czechoslovak motifs. Alignment marks on borders, Circa 1938

Apparently not used. (24 x16cm)

Box 1 Folder JS-132 Putovní cena Dr. Miroslava Tyrše. [The Tyrš Award – Certificate Binder], 1938

String binding. Prototype printing sample, book apparently not issued. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-133 Závod vyššího oddílu Dorostenek [The Tyrš Award for Youth Race – Certificate Binder], 1938

String binding. Prototype printing sample, book apparently not issued. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-134 Jednota zaměstnanců tabákové režie [The Union of Tobacco Industry Employees]. Issue 3, Year I, 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-135 Jednota zaměstnanců tabákové režie [The Union of Tobacco Industry Employees]. Issue 6, Year I, 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-136 Jednota zaměstnanců tabákové režie [The Union of Tobacco Industry Employees]. Issue 10, Year I, 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-137 Jednota zaměstnanců tabákové režie [The Union of Tobacco Industry Employees]. Issue 1, Year 2, 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-138 Viteszlav Novak studie a vzpominky [Viteszlav Novak: A Study and Recollections], 1937

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-139 Slovenské hrady [Slovak Castles], 1937

Front cover, spine and flap printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-140 & JS-140A Legenda o mrtvých vítězích [The Legend of the Dead Victors], 1937

Full wrapper printing specimen. Together with: Front cover printing specimen with printer's alignment marks and without text. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-141 Lašské tance [Lachian Dances], 1940

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-142 Smetana – Libuse, Circa Early 1930s

Front cover printing specimen, hand corrections, artist's notes on the verso. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-143 V nový život [A New Life], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen.

Box 1 Folder JS-144 Sokol Eagle. Original pen-and ink rendering with accents and corrections in white. Apparently the maquette for cover design of item JS-145, Circa 1938


Box 1 Folder JS-145 Památník X. Všesokolského sletu v praze, 1938

[A Souvenir Guide to the 10th All-Sokol Festival 1938]. Unrecorded sheet-fed photogravure prospect, the book itself appears in Heiting Czech and Slovak Publications (2018), Page 48, item 12. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-146 Památník X. Všesokolského sletu v praze, 1938

[A Souvenir Guide to the 10th All-Sokol Festival 1938]. Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 1 Folder JS-147 Uměním k životu [With Art for Life], 1946

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (12mo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-148 Rozrušená země [A Disrupted Land], 1946

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-149 & JS-149A Sláva Elsie Silverové [The Glory of Elsie Silver], 1946

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Together with: Full wrapper printing specimen. Color variations. (8vo.)

Box 1 Folder JS-150 Ohnivý déšť [A Fiery Rain], 1944

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-151 & JS-151A Adolus Huxley. Zastaví se čas [Time Must Have a Stop], 1946

Full wrapper printing specimens, colors variations yellow and purple

Box 2 Folder JS-152 Nahý život [Bare Life], 1947

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-153 Aymé, Marcel. Cesty školáků [Le Chemin des écoliers], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-154 Idea a čin [The Idea and the Act], 1947

Front cover printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-155 & JS-155A Za svobodou a socialismus 1897-1947 [In the Name of Freedom and Socialism 1897-1947], 1947

Front cover printing specimens, color variations. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-156 Moudrý Engelbert [Wise Engelbert], 1945

Front cover printing specimen. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-157 Vrchlickému nablízku [Vrchlický Up Close), 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-158 Otcovský dům [Father's House], 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-159; JS-159A; JS-159B Bruski, 1945

Front cover prototype rendering, front cover, spine and flap printing specimen with artist's pencil notes on the verso, and full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-160 Škola nenávisti [The School of Hatred], 1945

Front cover printing specimen with inverted reverse printing. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-161 John Steinbeck. Hrozny hněvu [The Grapes of Wrath], 1946

Front cover, spine and flap printing specimen. Artist's notations and corrections on recto and verso. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-162 Česká strava lidová [Czech Folk Food], 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-163 Mlčení [Silence], 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-164 Kladský sborník [The Kladsko Anthology], 1946

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-165 & JS-165A & JS-165B Sokolovo [The Battle of Sokolovo], 1945

Front cover printing specimens, red and blue variations, and full wrapper printing specimen, darker red. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-166 Íránský poutník [The Iranian Pilgrim], 1946

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-167 & JS-167A Úsměv penátů [The Smile of the Penates], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimens, color variations. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-168 Od Pythagory k Hilbertovi [From Pythagoras to Hilbert], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-169 Portugalské lásky [Portuguese Loves], 1942

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Artist's pencil notes on verso. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-170 Dořini milenci a jiné kratochvíle [Dora's Lovers and Other Short Stories], 1942

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-171 Žena nejsou housle [Women Are Not Violins], 1943

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-172 Zázračná madona [The Miraculous Madonna], 1944

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-173 Rváč [The Brawler], 1944

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-174 Jaroslav Křička, 1944

Front cover, spine and flap printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-175 Don Juan jde do divadla [Don Juan Goes to the Theatre], 1942

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-176 Med a hořec [Honey and the Gentian], 1942

Full wrapper printing specimen, artist's pencil notations and corrections. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-177 & JS-177A Panenské ostrovy [The Virgin Islands], 1944

Front cover and flap printing specimen. Together with Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-178 Kalendář českých hudebníků na rok 1945 [A Calendar of Czech Musicians for 1945], 1944

Full wrapper printing specimen. Blue variant. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-179 Kalendář českých hudebníků na rok 1945 [A Calendar of Czech Musicians for 1945], 1944

Full wrapper printing specimen. Brown variant. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-180 Petr Kajícník, 1944

Full wrapper printing specimen (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-181 Bloudění severem [Lost in the North], 1944

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-182 Za nové Československo [Towards a New Czechoslovakia], 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-183 Život volá [Life Calls], 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-184 Milenci smrti [Lovers of Death], 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-185 Morova stopa [The Plague's Prints], 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-186 Přebytek kupní síly a jeho odstranění [A Surplus of Purchasing Power and How to End It], 1945

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-187 Rybářská knížka [The Fishing Book], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-188 Richard Llewellyn. Bylo jednou zelené údolí [There Was Once a Green Valley], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-189 & JS-189A Tvorba životního slohu [Creating a Living Style], 1947

Front cover with spine printing design specimen, and full wrapper printing specimen, color variations. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-190 Winston Churchill, 1947

Front cover and flap printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-191 Romance o závišovi [A Romance about Záviš], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-192 & JS-192A Synové světla a synové tmy [Sons' Light and Sons' Darkness], 1947

Front cover printing design specimen, and full wrapper printing specimen, color variations. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-193 Oheň proti ohni [Fire against Fire], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-194 První úder [The First Blow], 1947

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-195 & JS-195A Rorpleava o metodě [On the Method], 1947

Front cover printing design specimen, and full wrapper printing specimen, color variations. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-196 Méněcennost [Inferiority], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-197 Plánování a svoboda [Planning and Freedom], 1947

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-198 Invase [The Invasion], 1947

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Artist's pencilled notes on the verso. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-199 Neklidná Hranice [The Restless Border], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-200 Pravda zvítězila [Truth Won Out], 1947

Front cover and spine specimen.(8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-201 Pearl S Buck. Dobrá země [The Good Earth], 1947

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-202 & JS-202A Státověda a theorie politiky [Political Science and Political Theories], 1947

Front cover printing design specimen, and full wrapper printing specimen, color variations. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-203 Vítězství v Evropě a Tichomoří [Victory in Europe and the Pacific], 1946

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 2 Folder JS-204 Zahraniční politika a válečné cíle Spojených států [The Foreign Policy and War Objectives of the United States], 1946

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-205 & JS-205A Historie utěšené a kratochvilné [Short and Delightful Stories], 1941

Full wrapper printing specimens. Uncut and cut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-206 Panenské ostrovy [The Virgin Islands], 1944

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. Softcover variant of JS-179, different design. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-207 Mnoho na jednu generaci [Many for a Single Generation], 1946

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-208 Nauka o Hudebních formách [Lessons on Music Form], 1946

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-209 Faidros/Platon - O kráse [On Beauty], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-210 O přirozenosti bohů [On the Naturalness of the Gods], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-211 Kde léčí stesk [Where Nostalgia Heals], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-212 Klačanská dolina [Klačan Valley], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-213 John Galsworthy. K pronajmuti [For Rent], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-214 John Galsworthy. V osidlech [In the Settlements], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-215 John Galsworthy. Bohatec [The Rich One], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-216 Až k hořkému konci [To the Bitter End], 1947

Pamphlet in wrappers. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-217 Pero mi zůstalo [I Kept the Pen], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-218 Waldheimská idyla [The Waldheim Idyll], 1947

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-219 Ve službách ČSR [In the Services of Czechoslovakia], 1947

Front cover and flap printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-220 & JS-220A Malí lidé [Small People], 1949

Front cover and spine printing specimen. Together with: Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-221 Posledni kapitola [The Last Chapter], 1948

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-222 České pohádky [Czech Tales], 1949

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-223 Lidové povídky z Podkrkonoší [Folk Tales from the Giant Mountains], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-224 O platonovi [On Plato], 1949

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-225 Porážka [The Defeat], 1949

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-226 Nárys moderní elektrofysiologie [The Basics of Modern Electrophysiology], 1949

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 2 Folder JS-227 Loutka [The Puppet], 1949

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-228 Loutka II [The Puppet II], 1949

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-229 Hitlerovy plany na dobyti Evropy [Hitler's Plans to Conquer Europe], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-230 Slovanské pohádky [Slavic Tales], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-231 Svoboda chodí v rudém šatě [Freedom Comes in a Red Dress], 1948

Front cover, spine and flap printing sample. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-232 Štěstí zarmoucených [The Happiness of the Unhappy], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-233 Těžká léta [Hard Years], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-234 Lev je v ulicích [Lev Is in the Streets], 1948

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-235 & JS-235A Dvě samoty [Two Solitudes], 1948

Front cover and spine printing specimen, artist's pencil notations on the verso. Together with: Full wrapper printing specimen (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-236 Niels Hald, 1948

Front cover, spine and flap printing specimen with artist's penciled notes on the verso. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-237 Pouhá pravda [The Mere Truth], 1948

Front cover, spine and flap printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-238 Nové sovětské divadlo [The New Soviet Theatre], 1948

Front cover, spine and flap printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-239 Newtonův mozek [Newton's Brain], 1948

Front cover, wrapper and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-240 Ve stínu svobody [In the Shadow of Freedom], 1952

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-241 Ve stínu svobody II [In the Shadow of Freedom II], 1952

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-242 Anděl míru [The Angel of Peace], 1951

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-243 O Janu Nerudovi [Jan Neruda], 1952

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-244 Mostecká stávka [The Moscow Strike], 1953

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-245 Kníže Igor [Prince Igor], 1953

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-246 Nové rolnictvo v SSSR [New Farming in the USSR], 1950

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-247 Předmět a metoda politické ekonomie [The Subject and Method of the Political Economy], 1950

Front cover printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-248 Nový mocný vzestup socialistického průmysl v SSSR [The New Powerful Rise of Socialist Industry in the Soviet Union], 1950

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-249 Chozrasčot [Khozrazchot], 1950

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-250 & JS-250A Víra a svět [Faith and the World], 1948

Front cover printing specimen and full wrapper printing specimen. Color variations. (12mo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-251 Život a dobrodružství Martina Chuzzlewita [The Life and Adventure of Martin Chuzzlewit], 1950

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-252 Život a dobrodružství Martina Chuzzlewita II [The Life and Adventure of Martin Chuzzlewit II], 1950

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-253 Písně a tance [Song and Dance], 1953

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-254 Písně a tance [Song and Dance], 1953

Internal leaf with artist's designs and typography – printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-255 Slovanské pohádky [Slavic Tales], 1951

Full wrapper printing sample. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-256 Hudba pro radost [Music for Pleasure], 1955

Pamphlet. Red cover variant (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-257 & JS-257A Hudba pro radost [Music for Pleasure], 1955

Full wrapper typographical specimen, and pamphlet. Blue cover variant. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-258 Výběrový seznam hudebnin [A Selection of Musical Scores], 1953

Pamphlet. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-259 Dialektika přírody [The Dialectic of Nature], 1954

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-260 Husitská kronika [The Hussite Chronicle], 1954

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-261 Literaria [Literary Genres], 1954

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-262 Moderní upíři [Modern Vampires], 1954

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-263 Cesta na Kyjev [The Journey to Kiev], 1955

Full wrapper printing specimen signed by the artist on the verso. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-264 Cesta na zapad [The Journey West], 1955

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-265 Dobrá kniha tak levná jak nikdy nebývala [A good book is as cheap as it has never been], 1955

Pamphlet. 8-panel folding pamphlet. Brochure for SNKLHU publishing house. This state arts publisher issued all of the major monographs by Josef Sudek printed in the 1950s and 1960s. (8vo)

Box 2 Folder JS-266 karolina světlá v podještědí [Karolina Světlá Museum Guide], 1955

Brochure printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-267 Proti srsti [Against the Grain], 1955

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-268 Prameny I [Sources I], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-269 Prameny II [Sources II], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-270 Za třemi hranicemi [Beyond Three Borders], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-271 V zemi růží a tabáku [In the Land of Roses and Tobacco], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-272 Průkopnice [Pioneers], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-273 Trnitá cesta [The Thorny Path], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-274 Dávná léta [Years Ago], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-275 V rodném městě [The Native Town], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-276 Zelený paprsek [The Green Ray], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-277 Městečko [The Town], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-278 Výheň [The Hearth], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-279 Ruský les [The Russian Forest], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-280 Neklidné mládí [The Restless Youth], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-281 Dům na náměstí [The House on the Square], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-282 Život Berežkovův [Berezhkov's Life], 1958

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-283 Sivooký démon [The Blind Demon], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-284 & JS-284A Odplata [Revenge], 1958

Full wrapper printing specimens. Color variations. Color variations. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-285 Neviditelný [Invisible], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-286 Deník z Hirošimy [The Diary from Hiroshima], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-287 Hrabě Monte Cristo III [The Count of Monte Cristo], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. Artist's pencil notes on the verso. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-288 Deset dnů které otřásly světem [Ten Days that Shook the World], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-289 & JS-289A Z ovzduší politiky [From the Realm of Politics], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. Together with full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-290 & JS-290A Vysoké napětí [High Voltage], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen and front cover, spine and flap printing specimen with artist's penned notes on the verso. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-291 Země vnuků [The Land of Grandsons], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-292 & JS-292A Volání divočiny [Call of the Wild], 1957

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen and full wrapper trimmed printed specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-293 Povídky [Stories], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-294 Sentimentální roman [A Sentimental Novel], 1959

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-295 Příběhy o lásce [Love Stories], 1959

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-296 & JS-296A Ray Bradbury. Marťanská kronika [Martian Chronicles], 1959

Front cover test printing specimen, and full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-297 & JS-297A Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim, 1959

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen, full wrapper trimmed printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-298 Anna Vickersová [Ann Vickers], 1958

Front cover printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-299 Nepřirozená zvířata [Unnatural Animals], 1958

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen, artist's pencils notes in the margin.

Box 2 Folder JS-300 Devadesát tři [Ninety-Three], 1958

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-301 Vichrné návrší [Wuthering Heights], 1958

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-302 Letopis Vincenciův a Jarlochův [The Chronicle of Vincenci a Jarloch], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-303 Rozrušená země [A Disturbed Land], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo)

Box 2 Folder JS-304 Báseň [A Poem], 1961

4pp brochure printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 2 Folder JS-305 Na jednom okrese [In a Single District], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-306 Don Juan, 1959

Front cover and spine printing specimen. The artist's penciled and penned notations on the verso, with a signature. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-307 Mravokárné románky [Mentor Stories], 1957

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-308 Zeměpis [Geography], 1958

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-309 Bücher aus der Tschechoslowakei Artia, [Books from Czechoslovakia], 1959

Full wrapper printing specimen. Variant 1 (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-310 Bücher aus der Tschechoslowakei Artia, [Books from Czechoslovakia], 1959

Full wrapper printing specimen. Variant 2 (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-311 Báseň o tanci [A Poem about Dance], 1959

4pp pamphlet printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-312 & JS-312A Etika a dnešek [Ethics and Today's World], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimens, variations (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-313 & JS-313A Juan netančí karmaňolu [Juan Doesn't Dance the Carmagnole], 1960

Front cover isolated test printing specimen, full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-313.5 V tornistře - maršálskou hůl [Destined to Become a Field Marshall], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-314 Ivan Yefremov. Mlhovina v Andromedě [Andromeda Nubula], 1960

Full wrapper printing sample, uncut. Color variant. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-315 Ivan Yefremov. Mlhovina v Andromedě [Andromeda Nubula], 1960

Full wrapper printing sample, uncut. Front cover, isolated printing specimen. Color variant. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-316 & JS-316A Ivan Yefremov. Mlhovina v Andromedě [Andromeda Nubula], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimens, treated and untreated variants. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-316.5 Einsteinův mozek [Einstein's Brain]

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-316.7 Proměněná zem [The Transformed Land], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-317 Studna supů [Vulture Well], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-318 Člověk mění kůži [A Person Changes Skin], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-319 Ve znamení Kon-Tiki [In the Sign of Kon-Tiki], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-320 Rozhořčený mladý muž [The Angry Young Man], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-321 & JS-321A Vzpomínky Ijona Tichého [The Memoirs of Ijon Tichy], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimens, two color variants. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-322 William Saroyan. Tati, tobě přeskočilo [Papa, You're Crazy], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-323 Hrdá porážka [A Proud Defeat], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-324 V neděli se nepohřbívá [No Burials on Sundays], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-325 Bonifác [Boniface], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-326 & JS-326A Život s hvězdou [Life with a Star], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. Together with: full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-327 & JS-327A Zabijačka [The Slayer], 1963

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. Together with: full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-328 Tah jezdcem [Knight's Move], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-329 & JS-329A Literární poklesky [Literary Lapses], 1963

Full wrapper printing specimens. Uncut. Color and format variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-330 Literární poklesky [Literary Lapses], 1963

Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-331 Ray Bradbury. Slunce a stín [Sun and Shadow], 1963

Full wrapper printing specimen. Uncut

Box 3 Folder JS-332 & JS-332A Ray Bradbury. Slunce a stín [Sun and Shadow], 1963

Full wrapper printing specimens, color variants, including final format

Box 3 Folder JS-333 & JS-333A Jed [Poison], 1963

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut and full wrapper final format printing specimen. Color variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-334 & JS-334A Jean-Paul Sartre. Slova [Words], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimen and full wrapper final format printing specimen, both uncut. Color variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-335 & JS-335A Vinaří [The Vintners], 1962

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-336 Zeitschriten aus der tschechoslowakei.[Newspapers from Czechoslovakia]

Full wrapper printing specimen

Box 3 Folder JS-337 Plamen [The Flame], 1961

Full wrapper printing specimen with the artist's pencil notations and corrections on verso. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-338 & JS-338A Smrt si říká Engelchen [Engelchen Is Death], 1961

Full wrapper printing specimen, printed in duplex, uncut. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-339 & JS-339A Vítězná corrida [La Corrida de la victore], 1961

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-340 & JS-340A Nedovol mi odejít [He Wouldn't Let Me Leave], 1961

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-341 Mark Twain. Yankee z connecticutu na dvoře krále artuše [A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court], 1961

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-342 Hollar sbornik grafickeho umeni [Hollar Anthology of Graphic Art], 1961

Front cover and spine printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-343 & JS-343A Největší z Pierotů [The Greatest of the Pierrots], 1961

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-344 Petrolejové lampy [Gas Lamps], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-345 & JS-345A Invaze z Aldebaranu [Invasion from Aldebaran], 1961

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-346 Vysoká hra [Blue Chips], 1961

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo)

Box 3 Folder JS-347 & JS-347A Vysoká hra [Blue Chips], 1961

Full wrapper final format printing specimens, format variations. One signed by the artist on the verso. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-348 & JS-348A Místo nahoře [A Place Above], 1960

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen, signed by the artist on the verso. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-349 Hollar IV, 1960

Full wrapper uncut print specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-350 & JS-350A Jeskyně slov [A Cave of Words], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimens, variations. One with pencil notations and corrections by the artist. The second signed, dated and titled by the artist on the verso. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-351 & JS-351A Vzpoura pověšených [The Revolt of the Hanged], 1962

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-352 Déšť v letním slunci [Rain in the Summer Sun], 1962

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-353 Smrt a Blažená paní [Death and the Joyful Woman], 1963

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-354 Kouzelný dům [The Magic House], 1963

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-355 Svatba na Lannekenu [The Wedding at Lannekenu], 1963

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-356 Serie C-L [Series C-L], 1963

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-357 & JS-357A Příběh z neklidných časů [The Story of Turbulent Times], 1963

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-358 Lidé a socialismus [People and Socialism], 1963

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-359 Navrat z raje [Return from Paradise], 1963

Front cover isolated printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-360 & JS-360A Navrat z raje [Return from Paradise], 1963

Full wrapper uncut printing specimens, two color variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-361 Děti jsou květy života [Children Are the Flowers of Life], 1962

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-362 Eseje o tragédii [Essays on Tragedy], 1962

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-363 & JS-363A Most [The Bridge], 1962

Full wrapper first format printing specimen, signed by the artist in pencil on recto and verso. Together with: Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. Color variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-364 & JS-364A Vejce pro maršala [Eggs for the Marshal], 1962

Full wrapper printing specimens, two variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-365 Duchem a mečem [With Spirit and Sword], 1958

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-366 Hollar - Sborník grafického umění – XXXIV [Hollar-An Anthology of Graphic Art], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. The artist's pencil notes on recto and verso. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-367 Puppets and Fairy Tales, 1958

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (4to). This publication featured in Heiting. Czech and Slovak Photo Publications 1918-1989 (2018)

Box 3 Folder JS-368 Chers enfants [Dear Children], 1958

4-page photogravure proof sheet printing specimen from Contes et Marionnettes. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-369 La Belle Aux Cheveux D'Or [The Beautiful One With Golden Hair], 1958

4-page photogravure proof sheet printing specimen from Contes et Marionnettes. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-370 & JS-370A Bacilet, 1958

Two alternate 4-page photogravure proof sheet printing specimens from Contes et Marionnettes. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-371 & JS-371A Le Petit Cheval Bossu [The Little Hunchback Horse]

Two alternate 4-page photogravure proof sheet printing specimens from Contes et Marionnettes. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-372 & JS-372A Les Adventures De Caima [Caima's Adventures], 1958

Two alternate 4-page photogravure proof sheet printing specimens from Contes et Marionnettes. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-373 Jánošík, 1958

4-page photogravure proof sheet printing specimen from Contes et Marionnettes. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-374 L'autre gelee eut une autre aventure [The Other Jelly Had Another Adventure], 1958

4-page photogravure proof sheet printing specimen from Contes et Marionnettes. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-375 Panton catalogue 1958-1964, 1965

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-376 Knižní kultura [Book Culture], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen with (2) internal linocuts. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-377 JS-377A Defraudanti [The Embezzlers], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimens, variations, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-378 & JS-378A Divoška Jaja [Wild Jaja], 1965

Full wrapper uncut printing specimens, variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-379 Divoška Jaja [Wild Jaja], 1965

Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-380 & JS-380A Zákony profesora Parkinsona [The Laws of Professor Parkinson], 1966

Full wrapper uncut printing specimens, two variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-381 & JS-381A Zachraňme vesmír [Let's Save the Universe], 1966

Full wrapper printing specimens, two variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-382 & JS-382A Ilya Ehrenburg. Trust D.E, 1966

Full wrapper printing specimens, two variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-383 & JS-383A Dopisy Čajkovskij [Letters from Tchaikovsky], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimens, two variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-384 Ausflug in die Tschechoslowakei, 1961

Full wrapper printing specimen (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-385 & JS-385A Periodicals from Czechoslovakia, 1961

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-386 Měsíc s dýmkou [A Month with a Pipe], 1966

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-387 U Mendelmanů hoří [Fire at the Mendelmans], 1966

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-388 Tří Dumasové [The Three Dumases], 1966

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-389 Československo katalog známek 1966 [Czechoslovak Stamp Catalogue], 1966

Front and rear wrapper printing specimens

Box 3 Folder JS-390 & JS-390A Max Brod. Život plný bojů [A Life Full of Struggles], 1966

Full wrapper uncut printing specimens, two variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-391 Carlos Fuentes. Nejprůzračnější kraj [Where the Air Is Clear], 1966

Full wrapper printing specimen

Box 3 Folder JS-392 & JS-392A Ernest Hemingway. Fiesta [The Sun Also Rises], 1966

Full wrapper uncut printing specimens, two variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-393 & JS-393A David Storey. Ten sportovní život [That Sporting Life], 1964

Full wrapper uncut printing specimen. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-394 & JS-394A Pozdní doznání [Late Confessions], 1965

Full wrapper uncut printing specimens, two variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-395 & JS-395A Téma s variacemi [A Theme with Variations], 1965

Front cover isolated printing specimen, with signed by the artist and with his notes on the verso. Together with: Front cover, spine and flap final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-396 Stefan Zweig. Balzac, 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-397 Graham Greene. Ministerstvo strachu [The Ministry of Fear], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-398 Arthur Upfield. Zánik jezera [Death of a Lake], 1965

Front cover isolated printing specimen. The artist's pen and penciled notes in the margins. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-399 & JS-399A Arthur Upfield. Zánik jezera [Death of a Lake], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimens, both uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-400 & JS-400A Starý Zákon: Genesis, 1968

Full wrapper printing specimens, two variants (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-401 Starý Zákon: Dvanáct proroků, 1968

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-402 Starý Zákon: Jozue, Soudců, Rút, 1968

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-403 Romeo a Julie [Romeo and Juliet], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimen. Designed for 1964 international exhibition of book design. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-404 Hvězda, Dva ve stepi, Modrý sešit [The Star, Two In the Steppe, The Blue Notebook], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-405 Jan Weiss. Zázračné ruce [Miraculous Hands], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-406 & JS-406A Pierre Daninos. Jistý pan Blot [The Certain Mr. Blot], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. Together with: Full wrapper final format printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-407 Raymond Chandler. Dáma v jezeře [The Lady in the Lake], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-408 & JS-408A Hans Habe Tajné poslání [The Secret Message], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimens, two variations, both uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-409 Stepan Soltesz Kristus a Rodina [Christ and the Family], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-410 John Cheever. Rodinná kronika Wapshotových [The Wapshot Chronicle], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-411 Edna O'Brien. Děvče se zelenýma očima [The Girl with the Green Eyes], 1968

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-412 Jerzy Andrezejewski Onť se béře po horách [He Cometh Leaping upon the Mountain], 1968

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-413 & JS-413A Jiri Marek Muži jdou v tmě [Men Go in Darkness], 1968

Full wrapper printing specimens, uncut and cut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-414 & JS-414A Jan Welzl Třicet let na zlatém severu [Thirty Years in the Golden North], 1968

Full wrapper printing specimens, color variations. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-415 Irwin Shaw Lucy Crownová [Lucy Crown], 1968

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-416.5 Pavel Materna Umíte logicky myslet? [Do You Know How to Think Logically?], 1968

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-416 Vaclav Koval Na vysoké otáčky [For High Revolutions], 1968

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-417 Nakladatelství Naše vojsko [Our Fighters Publishing House], 1969

New Year's card design, uncut printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-418 Zdenek Stepanek Za divadlem kolem světa. [In The Theater Around the World], 1969

Box 3 Folder JS-419 Zdenek Mlynar Stát a člověk [The State and the Person], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-420 Rudolf Strobinger Stopa vede k Renému [The Tracks Lead to Rene], 1964

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-421 Žijeme [We Live], 1960

Title page printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-422 Žijeme [We Live], 1960

Book Block 1 printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-423 Žijeme [We Live], 1960

Book Block 2 printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-424 Žijeme [We Live], 1960

Book Block 3 printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-425 Žijeme [We Live], 1960

Book Block 4 printing specimen. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-426 Horace Walpole Otrantský zámek, Starý anglický baron, Vathek, Sicilský román [Otrantský Castle, The Old English Baron, Vathek, Sicilian Novel], 1969


Box 3 Folder JS-427 Claus Westermann Tisíc let a jeden den. [One Thousand and One Nights], 1969

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-428 Příruční slovník naučný II. [The Condensed Encyclopedia II], 1963

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Box 3 Folder JS-429 Drama [Drama]. Linocut book illustration specimen, 1963

Variation of a print featured in the 1966 Šváb monograph. (24.5 x 18cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-430 Nepojmenovaná II [Untitled II], 1950s

Linocut book illustration specimen (25.5 x 17.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-431 Nepojmenovaná III [Untitled III], 1950s

Linocut book illustration specimen (25.5 x 17cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-432 Nepojmenovaná IV [Untitled IV]. Linocut book illustration specimen, 1950s

Artist's penned notations in the margins. (24.5 x 19cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-433 Nepojmenovaná V. [Untitled V], 1950s

Linocut book illustration specimen (25 x 19.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-434 Nepojmenovaná VI [Untitled VI], 1950s

Linocut book illustration specimen (24.5 x 18.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-435 Podélná hlava [Longitudinal Head, 1950s

Linocut book illustration specimen. Variation of the print used on the cover of the of the 1966 Šváb mongograph. (27 x 22cm).

Box 3 Folder JS-436 Podélná hlava [Longitudinal Head], 1966

Printing specimen for cover of Šváb monograph. (22 x 16.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-437 Kaktusy [Cacti], 1950s

Lithographic book wrapper design, no text, apparently unused. (20 x 13cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-438 Stojící žena [Standing Woman], circa 1950s

Lithographic design for book cover, apparently not used (27.5 x 16cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-439 Stojící muž. [The Standing Man]

Printing specimen for rear wrapper of 1966 Šváb monograph. (18 x 11cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-440 Nepojmenovaná VIII [Untitled VIII], 1950s

Linocut book illustration specimen (19.5 x 12.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-441 Černý a bílý [Black and White], circa 1960s

Collage/Pen and Ink Drawing. Original artwork rendering for book cover design. Apparently not used. Matted to (24 x 21cm).

Box 3 Folder JS-442 Zmensit [Shrink], circa 1960s

Collage on paper. Original rendering for book cover design. Apparently not used. (20.5 x 21cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-443 Kruh [Circle] Collage on paper, circa 1935

Original artwork. Similar to the artist's design for Huxley's Point Counter Point. Tissue guard. (20.5 x 24cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-444 Pochodeň [The Torch]. Collage on paper, circa 1950s/60s

Original artwork for book cover design. (27 x 16cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-445 [Death at Dinner] Collage with gouche on paper

Prospective element of book cover design. Original artwork. (21 x 15.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-446 The Witness of Czech Protestantism, circa 1969

Collage for book design cover. Original artwork. (20 x 26cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-447 Abstract Gouche I. Original artwork for book jacket design, circa 1960

(20.5 x 18cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-448 Abstract Gouche II. Original artwork for book jacket design, circa 1960

(20 x 18cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-449 Ryba [A Fish] Pen-and-ink drawing for book jacket design, circa 1970

Original artwork (24 x 18.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-450 Osvětlené dopisy [Illuminated Letters]

Original linotype maquette design. Reproduced in the 1966 Šváb monograph. (22 x 16cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-451 Abstraktní linie složení [Abstract Line Composition]

Original artwork, collage with painted layers, toward book jacket design. (23 x 14.5)

Box 3 Folder JS-452 Abstraktní strom I [Abstract Tree I], 1950s

Woodcut. Original artwork. (19.5 x 14cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-453 Abstraktní strom II [Abstract Tree II], 1950s

Woodcut. Original artwork. (17 x 12cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-454 Abstraktní strom III [Abstract Tree III], 1950s

Woodcut. Original artwork. (14 x 12cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-455 Abstraktní strom IV [Abstract Tree IV], 1950s

Linocut. Original artwork. (9.5 x 14cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-456 Abstraktní strom V [Abstract Tree V], 1950s

2 Linocuts on single sheet. Original artwork. (10.5 x 14cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-457 Abstraktní strom VI [Abstract Tree VI], 1950s

Woodcut. Original artwork. (15.5 x 12cm).

Box 3 Folder JS-458 Zámecké dveře [Castle Door], 1950s

Collage with painted elements. (10.5 x 9cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-459 Nepojmenovaná IX [Untitled XI], 1960s

Artist's pencil notes in the margins. (28 x 18.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-460 Slunečnice [Sunflower] Publisher's presentation card maquette, 1960s

(21 x 19.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-461 Laska nejvyssim darem [Love Is The Highest Gift], 1960s

Publisher's advertising inspirational message, folding card. Linocut cover. (21 x 15cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-462 TM, 1960s

Artist's pencil notes in the margins. (18.5 x 26.5cm)

Box 3 Folder JS-463 Na Stráž: Naše Armáda a Brannost Národa [On The Guard: Our Army And Armed Nation], 1938

Full page printing specimen for Mazáč publishing house. Book apparently not published. Artist's pencil notes in the margins. Variant 1. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-464 Na Stráž: Naše Armáda a Brannost Národa [On The Guard: Our Army And Armed Nation], 1938

Full page printing specimen for Mazáč publishing house. Book apparently not published. Variant 2. (4to.)

Box 3 Folder JS-465 Národohospodářská Propagace [Promotion of Economics], Circa 1930

Typographical experiment. (4to.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-466 Československo výstava 1960

[Czechoslovak Exhibition 1960] exhibition poster (42 x 27.5 cm)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-467 & JS-467A Die Tschechoslovakische Republik, Circa 1937

Front cover and spine printing specimens. Two variants. (4to.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-468 Podzimní symfonie [The Autumnal Symphony], 1938

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-469 Ekonomie a fetišismus [Economy and Fetishism], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-470 Člověk a moderní katolicismus [Man and Modern Catholicism], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-471 Člověk a hospodářství [Man and economy], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-472 Volný čas a my [Free Time and Us], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-473 Otázky bytí a existence [Questions on Being and Existence], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-474 Občan, právo a demokracie [The Citizen, Law and Democracy], 1966

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-475 Dvacet let Československa [Twenty Years of Czechoslovakia]

Folding lithographic poster. (75 x 47cm)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-476 Ilja Beškov, 1955

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (4to.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-477 EX/LS 1974. Full sheet linotype, Circa 1973

Signed by the artist in the lower margin

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-478 Mikoláš Aleš a kniha [Mikoláš Aleš and Book Design], 1956

Full wrapper printing specimen, uncut. (4to.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-479 Igor Stravinskij [Igor Stravinsky], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen. (4to.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-480 Žijeme [We Live], 1960

Full wrapper printing specimen in poster format. (4to.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-481 Téma s variacemi [Theme with Variations], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-482 Dokument života a díla [A Document of Life and Work], 1967

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-483 O sobě a o jiných [About Yourself and Others], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-484 Paměti [Memoirs], 1965

Full wrapper printing specimen. (8vo.)

Series II: Hardbound Book Designs – Binding Specimens

Box 4 Folder JS-485 Katalog pražských vzorkovych veletrhu [Catalogue of the Prague Samples Fair], 1928

Full boards. Hardcover design specimen. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-486 Cyrano de Bergerac, Circa 1960s

Full boards. Hardcover design specimen. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-487 Mistr Kampanus [The Master Campanus], 1947

Full boards. Hardcover design specimen. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-488 Dejiný narodu českého [The History of the Czech Nation], 1937

Full boards. Hardcover design specimen. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-489 Tanec mimo nás i v nás [The Dance without and within Us], 1937

Full boards. Hardcover design specimen. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-490 X Všesokolský Slet v praze [The 10th All-Sokol Festival in Prague], 1938

Full boards. Hardcover design specimen. (4to.)

Box 4 Folder JS-491 Armáda a národ [The Army and The Nation], 1938

Full boards, half-leather design variant. (4to.)

Box 4 Folder JS-492 Armáda a národ [The Army and The Nation], 1938

Full boards, cloth design variant. (4to.)

Box 4 Folder JS-493 Die Tschechoslovakische Republik 1, Circa 1937

Full boards. Hardcover design specimen. (4to.)

Box 4 Folder JS-494 Unidentified cloth cover mock-up, 1930s

Black African mask with green paper pastedown. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-495 Unidentified cloth cover mock-up, 1930s

Green African mask pastedown with silver gilt. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-496 Život Camõesův: Básník Lusovců a Portugalsko jeho doby [The Life of Camões], 1941

Leather front and cloth spine hardcover design specimen. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-497 Unidentified cloth cover mock-up with embossed emblem of hands, book and chalice, 1930s

Orange and black. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-498 Kouzelník barev [The Magician's Colors]

Front board and spine. Hardcover design specimen. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-499 Socialismus [Socialism], 1936

Front board and spine. Hardcover design specimen (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-500 Unidentified cloth cover mock-up with embossed panel of peasants, 1930s

Front board only. Yellow variation. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-501 Unidentified cloth cover mock-up with embossed panel of peasants, 1930s

Front board only. Green variation. (8vo.)

Series III: Books, Monographs, Pamphlets, Ephemera

Box 4 Folder JS-502 Grafická škola Jaroslava Švába Officina Pragensis [The Jaroslav Šváb School of Graphic Arts: Officina Pragensis]

Prospectus for design school started by Šváb after Sutnar departed to America and which he successfully managed to operate for the first years of the Nazi occupation. Show many examples of his work, and work completed by his students. 44p in wrappers. (Oblong 8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-503 20 Let ČSSR [Twenty Years of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic], 1965

Inscribed folding award portfolio presented to Šváb, in recognition of his winning the design and art competition created by the Czechoslovak government to commemorate the 20th anniversary of communist Czechoslovakia. (4to.)

Box 4 Folder JS-504 Řezác, Jan. Písmo jako symbol a objekt v tvorbě Jaroslava Švaba [The Letter as a Symbol and Object in the Work of Jaroslav Švab]. Prague: Klub přátel výtvarného umění, 1967

8vo, 24 pp. Gatherings loosely inserted. Řezác essay and a partial list of Švab's wrapper and binding designs

Box 4 Folder JS-505 Skvosty Drobné Grafiky [Gems of Small Graphics], 1965

Printed catalog for an exhibition of Švab's work. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-506 Výtvarna práce Jaroslava Švaba [The Art Works of Jaroslav Šváb], 1956

An overview of Švab's work, published in conjunction with a 1956 exhibition of held by the Hollar artist's national cooperative in Prague. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-507 Jaroslav Šváb– zasloužilý umelec [Jaroslav Šváb: Meritorious Artist], 1984

Elegant monograph published at the time of Šváb's 1984 retrospective exhibition in Prague. Signed by Svab, and with an original signed lithograph laid-in. This publication also provides a multi-page list of Svab's exhibitions and awards from the early 1930s until time of publication. (4to.)

Box 4 Folder JS-508 Jaroslav Šváb– nova adresa, Circa 1940

Lithographic card created by Šváb to announce a change in the address of his studio, circa 1940. Shows a river and street scene from his new studio window. (21 x 11cm)

Box 4 Folder JS-509 Jaroslav Šváb: Malá galerie Československého spisovatele [Jaroslav Šváb: Little Gallery of Czechoslovak Writers], 1976

4pp folding program for an exhibition of Šváb's work held in Prague

Box 4 Folder JS-510 Jaroslav Šváb: Galerie Fronta, 1966

Catalog for an major retrospective of Šváb's work from 1929 to 1966, held at Galerie Fronta in Prague. 20pp. Including an English-language digest of the artist's biography, awards and accomplishments. This is Šváb's own copy of this pamphlet, with his penned notations. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-511 Jaroslav Šváb: Galerie Fronta, 1966

Second variation of a catalog for Šváb's 1966 exhibition, with different text and illustrations. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-512 Z díla Jaroslava Švaba [From The Work of Jaroslav Švab]

Abstract of an extended illustrated art and design journal article on Švab's work, circa 1980. Signed by the artist. (4to.)

Box 4 Folder JS-513 Jaroslavu Švabovi k padesatce [Jaroslav Švab at Fifty], 1966

Abstract from an art magazine regarding Švab's life and work, signed by the artist

Box 4 Folder JS-514 Přehlídka nové tvorby československých skladatelů [A Showcase of New Works by Czechoslovak Artists], 1957

Exhibition catalog for a large exhibition in Prague featuring Svab's work, wrappers designed by Svab. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-515 Methodika školního filmu [Film School Methodology], 1936

Wrappers designed by Svab. Ephemera laid-in. (8vo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-516 Nejkrasnejsi Kniha [The Most Beautiful Book]

Program for a Czechoslovak design competition sanctioned jointly by several state entities, which was won by Jaroslav Švab. (16mo.)

Box 4 Folder JS-517 Jaroslav Švab's handwritten greetings on an otherwise blank card

Clearly an early stage of an exercise toward designing a New Year's card. Circa 1940. (8vo)

Box 4 Folder JS-518 Prospekt edice skvosty [Prospectus of the Publisher Edice Skvosty], 1954

Deluxe illustrated brochure portfolio designed by Svab for this state-controlled arts publisher. 8p in wrappers. (4to.)

Box 4 Folder JS-519 Hlaváček, Luboš. Jaroslav Šváb. Prague: Edice Grafika, 1966

Wrappers, cover and typo by Švab, and with (4) original linocuts, 67 black-and-white images and, 8 bi-color inserts. 100p. (22 x 25 cm). The important 1966 monograph on Švab's work, published in the year of his 50th birthday. Signed by the artist on the title page

Box 4 Folder JS-520 METROPROJECT Design Portfolio, Circa 1970

Paper portfolio with various penciled notations in JS's hand, containing the artist's complete submissions the Dopravni Podnik Hlavniho Mesta Prahy [Prague Public Transport Company] as Švab's submission to the national competition to design the logo for the new Prague Metro underground railways networks which were then under construction by Soviet construction crews. Containing various pencil sketches, (8) complete logo variations laid-down as silver print photographs on paper, a sheet of painted variations in Svab's hand showing possible color variations, (22) typographical font variations printed as silver prints, and a letter from the Public Transport Commission. This was Švab's final design project for a state-controlled entity

Box 4 Folder JS-521 Jiřího Wolker paracujícím, 1949

Box 4 Folder JS-522 Ostrov Arab

Box 4 Folder JS-523 Dvĕ Velké Ztracené Nadĕje Čské Poesie

Box 4 Folder JS-524 Ohnice uspořádal Kamil Bednář

Box 4 Folder JS-525 Vladimir Pazourek Pout hrdinova, 1948

Box 4 Folder JS-526 Vaclav Petr Praha, 1936

Box 4 Folder JS-527 Glenway Wescott Athénská Domácnost

Box 4 Folder JS-528 Sletová Vỷstava, 1938

Mapcase 15-H-16 Folder JS-529 Knižní Kultura 7 (poster)