Mapcase 15-H-15 Folder 2
Map of the grounds of the New York Hospital, Bloomingdale Hospital in White Plains (in color and scale 1" = 360 Ft)
Mapcase 15-H-15 Folder 3
"Bloomingdale. White Plains", 1894
(Black and white print, showing front elevation of the buildings. Accompanied by a one paged typed description of the print and its history)
Box 1 Folder 2
Guide for the Attendants at the Bloomindale Asylum for the Insane
, 1844
(With manuscript annotations throughout)
Box 1 Folder 3
History Description and Statistics of the Bloomindale Asylum. New York: Egbert, Hovey & King, Printers, 374 Pearl Street, 1848, 1 volume