Boris Artzybasheff Artwork, 1930-1964

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Boris Artzybasheff Artwork

[1] Painting entitled "The Hands of Man", 1964, 74 x 61 cm

Casein, tempera, and oil. Signed and dated "64" on painting. Framed

Oversizebin Art Bin 1 [2] Painting of a lady with a bowl of fruit, 92 x 82 cm

Tempera on wood and sealed in plastic. Initialled "BA" on lower right-hand corner of painting.

[3] Painting entitled "The Mars People, 73 x 39 cm

Casein, tempera, ink, and pencil. Signed on the painting and framed.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [4] Wash drawing entitled "Today-Tomorrow", circa 1943, 73 x 36 cm

After a poster for the sale of war bonds. Signed on Drawing. gift of Herman Cohen, 1970

Mapcase 13-H-1 [5] Painting entitled "A Lecture on Lysus Naturae", [1935], 44 x 28 cm

Casein and ink, signed and dated "35" on painting. from his As I See, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1954.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [6] Illustrations of Hercules and Lion, 1930, 61 x 50 cm

Using sgraffiti technique for Orpheus Padraic Colum, The Macmillan Company, 1930, pp. 88. Signed in ink.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [7] Drawing in pen and ink of analyst and patient entitled (and labeled in pencil) "We are Getting to the Bottom of It", 1948, 50 x 35 cm

An illustration for his As I See, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1954. Signed and dated "48" on painting.

Oversize Framed Painting No. 8 [8] Painting of anthropomorphic pencil as an illustration for "As I See", 1941, 55 x 7 cm

Dodd, Mead & Company, 1954. Signed and dated "1941" on painting. Framed and glazed.

Flatbox 1 [9] Painting of Reinhold Niebuhr, 27 x 25 cm

Tempera and pencil. Signed in pencil below the painting. Framed and glazed.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [10] Drawing of a nun, 1939, 26 x 21 cm

Illustration for "The Nuns of Poissy: in Droll Stories by Honoré de Balzac, Heritage Club, 1939. Pen and ink but signed in pencil.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [11] Painting of Stag, 1939, 23 x 16 cm

Illustration for "The Nuns of Poissy: in Droll Stories by Honoré de Balzac, Heritage Club, 1939. Actually a drawing in pen and ink. Signed in pencil.

Mapcase 13-H-3 [12] Painting of Joseph Stalin (third portrait), 1953, 35 x 25 cm

Casein and ink for the cover of Time - 3/16/53. Signed on painting. Framed and glazed.

Mapcase 13-H-2 [13] Painting of the Big Four: Eisenhower, Khruschev, Eden, Coty, 1955, 32 x 23 cm

Pencil and tempera. Cover of Time - 8/1/55. Signed on painting. Framed and glazed.

Mapcase 13-H-3 [14] Painting of General Douglas MacArthur (unpublished), 34 x 26 cm

Tempera and pencil. Framed and glazed.

Mapcase 13-H-3 [15] Painting of Charles Darwin, 36 x 30 cm

Tempera and pencil for the German periodical Der Spiegel. Signed on the painting. Framed and glazed.

Mapcase 13-H-3 [16] Painting of Robert Moses, 36 x 28 cm

[tempera?] and pencil. Signed in pencil below painting. Framed and glazed.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [17] Print of Arab court scene in black and white, 1929, 36 x 53 cm

Illustration for Ghond the Hunter, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji, E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1929. Signed in pencil.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [18] Print of jungle scene in black and white, 1929, 36 x 53 cm

Illustration for Ghond the Hunter, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji, E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1929. Signed in pencil.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [19] Print of dancing, firy god in black and white, 1929, 36 x 53 cm

Illustration for Ghond the Hunter, by Dhan Gopal Mukerji, E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1929. Signed in pencil.

Mapcase 13-H-2 [20] Painting of Chinese General (Nationalist) Chen Cheng, 1941, 26 x 23 cm

Casein and pencil for Time - 6/16/41. Framed and glazed.

Mapcase 13-H-1 [21] Illustration of a Japanese Myth, 1930, 30 x 20 cm

Sgraffiti technique on vellum for Orpheus Padraic Colum, The Macmillan Company, 1930, pp. 244. Initialled "A" in lower left-hand corner.

Flatbox 1 [22] Illustration for Orpheus Padraic Colum, 1930, 30 x 22 cm

Sgraffiti technique on vellum. The Macmillan Company, 1930, pp. 178.

Mapcase 13-H-2 [23] First portrait of Joseph Stalin, 1941, 30 x 27 cm

Casein for the cover of Time - 10/27/41. Signed in pencil. Framed and glazed.

Range: Painting No. 24 [24] Painting entitled and labeled "Kitty Fly II", 1963, 37 x 37 cm

Tempera or thinly diluted oil. Signed and dated "63" on painting. Framed.

Mapcase 13-H-2 [25] Painting of Admiral Doenitz, 34 x 27 cm

Tempera and casein for the German periodical Der Spiegel. Signed on the painting and framed.

Flatbox 1 [26] Painting of Marion Anderson, 1946, 26 x 26 cm

Tempera and pencil for the cover of Time - 12/30/46. Framed and glazed.

Range: Painting No. 27 [27] Painting entitled and labeled "The Hecatean County", 1954, 54 x 31 cm

Tempera for As I See by Boris Artzybasheff, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1954. Signed and dated "42" on painting framed and glazed.

Mapcase 13-H-2 [28] Painting of Sigmund Freud, 32 x 26 cm

casein for the German periodical Der Spiegel. Signed on the painting and framed.