Todd Gitlin papers, 1960-2020, bulk 1980-2005

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Series I: Correspondence, 1962-2012, bulk 1971-2012

This series contains Gitlin's personal and family correspondence, mostly incoming, in the form of letters, cards, and emails. Some professional correspondence is also included, though correspondence related to articles and book publishing can also be found in Series II. Notable correspondents include Kathy Boudin, Sidney Blumenthal, Tom Hayden, Marshall Berman, Staughton Lynd, David Riesman, and Stuart Hall. Family correspondents include his sister (Judy Gitlin), his parents, and his romantic partner from roughly 1982 to 1992, the historian Ruth Rosen. Correspondence is largely organized by date, though in some cases by correspondent.

Box 2 Richard Flacks---Correspondence, 1962-1965

Box 2 SDS--Correspondence, 1963

Box 2 Triple Revolution, 1963-1964

(2 folders)

Box 2 Jesse Lemsich --Correspondence, 1968-1969

Box 2 Comments on poems, stories, 1971-1974

[Includes letters from Hayden Carruth, Miller Williams, N. Joyce, Robert Bly, Marge Piercy, Carleton Miscellany [literary magazine], Leonard Michaels, Paul Mann, Philip Levine, and others, as well as some from Gitlin; chiefly on the subject of poetry.]

Box 2 Correspondence, 1972-1974

Box 2 Marshall Berman, 1973-1975

Box 2 Ellie Langer--Corespondence, 1974-1980

Box 2 Staughton Lynd, 1974-1979

Box 2 Correspondence, 1975

[Including with Marty Peretz of The New Republic]

Box 10 Stuart Hall--Correspondence, 1975-1980

Box 3 Correspondence, 1976

[Mostly personal correspondence, including with parents, but also some professional, including re: Mother Jones] (2 folders)

Box 10 Correspondence, 1976

Box 10 Gordie Fellman--Correspondence, 1976-1980

Box 10 Correspondence, 1977

(3 folders)

Box 10 John Brockman--Correspondence, 1977

Box 10 Tom Engelhardt--Correspondence, 1977-1982

Box 3 Correspondence, 1978

(2 folders)

Box 10 Correspondence, 1978

Box 10 Family Letters, 1978-1979

Box 10 Jose Luis Perez Arnaiz--Correspondence, 1978

Box 10 Correspondence, 1979

Box 11 Correspondence, 1980

Box 10 Gordon Burnside, 1980

Box 11 Correspondence, 1981

Box 11 Roberta Pryor, 1981-1993

Box 4 Correspondence, 1982

(2 folders)

Box 11 Correspondence, 1983

(3 folders)

Box 11 Rafael Mahdavi, 1983-1992

Box 4 Correspondence, 1984

Box 4 Correspondence, 1985

Box 5 Correspondence, 1986

Box 5 Correspondence, 1987

(3 folders)

Box 5 Correspondence, 1987-1988

Box 6 Correspondence, 1988

(2 folders)

Box 6 Correspondence, 1989

(3 folders)

Box 7 Correspondence, 1990

(3 folders)

Box 7 Correspondence, 1991

(4 folders)

Box 11 Ellen Levine--Correspondence, 1991-1993

Box 8 Correspondence, 1992

(4 folders)

Box 7 Gerd Ruge--Correspondence, 1992

Box 8 Correspondence, 1994

Box 1 Correspondence, 1994-1995

Box 1 Correspondence, 1995-1998

[Includes emails with Sidney Bluemnthal.]

Box 1 Correspondence, 1995-1996

Box 1 Correspondence, 1997

Box 1 NYU--Correspondence, 1997-1998

Box 9 Correspondence, 1998

[Includes emails with Sidney Blumenthal about impeachment and Pinochet; letters to members of Congress against impeaching Clinton.]

Box 1 Correspondence, 1998-1999

[Includes letter from Bill Clinton about SACRIFICE]

Box 1 Correspondence, 1998

Box 9 Correspondence, 1999

[Includes emails with Sidney Blumenthal about Kosovo, impeachment; Nissim Calderon]

Box 9 Correspondence, 2000

Box 9 Correspondence, 2001

Box 9 Correspondence, 2002-2004

[Includes letters from Kathy Boudin in prison and a Stanford student on Letters to a Young Activist.]

Box 9 Correspondence, 2002-2005

Box 9 Correspondence, 2004-2005

Box 9 Correspondence, 2005

Box 9 Correspondence, 2006

[Includes salary letters from Columbia University.]

Box 9 Correspondence, 2007-2009

Box 9 Correspondence, 2010-2012

Box 9 Correspondence, 2011

Series II: Writings, 1963-2018, bulk 1980-2008

Manuscripts, research, reviews, correspondence, and other material related to Gitlin's published and unpublished writings, organized in subseries by writing type. The bulk of this material is contained in Subseries II.1: Books and Subseries II.2: Articles, Talks and Interviews.

Subseries II.1: Books, 1970-2012, bulk 1980-1996

Material related to Gitlin's published books, organized by title. Material includes manuscripts and drafts, edits and notes, research materials (primarily newspaper clippings), reviews, contracts, and related correspondence (primarily with publishers).

Box 12 Book Contracts, 2002-2012

Box 12 Choosen Peoples--book proposal, clippings, notes, 2009

Inside Prime Time

Box 21 Introduction to paperback edition, 1984

Box 21 Reviews, 1983

Box 21 Reviews, 1983-1984

Box 22 Update, 1992-1994

Box 12 Contracts, 1998-2003

Box 12 Contract, correspondence with publisher and agent, et cetera, 1981-1997

Box 12 The Intellectuals and the Flag--contract, correspondence with publisher, chapter draft, 2001-2002

Box 12 Letters to a Young Activist--correspondence, media plan, 2003

Box 12 Contract, 2001

[Also contains notes from "Seth".]

Box 12 Media--reviews, 2003

Media Unlimited

Box 12 Contract, reviews, 1996-2002

Box 12 Reviews, 2001-2002

Box 12 Reviews, 2002

The Murder of Albert Einstein

Box 18 Correspondence, 1991-1994

Box 18 Correspondence re, rights, 1995-1996

Box 19 Farrar Straus Giroux (FSG)--contracts, 1991-1992

Box 19 Manuscript--annotated with notes and comments, 1988

Box 18 Notes, undated

Box 18 Notes and manuscript: annotated with notes and comments, 1990

Box 18 Press, 1992

Box 19 Research materials: newspaper clippings, 1986

Box 19 Research materials and notes, 1989-1991

Box 19 Research materials and notes: includes notebooks and photographs, 1990-1991

Box 18 Novel--last notes, 1991

Box 15 Reviews--Uptown, Campfires, et cetera, 1970-1973

Box 12 Sacrifice--contract, reviews, 1998-2001

The Sixties

Box 17 Correspondence, 1984-1986

Box 21 Correspondence, 1984-1990

(5 folders)

Box 17 Drugs and Media, version: 1986 August

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 16 Manuscript and Notes-Part I, version: 1986 July 28

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 17 Manuscript--Book III, undated

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 16 Manuscript--Part I, undated

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 16 Manuscript--Part II, undated

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 16 Manuscript--Part II, version: 1986 July 28

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 16 Manuscript--Part III, undated

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 17 Manuscript--Part III, version: 1986 August

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 17 Manuscript--Part III, undated

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 17 Manuscript--Part IV, 1986

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 16 Manuscript--pp. 1-177, 1985

[Annotated with notes and comments.]

Box 16 Notes, 1984

Box 20 Reviews, 1987

(5 folders)

Box 19 Revisions and Correspondence, 1988-1993

The Whole World Is Watching

Box 15 Contract and publicity, 1978-1980

Box 15 Publicity, 1980

Box 15 Reviews, 1980

Box 15 Reviews, 1981

(2 folders)

Twilight of Common Dreams

Box 13 Comments on Draft, 1994-1995

Box 13 Contract, Correspondence, Reviews, 1994-1996

Box 13 Research Material, 1994-1995

Box 22 Research Materials, 1991-1995

Box 14 Research, Correspondence, Notes, 1994-1995

(5 folders)

Box 13 Reviews, 1995-1996

(4 folders)

Box 20 Watching Televsion--correspondence, contracts, et cetera, 1987

(2 folders)

Subseries II.2: Articles, Talks and Interviews, 1963-2018, bulk 1982-2008

This subseries includes clippings of Gitlin's published articles, copies of his talks and speaking engagements, and media appearances (mainly clippings from newspaper articles). Files are organized chronologically, though some files are also organized by publication, topic, or article. Some correspondence (primarily related to contracts with publishers and travel to speaking engagements) is also included. Topics include a wide-ranging set of political and social issues.

Box 41 Writings, 1963-1973

Box 41 Graduate Student Papers, 1975

Box 32 Articles, 1977-1982

Box 38 Articles, 1977-1981

Box 27 Manuscripts, Notes for Lectures, et cetera, 1980-2012

Box 36 Talk on News/Chomsky, 1982

Box 36 Writings, 1982

Box 36 Tanner, 1983-1984

Box 36 Writings, 1983

Box 36 Writings, 1984

Box 36 Writings, 1985

Box 36 SF State Keynote, 1985

Box 36 Reagan and Press--Talk--Johns Hopkins, 1985

Box 36 Writings, 1986

Box 29 Writings, 1987

Box 30 Drugs and Media, 1987

Box 31 Postmodernism Articles and Correspondence, 1987-1988

(4 folders)

Box 32 "Amerika"--ABC miniseries--related articles, correspondence, and research, 1987

(5 folders)

Box 35 "1968: The Two Popular Cultures," Spectator, 1988 spring

Box 35 Tikkun , 1988 January-February

Box 35 "Hipe Deep in Post-Modernism," New York Times Book Review, 1988

Box 35 "Notes on a Trip to Hungary," Tikkun, 1988 summer

Box 35 "Coming Detractions," Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC), 1988

Box 35 Writings, 1988

Box 30 Articles, 1989

Box 35 "The War on Drugs and the Enlisted Press," Columbia Journalism Review, 1989

Box 35 Newsday Review, 1988-1989

Box 35 Earthquake Coverage, The New York Times, 1988-1989

Box 35 Review Collier/Horowitz, Dissent, 1989 fall

Box 35 "Buying the Right to Pollute", 1989

Box 37 San Franciso Chronicle, 1989

Box 38 Writings, 1989

Box 28 Articles, 1990-1992

Box 30 Manifesto--published text of manifesto Gitlin drafted ("Democratic Vistas 1991: A Statement for the Democratic Left," Dissent, Fall 1991) and related research materials and correspondence, 1990-1991

Box 30 Articles, 1990

Box 35 Talk to New California Alliance on Drug Wars, 1990

Box 37 Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 1990

Box 37 "Conflicting Security Paradigms," Deadline, 1990 March-April

Box 37 "Is the End of Communism the End of the Left?", 1990

Box 37 "The Middle of the End of Communism", 1990

Box 37 Tikkun--speech, 1990

Box 37 "Long Arm of Kadafi's Law, Too?" Los Angeles Times, 1990

Box 37 Writings, 1990

Box 37 Los Angeles Times, 1990

Box 37 San Jose Mercury News, 1990

Box 37 Paley Review--San Jose Mercury News, 1990

Box 37 Boston Globe, 1990

Box 37 On Eloquence, Image, 1990

Box 37 The Progressive, 1990

Box 37 On Havel--Los Angeles Times, 1990

Box 37 On multiculturalism, nationalism, et cetera--Tikkun, 1990

Box 38 "The Death of Publishing", 1990

Box 32 Articles, 1991

Box 34 Observer/Examiner, 1991-1994

Box 37 "Toward a Different Peace Movement," Village Voice, 1991

Box 37 "Deadline"--Antiwar Coverage, 1991 January-February

Box 37 The Nation, 1991 January 7-14

Box 39 Writings, 1991

Box 39 Australian Journal of American Studies, 1991

Box 39 Review Auletta--New York Times Book Review, 1991

Box 39 Sisyphus After the Putsch, 1991 November-December

Box 39 "Incorrect Call," Village Voice, 1991

Box 39 The Media and the Gulf--Journalism School, 1991 May 3-4

Box 39 "On the Virtues of a Loose Cannon," New Perspectives Quarterly, 1991 summer

Box 39 "On Thrills and Kills," Dissent, 1991 spring

Box 39 "A Tale of Two Moral Panics," Tikkun, 1991 March-April

Box 39 Review of D'Souza, Los Angeles Times, 1991

Box 39 Yale Talk--re, Media in Eastern Europe, 1991

Box 40 Interview--East Bay Express, 1991

Box 40 Iraq Syndrome--Los Angeles Times, 1991

Box 40 "On Being Sound-Bitten," Boston Review, 1991

Box 28 "Beyond PC, Tribalism, and Deconstruction", 1992

[Copy of article from Freedom Review and related correspondence]

Box 32 Articles, 1992

Box 34 US Media, 1992

Box 40 "Media Lemmings Run Amok!" WJR, 1992

Box 40 Review of Diggins, The Boston Globe, 1992

Box 40 "Who Are the World?" AEI, 1992

Box 40 Forward to Dictating Content, 1992

Box 40 "The Stoning of Oliver and the Fascination of JFK," Tikkun, 1992 March-April

Box 40 "Vietnam: Misguided Political Bludgeon," Newsday, 1992

Box 41 Writings, 1992

Box 33 Articles, Talks, 1993

(3 folders)

Box 35 Writings, 1993

Box 27 Lecture and Article Correspondence, 1994-1995

Box 28 Writings, 1994

(2 folders)

Box 28 Media and Violence--article, research material, and related correspondence, 1994

Box 29 "Image Busters," American Prospect--manuscript and research materials for article, 1994

Box 29 Sudoplatov/Oppenheimer--article and research materials, 1994

Box 29 Jobs article--manuscript and research, 1994

Box 30 Writings, 1994

(2 folders)

Box 26 Teacher Magazine--Textbook Wars--article--magazine with copy, 1995

Box 27 Writings, 1995

Box 24 Articles, 1996-2016

(2 folders)

Box 26 Observer--clippings of his column, 1996

(2 folders)

Box 26 Talks, articles, 1996-1997

Box 26 Writing, 1996

Box 28 Miscellaneous--articles, 1997-1998

Box 29 Writings and related correspondence, 1997

Box 31 Writings, quotes, talks, 1997

Box 34 Observer, 1997

Box 23 Lectures--flyers, notes, and drafts, 1998-1999

Box 24 Published articles, letters, 1998-2017

Box 34 Observer--articles, 1998

Box 25 Articles, quotes, periodicals, 1999

Box 27 Articles, 1999

Box 23 Lectures, 2000-2004

Box 27 Articles, 2000

Box 23 Quotes, 2001-2002

Box 27 Articles, 2001

Box 23 Quotes, 2003

Box 27 Articles, clippings, 2003

Box 23 Lectures, trips and notes, 2004-2009

[Includes itinerary for trip to Italy with State Department.]

Box 23 Publications and quotes, 2004-2009

Box 23 Articles, clips, talks, 2004-2005

Box 27 Articles, clippings, 2004

Box 27 Articles, clippings, 2005

Box 30 Writings, 2005-2012

Box 23 Articles, talks, quotes, 2006-2007

Box 27 Articles, clippings, reviews, 2006

Box 27 Articles, 2007

Box 27 Articles, 2008

Box 27 Clippings, 2008

Box 27 Clippings, 2010

Box 24 Writings, lectures, quotes, 2011-2012

Box 24 Writings, lectures, quotes, 2013

Box 30 Listen In/Ideas et cetera with Todd Gitlin, 2013

Box 25 Talks, 2014-2018

[Includes talk on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).]

Box 25 Talks, 2016-2018

[Includes talk on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).]

Box 30 Writings, 2017-2018

Box 27 Clippings, undated

Subseries II.3: Poetry, 1970-1983

Gitlin's poetry, including drafts of poems.

Box 42 Angels, undated

(2 folders)

Box 42 Drafts of Poems, 1983

Box 42 ECRITS, 1983

Box 42 Finality without End--drafts of poem, undated

Box 42 Poem Fragments, 1970s

Box 42 Poetry Drafts, 1975-1981

Box 42 The Classical Guitarist in the Civic Center Station--a collection of Gitlin's poems, undated

Subseries II.4: Unpublished Writing, 1980-2005

This series contains drafts, manuscripts, and related correspondence and research materials for Gitlin's unpublished and unproduced projects, including two novels, a screenplay, and a television documentary.

Box 43 1968 Novel--annotated manuscript and notes of an unpublished novel, 1984

Box 43 Cancer--unfinished manuscript, 1989

Box 43 Lady J--drafts of never-produced screenplay, correspondence, notes, research materials, 2002-2005

Box 43 Lady J--screenplay and registration, 2003

Box 43 Modernism/Post-Modernism--TV project--proposal from Gitlin and Marshall Berman for a documentary on the intellectual history of the 20th century for Panoptic Productions, UK., 1990

Box 43 Novel--unfinished notes, 1980s

Series III: Subject Files, 1960-2016, bulk 1965-1990

This series contains files not explicitly related to particular writing projects. Of particular note are several folders of material related to a campaign against the dismissal of André Schiffrin from Pantheon Books; extensive FBI files on Gitlin, SDS, and the Weather Underground; and several files on 1960s activism. Material includes correspondence, clippings, and other research material.

The 1960s

Box 46 60s Influence on '90s Culture, 1991-1992

Box 46 60s Remembered in '88, 1988

Box 47 60s--Academic Studies, 1968-1988

Box 47 60s--Academic Studies (Activists Grow Up), 1980

Box 47 60s--Chicago Riots Press Coverage, 1968

Box 46 60s--Misc., undated

Box 47 60s--Press Coverage, 1960-1969

Box 47 60s--Walker Commission Report, 1968

Box 45 Annihilation (nuclear), 1987

Box 45 Articles on Russia Moritorium, 1986

Box 46 Black Panthers, 1978-1980

Box 45 Blue Egg Media--contract and interview notes, 2012-2013

Box 45 Bronx Science Reunion, 1984

Box 49 Car Commercials--references, articles on postmodernism, et cetera, 1985-1986

Box 45 Center for American Progress--Rise of Donald Trump meeting--agenda and clippings, 2016

Box 46 Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies, 1969-1973

Box 45 David Riesman--material on Riesman's The Lonely Crowd, 1992-2000

Box 49 Eastern Europe, 1990-1992

Box 48 FBI Files--Gitlin--originals and photocopies of FBI documents pertaining to Todd Gitlin., 1965-1985

[FBI documents are primarily from 1965-1968, though material through 1973 is included as well. Also included is correspondence between the Department of Justice and Gitlin regarding his Freedom of Information Act requests.] (3 folders)

Box 48 FBI Files--Students for a Democratic Society, 1965-1967

FBI reports on SDS, incuding photocopies of CIA reports (2 folders)

Box 48 FBI Files--Weather Underground, 1976

Photocopy of FBI report on the Weather Underground from 1976 August 20

Box 49 Fish Debate, 1990

Box 46 H.S. Hughes, 1987

Box 45 Herrick, John Hess, 1998

Box 46 Huey Newton, 1989

Box 45 Jews and Antisemitism, 1991-1992

Box 49 Miscellaneous, 1988

Box 49 Miscellaneous, undated

Box 46 Notes and Research, 1983

Box 46 Open Letter to President Bollinger--re, fossil fuel divestment, undated

Box 44 Pantheon--clippings--petitions from authors--essay drafts--notes--call lists, 1990

[includes some correspondence related to Random House firing Pantheon editor Andre Schiffirn] (5 folders)

Box 46 Public Opinion and War, 1980s

Box 45 Reykjavik, 1987

Box 45 Ribalow Prize, 2000

[Includes speech, media, and clippings for winning prize for Sacrifice.]

Box 47 SDS--miscellaneous, undated

Box 46 Spying--FBI, et cetera, 1978

Box 45 Universalism--notes, 1994-1995

Series IV: Teaching, 1979-2018, bulk 2000-2018

Series IV contains syllabi, exams, and other course materials taught by Gitlin at Columbia University and elsewhere. These materials are restricted.

Box 53 Syllabi, exams, and other course materials, 1979-2007

restricted until 2082

(10 folders)

Box 54 Syllabi, exams, and other course materials , 2003-2006

restricted until 2081

(8 folders)

Box 51 Syllabi, exams, and other course materials, 2010-2014

restricted until 2089

(6 folders)

Box 50 Syllabi, exams, and other course materials, 2012-2016

restricted until 2091

(3 folders)

Box 52 Syllabi, exams, and other course materials, 2007-2018

restricted until 2093

(7 folders)