Amnesty International of the USA Inc. Jane Jerome Papers, 1974-2001, bulk 1989-1991

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Series: I Country Files, 1974-1994

This series contains country files arranged first by region (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East) and then organized alphabetically by country name. They cover subjects such as forced labor, prisoners of conscience, and the death penalty.


Box 1 Folder 1 General, 1991

Box 1 Folder 2 Angola, 1991

Box 1 Folder 3 Burundi, 1991

Box 1 Folder 4 Cameroon, 1990-1991

Box 1 Folder 5 Central Republic, 1990

Box 1 Folder 6 Chad--Moussa Konate, Prisoner of Conscience--Special Action for Students Letter Writing, 1990

Box 1 Folder 7 Congo--Petition to President for Joachim Yhombi-Opango, undated

Box 1 Folder 8 Ethiopia--"Human Rights Violations in Ethiopia" [AFR 25/10/78], 1978 November

Box 1 Folder 9 Kenya, 1990-1992

Box 1 Folder 10 Liberia--News Clippings and Petition to President for Apapa Molley, 1990

Box 1 Folder 11 Malawi--"Human Rights Violations 25 Years After Independence" [AFR 36/10/89], 1989 September

Box 1 Folder 12 "Mauritania 1986-1989: Background to a Crisis. Three Years of Political Imprisonment, Torture and Unfair Trials" [AFR 38/13/89], 1989 November

Box 1 Folder 13 Mozambique--"Mozambique: The Human Rights Record 1975-1989. Recent Government Measures" [AFR 41/01/89], 1989 September

Box 1 Folder 14 Nigeria--Correspondence, Clippings, "Nigeria: Adjusting For the Future: A World Link Sponsored Survey", 1991

Box 1 Folder 15 Rwanda, 1990

Box 1 Folder 16 Sierra Leone--Index on Censorship Briefing Paper re Lansana Fofana, Urgent Action, 1990-1993

Box 1 Folder 17 Somalia, 1990

South Africa

Background, History, Resources

Box 1 Folder 18 South Africa: Testimony of A.I. to the U.N. Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Southern Africa [AFR 53/40/89], 1989 September

Box 1 Folder 18 AIUSA "South Africa: Imprisonment Under the Pass Laws", 1986 January

Box 1 Folder 19 Bester, Charles, 1990

Box 1 Folder 20 Mandela, Nelson--Clippings, 1990

Box 1 Folder 21 Mohamamed Valli Moosa, 1989

Box 1 Folder 22 News Clippings and Magazine Articles, 1989-1990

Box 1 Folder 23 Scripts, 1990

Box 1 Folder 24 South Africa--Timeline and Other Materials, 1990

Box 1 Folder 25 "South Africa Recent", 1989

Box 1 Folder 26 South Scan and Related--News Clippings, 1991

Box 1 Folder 27 Urgent Actions, 1989

Working File

Box 1 Folder 28 "South Africa Briefing: New Developments" [AFR 53/32/86], 1986 February 27

Box 1 Folder 28 AIUSA "South Africa: Imprisonment and Ill-Treatment of Children and Young People", 1986 February


Box 1 Folder 29 "Sudan: Human Rights Violations in the Context of Civil War" [AFR 54/17/89], 1989 December

Box 1 Folder 29 "Sudan: A Permanent Human Rights Crisis: The Military Government's First Year in Power" [AFR 54/10/90], 1990 August

Box 1 Folder 30 Swaziland, 1990

Box 1 Folder 31 Tanzania, 1991

Box 1 Folder 32 Uganda--A.I. Poster "The Past is No Excuse: Time To Act", undated

Box 1 Folder 33 Western Sahara, 1991

Box 1 Folder 34 Zaire, 1987

Box 1 Folder 35 Zimbabwe--Letter Writing Campaign for Edwin Bhundani Nleya, undated


Box 1 Folder 36 General, 1991

Box 1 Folder 37 Argentina--Correspondence; Packet of Letters Re: Missing Children; "Argentina--Missing Children Update" [AMR 13/05/90], 1990

Box 1 Folder 38 Boliva, 1990

Box 1 Folder 39 Brazil--Clippings; [AMR 19/12/88]; "Brazil: Cases of Killings and Ill-Treatment of Indigenous People", 1988

Box 1 Folder 40 Chile--"Chile: An A.I. Report"; "Disappeared Prisoners in Chile"--Packet; Clippings, 1974-1977

Box 1 Folder 41 Colombia, 1988-1990

Box 1 Folder 42 Cuba, 1990-1991

Box 1 Folder 43 El Salvador--"El Salvador: Killings Torture and 'Disappearances," [AMR 29/27/90]; El Salvador Campaign Booklet; New Yorker, 1990

Box 1 Folder 44 Guatemala--"Guatemala: Recent Human Rights Developments" [AMR 34/14/89], 1989 May


Box 1 Folder 45 "Deaths in Detention, Torture and Inhumane Prison Conditions" [AMR 36/35/87], 1987

Box 1 Folder 45 "Haiti: The Human Rights Tragedy: Human Rights Violations since the Coup" [AMR 36/03/92], 1992

Box 1 Folder 45 "Haiti: Human Rights Held to Ransom" [AMR 36/41/92], 1992

Box 2 Folder 1 Honduras, 1991

Box 2 Folder 2 Mexico, 1990-1991

Box 2 Folder 3 Nicaragua, 1990


Box 2 Folder 4 1989, 1989 August

Includes "Peru: Human Rights in a State of Emergency" [AMR 46/49/89]

Box 2 Folder 5 Peru Campaign 1990

Box 2 Folder 6 Uruguay--"Uruguay: Deaths Under Torture 1975-1977" PUB 84/00/78, 1978

Box 2 Folder 7 United States, 1991-1992


Box 2 Folder 8 General, 1991-1992

Box 2 Folder 9 Australia, 1990-1991

Box 2 Folder 10-11 Burma (Myanmar) -- "A.I. Background" Includes Burma Campaign, 1991 (2 folders)

Box 2 Folder 12 Cambodia, 1992


Box 2 Folder 13 China Emergency Action, 1989

Death Penalty, 1989

Box 2 Folder 14 "People's Republic of China: The Death Penalty Debate" [ASA 17/14/89], 1989 April

Box 2 Folder 14 "People's Republic of China: Preliminary Findings on Killings of Unarmed Civilians| Arbitrary Arrests and Summaru Executions Since June 3, 1989" [ASA 17/60/89], 1989

Box 2 Folder 15 AIUSA "Religious Prisoners of Conscience: The People's Republic of China", 1987 November

Box 2 Folder 16 Laogais, 1994

Box 2 Folder 17 Liu Gang, 1993

Box 2 Folder 18 MFN, 1994

Box 2 Folder 19 Rivers, 1993-1994

Box 2 Folder 20 Labor Notes, 1994

Box 2 Folder 21 East Timor, 1991

India, 1988

Box 2 Folder 22 "India: A Review of Human Rights Violations" [ASA 20/02/88],, 1988 August

Box 2 Folder 22 "India: Continuing Reports of Human Rights Violations in Bihar" [ASA 20/10/89], 1989 September

Box 2 Folder 23 Laos, undated

Box 2 Folder 24 Malaysia, 1991

Box 2 Folder 25 Mongolia--New Yorker article, undated

Box 2 Folder 26 Nepal, 1990

Box 2 Folder 27 Philippines, 1990

Box 2 Folder 28 Singapore, undated

South Korea

Box 2 Folder 29 "Political Imprisonment in the Republic of Korea", 1987 August

Box 2 Folder 29 "South Korea. Long-Term Political Prisoners" [ASA 25/42/89], 1989 December

Sri Lanka

Box 2 Folder 30 "Sri Lanka: Summary of Human Rights Concerns" [ASA 37/03/90], 1990 February

Box 2 Folder 30 "Sri Lanka 'Disappearances", undated

Box 2 Folder 31 Taiwan, 1991

Box 2 Folder 32 Thailand--Hmong Human Rights Activists --The Forced Repatriation of Hmong Refugees in Thailand. An Appeal to the International Community, 1993 November

Box 2 Folder 33 Tibet and Dalai Lama, 1989


Box 2 Folder 34 "Violations of Human Rights in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam " , 1975-1983

Box 2 Folder 34 "Report on the Violations of Human Rights in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 1975-1988"--Aurora Foundation, 1989

Box 2 Folder 35 General, 1993


Box 3 Folder 1 General, 1991

Box 3 Folder 2 Albania, 1990

Box 3 Folder 3 Czechoslovakia, 1989-1990

Box 3 Folder 4 Estonia, 1988

Box 3 Folder 5 Georgia, 1993

Box 3 Folder 6 Greece, 1986


Box 3 Folder 7 Forced Labor, Psychiatric Repression of Dissent, 1978

Box 3 Folder 8 Carmen Popescu, undated

Box 3 Folder 9 Switzerland, 1991

Box 3 Folder 10 Tadzhikistan--"Hidden Terror: Political Killings, 'Disappearances' and Torture since December 1992", undated

Box 3 Folder 11 Turkey--"Torture and Deaths in Custody" [EUR 44/38/89], 1989 April

Box 3 Folder 12 Ukraine --New Yorker Article, undated

Box 3 Folder 13 United Kingdom, 1990


Box 3 Folder 14 General, 1989 February

Includes AIUSA "USSR: Human Rights in Transition"

Box 3 Folder 15 USSR Dissidents, 1987

Box 3 Folder 16 "USSR: the 1990s", 1991

Box 3 Folder 17 Former Yugoslavia, 1991

Middle East

Box 3 Folder 18 General, 1991

Box 3 Folder 19 Gulf War, 1990-1991

Box 3 Folder 20 Bahrain, undated

Box 3 Folder 21 Egypt, 1990

Box 3 Folder 22 Iran, 1990 May

Includes "Iran: Women Prisoners of Conscience" [MDE 13/05/90]

Box 3 Folder 23 Iraq, 1990 December

Includes "Iraq/Occupied Kuwait: Human Rights Violations Since August 2, 1990,"[MDE 14/16/90]


Box 3 Folder 24 AIUSA "Israel and the Occupied Territories: A.I.'s Concerns in 1988", 1990

Box 3 Folder 25 "Israel and the Occupied Territories: Administrative Detention During the Palestinian Intifada" [MDE 15/06/89], 1989 June

Box 3 Folder 28 Kuwait, 1991

Box 3 Folder 29 Morocco, 1991

Box 3 Folder 30 Saudi Arabia, 1990-1991

Includes "Saudi Arabia. Detention Without Trial of Suspected Political Opponents" [MDE 23/04/89]


Box 3 Folder 31 General, 1987-1990

Box 3 Folder 32 Wahid Khadhur, 1987-1990

Series II: Local Groups, 1978-1996

This series documents the work of AIUSA local groups in California. It contains mailings, letter writing information, and newsletters, as well as files on the cases of individuals assigned to different groups.

Box 4 Folder 1 Freedom Writers Network--General, 1991-1995

Box 4 Folder 2-5 Monthly Mailing for AI Local Groups, Volunteer Leaders, and Staff, 1989-1996, 4 folders

Box 4 Folder 6 San Jose Mercury News, 1990

Box 4 Folder 7 Bay Area Letter Writing, 1987

Box 4 Folder 8 Simon Farisani, South Africa--Local Groups in California, 1978-1987

Restricted until 2071.

Box 4 Folder 9 Letter Writing--Articles, 1985-1989

Box 4 Folder 10 Hao Fuyuan China--Group #19, 1994-1995

Restricted until 2079.

Box 4 Folder 11 Freedom Report, undated

Box 4 Folder 12 Nguyen Chi Thien, Vietnam, 1991-1993

Restricted until 2077.

Box 4 Folder 13 Felix Lucio Collahua Fanola, Peru--Group #477, 1989-1990

Restricted until 2074.

Box 4 Folder 14 Ahmed Marzak, Morocco--Group #19, 1991-1993

Restricted until 2077

Box 4 Folder 15 Sanorng Ubonthorng, Thailand--Group #19, 1991-1992

Restricted until 2076

Box 4 Folder 16 Artyom Dzoupua, Georgia--Group #19, 1993-1994

Restricted until 2078

Box 4 Folder 17 Nguyen Si Binh, Vietnam--Group #19, 1993

Restricted until 2077

Box 4 Folder 18 Mohamed Srifi, Morocco, 1993

Restricted until 2077

Box 4 Folder 19 Chris Khoza, South Africa, 1993

Restricted until 2077

Box 4 Folder 20 Sacto/Davis Groups--Clippings, 1993

Box 4 Folder 21 Group #21, Davis--Newsletters, 1994-1995

Box 4 Folder 22 Group #30, San Francisco--Annual Group Report, 1990

Box 4 Folder 23 Group #35--Newsletters, 1994-1996

Box 4 Folder 24 Group #62--General, 1984-1989

Box 4 Folder 25 Half Moon Bay Group--General, 1994

Box 4 Folder 26 Group #444, Half Moon Bay High--General, undated

Box 4 Folder 27 Group #466, San Francisco Peninsula North--Group Report, undated

Box 4 Folder 28 Groups' Publicity, 1991

Box 4 Folder 29 The Northwest Correspondent--AIUSA Puget Sound Groups Newsletter, 1991

Box 4 Folder 36-41 Group 19, 1984-1993, 6 folders

Series III: General, 1986-1996

This small series is the only part of the collection that was not clearly organized by subject. It contains AI Newsletters, a file on activist and political prisoner Jiri Wolf, and files from the Annual General Meeting, among others.

Box 4 Folder 30 AI Newsletters, 1992-1995

Box 4 Folder 31 AI News, 1995-1996

Box 4 Folder 32 Jiri Wolf, 1987-1989

Box 4 Folder 33 Human Rights Education Media Coverage, 1987

Box 4 Folder 34 Tsai Yu-chuan, 1987-1990

Restricted until 2074

Box 4 Folder 35 Harry Wu, 1987-1995

Restricted until 2079

Box 4 Folder 42 Mercury Copies, 1990

Box 4 Folder 43 General, 1986-1994

Box 5 Folder 1 School of the Americas--General, 1993

Box 5 Folder 2 US Supreme Court--Clippings, 1991

Box 5 Folder 3 State Department, 1990

Box 5 Folder 4 Legislative Coordinators, 1989-1994

Box 5 Folder 5 Legislative Updates, 1990-1996

Box 5 Folder 6 Presidential Elections, 1996

Box 5 Folder 7 Freedom in the Balance: Nigeria/Kenya--Campaign Report, 1996

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Box 5 Folder 8-14 AGM Resolutions, 1994-1996, 3 folders

Box 5 Folder 15 MSP--Human Rights and US Security Assistance: An International USA Report with Recommendations on Human Rights Abuses in Countries Which are Major Recipients of US Security Assistance, 1991-1992

Box 5 Folder 16 AGM Review, undated

Box 5 Folder 17-25 General, 1990-1996, 9 folders

Series IV: Area Coordinators, 1985-1996

Area Coordinators organize AIUSA events and activities at the local community level. This series contains minutes of AC meetings, newsletters, a handbook, resources packets, and other documents related to AC work.

Box 5 Folder 26 Area Coordinators Meeting, undated

Box 5 Folder 27 Area Coordinators Meeting, 1994 October

Box 5 Folder 28 Area Coordinators Meeting, 1992

Box 5 Folder 29 Regional Membership Coordinators Meeting Notes, 1989-1993

Box 5 Folder 30 Area Coordinators Meeting, 1992 October

Box 5 Folder 31 Area Coordinators Meeting--San Francisco, 1994

Box 5 Folder 32 Committees, 1995

Box 5 Folder 33 Area Coordinators Network News, 1989-1995

Box 5 Folder 34 Area Coordinators Steering Committee, 1991

Box 5 Folder 35 Regional Membership Coordinators Steering Committee, 1988-1990

Box 5 Folder 36 Area Coordinators Education/Duties, 1991-1994

Box 5 Folder 37 Regional Membership Coordinators Job, 1987-1992

Box 5 Folder 38 Regional Membership Coordinators, 1988-1989

Box 5 Folder 39 Area Coordinators Wish List, undated

Box 5 Folder 40 Area Coordinators Handbook, 1991-1992

Box 5 Folder 41 Congressman Tom Campbell, 1988-1992

Box 5 Folder 42 AIUSA Refugee Resource Packet, 1995

Box 5 Folder 43 Congresswoman Barbara Boxer, 1992

Box 5 Folder 44 Anna Eshod, 1988-1995

Box 5 Folder 44 Human Rights--Congress, 1988-1989

Box 5 Folder 45 Congressman Tom Lantos, 1985-1996

Series V: Western Regional Conference, 1986-1996

Series V primarily contains materials related to events meetings at the AIUSA's Western Regional Conference, including the Area Coordinators meeting. It also contains information on the death penalty and refugees, as well as several files on renowned AIUSA activist Ginetta Sagan.

Box 5 Folder 46 West Regional Conference, 1992

Box 5 Folder 47 Western Regional Conference--Resolutions, 1991-1992

Box 5 Folder 48 Western Region--General, 1991

Box 5 Folder 49 Working Parties--Western Regional Conference, 1990

Box 5 Folder 50 Western Regional Conference, 1990

Box 5 Folder 51 Western Regional Conference, 1989

Box 5 Folder 52 Western Region--General, 1989-1990

Box 5 Folder 53 Ginetta Sagan Fund, 1988-1995

Box 5 Folder 54 Aurora Foundation, 1987

Box 5 Folder 55 Congressional Visits, 1987

Box 5 Folder 56 Western Regional Conference--General, 1994

Box 5 Folder 57 Western Regional Conference--General, 1995

Box 5 Folder 58 Ginetta Sagan, 1991

Box 5 Folder 59 Western Regional Conference--General, 1996

Box 5 Folder 60 Western Regional Conference--General, 1993

Box 5 Folder 61 Death Penalty, undated

Box 5 Folder 62 Refugees, 1988-1990

Box 5 Folder 63 Area Coordinators/Student Area Coordinators Meeting, 1989-1991

Box 6 Folder 1 AIUSA--Financial Report and Correspondence, 1986-1988

Series VI: Bay Area, 1984-1995

This series relates to events in the San Francisco Bay Area, especially the Bay Area Development (BAD). It also holds files on events, fundraising, and student activities.

Box 6 Folder 2 Bay Area Development (BAD) Survey, 1993

Box 6 Folder 3-4 Bay Area Development (BAD) Lists, 1992, 2 folders

Box 6 Folder 5 Bay Area Development (BAD) Agendas, 1994

Box 6 Folder 6 Internal Reform Now! (IRN)--Group Health Recommendations, 1994

Box 6 Folder 7 Group Formation Guide, 1984-1993

Box 6 Folder 8 New Member Guide, undated

Box 6 Folder 9 AI Tabling, 1994

Box 6 Folder 10 Bay Area Development (BAD) Board, 1991

Box 6 Folder 11 Bay Area Development (BAD) Resources Committee, 1992

Box 6 Folder 12 Bay Area Development (BAD) Events, 1991-1992

Box 6 Folder 13 Bay Area Development (BAD) Planning Retreat, 1993

Box 6 Folder 14 Bay Area Development (BAD) Retreat, 1993 July 17-18

Box 6 Folder 15 Skills Orgy Program, 1993

Box 6 Folder 16 BAD Agendas, 1988-1994

Box 6 Folder 17 AI Fundraising, 1992

Box 6 Folder 18 Bay to Breakers, 1991 May 19

Box 6 Folder 19 Lollapalooza, Magazine, 1994

2 copies

Box 6 Folder 20 AI Students Group Action, 1990- 1992

Box 6 Folder 21 Romanian-Americans Candlelit Against Ceausescu, 1989

Box 6 Folder 22 AI Fundraising, 1990-1995

Box 6 Folder 23 Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, Endowments, Perspectives, Policies and Management--Stanford University, 1990

Box 6 Folder 24 AIUSA at Stanford--Flyers, Correspondence, Events, Agendas, 1985- 1995

Box 6 Folder 25 Student Action-- High Schools and College Periodical Newsletter, 1987-1991

Box 6 Folder 26- 28 Cluster of Flyers, Letters and Leaflets, 1992- 1995, 3 folders

Box 6 Folder 29 AI Advertising, undated

Box 6 Folder 30 Slicks/Storyboards, 1991

Box 6 Folder 31 Media Letters, 1987- 1988

Box 6 Folder 32 Media Committee, 1987- 1988

Box 6 Folder 33 AI Countries--Reports, Briefings, Clippings, 1993- 1995

Box 6 Folder 34 Sign-A-Thon Petitions, 1989

Box 6 Folder 35 Cluster--Letters to, 1989

Box 6 Folder 36 Publications--Available, 1989-1990

Box 6 Folder 37 Camera Ready--Death Penalty, undated

Series VII: Subject Files, 1961-2001

This series contains and alphabetical collection of files on a wide range of subjects, ranging from board and budget information to women's rights projects and events.

Box 7 Folder 61 A Call to Action, 1989

Box 7 Folder 60 AAAS, 1993-1994

Box 7 Folder 76 Action Calendar, 1993

Box 7 Folder 1 Action Line, 1991

Box 7 Folder 62 African Academics, 1989

Box 7 Folder 2 AI--General, 1989

Box 7 Folder 5 Amnesty 2000, undated

Box 7 Folder 3 Andean Ran, 1989

Box 7 Folder 4 Arrows" Paper, 1992-1993

Box 7 Folder 6 Association of World Citizens, 1995

Box 7 Folder 7 Asylum, 1989

Box 7 Folder 11 Board Elections - Voting, 1989-1991

Box 7 Folder 12 Board Meeting, 1994-1995

Box 7 Folder 9 Board Nominations, 1990-1991

Box 7 Folder 8 Board of Directors, 1990-1993

Box 7 Folder 10 Board Related, 1989-1993

Box 7 Folder 74 Budget FY93, 1992-1994

Box 7 Folder 13 Budget, 1990-1992

Box 7 Folder 75 Calendar, 1989-1991

Box 7 Folder 14 Campaign for Freedom, 1991

Box 7 Folder 15 Cartoons, 1991

Box 7 Folder 17 Children for Children, undated

Box 7 Folder 16 Children's Campaign, 1987-1990

Box 7 Folder 18 Clippings, 1989

Box 7 Folder 56 Closet Land, 1991

Box 7 Folder 19 Cluster Building Retreat, 1992

Box 7 Folder 20 Community Actions, 1989-1990

Box 7 Folder 21 Conscientious Objectors, 1986-1991

Box 7 Folder 64 Constitution, 1989

Box 7 Folder 65 Cordell, Judge LaDoris, 1988

Box 7 Folder 66 Cultural Diversification, 1987-1991

Box 7 Folder 67 Dean Dresser, 1992

Box 7 Folder 68 Death Penalty – Local Actions, 1990

Box 7 Folder 22 Development, Membership, 1991-1993

Box 7 Folder 54 Esperanza, 1993

Box 7 Folder 55 Film, 1988-1991

Box 7 Folder 57 Finance Guidelines, 1992-1996

Box 7 Folder 58 Forgotten Prisoners, 1961-1990

Box 7 Folder 59 Gathering of Tribes, 1991

Box 7 Folder 23 Gay/LGB Issues--General, 1989-1995

Box 7 Folder 24 Grateful Dead, 1991

Box 7 Folder 25 Group Activity Report, 1990

Box 7 Folder 26 Groups--Local Groups Report, 1991

Box 7 Folder 27 Habeas Corpus, 1990

Box 7 Folder 28 Hate Speech, 1991-1992

Box 7 Folder 29 Health Professionals, 1986-1993

Box 7 Folder 30 Holiday Postcard Action, 1990-1993

Box 7 Folder 32 Human Rights Fellowship, 1991

Box 7 Folder 31 Humanitas, 1990

Box 7 Folder 33 Indigenous People, 1991-1993

Box 7 Folder 36 Indigenous Peoples of the Americas Campaign, 1992

Box 7 Folder 34 Indigenous People--Training, 1992

Box 7 Folder 37 Inside Amnesty, 1988

Box 7 Folder 38 Interact, 1989-1991

Box 7 Folder 39 Intro to AI, undated

Box 7 Folder 40 "Junk Mail", 1994

Box 7 Folder 41 Killing Grounds, 1989

Box 7 Folder 48 Legal Support Network (LSN), 1987-1989, 2 folders

Box 7 Folder 43 Legislative, 1989

Box 7 Folder 47 Legislature – California, 1987-1989

Box 6 Folder 68 Letter Writing How 2, undated

Box 7 Folder 42 Letter Writing in French, undated

Box 6 Folder 67 Letter Writing, undated

Box 6 Folder 55 Letters of Conscience, 1989-1990

Box 7 Folder 44 Library--Human Rights, 1989-1991

Box 7 Folder 45 Lives Behind the Lies, 1993

Box 7 Folder 63 Manufacturing Consultants Meeting Overheads, 1990-1991

Box 7 Folder 46 Merchandise, undated

Box 6 Folder 77 Miscellaneous, 1993-1995

Box 7 Folder 49 Organization Charts, 1990

Box 7 Folder 50 Peace Center, 1992-1995

Box 7 Folder 35 Pledge System, 1990

Box 6 Folder 76 Police Brutality, 1992

Box 6 Folder 57 PSAs, 1985

Box 6 Folder 75 Quotes, AI, 1989

Box 6 Folder 74 Quotes, Current, 1988-1989

Box 6 Folder 73 Refuse and Resist, undated

Box 6 Folder 71 Religion--California, 1992

Box 6 Folder 70 Religion--Clergy and Laity Concerned, 1991

Box 6 Folder 72 Religion--Religious Persecution, 1993

Box 6 Folder 69 Religion--Sanctuary, 1987-1989

Box 6 Folder 66 Spanish, 1989-1994

Box 6 Folder 65 Special Initiatives Fund, undated

Box 6 Folder 64 Special Projects, 1992

Box 6 Folder 62 Sting, 1988

Box 6 Folder 63 Strategic Directions, 1993

Box 6 Folder 61 Summer Postcard Actions, 1991

Box 6 Folder 60 Tabling, 1993

Box 6 Folder 59 Telegram Brochure, undated

Box 6 Folder 58 Think About Tomorrow, 1991

Box 6 Folder 56 Thirtieth Anniversary, 1991

Box 6 Folder 54 Urgent Action, 1985-1992

Box 6 Folder 53 Use of AI's Name, 1992

Box 6 Folder 52 Videos, 1986-1990

Box 6 Folder 51 Voices of Freedom, 1991

Box 6 Folder 50 Vortex, 1988

Box 6 Folder 49 Wallis Correspondence, 1987

Box 6 Folder 48 WOMAD--Peter Gabriel, 1993

Box 6 Folder 39 Women for Meaningful Summits, 1990-1991

Box 6 Folder 40 Women's Actions, 1990

Box 6 Folder 47 Women's Campaign, 1990-1991

Box 6 Folder 43 Women's Day 1990 Actions, 1990

Box 6 Folder 46 Women's Rights Convention, 1991-1993

Box 6 Folder 45 Women's Task Force, 1990

Box 6 Folder 42 Women--Organizing, undated

Box 6 Folder 44 Women--Patterns of Abuse, 1992

Box 6 Folder 41 Women--Program of Action, undated

Box 6 Folder 38 Write-a-thon, 1988-1992

Box 7 Folder 77-78 Write-A-Thon, 2001, 2 folders

Series VIII: National Student Program, 1990-1994

This series concerns AIUSA's program for high school and college students, which provides education and opportunities to participate in human rights activism. It contains activity information, guidelines for forming groups, and resources for school administrators.

Box 8 Folder 1 Student Area Coordinators, undated

Box 8 Folder 2 Student Activities, 1993-1994

Box 8 Folder 3 Sign Up Sheets, undated

Box 8 Folder 4 Evaluation Forms, 1991-1992

Box 8 Folder 5 James Christianson, 1991

Box 8 Folder 6 Forming a New Group, undated

Box 8 Folder 7 Intro to AI/HS, undated

Box 8 Folder 8 School Administrators Information Packet, undated

Box 8 Folder 9 Introduction to AI at Colleges and High Schools, undated

Box 8 Folder 10-11 AI High School--Notes, undated, 2 folders

Box 8 Folder 12 Awareness Week, 1991

Box 8 Folder 13-14 Student Action, 1990, 2 folders

Box 8 Folder 15 T-shirt Design Contest, undated

Box 8 Folder 16 Student Campaign Kits, 1991

Box 8 Folder 17 General Student Group Information and Posters, undated

Series IX: Refugees, 1987-1994

This series contains general information on refugees such as clippings, reports, and educational material.

Box 8 Folder 18 American Friends Service Commission--AFSC Refugee Report, 1991

Box 8 Folder 19 Refugee Materials, undated

Box 8 Folder 20 Refugee Regional Planning, 1991

Box 8 Folder 21 Refugee Clippings, 1989

Box 8 Folder 22 Kurds/Iraqi Refugees, 1991

Box 8 Folder 23 Refugee Information Notes, Updates, 1991

Box 8 Folder 24 Refugee Meetings, 1991

Box 8 Folder 25 Refugee Assistance, 1991

Box 8 Folder 26 Refugees-General, 1987-1988

Restricted until 2072

Box 8 Folder 27-28 Clippings, 1990, 2 folders

Box 8 Folder 29 Asylum Summer, 1990

Box 8 Folder 30 Asylum--General, 1992-1993

Box 8 Folder 31 Nuestra Familia Clippings, 1994

Box 8 Folder 32 Computer Attic, 1992

Series X: Death Penalty, 1985-1993

This series contains files on the death penalty in the United States, including arguments, lobbying guides, case information, urgent actions, posters, and protest planning.

Box 8 Folder 33 General, undated

Box 8 Folder 34 Death Penalty Lobbying, 1991

Box 8 Folder 35 Arguments Against, undated

Box 8 Folder 36 Abolish the Death Penalty, 1992

Box 8 Folder 37 Federal, 1992

Box 8 Folder 38 Death Penalty California Law, undated

Box 8 Folder 39 Santa Clara Cases, 1993

Box 8 Folder 40 Texas, 1993

Box 8 Folder 41 International, 1993

Box 8 Folder 42 Focus Newsletter, 1992

Box 8 Folder 43 Books on Death Penalty, undated

Box 8 Folder 44 Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation, undated

Box 8 Folder 45 Clippings, 1992

Box 8 Folder 46 Alternatives, undated

Box 8 Folder 47-48 General, 1985-1991, 2 folders

Box 8 Folder 49 Robert Harris, 1992

Box 8 Folder 50 Roger Keith Coleman--Article, 1992

Box 8 Folder 51 Religious, 1989

Box 8 Folder 52 Religious, undated

Box 8 Folder 53 Mailings, 1989

Box 8 Folder 54 Resources, 1989

Box 8 Folder 55 Staging, undated

Box 8 Folder 56 Urgent Actions, 1989

Box 8 Folder 57 Actions, 1989

Box 8 Folder 58 Death Penalty Flyers, undated

Box 8 Folder 59 Database, 1989

Box 8 Folder 60 Mask: March Against State Killing, 1989

Box 8 Folder 61 Clippings, 1992

Box 8 Folder 62 Death Penalty Mailing, 1991 September-October

Box 8 Folder 63 Protest Against the Death Penalty, undated

Box 8 Folder 64 Execute Justice Not People, 1991

Flatbox 9 "Maybe the Death Penalty Should Have Been Eliminated a Long Time Ago"--Poster

20 posters