Series X: Correspondence(13 boxes, 6.5 linear feet). The series of Wechsler's correspondence contains both personal and professional exchanges with a variety of people and organizations. Of particular note is Wechsler's lengthy correspondence with Francis Biddle, Justice Felix Frankfurter, academic criminologist Sir Leon Radzincowitz, and President Richard Nixon (regarding advice on the amendment to reduce the voting age to 18).
Box 90 Folder 1
A: General, Undated , 1933-1982
Box 90 Folder 2
Adler, Mortimer, 1934-1938
Box 90 Folder 3
Allen, James, 1933-1970
Box 90 Folder 4
American Academy of Sciences, 1964-1968 , 1976
Box 90 Folder 5
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1978-1980
Box 90 Folder 6
Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1946-1947
Box 90 Folder 7
Attorney General of the United Stats of America, 1958 , 1976
Box 90 Folder 8
B: General, 1932-1934 , 1947-1950
Box 90 Folder 9
B: General, 1957-1984
Box 90 Folder 10
Baker, Joan, 1972-1977
Box 90 Folder 11
Baldwin, Frank B., III, 1967-1968
Box 91 Folder 1
Beatty, John C., Jr., 1947-1955 , 1965 , 1976
Box 91 Folder 2
Bickel, Alexander M., 1961
Box 91 Folder 3
Biddle, Francis, 1945 , 1947-1967
Box 91 Folder 4
Biddle, Francis: Regarding, 1968-1984
Box 91 Folder 5
Burger, Warren E., 1970-1971
Box 91 Folder 6
Birkett, Baron Norman, 1951-1955
Box 91 Folder 7
Black, Charles, 1965-1968
Box 91 Folder 8
Burling, John L. (Department of Justice), 1946-1950
Box 91 Folder 9
C: General, 1933-1939 , 1946-1950
Box 91 Folder 10
C: General, 1958-1981
Box 92 Folder 1
Chronological File, 1973
Box 92 Folder 2
Chronological File, 1974
Box 92 Folder 3
Chronological File, 1975
Box 92 Folder 4
City College Centennial Fund, 1946-1947
Box 92 Folder 5
Clare Committee Report, 1975-1976
Box 92 Folder 6
Clark, Ramsey, 1967
Box 92 Folder 7
Cohen, Felix S. (and wife), 1954-1955
Box 92 Folder 8
Committee of the Conference of Senior Circuit Judges, 1947
Box 92 Folder 9
Conference on Crimes of Violence, 1949
Box 92 Folder 10
Cutler, Lloyd N., 1968
Box 92 Folder 11
Cutter, Amy R., 1959-1965 , 1975-1980
Box 93 Folder 1
D: General, 1950-1953
Box 93 Folder 2
D: General, 1954-1985
Box 93 Folder 3
Department of Justice, 1940, 1997
Box 93 Folder 4
Darrell, Norris, 1961-1976
Box 93 Folder 5
Doskowi, Ambrose, 1940-1948 , 1957
Box 93 Folder 6
Dowling, Noel T., 1947-1958 , 1963-1969
Box 93 Folder 7
Doyle, James E., 1946-1966 , 1971-1973 , 1981
Box 93 Folder 8
Dyke, Durward H., 1953-1959 , 1961-1968
Box 93 Folder 9
E: General, 1953-1981
Box 93 Folder 10
Elwyn-Jones, Baron Frederick, 1953-1956 , 1968-1976 , 1985
Box 93 Folder 11
Epstein, Eddie, 1941-1945
Box 93 Folder 12
F: General, 1934 , 1946-1980
Box 94 Folder 1
Foundation for the Establishment of the International Criminal Court, 1971
Box 94 Folder 2
Frankfurter, Justice Felix, Undated , 1934-1964
Box 94 Folder 3
Friendly, Henry, 1966 , 1969 , 1972-1976
Box 94 Folder 4
Freund, Paul A., 1952-1958 , 1961-1974
Box 94 Folder 5
G: General, 1934 , 1948-1980
Box 94 Folder 6
Gasch, Oliver, 1959
Box 94 Folder 7
Get-Well, 1990
Box 94 Folder 8
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 1983 , 1993
Box 94 Folder 9
Goldring, Benjamin, 1940-1941
Box 94 Folder 10
Gunther, Gerald, 1962-1965 , 1968-1972 , 1980
Box 94 Folder 11
Guttmacher, Dr. Manfred S., Undated , 1953-1955
Box 94 Folder 12
H: General, 1947-1952
Box 94 Folder 13
H: General, 1954-1998
Box 94 Folder 14
Hand, Learned: Regarding, 1955-1959 , 1962-1965 , 1970
Box 94 Folder 15
Hoover, J. Edgar, 1946 , 1948-1949
Box 94 Folder 16
Hufstedler, Shirly M., 1973 , 1979
Box 94 Folder 17
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1968
Box 95 Folder 1
Hall, Livingston, 1957-1962 , 1965
Box 95 Folder 2
Hart, Henry M. (includes writings by Hart), 1954-1975
Box 95 Folder 3
Hart, Henry M.: Regarding "The time Chart of the Justices," foreword for Supreme Court 1958 Term, 1959
Box 95 Folder 4
Hays, Paul R., 1941-1971
Box 95 Folder 5
I: General, 1955-1981
Box 95 Folder 6
J: General, 1947-1949
Box 95 Folder 7
J: General, 1955 , 1963-1965 , 1972-1982
Box 95 Folder 8
Jackson, Robert H., 1949-1953
Box 95 Folder 9
Jenkins, Gertrude, 1947
Box 95 Folder 10
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 1963-1965
Box 95 Folder 11
K: General, 1948-1950 , 1954-1982
Box 95 Folder 12
Kaplan, Benjamin, 1936 , 1954 , 1963-1973
Box 95 Folder 13
Kamisar, Yale, 1955-1958 , 1973
Box 95 Folder 14
Kennedy, John F., 1960 , 1963
Box 95 Folder 15
Kennedy, Robert F., 1967
Box 96 Folder 1
L: General, 1946-1998
Box 96 Folder 2
Langbein, Irwin L., 1953-1962
Box 96 Folder 3
Levene, Ricardo, 1961
Box 96 Folder 4
Leventhal, Harold, 1965-1976
Box 96 Folder 5
Levi, Edward H., 1953-1977
Box 96 Folder 6
Lewis, Anthony, 1957-1977
Box 96 Folder 7
Lindsay, John W., 1968
Box 96 Folder 8
Llewellyn, Karl N., 1971-1975
Box 96 Folder 9
Lopez-Rey, Manuel, 1964 , 1967
Box 96 Folder 10
Loss, Louis, 1979-1980
Box 97 Folder 1
M: General, 1946-1982
Box 97 Folder 2
Marbury, William L., 1968-1969 , 1977-1978
Box 97 Folder 3
McGowan, Carl, 1970-1981
Box 97 Folder 4
McGranery, James P., 1947-1958
Box 97 Folder 5
McKusick, Vincent L., 1977
Box 97 Folder 6
McClellan, John, 1976
Box 97 Folder 7
Mishkin, Paul J., 1953 , 1959-1972 , 1978
Box 97 Folder 8
Moody, Linda A., 1965-1972
Box 98 Folder 1
N: General, 1934 , 1954-1979 , 1991
Box 98 Folder 2
National Committee Against Repressive Legislation, 1988
Box 98 Folder 3
New York County Lawyers Association, 1935
Box 98 Folder 4
Nixon, Richard M.: Regarding Minimum Voting Age, 1970
Box 98 Folder 5
O: General, Undated , 1937 , 1947-1952
Box 98 Folder 6
O: General, 1963-1965 , 1970-1977 , 1981
Box 98 Folder 7
O'Dwyer, William, 1947-1950
Box 98 Folder 8
P: General, 1934 , 1947-1951
Box 98 Folder 9
P: General, 1957 , 1963-1976
Box 98 Folder 10
Powell, Thomas Reed, 1946
Box 98 Folder 11
Prosser, William L., 1949 , 1955
Box 99 Folder 1
R: General, 1940 , 1946-1948
Box 99 Folder 2
R: General, 1955-1959
Box 99 Folder 3
Radzinowicz, Sir Leon, 1948-1952 , 1956-1962
Box 99 Folder 4
Radzinowicz, Sir Leon, 1963-1964
Box 99 Folder 5
Radzinowicz, Sir Leon, 1965-1967
Box 99 Folder 6
Radzinowicz, Sir Leon: Festschrift, 1972-1975 , 1979
Box 99 Folder 7
Reisman, David, 1939
Box 100 Folder 1
Rockefeller, Nelson D., 1968
Box 100 Folder 2
Rutledge, Wiley B.: Regarding, 1950-1951
Box 100 Folder 3
Rostow, Eugene, 1955 , 1957 , 1961-1962
Box 100 Folder 4
Rowe, James H., 1956-1973
Box 100 Folder 5
Russel Sage Foundation, 1940 , 1950
Box 100 Folder 6
S: General, Undated , 1934-1950
Box 100 Folder 7
S: General, 1955-1980
Box 100 Folder 8
Segal, Bernard G., 1968-1979
Box 100 Folder 9
Seymour, Whitney North, 1971
Box 100 Folder 10
Sobell, Morton: Regarding, 1956-1957 , 1966
Box 100 Folder 11
Solomon, Harold W., 1959-1967
Box 100 Folder 12
Stroock, Alan (Bill) M., 1954-1957
Box 100 Folder 13
Stone, Harlan Fisk, 1932-1940 , 1958 , 1975-1980
Box 100 Folder 14
Stone, Harlan Fisk: Regarding, 1946-1948
Box 100 Folder 15
Supreme Court, 1946-1958 , 1960-1961 , 1970
Box 101 Folder 1
T: General, 1940-1952
Box 101 Folder 2
T: General, 1966 , 1971-1980
Box 101 Folder 3
Taylor, Telford, 1947-1962
Box 101 Folder 4
Thank You's and "Fan Mail", 1957-1991
Box 101 Folder 5
Traynor, Madeline, 1984-1986
Box 101 Folder 6
Truman, Harry S., 1948 , 1972
Box 101 Folder 7
Tweed, Harrison, 1950-1977
Box 101 Folder 8
U: General, 1957 , 1970-1977 , 1980
Box 101 Folder 9
Uebersee Finanz Korporation case, 1946-1950
Box 101 Folder 10
Unidentified, Undated , 1933-1991
Box 101 Folder 11
United States Congress, 1939 , 1958-1978
Box 101 Folder 12
United States Senate: Subcommittee on Separation of Powers, 1968-1969 , 1973-1974
Box 101 Folder 13
University of Pennsylvania, 1956-1957
Box 102 Folder 1
V: General, 1957 , 1965-1968 , 1973-1978
Box 102 Folder 2
W: General, 1931 , 1946-1952
Box 102 Folder 3
W: General, 1953-1981 , 1991
Box 102 Folder 4
Wagner, Robert F., 1938 , 1965
Box 102 Folder 5
Waelder, Robert, 1959 , 1961
Box 102 Folder 6
Webster, Bethuel M., 1953 , 1959
Box 102 Folder 7
Weinstein, Jack B., 1964-1969 , 1975-1979
Box 102 Folder 8
West Publishing Company, 1933-1934 , 1964-1980
Box 102 Folder 9
White, Morton, 1955-1968 , 1973-1975
Box 102 Folder 10
White, Morton: Regarding The Institute for Advanced Study, 1973-1974
Box 102 Folder 11
Wisdom, John Minor: Regarding Splitting of the Fifth Circuit Court, 1964 , 1971
Box 102 Folder 12
Wolfe, Albert, 1973
Box 102 Folder 13
World Peace Through Law Center, 1965 , 1977
Box 102 Folder 14
Weinfeld, Edward, 1950-1964
Box 102 Folder 15
Wyzanski, Charles, 1948-1964 , 1967-1968
Box 102 Folder 16
Z: Genereal, 1965