China Institute in America records, 1926-1976, bulk 1931-1959

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Series V: Student and Scholarship Services, 1930s-1950s

For decades in the twentieth century, China Institute continued to administer scholarships and provide services to Chinese students. Files detailing this aspect of the Institute's work are gathered under Series V. Sub-Series V.1 gathers correspondence and application files of the Tsing Hua University Fellowships, whose establishment was first in communication in 1933, following when the National Tsing Hua University of China delegated the work of the Chinese Educational Mission to the US to China Institute. In the next two decades, China Institute welcomed applications from dozens of Tsing Hua students and professors to study in the United States. Sub-Series V.2 includes correspondence and application files for the C. T. Loo Chinese Education Fund and the Frank M. Shu Scientific Fellowship that took place throughout the 1950s. Sub-Series V.3 consists of files resulting from other scholarships and services such as the Office of Educational Fund, Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation, China International Foundation. Notably, China Institute had also offered employment placement services to students, connecting them with opportunities for practical training.

Sub-Series V.1: Tsing Hua University Fellowships, 1933-1951

Box 28 Folder 1-2 Correspondences with Y. C. Mei 梅贻琦, 1933-1942

Box 28 Folder 3 Correspondences on Tuition and Bills, 1933-1943

Box 28 Folder 4 Special Subsidies, 1934-1939

Box 28 Folder 5 Regulations and Inquiries, 1934-1945

Box 28 Folder 6 Miscellaneous, 1935-1937

correspondences, directories

Box 28 Folder 7 U.S. Department of Labor, 1936-1940

Box 28 Folder 8 China Foundation, 1937-1945

Box 29 Folder 1 Certificates from Tsing Hua for Student Admission, 1937 April-May

Box 29 Folder 2 Technical Training/Practical Work, 1938-1939

forms, reports, lists

Box 29 Folder 3 Lists of Speakers on China, 1939

Box 29 Folder 4 Article, The Kweiyang Tsinghua Academy for Boys, undated

Box 29 Folder 5 Correspondences on Banking, 1940-1942

Box 29 Folder 6 Correspondences, Applicants, 1941-1942

Box 29 Folder 7 Emergency Committee, 1944-1946

Box 29 Folder 8 The Rockefeller Foundation, 1945-1949

Special Orders

Box 29 Folder 9-10 1944-1947

Box 29 Folder 11 1947-1949

Box 29 Folder 12 Directory of Tsing Hua Alumni and Former Teachers, 1937-1951

Correspondences with Fellows

Includes professors and students

Arranged alphabetically by last name

Box 30 Folder 1 Ting-Tsung Chang, 1944 April

Box 30 Folder 2 Tung Chang, 1948 May

Box 30 Folder 3 Yin T'ang Chang, 1948-1949

Box 30 Folder 4 Robert H. F. Chao, 1947-1949

Box 30 Folder 5 Yung-Chang Chao, 1948-1950

Box 30 Folder 6 Hsin-Min Chen 陳新民, 1943-1946

Box 30 Folder 7 Liang Sheng Chen 陳樑生, 1942-1947

Box 30 Folder 8 Pei-Lieu Cheng 郑丕留, 1943-1945

Box 30 Folder 9 Shiing-Shen Chern 陈省身, 1943-1946

Box 30 Folder 10 M. C. Chiang, 1944-1947

Box 30 Folder 11 Fook-Tan Ching, 1943-1944

Box 30 Folder 12 Pei-Yuan Chou 周培原, 1943-1948

Box 30 Folder 13 Siegen K. Chou, 1947-1948

Box 30 Folder 14 Hsin-Min Chow 周新民, 1943-1945

Box 30 Folder 15 Yung-Teh Chow, 1948-1949

Box 30 Folder 16 Ju Chin Chu, 1946 August-October

Box 30 Folder 17 Hsi, Te-Mou 席德懋, 1944

Box 30 Folder 18 Cheng Chung 鄭重, 1938-1940

Box 30 Folder 19 Shih-Mu Chung 钟士模, 1943-1947

Box 30 Folder 20 Chien-Ting Chwang, 1948-1949

Box 30 Folder 21 Hsu-Yun Fan, 1947-1948

Box 30 Folder 22 Chung-Pen Ho 赫崇本, 1944-1945

Box 30 Folder 23 Pin-Chuan Ho 霍秉權, 1943-1945

Box 30 Folder 24 C. H. Hsia, 1946 March-October

Box 30 Folder 25 Hsiang Hsia 夏翔, 1946

Box 30 Folder 26 Chiang Hsieh 謝強, 1935-1942

Box 30 Folder 27 Charles Y. Hu, 1946 August-September

Box 30 Folder 28 Ning Hu 胡寧, 1942-1947

Box 30 Folder 29 Pei-Yung Huang 黃培雲, 1942-1946

Box 30 Folder 30 Tzu-Ching Huang, 1948-1949

Box 30 Folder 31 Shih-Kang Kuo 郭世康, 1948

Box 30 Folder 32 Franklin C. H. Lee 李景漢, 1944-1947

Box 30 Folder 33 Jun-Sheng Li, 1942-1946

Box 30 Folder 34 Mo-Chih Li 李謨熾, 1942-1949

Box 30 Folder 35 Chih-Ming Liang 梁治明, 1942-1943

Box 30 Folder 36 Chung-Lo Liu, 1947-1948

Box 30 Folder 37 Ta-Chung Liu, 1946

Box 30 Folder 38 Pao-Wei Lu 吕保维, 1943-1949

Box 31 Folder 1 Tsu-Sheng Ma 馬祖聖, 1935-1939

Box 31 Folder 2 Jimmy T. Y. Mao, 1947

Box 31 Folder 3 Y. C. Mei 梅贻琦, 1948

Box 31 Folder 4 Chao-Ying Meng 孟昭英, 1943-1948

Box 31 Folder 5 Shien-Siu Shu 徐賢修, 1944-1945

Box 31 Folder 6 Ru-Chiang Su 蘇汝江, 1943-1946

Box 31 Folder 7 Kuan-Han Sun 孫觀漢, 1937-1947

Box 31 Folder 8 Sao-Sien Sun 孫紹先, 1944-1947

Box 31 Folder 9 Pao-Kai Tao, 1948

Box 31 Folder 10 Hsue-Chu Tsien 錢學渠, 1936-1941

Hsu-Chu Tsien

Box 31 Folder 11 Hsue-Shen Tsien 錢學森, 1935-1938

Box 31 Folder 12 Wai-Hwa Tsien 錢惠華, 1938-1940

Box 31 Folder 13 Chang Nee Tsu, 1946 October-November

Box 31 Folder 14 Hsio-Fu Tuan, 1946

Box 31 Folder 15 Shu-Ping Tung, 1948-1949

Box 31 Folder 16 Chao-Chen Wang 王兆振, 1937-1939

Box 31 Folder 17 Hsi Wang, 1946-1947

Box 31 Folder 18 Hsin-Chung Wang, 1943-1947

Box 31 Folder 19 Kechin Wang, 1946-1947

Box 31 Folder 20 Min-Yuan Wang 王岷源, 1938-1946

Box 31 Folder 21 Ping-Hou Wang 王秉厚, 1939-1944

Box 31 Folder 22 Te-Yung Wang, 1948-1949

Box 31 Folder 23 Y. H. Woo (Wu), 1949

Box 31 Folder 24 Chung-Hua Wu, 1945 February-March

Box 32 Folder 1 Liu-Sheng Wu, 1948-1949

Box 32 Folder 2 Ta-Yuan Wu, 1947-1948

Box 32 Folder 3 Shao-Tseng Yang 杨绍震, 1935-1947

Box 32 Folder 4 Chai Yeh, 1947-1948

Box 32 Folder 5 Hsuan Yeh 葉玄, 1944-1947

Box 32 Folder 6 Shui-Hwang Yu, 1948-1949

Box 32 Folder 7 Siu Wen Yu 俞秀文, 1936-1946

Siu Wen Yu Kao; also includes files on Hsueh Chung Kao 高學中

Additional Correspondences and Files

Box 32 Folder 8 Student Groups, 1934-1941

Box 32 Folder 9 Expired Profiles, Still in the U.S., 1936-1945

Box 32 Folder 10 Students, Returned to China, 1937-1945

Box 32 Folder 11 Students, Miscellaneous Notices, 1944-1948

Box 32 Folder 12 Student Records & Transcripts, 1942

Box 32 Folder 13 Professors, Miscellaneous, 1943-1946

Includes lists of professors visiting the U.S.

Box 32 Folder 14 Newly Appointed Professors, 1947

Box 32 Folder 15 Newly Arrived Professors, 1947

Box 32 Folder 16 Invited Professors, circa 1947

Box 32 Folder 17 Professors, Returned to China, 1949

Box 32 Folder 18 Return Passage, 1948-1951

Sub-Series V.2: The C. T. Loo Chinese Educational Fund and The Frank M. Shu Scientific Fellowship, 1951-1958


Box 33 Folder 1-2 Requests for Applications from Students and Institutions, 1951 May-1952 February

Box 33 Folder 3 1953-1954

Includes early applications

Box 33 Folder 4 1955-1958

Includes correspondences with Taiwan

Box 33 Folder 5 Applications, Miscellaneous, 1956-1957

Applications from Taiwan

Box 33 Folder 6 Compilation of Awardees, 1958

The C. T. Loo Chinese Educational Fund, Applications

Box 33 Folder 7 Yen-Hwa Chang 張衍華, 1958

Box 33 Folder 8 Yong-Chiang Chang 張永強, 1958

Box 33 Folder 9 Cheng-Lin Chen 陳晋琳, 1957

Box 33 Folder 10 Albert Shu-Lok Cheng 鄭樹樂, 1958

Box 33 Folder 11 Chia-Tseh Huang 黃嘉澤, 1958

Box 33 Folder 12 Chien-Sen Liu 劉建森, 1958

Box 33 Folder 13 Samuel Ching-Hsin Lee 李清心, 1958

Box 33 Folder 14 Hwachii Lien 連華圻, 1958

Box 33 Folder 15 Tse Wen Lin 林則文, 1957-1958

Box 34 Folder 1 Tony Ling 林端臨, 1958

Box 34 Folder 2 George Cheng-Chi Liu 刘承基, 1958

Box 34 Folder 3 Soon Ng 黄顺, 1958

Box 34 Folder 4 Aria Li-Hsiang Shang 商麗香, 1958

Mrs. Cheo

Box 34 Folder 5 Jeng-Chong Shang 商仁宗, 1957

Box 34 Folder 6 Jonathan Ying-Fei Todd 達英輝, 1958

Box 34 Folder 7 Hwa-Chung Torng 童華駿, 1958

Box 34 Folder 8 Duen-Pao Wang 王敦保, 1958

Box 34 Folder 9 Kam Ming Wong 黃金銘, 1958

Box 34 Folder 10 Han-Chang Yang 楊漢昌, 1958

Box 34 Folder 11 Tien-Sheng Yang 楊添生, 1958

Box 34 Folder 12 Chu-Sun Yen 嚴楚蓀, 1958

Box 34 Folder 13 David Ping-Wen Ying 應秉文, 1958

Box 34 Folder 14 Poh-Shien Young 楊伯先, 1958

Frank M. Shu Scientific Fellowship for Chinese Students in the US

Frank M. Shu Fellowship was discontinued in 1958

Box 34 Folder 15 Fellowship Committee Meeting Notes, 1951-1955

Box 34 Folder 16 Special Fellowship for Students Studying Nuclear Physics, Solar Energy or Atomic Science, 1955

Box 34 Folder 17 Alternative Grantees, 1956

Robert Ta-Pang Pu 浦大邦, Nan Shieh 谢柟

Box 34 Folder 18 List of Awardees, 1952-1958

Box 35 Folder 1-3 Applicant Files, 1956-1957

Fellow Files

application materials (application form, resume, recommendation letter, grade reports), fellowship reports, correspondences

arranged alphabetically by last name

Box 35 Folder 4 Yen Fu Bow 鮑延福, 1956-1958

Box 35 Folder 5 Mary Pin Chang 張斌, 1952-1955

Box 35 Folder 6 James Tseng-Hsu Chang 章曾煦, 1954-1956

Box 35 Folder 7 Chuan-Ying Chao 趙傳纓, 1954-1957

Box 35 Folder 8 Pao-Kuo Chao 趙保國, 1952-1954, 1958

Box 36 Folder 1 Chih-Shan Chen 陳至善, 1956-1958

Box 36 Folder 2 Harold Hsiao-Jen Chen 陳效仁, 1951-1957

Box 36 Folder 3 Sheau-Wu Chen 程曉五, 1956-1957

Box 36 Folder 4 Frank Hsieh-Fu Cheng 郑燊甫, 1954-1957

Box 36 Folder 5 Yuan-Tsan Chia 贾元粲, 1955-1956

Box 36 Folder 6 Chih-Kang Chou 鄒志剛, 1956-1957

Box 36 Folder 7 Lue-Yung Chow 周侣芸, 1953-1957

Box 36 Folder 8 Sui-Wu Chow 周秀武, 1951-1957

Box 36 Folder 9 Ming-Yu Wang Chu 朱王明瑜, 1955-1956

Box 36 Folder 10 Yung-Yee Chu 朱永毅, 1956-1957

Box 36 Folder 11 Yuan Shih Chow 周元燊, 1953-1957

Box 36 Folder 12 Ding Hou 侯定, 1951-1955

Box 36 Folder 13 Pung Nien Hu 胡彭年, 1956-1957

Box 37 Folder 1 Te-Chiang Hu 胡德强, 1953

Box 37 Folder 2 Cho-Yun Hsu 許倬雲, 1956-1957

Humanities applicant

Box 37 Folder 3 Chun-Juan Kao 高筠若, 1953-1958

Box 37 Folder 4 Ti-Gang Kwei 桂體剛, 1953, 1955-1957

Box 37 Folder 5 Ru-Tao Kyi 嵇汝道, 1957

Box 37 Folder 6 Edmund Chi Chien Lin 林继儉, 1949-1956

Box 37 Folder 7 Palmer Tung-Po Lin 林同坡, 1955-1958

Box 37 Folder 8 Hsi-Ching Liu 劉錫菁, 1958 February

Box 37 Folder 9 William Tze-Jen Liu 劉志任, 1957-1958

Box 37 Folder 10 Tsu-Lin Mei 梅祖麟, 1951-1955

Box 37 Folder 11 Yih Pwu 濮易, 1956-1958

Box 37 Folder 12 Kwei-Ping Shen 沈桂平, 1957 February

Box 37 Folder 13 Chih-Ree Sun 孫至銳, 1955

Box 37 Folder 14 Paul On-Pong Tso 曹安邦, 1951-1955

Box 38 Folder 1 David Yue Wong 王宇, 1955-1957

Box 38 Folder 2 Wen Nong Wong 王聞農, 1956-1957

Box 38 Folder 3 Alfred Chi-Tai Wu 吴期泰, 1955-1958

Box 38 Folder 4 Yung-Fang Yu 余永芳, 1955, 1957

Box 38 Folder 5 Ching Yuan 袁静, 1953-1955

Box 38 Folder 6 Hong Chien Yuan 阮鴻骞, 1954-1955

Box 38 Folder 7 E-An Zen 任以安, 1952-1957

Sub-Series V.3: Additional Scholarships and Services

Box 39 Folder 1 American Association of University Women (AAUW) Scholarships

Box 39 Folder 2 Fulbright Act, Reference Materials, 1946-1951

Office of Educational Fund

Box 39 Folder 3 Financial Report, 1948 July-December

Box 39 Folder 4 Receipts, 1948-1949

Box 39 Folder 5 Chase National Bank, Correspondences and Statements, 1948-1949

Box 39 Folder 6 Correspondences, U.S. Office of Education, 1948-1949

Box 39 Folder 7 Inter-Office Correspondences, 1948-1949

Box 39 Folder 8-9 Correspondences, with Institutions, 1948

correspondences with universities regarding students' scholarship status, providing help to students in the application to scholarship, etc.

Box 39 Folder 10 Correspondences, Hui-Ching Lu; on Memorandum, on Prepatory Committee for a Research and Training Institute for Physical and Health Education in China, 1948 December-1949 February

Box 39 Folder 11 Chinese-American Friendship Scholarship Proposal by Frank M. Price, The Church of Christ in China, 1949 February-May

correspondences with Price, and with US institutions on the interest of collaboration

Box 39 Folder 12 Correspondences, Institute of World Affairs, 1949 September-1950 April

Box 39 Folder 13 Exchange-Visitor Program Designation, 1949-1951

Box 40 Folder 1 Book Purchase Requests from Universities in Taiwan, 1951

Inquiry from China Institute to Universities on List of Dissertations Written by Chinese Students

Box 40 Folder 2 Letters Responded with Yes, 1951 February-September

Box 40 Folder 3 Letters Responded with No, 1951 January-March

Box 40 Folder 4 Directory of Chinese Members of American College and University Faculties (1950-1951), 1951 March-July

Box 40 Folder 5 New Scholarships and Fellowships (1952-1953) for Students in the U.S., 1951 September-November

Box 40 Folder 6 Keh-Ching Chen's Trip to Universities, 1951 March-December

Keh-Ching Chen, Director, Student and Specialist Programs, China Institute in America

Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation

Box 40 Folder 7 Ting-Kai Li 历鼎凯, 1953-1959

applications, reports, and correspondences

Box 40 Folder 8 Applications, 1959

China International Foundation

Box 41 Folder 1 General Correspondences, 1952-1955

Box 41 Folder 2 Grants-In-Aid for American Students, 1952-1954

Box 41 Folder 3 Grants-In-Aid for Chinese Students, 1952-1954

Box 41 Folder 4 Meeting Minutes and Applications, 1953

Box 41 Folder 5 Robert Chen-Wei Tang 唐振维, 1952-1955

Correspondences with Students, Scholarships

correspondences with students in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the United States who inquired about the availability of scholarships to study in the U.S.

Box 42 Folder 1 A, B, 1956-1958

Box 42 Folder 2 C, 1956-1959

Box 42 Folder 3 D, 1956-1958

Box 42 Folder 4 E, 1957 October-November

Box 42 Folder 5 F, 1956-1959

Box 42 Folder 6 G, 1957 November

Box 42 Folder 7 H, 1955-1959

Box 42 Folder 8 J, 1956-1957

Box 42 Folder 9 K, 1956-1958

Box 42 Folder 10 L, 1956-1958

Box 42 Folder 11 M, 1956-1958

Box 42 Folder 12 N, 1956-1958

Box 42 Folder 13 P, 1956-1959

Box 42 Folder 14 S, 1956-1958

Box 42 Folder 15 T, 1956-1957

Box 42 Folder 16 W, 1956-1959

Box 42 Folder 17 X, Y, Z

Summer Job, Counseling & Placement Service

job openings and referrals, applications

Box 42 Folder 18 1959 January-July

Box 42 Folder 19 1960 January-June