This series lists R. Guastavino Co.'s business records and Prof. Collins' research papers. The Company's business records include correspondence, meeting minutes, financial statements, patents, drawings, advertisements, photographs, photograph album, and test results and reports. There are also some papers and photos of the Guastavino family. The research papers include work notes and papers, maps, correspondence, newsletters, and magazine and newspaper clippings.
The arrangement and the titles for subject divisions and folders were supplied by Prof. George Collins. His filing system was maintained and titles were transcribed directly as provided. For folders without titles, a title was given by the cataloger and enclosed within brackets ([]). Each folder is followed by content descriptions also supplied by the cataloger. Folders 15:12 through 18:8 and subject divisions "R.G. CO. GENERAL SALES" and "RG I EARLY MISC. SPANISH ACTIVITIES" were originally stored with project files, and have since been removed and refiled accordingly within this series. Thirty-six drawings, including the Guastavino family tree and technical drawings, are listed at the end of Series I: Architectural Drawings.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 1
Old Guastavino Cards
Includes 117 index cards that list projects and/or other business transactions, including experiments.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 2
Designation lists/Landmark Pres. Comm.
Eleven reports from research dept. of Landmark's on the condition and provenance of buildings.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 3
Miscellaneous clippings re Guastavino bldgs.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 4
[Architectural Records in Chicago]
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 5
COPAR, material related to Guastavino
Includes 22 items of newsletters, guidebooks, and directories published by COPAR, National Building Museum, and American Association of Architectural Bibliographers, as well as some correspondence between Catha Rambusch and G.C.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 6
[List of Guastavino archive buildings files]
Four copies of list with annotations.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 7
R.G. Filing System
Includes 100+ copies of blank forms for Guastavino Archive buildings files, notes on the classification/filing system, a booklet titled, America: History and Life, and the following correspondence: 1. 1 letter from Robert Silman to G.C. on Jan. 29, 1986 and 2. 4-page letter from Ted Happold to G.C. on Feb. 7, 1986.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 8
To Do -- Unknown Pix
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 9
R.G.C. Drawing Inventories
Includes 2 copies of "Drawing File Index" (1 bound and 1 carbon copy), 2 envelopes with fragments of drawings, and 1 6-page check list of drawings.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 10
R.G.Co. Picture Inventory of Types
Includes 1 manilla envelope titled "Picture-Inventors [sic] of Types", 2 1-page list of "Some Domes Constructed by R. Guastavino Company," and 2 lists of photos.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 11
R.G. Inventories, Misc. Lists for GRC Press Files
10-page list of "Key Guastavino Buildings".
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 12
R.G.Co. Statistical Inventories
Includes 5 outline maps, 3 check lists under date, place, and classes of buildings, and miscellaneous notes.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 13
R.G.C. Acoustical Inventories
Includes 1 catalog, 3 lists of buildings with Guastavino installations, and 1 note by G.C.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 14
Inventory List Lantern Slides
Includes 1951 key to slides, 1952 key to slides, envelope with slide lecture notes, 1 empty envelope titled "R. Guastavino Slide catalogue," and two notes by G.C.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 15
R.G. Prep
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 16
R.G. Woburn - To Do
Includes 5 loose notes, 3 address notes, and the following correspondence from 1964-1979, with gaps:
RG CO. SWEETS ADVTS [i.e. Advertisements]
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 1
1924 and 1925 Sweets (all copies)
2-page ad with envelope and 2 notes by G.C.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 2
1927 and 1928 Sweets (all copies)
8-page ad and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 3
1929 Sweets (all copies)
11-page ad and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 4
1930 Sweets reprints
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 5
1931 Sweets reprints
4 copies of catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 6
1932 Sweets reprints 4 copies
3 copies of catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 7
1933 Sweets reprints 10 copies
8 copies of catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 8
1934 Sweets reprints 10 copies
8 copies of catalog, with one of the copies missing the cover, and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 9
1935 Sweets reprints
7 5-page unbound copies of catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 10
1936 Sweets reprints 15 copies
13 5-page unbound copies of catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 11
1937 Sweets reprints 5 copies
3 copies of catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 12
1938 Sweets Industrial 1938 (Eng-Mech-Power-Process)
1 3-page ad, 3 1-page ads, and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 13
1938 Sweets reprints 8 copies
8 copies of catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 14
1939 Sweets reprints 8 copies
6 copies of catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 15
1940 Sweets reprints 8 copies (also no. of pages competitors had this yr.)
8 copies of catalog, 1-page list of "pages of competitors", and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 16
1941 Sweets reprints 7 copies (also list of competitors' ads)
7 copies of catalog, 1 list, and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 17
1942 Sweets reprint 1 copy
1 catalog and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 18
1944 Sweets Reprints
59 copies of 1-page ads, 1 envelope, and 1 mailing tape stamped in ink by R.G. Co.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 19
1945 Sweets Reprints 1946 & 1947 (similar)50 Free Rcd. [sic] 7/25/45
6 copies of fold-out ads, 1 envelope, and 1 sales tag stamped in ink by R.G. Co.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 20
Sweets 1947-1953
10 copies of fold-out ads with annotations and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 21
1948 Sweets Reprints (8)
9 copies of fold-out ads and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 22
1949 Sweets (27)
27 copies of fold-out ads and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 23
1950 Sweets (2)
2 copies of fold-out ads and 1 envelope.
Box 03 (Admin) Folder 24
1958, 1959, 1969, 1961 Sweets Reprints
7 copies of fold-out ads and 1 envelope.
GRC CORRESPONDENCE [includes materials sent or received by G.C. unless otherwise noted]
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 6
[Samuel Yellin, etc.]
Includes newspaper clipping of article "In Soweto, a House Meets Its Challenges" and photocopy of article "The wizardry of Samuel Yellin, artist in metals."
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 7
R.G. Archive-Letters of Thanks 12/62 for recent materials
Includes 7 notes, 1 letter from G.C.' Sister, 1 2-page letter to R. Wittkower with 5 pages of notes and drafts, 1 2-page letter to President Grayson Kirk from R. Wittkower, and 1 letter to Adelbert M. Bartlett from President Grayson Kirk.
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 8
Correspondence Williams 1947 Williams.1965 Donation box 111
Includes 10 letters and 1 postcard between Kenneth Williams and G.C. in 1965, 2 envelopes with multiple notes, 4 loose notes; 4-page list of "Williams materials wanted by GRC", and 2-page "misc notes" on Williams file.
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 9
R.G. MISC [i.e. G.C.] Corresp[ondence] by date
Includes 1 loose note, a note and a clipping from an envelope with addresses of R.N. Glenn, and the following G.C. correspondence from 1961-1970, with some gaps:
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 10
Correspondences [sic] Bartlett/Bunker
Includes 15 loose notes, 1 newspaper clipping, and the following correspondence between G.C. and A.M. Bartlett (AMB), Miss Bunker (Ms. B), Mr. William H. Byron (WHB), et al., from 1961-1974, with gaps:
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 11
B [sic]
Includes the following correspondence in 1964, 1967-1968 and 1976:
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 12
Includes 3 sepia-type drawings in floor plans of the attic of "Casa Italia" and the following correspondence from 1959-1960, 1962, 1965, 1979-1987, with gaps:
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 13
[Research Notes on the History of the School of Architecture at Columbia University]
Box 05 (Admin) Folder 14
[Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanism, 1986]
P.U. [Princenton University] ENGINEERS 1970
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 9
Includes 5 loose notes; 2 letters to and from Morgan W. Phillips, in 1969; 5 letters and an envelope to and from G.C. and James Gates Ferguson, Jr., from 1968-1969; and 2 letters to and from G.C. and Randolph W. Chalfant, in 1968.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 10
RG Misc & To Do
Includes 5 letters and 1 draft letter to and from G.C. and Rose London, Assistant to the Dean, in 1967, with 14 notes and 1 envelope; 6 loose notes; 16 letters and 2 draft letters to and from G.C. and Osmund Overby, Editor of the Journal, in 1968, with 7 notes; 1 letter from Mrs. Georgia Humbert, Secretary to O. Overby, in 1968; 4 letters and a map to and from G.C. and John F. Peckham, Manager of Meriden Gravure Company, from 1967-68, with 2 order receipts, mailing address clipping, 1 envelope, and 2 notes; 1 letter from William J. Glick Ass't Production Manager,in 1968; 22 letters, 1 draft letter, 3 postcards, and 1 card to and from G.C. and Prof. Peter Collins, from 1966-68, with a photocopy of p. 65 from Entretiens, a photocopy of letter from R. Branner to Peter Collins, a 2-page commentary on "Mediaeval Studies in America", 2 loose notes and 2 envelopes; 1 letter from G.C. to Clayford T. Grimm; and 1 3-page paper by G.C., "A System of Structural Clay Vaulting," with a draft copy.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 11
[Gail Gordon and misc.]
Includes 1 newspaper clipping; 3 notes; 2 letters to and from G.C. and Gail Gordon; 1 3-page "Additional Photographs" list; and a "walking tour" brochure of midtown NY.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 12
Structural Clay Original 9/28/65
Includes 3 copies of G.C.'s "Vaulting" biographical sketch; 3 copies of "Vaulting" abstract; 1 copy of "A System of Structural Clay Vaulting", 4 copies of "note to page 19" and "Postscript" with 1 note; 2 copies of 5-page "captions to illustrations" list with 3 attached clippings; 1 8-page bibliography; and 1 photocopyand 30 clippings from bibliography.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 13
JSAH Summary [July-Nov. 1968]
Includes 4 letters to and from G.C. and Mrs. Preston Parish with 1 envelope, in 1968; 1 letter from Osmund Overby to G.C., in 1968; 1 blank form for abstract; 3 copies of G.C.'s abstract; and 1 letter from W.Philip Cotton, Jr. to Osmund Overby, in 1968.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 14
Proof copy Collins & Bannister
Includes 2 offprints of G.C.'s article, "The Transfer of Thin Masonry Vaulting from Spain to America, with 10 notes, 1 photocopy of a 1969 letter from Juan Bergos [...illegible], and 1 envelope, interfiled within the offprint; and 1 offprint of Turpin C. Bannister article, "The Roussillon Vault", from Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians dated Oct. 1968.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 15
SAH Paper Preparations
Includes 1 copy of a 1965 letter to Prof. George B. Tatum from E.K.P.? with 5 notes and a submission of paper form for the SAH; G.C.'s paper, "The Transfer of Thin Masonry Vaulting from Spain to America, 1885-1915"; and 27 notes.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 16
Perspecta-Gaudi To Do
7 loose notes and a list with a note attached from CMS, dated 10/8/62.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 17
Perspecta article Centro de Estudios Gaudi version 1967
Includes 31 paper clipped notes; 2 copies of 1967 Gaudi studies seminar schedule in Spain; 1 photo list with a note; 1 telegram and note from Jaime; 1 3-page note from JR; 5 letters and 3 draft letters to and from G.C. and Cesar Martinell Brunet from Mar. 20, 1967-May 31, 1967; 1 typed copy of G.C.'s article, "Antonio Gaudi: Estructura y Forma", in Spanish translation with 4 notes attached; and 1 photocopy of the same article with corrections noted.
Box 06 (Admin) Folder 18
Perspecta Reactions
Includes 2 loose notes; 1 Sept., 1964 letter from Cornelia Cogswell to G.C.; and 1 copy of an Aug., 1964 letter from N. Pevsner to Jonathan Barnett.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 1
[Hogar y Arquitectura]
1 copy of the Sept./Oct., 1966 issue and a proof copy of G. Collins article, "Antonio Gaudi: Estructura y Forma."
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 2
Perspecta article Hogar y Arquit version 1965-66
Includes 3 loose notes; 3 letters to and from G.C. and Jaime, in Sept., 1965 and Apr., 1966, with 4 notes; 2 copies of G.C.'s manuscript, translated in Spanish with corrections, with 3 notes; and 2 copies of figures list, also translated in Spanish with corrections, with 3 notes.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 3
File copy with all corrections noted
2 copies (1 proof copy) of G.C.'s article with corrections and 3 notes.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 4
Includes 7 loose notes, an invitation to a talk given by Jonathan Bartnett, a copy of table of contents for Perspecta 9, a 2-page list of corrections to be made with a draft list and 9 notes; and the following correspondence sent or received by G.C. from Oct., 1962-May, 1964:
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 5
Perspecta Man[uscript]
Includes 6 pages of notes; 1 22-page manuscript of G.C.'s article, "Antonio Gaudi: Structure and Form," with corrections; a revised footnote with 2 copies; a trailer note with corrections; and an 11-page illustrations list with corrections.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 6
Perspecta 2nd copies
Includes 10 pages of notes; 1 26-page manuscript of G.C.'s article, "The Architectural Structures of Antonio Gaudi"; and 1 revised manuscript of the above mentioned article retitled, "Antonio Gaudi: Structure and Form."
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 7
[Perspecta 8-excerpts]
Includes 1 note from M.F.; pulled pages 62-90 from Perspecta 8 of G.C.'s article; and 11 photocopies of images from G.C.'s article--7 of the 11 photocopies were removed and filed with the oversize materials.
Oversize 1 Folder 3
[Perspecta 8-excerpts]
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 8
Perspecta caption
Includes 9 loose notes; 3 notes to Jake with a 4-page list of photos; and notes numbered 1-50.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 9
[Perspecta 8]
1 issue of The Yale Architectural Journal, 1963.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 15
Gaudi Book (German) Fant. Architecture
10 notes with some in German.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 16
Park Slope article on RG vaults, Prospect Park, May 1966
Includes 3 newspaper clippings; 2 letters and 2 cards from Bob Makla to G.C. in Aug.-Sept., 1966; 1 card from Esther Tuttle, n.d.; 3 letters to and from G.C. and Irene H. Wilson in May-Aug., 1966 with 1 envelope; 2 copies of the 4-page article, "Spanish Vaults Grow in Brooklyn," submitted to Civic News; 1 loose note; and 6 issues of the Civic News from Aug., 1965-Sept., 1966.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 17
Guastavino article for Gran Enciclo Catal [i.e. Gran Enciclopedia Catalana] 1974-1975
Includes 1 loose note; vol. 8, no. 192 of Gran; 4 letters to and from G.C. and Ramon Folch i Guillen from Nov., 1984-Jan., 1985 with 1 draft letter, 1 envelope, and a photocopy of G.C.'s entry in the journal; 4 letters to and from G.C. and Francesc Fontbona from Nov., 1974-July, 1975 with 1 envelope; 2-page description ofillustrations; 4 draft copies (1 copy in Catalan) of G.C.'s article with corrections; and 1 letter from publishers in Sept., 1974 with an envelope.
Box 07 (Admin) Folder 18
Reprint lists etc.
Includes 13 loose notes, 12 notes in an envelope, 49 reprint notes, and the following correspondence from 1966-1974, with gaps:
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 1
M.I.T. 2 lectures/1962 Snafu
Includes 5 letters to and from G.C. and Lawrence B. Anderson from Oct.-Nov., 1962 with 2 draft letters; 3 loose notes; and 3 notes attached to a letter.
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 2
F.A. Council 2 talks [advisory]/RG 11/17/62
Includes 5 loose notes; 7 pages of lecture notes; an agenda of the Advisory Council of the Dept. of Art History and Archeology; and 1 blank letterhead.
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 3
2/20/1962 & 5/1/1962 NY SAH/Yale lecture / Gaudi & structure
Includes 1 loose note, 21 pages of lecture notes with corrections, 1 3-page outline of lecture, 1 photocopy clipping of May, 1962 SAH newsletter, 1 lecture location notice, 1 lecture announcement card, 1 exhibit announcement card, 1 press release for the Columbia University calendar, 1 card and 3 notes with comments re lecture, 4 Columbia University Calendars from Apr. 22-June 5, 1962 with 2 duplicate copies, 2 copies ofnewspaper clippings, and the following correspondence from 1961-1962:
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 4
Paris B.N. vaults
Includes 2 newspaper clippings, 1 card from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1 loose note, 1 Industrial Archeology [sic] workshop announcement, 2 2-page tour schedules from SAH, and the following correspondence from 1976-1978, with gaps:
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 5
Publications-flat tile vaulting-French
13 notes and 25 stats from various publications in French.
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 6
[Bannister-"The Roussillon Vault"]
Includes 1 9-page proof copy of Bannister's article, "The Roussillon Vault", 3 loose notes, 1 17-page draft copy of the article with corrections, 1 43-page draft copy of notes, 3 photocopies of illustrations, and 1 4-page draft copy of descriptions of illustrations with 1 note.
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 7
Bannister SAH notes
Includes 5 notes on "Catalan sculptors & architects active in Rosellon ca. 1700", 10 notes in an envelope, 15 loose notes, and the following correspondence from 1966-1969:
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 8
Publications-flat tile vaulting-Roman
Includes 2 loose notes; 2 pages photocopied from Mar. 16, 1889 issue of The Builder; and 2 pages photocopied from "Planet Dict. (1888-92)."
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 9
Publications-flat tile vaulting-Italian
Includes 4 loose notes; 1 photo of chapel in Gerbido district; 1 note from Rich?; 1 note and an envelope in Italian; 1 note on Sattler; and a copy of 12-page article, "Leichtgewolbebau" by Carl Sattler.
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 10
Publications-flat tile vaulting-Spanish (see also Gaudi archive) (20 c)
13 notes and a copy of article, "La Boveda Vaida Tabicada" and "Casa del Pescador en Cartagena."
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 11
Publications-flat tile vaulting-Spanish early 17c/18c/ earlier 19c
Includes 21 notes; a photostat of 14-page article, "Construccion y de la Industria"; and 6 photocopies of articles from The Brickbuilder.
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 12
Publications-Spanish (special) Cardelach
Box 08 (Admin) Folder 25
[ACME Exterminating Corp.]
Includes 14 loose notes with R.G. office addresses and 1 envelope, with a letter from Robert Stien of ACME Exterminating Corp. on June 8, 1983, 2 brochures, 1 business card, and a 2-page conference schedule.
Box 09 (Admin) Folder 1
"Records" [of] R. Guastavino Co.
361 pp., bound book of company records, including minutes, with multiple inserts, Apr. 28, 1897-Mar. 19, 1956.
Box 09 (Admin) Folder 2
Continued from old Minute Book, April 10, 1956 [-Aug. 23, 1962]
Box 09 (Admin) Folder 3
[Minutes of Rumford Tile Co., Inc]
Feb. 3, 1956-July 12, 1962.
Box 09 (Admin) Folder 4
["Salesmen's Order Book"]
For tiles ordered from July 23, 1959-Mar. 12, 1962 and sent from July 23, 1959-Nov. 17, 1961.
Box 10 (Admin) Folder 1
R. Guastavino Co.
minutes, charter, corporate records, and by-laws with multiple inserts and 1 loose page from Nov. 25, 1952-Dec. 20, 1960.
Box 10 (Admin) Folder 2
Factory Payroll rates, 1-30-56
Box 10 (Admin) Folder 3
Guastavino. R. Co.-Malcolm Blodgett-Personal Papers
4 memorandums from Jan. 4, 1943-Dec. 6, 1955 with 1 envelope.
Box 10 (Admin) Folder 4
Negotiations with R. Guastavino-preliminary to purchase R. Guastavino Co. stock
Includes 2 letters between R. Guastavino and M. Blodgett in Apr. 8, 1895 and Dec. 3, 1942; 1 memorandum of Jan. 4, 1943; 2 letters to M.Blodgett from Kenneth Williams on Nov., Dec., 1942; 3 loose notes dated Dec., 1942 and 1943; and 5 copies of agreement between R. Guastavino and M. Blodgett.
Box 10 (Admin) Folder 5
Mrs. Francisca R. Guastavino-Stock certificates, etc.
Includes 19 letters between D.J. Weaver,Administrator of Estate of Francisca R. Guastavino, and R. Guastavino Company from Mar. 13, 1944-Mar. 24, 1947 with 1 receipt letter and 1 2-page contract.
Box 10 (Admin) Folder 6
R. Guastavino Company by-laws & Charter, Revisions & Corps papers
Includes 4 letters between M. Blodgett andKenneth Williams from June-July, 1944 with a 2-page list of the Company Articles; 1 letter to R. Guastavino Co. from Henry F. Long on May 23, 1944; 4 copies of Company By-laws with annotations; and 2 copies of "Copy of Agreement."
Box 10 (Admin) Folder 7
R. Guastavino Company-Notices of Meetings, etc./660 Main Street, Woburn, Mass., phone: Woburn [sic] 9420
PIX GENERAL VAULTING & THEORY [see also "structural brick"
Box 11 (Admin) Folder 37
Tests D. Morris copies
Box 11 (Admin) Folder 38
Testing apparatus
1 drawing mounted on board.
Box 11 (Admin) Folder 39
Fire Tests-Guastavino Construction
5 photos in an envelope, 4 reports of fire and water tests in July and Sept., 1897, and 2 loose notes.
Box 11 (Admin) Folder 40
Skinner & Sherman-Chemists
27 analytical reports/certificates from Mar. 23, 1925-Apr. 29, 1938 and 2 letters submitted by Skinner, Sherman & Esselen with 1 note and 3 duplicate copies of reports.
Box 11 (Admin) Folder 41
Misc Pix of Tests
9 loose notes and 26 photos mounted on board.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 1
Misc Pix of Tests
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 2
Old Strength Tests 1901 This goes with the mtd [i.e. mounted] photos
2 notes on arches and 1 6-page report dated June 5, 1901.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 3
Hayward, H.W.-Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Strength tests
14 test notes and results with 3 note cards and1 letter from M. Blodgett to Prof. H.W. Hayward on July 17, 1928.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 4
Mass Institute of Technology-Strength Tests by Protze
Includes 2 copies of report of punching shear tests on Jan. 31, 1935; 2 copies of report of transverse tests on Feb. 1, 1935; 1 note to Mr. Pease from A.B.; 3 copies of report of compression tests on Feb. 15, 1935 with 1 additional cover page; 2 copies of report of transverse tests on Feb. 16, 20, 23, 1935 with 1 additional cover page; and 2 copies of report on transverse tests on May 8, 31, 1935 with 2 copies of cover page and a note. Two blueprints on paper--REMOVED AND FILED with technical drawings.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 5
U.S. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.
Includes 5 gov't publications from the National Bureau of Standards titled, Dependence of Sound Absorption Upon the Area and Distribution of the Absorbent Material, Architectural Acoustics, Effect of Paint on the Sound Absorption of Acoustic Materials, Wall Plaster: Its Ingredients, Preparation, and Properties, and The Certification Plan Its Significance, Scope and Application to Selected Federal Specifications and Commercial Standards; 1 ink on linen graph; 6-page revisions to federal specifications; and the correspondence from Aug. 20, 1927-Jan. 27, 1954.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 6
Technical-General Acoustical Theory, etc.
Includes 1 note, 6 newspaper and journalclippings, and 1 student paper submitted to G.C.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 7
Technical-R. Guastavino Co. Akoustolith
Includes 6 notes, 1 newspaper clipping, and 1-page ad for Akoustolith.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 8
Technical-R.G. Co.-theory etc. Acoustics
Includes 4 copies of pamphlets on Akoustolith plaster, 1 note, 1 program from the 26th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 3-pagehandout passed out by Sabine after his paper, 3-page summary by R.G. Co., and the followingcorrespondence from Dec. 20, 1915-May 20, 1920:
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 9
Technical-R.G. Co.-Rumford/Lab[?] Fired type "Silicair"
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 10
[Sound Ideas, Spring, Winter 1963]
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 11
Brochures and Form Letters
Includes 1 directions sheet to mix Akoustolith plaster, 11 copies of fold-out ads, 2 copies of 4-page catalog, 1 8-page catalog, 1 brochure from George Taylor Company, 1 brochure from Pearce Fireproof Company, 2 copies of brochures on plastacoustic with 2 notes from M.B., 3 cancelled price quotes, and 5 copies of 1930 plaster estimate.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 12
W.C. Sabine by E.H. Hall, reprinted from Harvard Graduates Mag.
7 copies of 7-page pamphlet.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 13
To Do Acoustics Special
2 newspaper clippings and 1 note.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 14
To Do-Geometry-Specials
7 graphs and notes, 2 copies of clippings from Vassar newsletter, and 3 loose notes.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 15
Cambridge, Mass-School, Harvard Univ-(Technical File) Avery Hall-Sabine 1911
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 16
Acoustic Tiles-"Hung Ceiling" Aug. 1936
7 photos and 6 negatives.
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 17
Textures & Shapes/Castacoustic & Akoustolith Tile Photos, also ceramic tile
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 18
Acoustical Tile Agency-Tile & Suspension Costs
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 19
Acoustic Information
2 booklets from National Bureau of Standards, "Architectural Acoustics" and "Transmission and Absorption of Sound by Some Building Materials," 1 booklet from University of Illinois Bulletin, "The Absorption of Sound by Materials," and 1article from Architectural Engineering, "Architectural Acoustics-Reverberation Time Calculations."
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 20
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 21
Box 12 (Admin) Folder 22
Photos of Ak[oustolith] Pl[aster] texture
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 1
Plastacoustic/Photos of Plastacoustic texture
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 2
Acoustic Plaster/Texture, etc. Aug. 1936 (Pix)
8 photos and 8 negatives.
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 3
121-Bureau of Standards Test on Akoustolith Plaster
2 photostats of Apr. 28, 1926 letter from George K. Burgess, Director, to M. Blodgett and 1 graph in ink on linen.
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 4
Technical-R.G.C. Akoustolith Plaster
1-page ad from Sweets catalog and 2 loose notes.
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 5
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 6
Federal Specifications
Includes 1 Federal Standard Stock Catalog, 16 pamphlets of amendments and revisions to the Stock Catalog, 1 Commercial Standard pamphlet, 1-page specification for adhesives and acoustic materials with a note to Harold Pease, 3 pages of notes on Federal Specifications, and the following correspondence: 1 letter from C.W. Chamberlain to R.G. Co. on Jan. 17, 1946 with an 11-page proposed revision of Federal Specification, 1 2-page letter from R.G. Co. to C.W. Chamberlain on Feb. 4, 1946 with a return receipt, 1 letter from W.T. Thomasson to M. Blodgett on Feb. 6, 1953 with a 13-page copy of proposed revisions of Federal Specifications, and 1 2-page letter from M. Blodgett to W.T. Thomasson on Feb. 10, 1953.
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 7
[Approx. Akoustolith Plaster Sales Thru N.Y. office]
1 ink on paper and 4 blueprints of sales list from 1930-1932.
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 8
Navy Specifications
9 pamphlets of addendums and revisions to Navy Dept. Specifications.
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 9
Bureau of Standards-ÂÂÂOld Letter Circulars on Acoustics
Includes 3 pages of test result notes, 1 letter from M. Blodgett to National Bureau of Standards on Dec. 23, 1948, 23-page list of publications by members of the Bureau, 16 Letter Circulars on sound absorption coefficients from 1930-1939 and 1943 with 2 duplicate copies, and 3 Letter Circulars on classification of acoustic materials from 1937-1940.
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 10
Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.-Misc. Publications
Includes the following publications from the Bureau: 4 pamphlets on architectural acoustics from 1926, 1930-31, and 1938 with 2 duplicate copies, 1 pamphlet on acoustical insulation in 1933, 1 list of publications on standards of weight and measure pre-1935, 1 Technical News Bulletin from Nov., 1935, 5 pamphlets on transmission and absorption of sound, 1 pamphlet on pigments, 1 Letter Circular on certification plan on July 6, 1939, and 1 booklet and supplement on "Building Materials and Structures."
Box 13 (Admin) Folder 11
Other Acoustical Plasters & Tile Materials
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 1
Bureau of Standards-Testing Fees
1 circular 483, "Testing by the National Bureau of Standards."
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 2
Sound Test-Bolt Beranek & Newman/1950
1 letter from Robert Newman to A.M. Bartlett on Apr. 25, 1950 with a graph of absorption coefficient.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 3
Electrical Research Products Inc.-S.A. [i.e. sound absorption] Tests
3 photostats of report of tests.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 4
National Bureau of Standards/Guastavino Sound Absorption Tests
Includes the following correspondence from Apr. 28, 1926, Dec. 5, 1929-Nov. 19, 1946:
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 5
1/4 Ak[oustolith] Test/U.S.B.S.
7 photostat copies of letter from George K. Burgess to R.G. Co. on Dec. 4, 1930.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 6
Akoustolith etc. "Private File"
1 comparative list on Akoustolith tile and others with 4 blueprint copies of list.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 7
Graph of Ak[oustolith] Pl[aster] effieciency/USBS Test 1926/ 1/2" thickness
14 blueprint copies of frequency graph.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 8
Barss-W.R.-Mass. Inst. of Tech [sic]
5 letters to and from W.R. Barss and R.G. Co. with 2 copies of 3-page summary of tests.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 9
Acoustic Ratings of different Wall Types of Materials
1 booklet on "Building Materials and Structures" by National Bureau of Standards and 2 2-page articles on acoustic ratings of wall types from Architectural Record.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 10
Swan, C.M. Jefferson Physical Lab
Includes a 7-page treatise on architectural acoustics by C.M. Swan, 1 graph in ink on linen, 1 photostat of graph of Rumford tile, 7 photostat copies of graph of Akoustolith plaster, and the following correspondence from Apr. 7, 1920-Apr. 17, 1929:
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 11
Sound Absorption Tests
1-page test notes and, removed from file are, 3 pencil drawings on tracing paper.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 12
Sabine, W.C.-Jefferson Physical Lab
Includes 2 notes, 1 envelope, 2 pages of graphs, 1 letter of agreement between Sabine and R.G. Co. on Apr., 1911, and the following correspondence:
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 13
Light Tests-Akoustolith Tile & Akoustolith Plaster
Includes 2 copies of article, "Optical Reflection Factors of Acoustical Materials," from Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1 article, "Light Reflection Factors of Acoustical Materials," 3-page results of lighting tests on tile and muslin ceiling, and the following correspondence:
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 14
Freezing & Thawing Tests on Akoustolith (Thompson & Lichtner) 1942
6 copies of 9-page test results with 2 photos and 2 copies of 9-page test results without photos, 1 bill and 1 letter from The Thompson & Lichtner Co. on June 29, 1942 and on Jan. 22, 1943, respectively, and 3 pages of test notes.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 15
The Haller Testing Laboratories (Strength Tests)
4 copies of test results.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 16
Thermal Conductivity Tests-M.I.T.
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 17
Thompson & Lichtner, Strength Tests by Protze
Box 14 (Admin) Folder 18
Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.
33 reports re cooperative research on acoustic tile from Bureau, i.e. L.J. Briggs, Paul R. Heyl, and George K. Burgess, to R.G. Co. from Dec. 5, 1929-June 13, 1941.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 1
Concrete? Pix of Shell Construction (Charles River Esplanade?) "Concertorium"
1 envelope with 17 photos and 16 negatives and 1 envelope with 9 photos, 8 negatives, and 1 note.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 2
Concrete (RG File-Boston Esplanade Concertorium)
7 correspondence from R. Guastavino to Boston Office from Aug. 25, 1938-Oct. 14, 1938 with 1 note and some sketches.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 3
Concrete-Thin-Shell-Domes. 1954
1 program, 1 4-page registration list, and 2 pages of notes from the "Special Conference on Thin Concrete Shells" held at MIT in June, 1954, with 2 graphs.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 4
Misc Pix of Constructing
1 13-page draft of paper on "Guastavino Construction Cement," 1 2-page list of photos/prints in R.G. files that show "process of construction," and 3 loose notes.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 5
Comerma Notices/To Whom It May Concern
6 copies of 2-page letter from R.G. Co. "to whom it may concern."
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 6
NYC. Manhattan Buildings Misc./Comerma Co., 114 Liberty St., [Patent Litigation] 1917
Includes 31 loose notes by G.C., 3-page map of Manhattan with a note, 1 envelope, 3-page patent for Comerma, and the following documents and correspondence:
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 7
R.G. Co. Misc Competitors
4 notes by G.C., 2 letters from D.P. Wolhaupter to U.S. Gypsum Company and to R.G. Co. on Jan. 26, 1928, and 2 journal clippings from The Architectural Forum.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 8
R.G.Co. Wolhaupter, D.P., Washington, D.C., Patent claims -various-
Includes 1 booklet re R.G. patent appeal, 6 patents used for "references cited against Dillon", and the following documents and correspondence:
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 9
R.G.Co. Patent File: RG/Sabine Patents
Includes 3 loose notes, 1 envelope with 36 notes, 2 newspaper clippings, 3 pages of patent notes, and the following correspondence and patents:
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 10
R.G. Patent
Specifications for patent No. 915,026 from Patent Office and Official Gazette, 1 photo, and 1 loose note.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 11
Patent File (Non R.G.)
Includes 9 notes, 2 copies of guide to patents, 70 specifications for patents, and 3 lists of "patents vested in the alien property custodian."
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 12
Friends of Terracotta
Includes 8 newspaper clippings; 11 issues of "Friends of Terra Cotta," Spring 1982-Spring 1986; 1 1982 directory of members of Friends of Terra Cotta; 7 brochures and flyers from Friends of Terra Cotta; 2 photocopies of newspaper and magazine article; 7 postcards; 1 abstract and copy of letter from Theodore Prudon to G.C. with 7 note pieces by G.C.; 4 correspondence between Friends of Terra Cotta and G.C.; and 3 notes by G.C.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 13
[Letters of Support for George Collins]
Includes 1 original and 5 copies of 1965 letter of support from Edward B. McMenamin, Secretary of the University; 1 original and 5 copies of 1965 letter from Kenneth B. Williams; 2 original and 5 copies of 1965 letter from D.H. Daugherty, Executive Associate of American Council of Learned Societies; 1 envelope; and 1 note by G.C.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 14
[The Plastering Craft, August 15, 1932]
Vol. 5, No. 8--stamped received on Aug. 26, 1932 by R.G. Co.
Box 15 (Admin) Folder 15
Guastavino: Unsorted Misc. (CC Collins)
Includes 24 newspaper and magazine clippings; 1 correspondence from Edmund Happold to G.C. in March, 1986; 4 notes by G.C.; 1 envelope; 1 proposal to The New York Landmarks Conservancy, submitted by The Teitelbaum Group; 1 brochure from Whitney Museum; 2 pages of offprint from Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of G.C.'s article; and 9 issues of "Landmark News" from July, 1987-Oct., 1987.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 1
[Clipping album]
Includes 1 blank scrapbook with annotations made by G.C. on verso of cover and 2 articles clipped and attached to loose pages of scrapbook. Scrapbook is very fragile with many pages torn out.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 2
Connecticut Correspondence
Includes 2 newspaper clippings; 1 news release and 1 invitation to exhibit opening from National Park Service; 4 correspondence from Judith Paine to G.C. in 1974 and in 1979; 1 correspondence from Gary Stuver, Graduate Research Assistant to G.C., to Judith Paine in May, 1978; 1 correspondence from G.C. to Judith Paine in Feb., 1978 with listing of Guastavino buildings in Connecticut; 1 correspondence from G.C. to John Shannahan, Director of Connecticut Historical Commission, in Dec., 1977 with copy of listing of Guastavino buildings in Connecticut; and 9 notes by G.C.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 3
Miscellaneous Jobs-(Old & New)-Correspondence
Includes 1 blueprint on paper drawing--REMOVED AND FILED with technical drawings, 1 B&W photo, 1 church information folder from Rambusch, and the following correspondence:
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 4
Letters on Job Prospects
Includes 1 list of proposed projects; 1 correspondence from R.G. Co. to Hilary D. Watterson, Architect, re administration building at Jefferson Memorial Park in July, 1953; 1 correspondence and inquiry card from R.G. Co. to Frank Lloyd Wright re proposed Greek Orthodox Church in Aug., 1957; 1 correspondence and 1 inquiry card from R.G. Co. to Collens, Willis & Beckonert re Riverside Church in Aug., 1957; and 1 correspondence and 1 inquiry card from R.G. Co. to Barber & McMurry re First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Dec., 1960.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 5
RG Unknown Pix
Includes 6 B&W photos; 3 clippings from R.G. Co. advertisements; 5 slide notes; and 3 notes byG.C.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 6
R.G. Checklist ["A", "B", "C", and "D"]
Includes the following research forms created by G.C.: 7 building checklist page A-1; 8 building checklist page B-1; 7 building checklist page C-1; and 8 building checklist page D-1.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 7
[Miscellaneous advertisements]
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 8
Sample Pix (out of series)
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 9
["The Guastavino Tile Vaulting System and How It Was Used in Seven Buildings on Morningside Heights"]
Paper written by one of G.C.'s students.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 10
Read Shorthand? Pitman [sic]
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 11
RG/To Do
3 clippings of book review; 4 notes by G.C.; 1 note to Christiane Collins from B; and 1 list of West Coast Guastavino buildings compiled by G.C.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 12
[New York Central schedules]
1 train schedule and 1 note by G.C.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 13
Includes 1 travel book of Maine; 1 map of New England; 1 map of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia; 1 map of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, and credit card ad with 4 notes by G.C.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 14
Mass. [maps]
Includes 3 maps of Boston; 1 map of Newton; 1 map of Mass., Conn., and Rhode Island; and 1 map of Washington to Boston.
Box 16 (Admin) Folder 15
Newport, R.I. Misc. To Do
Includes 1 tourbook of "The Breakers"; 3 maps of colonial Newport; 5 pamphlets of Newport mansions; 1 newspaper clipping; 1 magazine clipping; and 1 note by G.C.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 1
[Maps of New York City]
Includes 3 maps of N.Y.C.; 1 bus map of Brooklyn and Staten Island; 1 Circle Line cruise book; and 1 Hudson River Day Line pamphlet.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 2
[Maps of New York]
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 3
[Maps of New Jersey]
2 maps and 1 street guide of Newark.
Oversize 1 Folder 4
[Life Magazine]
Dec. 28, 1953 issue belonging to Mrs. Malcolm Blodgett.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 4
[Maps of Pennsylvania]
6 maps; 3 newspaper clippings; 4 pamphlets of various sites; 1 street guide to Philadelphia; 3 handouts from AIA convention; and 1 time table of Pennsylvania railroad.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 5
[Maps of Maryland]
3 newspaper clippings; 1 map of Maryland; 3 maps of Baltimore; 1 street guide; and 1 postcard.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 6
This is Charleston: a Survey of the Architectural Heritage of a Unique American City, by Carolina Art Assn.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 7
1 guidebook to historic Richmond.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 8
1 street guide to Chicago and 3 notes by G.C.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 9
[Western tour book]
1 tour book from AAA of Western states.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 10
New Haven, Conn. YALE Misc. to do
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 11
[Note cards]
2 packets of index cards with notes on various Guastavino projects.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 12
[Timothy G. O'Connell and Charles Raggio Greco]
2 brochures illustrating some of the work of architects, O'Connell and Greco.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 13
4 newspaper clippings of obituaries of various architects.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 14
Architects-Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson & Abbott
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 15
Architects To Do
1 newsletter of The Society of Architectural Historians; 1 newspaper clipping; 2-page typed notes by G.C.; and 20 note cards by G.C.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 16
Architects McKim, Mead & White
Includes 4-page commentary on Stanford White by Robert C. Weinberg; 3 newspaper clippings; Sept. 16, 1966 issue of Life magazine; list of extant works of White in N.Y., and 38 note cards by G.C.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 17
1 photocopy of a correspondence from Edith and Edgar Walker dated Dec. 10, 1962.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 18
photocopy of 2-page article and 1 note by G.C.
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 19
Continuing Correspondence
Includes 7 notes and the following:
Box 17 (Admin) Folder 20
New Letters
Includes 37 note cards and the following:
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 1
Miscellaneous Projects/Probs in Progress
Includes 1 2-page description of Catalan Archive; 1 brochure on N.Y. State's High Speed Rail Passenger Program; 1 photocopy of article on Queensboro [sic] Bridge; 3-page illustrations of Queensborough Bridge found in Buildings Reborn: New Uses, Old Places; and 1 newspaper clipping.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 2
[Telephone Buildings Since 1885]
A pictorial of telephone buildings completed by Voorhees Walker Smith Smith & Haines, Architects.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 3
[Miscellaneous materials between files]
Includes 1 newspaper clipping; 2 letters, photocopy of article and envelope to G.C. from Harley Baldwin in Sept., 1978 and June, 1979; 1 list of proposed landmarks; 2 notes by G.C.; 5-page building checklist of Central Baptist Church in Florida; and 1 letter on tracing paper to G.C. from M.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 4
Includes 1 8-page list of Historic Preservation Officers; 2 notes from Catha Rambusch to G.C.; 1 note by G.C.; 14 duplicate copies of description on The Guastavino Section of the Catalan Archive of Art and Architecture; and 6-page handwritten list of Guastavino projects.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 5
[Miscellaneous materials between files]
Includes 12 newspaper clippings; 29 notes by G.C.; 2 letters to G.C. from Christopher Niebuhr; 1 press release from Nora L. Mandel; 1 letter to Nyman Myers from G.C. in June, 1977; Vol. 5:6, 1977 issue of "The Victorian Society in America Bulletin; photocopy of article "Court Houses: County Symbols"; Oct.-Dec. issue of Historic Preservation; 1978 designated landmarks list; 1 2-page appendix; 1 10-page list of art deco buildings in N.Y.; and 1 3-page photocopy of Herts & Robertson buildings list.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 6
[More miscellaneous materials between files]
Includes 6 photocopies of construction images at Cathedral of the Sacred Heart; 15 newspaper clippings; 16 loose notes; checklist of selected buildings by Peabody and Stearns; 1 ad for book; 1 letter to G.C. from Dora Crouch in Oct., 1978; proposed hearing schedule for landmarks; list of Guastavino courthouses; 1 University of Michigan newsletter; 3 notes on customhouse in Manhattan; 1 postcard; 1 letter to Christopher K. Graeff from G.C. in Apr., 1970; ad from University of Iowa Press; and pp. 63-92 of Worcester Art Museum Annual.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 7
5 strips of negatives and 1 contact sheet.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 8
[Miscellaneous materials]
Includes 11 newspaper clippings; 11 loose notes by G.C.; photocopy of page in magazine; City Seminar handout; 4 building checklist; 2 avery labels; 1 letter to G.C. from R.K. Webb in May, 1979; 1 negative strip with 5 images; 2 magazine ads; 1979 "Report of the Faculty committee on the Chapel"; Aug. 18, 1924 issue of Buildings and Building Management; 2 photocopies from Indoors and Out; 1 letter and 1 note to G.C. from Christopher Gray in Feb., 1981; 1 R.G. Co. ad for stairs; 1 photocopy of newspaper article; and 1 notice of tour from Cooper-Hewitt Museum.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 9
[Various advertisements]
Includes 18 notes with citations, clipped to 8 ads from Sweets' catalog.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 10
Specifications (R.G. Co.)
Includes 79 sets of specifications; 2 contracts; and 2 R.G. Co. letters to plasterers.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 11
Smithsonian & R.G.
Includes 2 newspaper clippings; 22 notes (some attached to letters); 3 envelopes; 1 conference invitation and schedule; 1 cast-iron architecture map of Broadway (NYC); and 25 correspondence between G.C. and Diane Rose, Richard E. Ahlborn, and Danny A. Morris.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 12
[Loose materials found between files]
Includes 3 reports on various load-bearing construction techniques; 1 memo; 1 article from Architectural & Engineering News, dated Sept. 1965; and 8 issues of Technical Notes on Brick & Tile Construction magazine.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 13
NYC-Manhattan-Hospitals-Magdalene Asylum (before 1892)
Includes 2 G.C. citation notes.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 14
NYC-Manhattan-Hospitals-Manhattan Hospital
Includes 1 G.C. citation note.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 15
Bellevue LDMKS 12/6/78
Includes 2 invitations from the Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospital and 18 notes, some of which seem to be prepararatory notes for a G.C. speech at the aforementioned event.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 16
[Material between folders]
Includes 1 article. "Cleveland's Terminal Tower--The Van Sweringen's Afterthought" by Walter C. Leedy, Jr. Reprinted from The Gamut, issue #8, Winter, 1983.
Box 18 (Admin) Folder 17
James Van Trump
Includes 7 G.C. citation notes and 16 correspondence between G.C. and James Van Trump.
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 1
Structural use of brick
Includes 6 pages of G.C. notes; 3 newspaper clippings; 4 correspondence; 2 lecture schedules; 2 seminar brochures and registration forms, 3 magazine article reprints, and 1 set of guidelines for maximum allowable spans for brick walls.
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 2
Brick Architecture/Terracotta : Carlo Lamagna
Includes 7 magazine reprints and 2 correspondence between G.C. and Carlo Lamagna, which include a "fall semester report" and 3 outlines for a special project.
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 3
[Material between folders]
Includes 1 envelope and 1 report titled "Sears Frederick Riepma 1878-1977", "Prepared and edited by Christopher Stewart Gray".
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 4
Collins File [Avery Library reserves item] "The Earl Hall Report," Columbia University, Jan. 1962
Includes 2 articles: "The Earl Hall Report" and "The Rebirth of Medieval Craft."
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 5
Chris Gray
Includes 8 G.C. citation notes; 1 newspaper clipping; 1 copy of a letter to I.M. Pei addressed to G.C.; 1 corres. to G.C. (with photocopied clippings); 6 Chris Gray gallery announcements; 4 photocopies (2 of Ajello buildings); 2 moving announcements/invitations to Ajello festival; 1 Ajello building list; 1 advertisement; and 4 service and price lists for photographic work.
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 6
Publications-Re. R.G. [...illegible] P.B. Wright
Includes 6 G.C. citation notes; 1 magazine reprint; 1 correspondence to G.C. from Mike Klare; and 3 reports prepared by Michael Klare.
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 7
[Material between files]
Includes 8 G.C. worksheets and 13 G.C. notes; 1 advertisement for Lost America; and 32 newspaper clippings.
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 8
RG to file [part 1]
Includes 2 copies of "Catalan Archive of Art and Architecture" by G.C.; 1 issue of Historic Preservation; 2 Greenwood Cemetery tour announcements; 1 envelope with R.G.-related postmark; 1 New Year's card with view of Columbia University; 3 photo prints from San Antonio; 3 postcards from cathedrals; 1 pamphlet labeled, "Altars"; 1 color plate from Pencil Points; 11 University Prints; 9 calendar plates of Washington, D.C.; 1 pamphlet labelled, "Long Island Landmarks"; 1 Supplemental Landmarks list; 1 press release; 1 photocopy of building plans with note (in Spanish) attached; 1 tour reservation form for "Stanford White's Long Island"; 1 tour brochure from Paterson, N.J.; 1 calendar from the Landmarks Preservation Co.; 1 R.G. Co. advertisement; 5 magazine reprints; 10 correspondence; and 76 G.C. notes.
Box 19 (Admin) Folder 9
RG to file [part 2]
Includes 117 newspaper clippings.
Oversize 1 Folder 3
[Guastavino photo album and correspondence]
Includes 6 photocopies of letters, dated 1977 and 1981, between Prof. Collins, David White, and Luis Moya, documenting the delivery of the RG Co. photo album from Luis Moya to Prof. Collins. The 31-page photo album was compiled by RG Co. and sent to a Congress in Madrid, ca. 1904, and was later in Moya's possession. The black and white images in the photo album represent RG Co.'s construction of domes, vaults, stairs, test results, etc.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 1 (housed in the Project File series)
Ruiz/Collins letters about Guastavino work in Barcelona & F. Correa, 1985-86
Fifteen items: 1. Corres. between Dr. Collins & F.C. Ruiz of Barcelona about buildings there by Guastavino, with attached notes. 2. Corres. about a luncheon for F. Correa at the Spanish Institute in NYC, with attached notes.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 2 (housed in the Project File series)
[Insurance Memo], 1915, 1916
One-page memo. re: cancelled & newly issued stock. Names of company offices given.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 3 (housed in the Project File series)
Supply sale to Frank L. Davis (124 E. 41st Street, New York, NY), 1924
Five items concerning the sale of tile by RG Co. to Frank L. Davis of NY. Also a telegram from M. Blodgett at Woburn about tile stock.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 4 (housed in the Project File series)
Interior marble & Tiling Co. (Bloomfield, NJ), 1911
Two items: a note slip and a full sheet of paper, with notes by Dr. Collins on Interior Marble and Tiling Co.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 5 (housed in the Project File series)
Waterproofing Co. (Cambridge, MA), 1908
Two items: a note slip and a full sheet of paper by Dr. Collins about the waterproofing company.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 6 (housed in the Project File series)
Supply sale of tile to P.J. Brennan & Son (624 Madison Avenue, New York, NY), 1917
Two items: a one-page order from P.J. Brennan & Son to R. Guastavino Co. for 1000 blocks of 18" rough tile and one envelope.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 7 (housed in the Project File series)
Amtorg Trading Corp., sale of Akoustolith to, for the USSR (261 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY), 1939-40
Eighteen items: letters of inquiry, shipping & lading bills & receipts, change orders, general business correspondence and handwritten, in house [within the RG Co.] tabulations, relating to the sale & shipping of an order of Akoustolith tiles & panels to the USSR, via the Amtorg Trading Corp.[/p][p]One item: letter to R.G. Co., from the US Dept. of Commerce, concerning the request from R.G. Co. for a copy of a US publication on Packing for Foreign Markets.[/p][p]See related file titled Soviet Government.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 8 (housed in the Project File series)
Supply sale to Soviet Government (World's Fair Grounds, Queens, NY), 1940
Four items: 1. memo from the NY RG office to the Boston Office. 2. a single sheet with an RG Co. letterhead having hand written tabulation on both sides. 3. Two 2-page copies of estimate # 765 of the RG Co., a detailed list of bulk prices of Akoustolith & Plastacoustic, with info on price per sq. foot and compressive strength.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 9 (housed in the Project File series)
Rockefeller Center Dome (New York, NY) / Architects: Harrison & [Abramovitz?] ; J.M. Allaire, 1956
1 small pencil sketch on graph paper (stored with archival material) with an RG Co. letterhead, showing the rise of the dome & its thickness. [/p][p]Two items: 1. A handwritten draft letter to Mr. J.M. Allaire of Turner Construction Co. to present an estimate for a tile dome at the Rockefeller Center. 2. A two-page worksheet, written on both sides on graph paper with the RG Co. letterhead. It is a detailed breakdown of costs for the proposed Rockefeller center dome, listing the cost of tile, cement, sand equipment, hoisting, lumber, travel drawings, taxes and payroll. The payroll is broken down to cost per man with figures on how much work could be done by a man in one day. Labor costs per day & per week are presented.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 10 (housed in the Project File series)
Proposed dome for Mr. DH Praeger, Engineer (New York, NY), 1955
2 items: 1. A copy of a bid to Mr. DH Praeger which quotes a price for a dome with a span of 80 feet to be erected in the vicinity of NYC. 2. A detailed work sheet of the cost of doing the above project. The cost of tile, lumber, lime cement, sand, plaster, equipment, drawings, travel, payroll, labor, taxes, etc., are listed.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 11 (housed in the Project File series)
Proposed 18 foot dome (New York, NY) / Seelye, Stevenson, Value & Knecht, Engineers, 1954
2 items: 1. A typed two page copy of a bid on a proposed 18 foot dome in the vicinity of NYC Seelye, Stevenson, Value & Knecht; engineers. 2. A two page work sheet, handwritten, with a listing of costs for this dome. The cost of tile, payroll, etc., are listed. The second page shows a simple drawing in pencil of the proposed dome's span and rise.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 12 (housed in the Project File series)
Plainfield Tile Co; supply sale of tile (Plainfield, NJ), 1929
Six items: 1. A note from Dr. Collins on the Plainfield Tile Co.; 2. Items concerned with the sale of tile to the Plainfield Tile Co. by the RG Co., including a typed bill and memo with attached notes concerning the selection and shipping of the tile, a shipping bill, a letter from the yard listing the costs of selection of tile and boxing, and an envelope with typed and handwritten notes.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 13 (housed in the Project File series)
Mr. Edwin Demarest, Contractor; supply sale (Tenafly, NJ), 1925
5 items: A note from Dr. Collins on this file. The remainder are concerned with the sale of tile to Edwin Demarest by the RG Co. They include a typed order for the tile, a bid, a bill, and an envelope with notes of the sale.
Box 01 (Admin) Folder 14 (housed in the Project File series)
Mr. Higgins (Woburn, MA), 1907
2 items: A note and a single sheet, typed and hand written, from Dr. Collins concerning Mr. Higgins.