Spanish Children's Drawings of the Civil War, bulk 1936-1939

Series I: Children's Drawings of the Spanish Civil War

This series contains 153 drawings made by children aged 7 to 14 between the years 1936 and 1938. The drawings are listed in alphabetical order by children's name. In addition to the child's name, the folder title includes the captions found on the verso of the drawing (in the original Spanish and transcribed in English). If there was no caption, a supplied title has been give in brackets. When available, the child's age is listed as well as the refugee colony where the child was re-located because of the war. Occasionally, the original residence of before the war is listed as "origin."

The drawings in this collection were digitized by Columbia Libraries and made available online in the effort to reach out to those who may have been affected by these mass relocations. Link to the online images of each child's drawing is provided in this finding aid at the item level in this series. To browse the images, please visit our online collection in Columbia's Digital Library. The original online exhibition of the drawings is also available online through this link.

Box 1 Item 23 Acín, Asunción. "Yciendole Compañia A Una Nena Questa Enferma." [Keeping A Sick Girl Company]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Colonia Escolar, Estadilla, Spain.

Box 1 Item 25 Acosta Cepeda, Victoriano. [Drawing Of A Man Buying A Newspaper]

Stamp: Guardería Infantil de guerra "Trabajadores de la enseñanza" V.G.T. Depicts a man buying a newspaper : 'El liberal'.

Child's Age: 13.

Box 1 Item 66 Aguilar, Rocio. [Drawing Of A Girl Outside With Airplanes]

Depicts a girl outside a house, near a table, basket and chicken w. 2 big Panzers overhead and 5 moscas in the distance.. Stamp: "Ministerio de Instrucción Pública"

Colony: Colonia Escolar #1, Torrente.

Box 1 Item 150 Aguirre, Enrique. [No 17]

Vivid depiction of jug and wine bottle with label saying "PERNAUD / JEREZ"

Colony: Escuela de Niños de la Florida, Madrid.

Box 1 Item 96 Alonso, Pepa. "Vida En La Colonia." [Life In The Colony]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Colonia #40, Oliva, Spain.

Box 1 Item 53 Altuna, Luis. "He Dibujado Aquí A Una Familia Conocida Y Mi Madre Y Yo Merendando Con Ellos." [Here I Have Drawn My Mother And I Having Lunch With A Family We Know]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Colonia Infantil, Bayonne, France. Origin: Durango .

Box 1 Item 118 Amaoro, Francisco. "Bambroleos." [Bombardments]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 108 Ancina, Moises. [Hydroplane Flying Over Ships]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: San Juan, Alicante.

Box 1 Item 153 Antolin, Maria. [Drawing Of Household Objects With Text]

Colony: Comunidades familiares de Educacion, El Perello, Spain.

Box 1 Item 97 Arjonilla, Pilar. "Alrededores De La Colonia." [Around The Colony]

Child's Age: 8. Colony: Oliva, Spain. Origin: Burgos.

Box 1 Item 7 Arnaiz, Angeles. "Esta Escena Representa Mi Casa, Y Yo Saltando A La Comba." [This Scene Shows My House And Me Jumping Rope]

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Colonia infantil, Bayonne, France. Origin: Irún, Guipuzcoa.

Box 1 Item 26 Arribas Sanz, José. "Este Dibujo Representa Yo Y Mi Mamá Cuando Nos Ibamos A Cerbère." [This Drawing Shows My Mother And I When We Were On The Way To Cerbère]

Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 24 Barrera, Maruja. "Escena De Mi Evacuación." [Scene Of My Evacuation]

Child's Age: 13.

Box 1 Item 55 Bartrina, Eduardo. "Mi Evacuación A Francia." [My Evacuation To France]

Colony: Colonia de Niños Españoles, Perpignan.

Box 1 Item 5 Bayes Torrent, Aniceto. [Children Playing]

Child's Age: 13. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 6 Bayes Torrent, Aniceto. "Este Dibujo Representa La Avacuacion De Port-bou, Y Se Ven Personas Que Se Marchan Acia Francia." [This Drawing Shows The Evacuation Of Port-bou; One Can See People Headed Towards France]

Child's Age: 13. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 105 Benito, Angeles. "En Este Dibujo He Representado Mi Evacuación desde S. Sebastián a Francia." [In This Drawing I Have Shown My Evacuation From San Sebastian To France]

Child's Age: 14. Origin: San Sebastián.

Box 1 Item 94 Blanch Manero, Pepita. "Este Dibujo Representa Hora Del Recreo En La Plaza De Cervere Que Estamos Jugando Yo Com Mis Amigas A Cuerda." [This Drawing Shows Play-time In The Plaza Of Cerbère When My Friends And I Are Skipping Rope]


Child's Age: 11. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 95 Blanch Manero, Pepita. "Este Dibujo Representa Mi Mamá Mi Papá Yo Y Mi Hermana Y Una Tia Mia Que Nos Bamos En Cervere El Dia De La Evacuación." [This Drawing Shows My Mother, My Father, Me And My Sister, And An Aunt Of Mine On The Way To Cerbère On The Day Of The Evacuation]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 38 Boada, Gloria. "En esta escena he dibujado yo la Evacuación mia. Cuando evacue; evacue en la playa de Fuenterrabia para Francia. Aqui estamos mi madre mi padre y mis tres hermanos y yo tambien vaniamos mucha gente." [When I Evacuated, I Left From The Beach At Fuenterrabia For France. Here We Are - My Mother, My Father And My Brothers And Me. Many Others Came With Us]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Bayonne, France. Origin: Irún, Guipuzcoa.

Box 1 Item 134 Bravo, Maximo. "Traida Del Pan." [Bringing The Bread]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 36 Buaños, Josefa. "Refugiados En Los Árboles." [Seeking Shelter In The Trees]

Child's Age: 8. Colony: Masarrochos.

Box 1 Item 92 Cabezón Camarero, Domiciana. "Este Dibujo Es Una Casa Que Ta Alao De La Escuela Y Tambien Hay Unas Niñas Jugando A Cuerda." [This Drawing Is A House Next To The School And There Are Also Some Girls Skipping Rope]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 93 Cabezón Camarero, Domiciana. "Este Dibujo Representa Las Niñas En El Recreo Jugando A La Cuerda." [This Drawing Shows The Girls At Play Skipping Rope]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 71 Calap Tello, Abel. [Two Blimps Flying Over A Green Plane (panzer), Pursuing A Red (mosca) One, And A Ship Below]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Hogar de Benicasím (Benicasím Orphanage).

Box 1 Item 70 Camino, Jose Javier. [Green And Red (panzers) Bombing An Airport With The Republican Flag Flying On It]

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Colonia de Dijon, Côte d'Or, France.

Box 1 Item 1 Canudos, Gabriel. [Drawing Of Train Track]

Depicts single train track leading to tunnel.

Child's Age: 8. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 102 Casado Gauderats, Pepita. [Drawing With People, Vehicles, And Buildings]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Colonia Familiar, Grupo Alfredo Calderón de Madrid, Chirivella, Spain.

Box 1 Item 103 Casado Gauderats, Pepita. "Un Labrador." [Laborer]

Stamp: Consejo municipal. Chirivella.

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Colonia Familiar, Grupo Alfredo Calderón de Madrid, Chirivella, Spain.

Box 1 Item 20 Casas Mares, Damian. "Este Dibujo Representa La Hora Del Recreo En Cerbère." [This drawing represents the recreation hour in Cerbère]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France. Origin: Port-Bou Colony.

Box 1 Item 21 Casas Mares, Damian. "Este Dibujo Representaa El Tren Que Vine A Cerbère Huyendo De Los Bombardeos De Port-bou." [This drawing represents the train in which I came to Cerbère during the bombardment of Port-Bou]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France. Origin: Port-Bou Colony.

Box 1 Item 52 Castellanos, Angel. "Niños Evacuados." [Evacuated Children]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Residencia Infantil #21, Sueca, Spain.

Box 1 Item 43 Cid, Augustin. [Drawing Of A Road]

Depicts road over bridge, house on one side, man plowing on the other.

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Residencia Infantil #21, Sueca, Spain.

Box 1 Item 44 Cid, Augustin. [Three Buses In A Row, Each With A Sign Saying 'evacuacion']

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Residencia Infantil #21, Sueca, Spain.

Box 1 Item 87 Clua Ferrer, Domingo. "Este Dibujo Representa Cuando Me Fui De Port-bou Que Beni A Cerbère A Buscar Casa Para Refugiarme Aqui. Una Mujer Que Mi Erhmana Trabajaba Fui Aber Si Le Dejaban Una Casa Para Bivir Alli Por Que En Porbou Tiraban Y Ha A Barbadeos Muy Fuertes." [This Drawing Shows When I Left Port-bou And Came To Cerbère To Find A Refuge. A Woman That My Sister Works For Looks For A House To Live In There Because There Is Shooting In Port-bou And Powerful Bombardments]

Child's Age: 13. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 129 Collados García, Mauricio. "Este Dibujo Representa Mi Papa Y Mi Mama Y Mis Hermanos Y Yo Cuando Pasamos El Tunel Para Ir A Cerbère." [This Drawing Shows My Father And My Mother And My Brothers And I When We Go Through The Tunnel To Cerbère]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 22 Comellas Ricart, Mercedes. "Esta Escena Representa El Día De La Evacuación Cuando Al Ir A Subir Al Tren Vimos A Un Avión Que Ya Tiraba Y Tubimos De Ir A Un Refugio De Alli Cerca." [This Scene Shows The Day Of The Evacuation When, As We Were About To Climb Into The Train, We Saw An Airplane That Was Already Firing And We Had To Go To A Shelter Nearby]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 146 Coque, Francisco Carlos. "Depósito y la caseta del motor de la colonia." [Reservoir And Pump House At The Colony]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Colonia Escolar Germán de Araujo, Alcañiz, Spain.

Box 1 Item 91 Del Rincon Pale, Pedro. "Este Dibujo Representa El Dia De Mi Evacuación, Pasando Por La Doanilla Francesca, Y El Carabinero Nos Esta Mirando Los Copazos." [This Drawing Shows The Day Of My Evacuation, Going Through The French Customs, And The Customs-guard Is Searching Our Bags]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 15 Diaz Luna, Manolo. "Huyendo De La Muerte." [Fleeing From Death]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 16 Diaz Luna, Manolo. "Entre Naranjos." [Between The Orange Trees]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 3 Diaz, Maria Antonia. "Este Dibujo Representa Este Niños Y Esta Niñas Van A La Estación." [This Drawing Represents This Boy And This Girl On Their Way To The Station]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 122 Duna, Pilar. "Este Dibujo Lo He Presenciado Yo Un Dia Que Fui A La Cola De Los Comestibles Y Como Habia Much Gente Me Puse A Saltar A La Comba Con Mis Amigos." [This Drawing Is Of A Day When I Went To The Breadline, And Since There Were Many People I Began To Skip Rope With My Friends]

De Zaragoza pero la guerra me hapillado en Zarvuz.

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Zaragoza. Origin: Zaragoza.

Box 1 Item 9 Duran Gratacos, Juanito. "Este Dibujo Representa El Primer Día De Bombardeo, Y Una Casa Y Mujeres Y Hombres Que Estan Tirados En Tierra." [This Drawing Represents The First Day Of Bombing, And A House And Women And Men Who Have Thrown Themselves On The Ground]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 10 Duran Gratacós, Maria. "Este Dibujo Representa Con Todos Los De Mi Casa Que Llegamos A Cerbère Con Los Paquetes Y Luego Hay Una Casa Y El Caravinero En Frente Que Hace Guardia." [This drawing shows everyone from my house arriving in Cerbère carrying packages, and there is a house and a customs guard on duty in front of it]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 11 Duran Gratacós, Maria. "Niños Juegan Al Recreo Y La Maestra Los Esta Mirando Por La Ventana." [Children Play At Recess And The Teacher Watches Them Through The Window]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 31 Duran Rumbau, María. "Este Dibujo Representa Con Todos De Mi Casa Llegamos En Cerbère Y Luego [...] Una Casa Y El Carabinero En Frente Haciendo Guardia." [This drawing shows all our household arriving in Cerbère and then [...] a house and the border guard in front standing guard]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 30 Duran Rumbau, María. "Este Dibujo Representa Delante De La Plaza De Cerbèra Niños Que Gugan Con La Pelota, Yo Con Mis Amigas Estamos Jugando." [This drawing shows boys playing ball in front of the plaza of Cerbère; I am playing with my friends]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 59 Escobedo Fernandez, Antonio. "Combate Aereo." [Aerial Combat]

Stamp: Instituto Nacional de segunda enseñanza. Lagasca. Madrid. Secretaria.

Colony: Lagasca, Madrid.

Box 1 Item 42 España, Jose. "Paisaje Del Retiro." [Buen Retiro Park]

Child's Age: 13. Origin: Madrid.

Box 1 Item 56 Espinosa, Emiliano. [Air Flight Over A City]

Stamp: Instituto Nacional de 2a enseñanza. Lagazca. Madrid. Secretaria.

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Instituto Lagasca, Madrid, Spain.

Box 1 Item 62 Estebanez, Luis. [Drawing Of Airplanes]

Depicts a large airplane, green w/red stripes (mosca) and 2 black planes w/red stripes (Panzers) shooting, another plane in flames, and two parachutes.

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 113 Expósito, Manolo. "Ambulancia Recogiendo Heridos." [Ambulance Picking Up The Wounded]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Masarrochos.

Box 1 Item 144 Ezquerro, Juan. "Cines Y Puestos En El Pueblo." [Movie Theaters And Shops In The Town]

On the facades: CINE ECHEGARAY (movie house) and CNT/AIT de Ontemiente.

Child's Age: 14.

Box 1 Item 152 Fernandez Maroto, Leoncio. [Dibujo de imaginacíon]

Stamp: Instituto Nacional de 2a enseñanza secretaria.

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 99 Ferrer Ferrer, Maria. "Esta Escena Representa Los Niños Y Niñas En El Recreo Y Jugabamos A Cuerda." [This Scene Shows The Boys And Girls At Play-time And We Played Jump-rope]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Valencia.

Box 1 Item 65 Francisco, Concepción. [Tanks And Bombers]

Colony: Colonia Mare Nostrum, Oliva, Spain.

Box 1 Item 67 Gabrielli, Octavio. [Air Battle With 7 Planes (moscas) On The Left, Two (panzers) On The Right, One In Flames And A Parachute]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 32 Garcia Hernandez, Magdalena. "Dibujo Representa Varias Mujeres, Ninas, Etc. Que Asustados De Las Bombas Se Marchan A Cerbère Como Uno De Ellas Nuestra Familia." [Drawing shows some women, girls, etc., who, frightened by the bombs, leave for Cerbère; among them is our family]

Child's Age: 13. Origin: Madrid.

Box 1 Item 143 Garcia Montaño, Guillermo. "Vida En Madrid Antes De La Revolución." [Life In Madrid Before The War]

On the facade: "Cine Metropolitano" (The Metropolitan Cinema). On poster: "El camino de la vida".

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Colonia Pablo Iglesias, Godella, Spain.

Box 1 Item 101 Garcia, Fernando. "Monte Del Rio Manzanares. Fernando Garcia De La Colonia De Artes Graficos Sita En Godella En La Masía De San Mauro. Evacuando De Madrid En La Colonia De Pablo Iglesias Sita En Godella (valencia)." [Mountains On The Manzanares River. Fernando Garcia Of The Graphic Arts Colony At Godella In The San Mauro Farmhouse. Leaving Madrid In The "pablo Iglesias" Group Which Evacuated To Godella, Valencia]

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Benicasím.

Box 1 Item 68 Garcia, Mauricio. [Air Combat Near Tunnel To France]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Masarrochos.

Box 1 Item 114 Garcia, Roberto. "Alrededores Del Pueblo." [Around My Town]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 120 Gomez, Isidoro. "Guardia En El Sierra." [Patrolling The Mountains]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 121 Gomez, Isidoro. "Mi pueblo." [My Home Town!]

Colony: Instituto Nacional Lope de Vega, Madrid.

Box 1 Item 73 Gomez, Juan. "Combate de Aviación." [Aerial Combat]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Colonia Regimen Familiar, Alboraya, Spain.

Box 1 Item 119 Gómez, Luis. [Air Battle, Tank And Cannon On Land]

Child's Age: 14.

Box 1 Item 78 Gonzalez Escrivá, Jose. "Escena De Guerra." [War Scene]

Child's Age: 10.

Box 1 Item 2 Gonzalez Gonzalez, Pablo. [Drawing Of A Car]

Depicts a car, driver smoking pipe, 100 km marker on road. Stamp: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública.

Child's Age: 11.

Box 1 Item 8 Gratacós Frias, Laura. "Este Dibujo Representa El Dia De La Evacuación Merchando A Cerbère Con Mi Hermana." [This Drawing Shows My Sister And I Leaving For Cerbère On The Day Of The Evacuation]

On station house: "COLERA".

Child's Age: 11.

Box 1 Item 19 Gurrachaga, Benita. "Jugando En La Calle." [Playing In The Street]

"Mi vida antes de la guerre" (My life before the war).

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 83 Hernandez Amigo, Ramón. "Este Dibujo Representa Nuestra Evacuación. Delante De Nosotros Van Otra Familia Que Es La Que Nos Invitó A Subir En El Auto." [This Drawing Shows Our Evacuation. Ahead Of Us Is The Family That Invited Us To Get Into Their Car]

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 47 Hernandez, Isidro. [Drawing Of A Double Track Leading To A Tunnel]

Child's Age: 9. Origin: Chamartín de la Rosa Barraca, Valencia.

Box 1 Item 140 Huertas, Carmen. "Quiera Vivir En Esta Barraca Tranquila." [Would That I Could Live Peacefully In This Barraca]

Child's Age: 11.

Box 1 Item 151 Iglesias, Julian. "Free Drawing." [Dibujo Libre]

Depicts a town in flames, below a ship near a lighthouse, above two black planes dropping bombs.

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Bellús.

Box 1 Item 69 Iglesias, Rosario. [Drawing Dated January 4, 1938]

Colony: Colonia Escolar #1, Sueca.

Box 1 Item 4 Lage, Carmen. [Depicts happy life in the country: ducks, pigs, cat, mother with baby, girl watering plants, boy playing soccer. Stamp: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública]

Depicts happy life in the country: ducks, pigs, cat, mother with baby, girl watering plants, boy playing soccer. Stamp: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública.

Child's Age: 11. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 138 Lloveras Trebol, Anita. "Ese Dibujo Representa La Estación De Port-bou Que La Gente Marchan El Día De La Evacuación." [This Drawing Shows The Port-bou Station From Which The People Left On The Day Of The Evacuation]

Child's Age: 11. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 139 Lloveras Trebol, Anita. "Este Dibujo Representa Dos Amigos Y Yo Que Jugamos Delante De Mi Casa El Jueves, Porque No Tenemos Escuela En Port-bou." [This Drawing Shows Two Friends And Me Playing In Front Of My House On Thursday, Because We Don't Have School In Port-bou]

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 49 Lloveras Trebol, Maria Teresa. "Este Dibujo Representa Una Casa De Port-bou Que Detras De Ella Haya Una Fuente De Agua Muy Fresca Y Por El Verano La Gente Ban A Buscar." [This Drawing Represents A House In Port-bou, Behind Which Is A Spring Of Very Cool Water And In The Summer People Come To Get It]

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 50 Lloveras Trebol, Maria Teresa. "Este Dibujo Representa El Tren Con La Gente Que Ban En Cerbère El Dia De La (el) Evacuación." [This Drawing Shows The Train With The People Going To Cerbère On The Day Of The Evacuation]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Residencia Infantil #3, Villajoyosa, Spain.

Box 1 Item 115 Lombán Alamo, Manuel. "Escena De Evacuación." [Evacuation Scene]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Colonia Escolar, Estadilla, Spain.

Box 1 Item 41 Luis, Ramon. "Niños Peinandosen En El Cuarto De Aseo." [Boys Combing Their Hair In The Washroom]

Child's Age: 7. Colony: Colonia Lobosillo, Lobosillo, Spain.

Box 1 Item 45 Marquez Martinez, Antonio. [Two Male Figures Greeting Each Other]

Child's Age: 15.

Box 1 Item 46 Marquez Martinez, Pablo. "Vida Del Campo." [Life In The Country]

Stamp: Guarderia Infantil de guerra "Trabajadores laa enseñanza." V.G.T.

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Residencia Infantil de El Alba, Onteniente, Spain.

Box 1 Item 130 Martinez, Luis. [Children Skipping Rope And Playing Soccer In Front Of A Row Of Colorful Houses]

Stamp: Residencias infantiles - Onteniente.

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 154 Mas Monzon, Rafael. [Avión de Bombardeo]

Colony: La Pineda.

Box 1 Item 81 Matarranz, Fernando. "Caida." [Crash]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 86 Mollol, Marino. [Tunnel To France]

Child's Age: 7. Colony: Colonia Escolar Colectiva, Burriana, Spain.

Box 1 Item 106 Moños, Alberto. [Combat Between Two Tanks And Airplanes]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Alcira.

Box 1 Item 112 Montalban, Amparito. "Hospital Militar." [Military Hospital]

On the reverse: "Alcira, Dbre 1937".

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Bayonne, France. Origin: San Sebastian.

Box 1 Item 136 Moreno, Manolita. "Yo He Dibujado Una Escuela Y Dos Niños Que Vienen A La Escuela; Es Una Niñas Y Un Niños, La Niñas Saltando Y Un Niños Con Su Cartera." [I Have Drawn A School And Two Children Going To School, A Girl And A Boy; The Girl Is Jumping And The Boy Is Carrying His Schoolbag]

Child's Age: 13. Origin: Madrid.

Box 1 Item 109 Moreno, Manolo. "Camino De Valencia." [Road To Valencia]

Child's Age: 13. Origin: Madrid.

Box 1 Item 110 Moreno, Manuel. [Obuses Sobre Madrid]

Child's Age: 12. Origin: Bilbao.

Box 1 Item 149 Muñecas, Marcelina. "Esto Es Cuando Estabamos Jugando Al Lado De El Refugio." [This Is When We Were Playing Next To The Shelter]

The words in the speech balloons read: "La sirena," "que bienen los abiones," "el refugio," "hija mia" (The siren; the airplanes are coming; to shelter; "oh, my daughter.").

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Colonia Escolar, Estadilla, Spain.

Box 1 Item 40 Muro, Pilar. "Niñas En El Cuarto De Aseo." [Girls In The Washroom]

Child's Age: 8.

Box 1 Item 61 Negre, Esteban. [Drawing Of A Black Plane]

Depicts a black plane being shot at by ground soldiers.

Child's Age: 10. Origin: Madrid.

Box 1 Item 54 Parronda, Joaquin. "Mi Casa De Madrid." [My House In Madrid]

On facade: ZAPATERIA, 22, TABERNA.

Child's Age: 14.

Box 1 Item 12 Pascual Valladolid, Maria. [Drawing Of A Bucolic Landscape]

Depicts bucolic landscape with mountains in background and workers on the land. Stamp: Guarderia infantil de guerra "Travajadores de la enseñanza" V.G.T.

Child's Age: 14.

Box 1 Item 13 Pascual Valladolid, Maria. [Drawing Of A Woman Sewing]

Depicts interior scene with woman at sewing machine. Stamp: Guarderan infantil de guerra "Trabajadores de la enseñanza" V.G.T.

Child's Age: 14.

Box 1 Item 14 Pascual Valladolid, Maria. [Drawing Of Trains]

Depicts various trains (one says MURCIA - MADRID) and many figures waving goodbye.

Child's Age: 15. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 18 Pedrell Espelt, Francisco. "Dibujo representa dos hermanos compañeros miso que estan mirando el tren cuando yo vengo para Cerbère el dia de mi evacuación." [Drawing shows two brothers who are friends of mine watching the train when I arrive at Cerbère on the day of my evacuation]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Bellús.

Box 1 Item 60 Perdiguero, Juan. [Drawing Of Air Combat]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 58 Perez Agudo, Angel. [Drawing Of Three Airplanes]

Depicts 3 airplanes (moscas) over a bridge.

Child's Age: 13.

Box 1 Item 48 Peris Monzo, Maria. [Drawing Of A Country House]

Depicts a peaceful country house with a city skyline across a river.

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 51 Piña Peres, Gonzalo. "Esta Casa Representa En El Lado Del Tunel Y El Tren Cuando Marchaba Con Un Tren." [This House Is Shown At The Side Of The Tunnel And The Train When I Left With A Train]

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 137 Planas, Jorge. "Duanilla Francesca." [French Customhouse]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 131 Plaza, Jose. "Este Dibujo Representa a 3 Niños Jugando A Cuerda." [This Drawing Shows 3 Children Skipping Rope]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Valencia.

Box 1 Item 57 Pozo, J.. "Batalla Aerea." [Aerial Combat]

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Mas-Eloi, France.

Box 1 Item 75 Prat Ocariz, Antonio. "Una Escena De La Guerra. Las Colas Para Recoger Los Comestibles." [War Scene. Lines To Get Food]

Mas-Eloi was a Spanish children's colony in France. Signs on the doors say Panaderia (bakery) and Carnicería (butcher shop).

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Valencia.

Box 1 Item 76 Puertas, José. [Doubla En Vuelo]

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Valencia.

Box 1 Item 77 Puertas, José. "Un Hurrican En Vuelo." [Hurricane In Flight]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Bayonne, France. Origin: Irún, Guipuzcoa.

Box 1 Item 17 Rebolledo, Eusebio. "Esta Escena Que Yo He Dibujado Representa Que Yo Estoy Viendo Jugar A La Pelota En El Fronton Ese Que Esta Sentado De Chaqueta Marron Soy Yo." [This Scene I Have Drawn Shows Me Watching A Handball Game At The Court; The Seated Figure In The Brown Jacket Is I]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Colonia Escolar Colectiva, Burriana, Spain.

Box 1 Item 141 Redondo Sans, Carlos. [Depicts Orange House With Red Roof]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 85 Ribas, Angelita. [Train Tracks And Tunnel]

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 35 Ribas, Granollers. "Este Dibujo De Aqui Representa El Día Que Veni A Cerbère Y Pasando Por El Primer Túnel De Llanca A Culera Nos Encontrabamos Con Los Aviones Bombardeando A Culera Y La Port-bou." [This drawing represents the day I came to Cerbère and going through the first tunnel from Llanca to Culera we ran into the planes bombing Culera and Port-Bou]

Colony: Colonia El Bosque, El Palmar, Spain.

Box 1 Item 100 Riera, Esther. "Dibujo Libre: Mi Casa De Asturias." [Free Drawing: My House In Asturias]

Stamp: Guaraderia infantil de guerra "El Bosque." Palmar (Murcia).

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 33 Rodriguez, Francisco. "Boca del Túnel de Port-Bou." [Mouth Of The Tunnel At Port-bou]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 34 Rodriguez, Francisco. "Tunel De Cerbère. Los Niños De Port-bou Se Van La Escuela De Cerbère." [Tunnel To Cerbère. The Children From Port-bou Go To School In Cerbère]

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Bayonne, France. Origin: Bilbao.

Box 1 Item 148 Rodriguez, Julian. "Esta Escena De Teatro A Favor De Los Niños Españoles, La Ví ­ Yo Aquí En Bayona En El Cinema St. Esprit: Es Una Muchacha Que Está Bailando, Y El Hombre Que Está Sentado A Su Lado, Está Tocando La Guitarra." [I Saw This Theatrical Performance Given For Spanish Children At The St. Esprit Cinema Here In Bayonne: A Girl Is Dancing And The Man Seated Beside Her Is Playing The Guitar]

Child's Age: 11. Colony: Albaida, Valencia.

Box 1 Item 72 Roman, Arturo. [Three Men And A Cannon]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 104 Saes Canoira, Dolores. "Este Dibujo Representa El Colegio Y Niñas Jugando En El Recreo A La Cuerda Y Dos Niños Juando A La Pelota Y Una Niñas En La Puerda Del Colegio." [This Drawing Shows The School And Girls Playing Jump-rope During Recess And Five Boys Playing Ball And A Girl In The Doorway Of The School]

Child's Age: 14.

Box 1 Item 80 Salvador Sanchez, Maria Rosario. [Airplane Combat Over A Small Town, Including Plane In Flames And Parachute]

Child's Age: 16. Colony: Residencia Infantil #3, Villajoyosa, Spain.

Box 1 Item 145 Sanchez Bustos, Francisco. "Plaza De La Villa." [Town Plaza]

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Escuela Hogar, Antella, Spain.

Box 1 Item 107 Sanchez del Amo, Felix. "Guerra." [War]

Stamp: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública.

Child's Age: 8. Origin: Madrid.

Box 1 Item 90 Sanchez Yaguez, Manuel. "Jugando Con Los Chicos." [Playing With The Boys]

Stamp on back: Consejo municipal Chirivella.

Child's Age: 7. Colony: Residencia Infantil #6, San Juan de Alicante, Spain.

Box 1 Item 82 Sanchez, Antonio. "Escena De Guerra." [War Scene]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Valencia.

Box 1 Item 79 Sanchez, Salvador. [Desamparados]

Depicts an ambulance driving between tanks.

Colony: Valencia.

Box 1 Item 74 Santiago, Luis. [Drawing Dated January 1938]

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Colonia Lobosillo, Lobosillo, Spain.

Box 1 Item 64 Serrano Ilervias, Carlos. [Drawing Of Air Combat]

Depicts an air combat. Stamp: Guardería Infantil de Guerra "Trabajadores de la enseñanza" U.G.T..

Child's Age: 8. Colony: Colonia de Lobosillo.

Box 1 Item 84 Serrano Lopez, Maria. [Drawing Of Children Playing]

Stamp: Guarderia Infantil de guerra trabajadores de la enseñanza (Children's War Colony "Workers of Education").

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 126 Serre Buxeda, Paquita. "Este Dibujo Representa Contoda La Gente Ya An Arribado En Cerbère." [This drawing shows all the people already arrived in Cerbère]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 127 Serre Buxeda, Paquita. "Este Dibujo Representa Mi Mama Y Yo Que Vamos A Comprar Y Otra Señora Es Estendiendo La Ropa Y Otras Amigas Mias Juegan A La Cuerda." [This Drawing Shows My Mother And I Going Shopping And Another Woman Hanging Out The Wash And Some Other Friends Of Mine Skipping Rope]

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 128 Serre Buxeda, Paquita. "Este Dibujo Representa Yo Y Mi Amiga Que Vamos Ha Colejio Y Otra Amiga Mia Esta Saltando A La Cuerda Porque No Quiere Ir Al Colegio." [This Drawing Shows My Friend And I Going To School, And Another Girl Jumping Rope Because She Doesn't Want To Go To School]

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Colonia Escolar de Benimamet, Valencia.

Box 1 Item 116 Sierra Torres, Rosita. [Drawing Of A Cannon]

Stamp: Colonia Escolar de Benimamet, Benimamet, Spain.

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 98 Solé de Maciá, Jorge. "Esta Escena Representa La Salida De Mi Pueblo Par Ir A Cerbère Y Ser Ebacuados." [This Scene Shows The Departure From My Town, Being Evacuated To Cerbère]

On the station wall: "Estación Figueras" (Figueras Station).

Child's Age: 8. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 132 Subirana, Poladi. [On Station Wall It Says "culera." Depicts A Train Ready To Depart And People Running With Their Suitcases Because They See Airplanes Coming]

Child's Age: 12.

Box 1 Item 142 Tejedor Humero, Rafael. "Cine Ventas." [Ventas Cinema]

On facade all appropriate signs: 3 door signs (Salida, General, Preferencia); a sign posting rates; the marquee ("Hoy, El Negro que teníael alma blanca"); and box office. Taquilla (ticket office). On balloon: Chicos no correr (children don't run). On vehicles, the sounds of each. Bicycle: RRIRRI; truck: PABU; tramway: TINTIN.

Child's Age: 13. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 27 Terra, Antonia. "Este Dibujo Representa Cuando Yo Y Las Niñas Vienen De España Y Van A Cerbere." [This Drawing Shows When The Girls And I Go From Spain To Cerbère]

Child's Age: 10. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 29 Terra, Berta. "Lo Mi Hermano Antonia; 2o Hermano Antonio; Hermana Anita; 4o Mi Padre; 5o El Aduanaro Y 6o, Yo, En El Momento De Llegra A Cerbère." [My sister Antonia, my brother Antonio, my sister Anita, my father, the customs-guard, and I when we arrived at Cerbère]

Child's Age: 10.

Box 1 Item 28 Terra, Berta. "Customs House." [Duana]

On the facade: "Duana" (Customs House).

Colony: Colonia Escolar Colectiva, Burriana, Spain.

Box 1 Item 37 Terralba, Felix.

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 123 Torroella, Filomena. "Unas Niñas Del Colegio Jugando A Cuerda Y Un Niños Jugando A Bolas." [Some Girls From The School Skipping Rope And A Boy Playing Marbles]

On the house "Cooperativa".

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 124 Torroella, Filomena. "Este Dibujo Representa Un Café Y Hay Bastantes Mesas Para Ir A Tomar Algun Refresco." [This Drawing Shows A Cafe With Several Tables To Have Refreshments]

Child's Age: 14. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 125 Torroella, Filomena. "Este Dibujo Representa La Evacuación De Port-bou Por Causa De Los Bombardeos." [This Drawing Shows The Evacuation Of Port-bou Because Of The Bombardment]

Colony: Colonia Escolar #1, Torrente.

Box 1 Item 117 Trimiño, Julia. [Boy And Girl Playing Outside A Country House With A Plane Overhead]

Stamp: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública.

Child's Age: 9. Colony: Colonia Escolar no.

Box 1 Item 111 Varona, Daniel. "Resurta Un Conbate." [Battle Ensues]

Child's Age: 11. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 89 Verdaguer Fierraro, Juan. "Este Dibujo Representa Una Evacuación De Port-bou." [This Drawing Shows An Evacuation From Port-bou]

Child's Age: 11. Origin: Port-Bou.

Box 1 Item 88 Verdaguer, Juan. "Este Dibujo Represen Los Payeces Cultivando La Tierra." [This Drawing Shows Farmers Cultivating The Land]

Child's Age: 11.

Box 1 Item 147 Vergara Garcia, Luis. [Drawing Of A Commercial Street]

On facades: "farmacia," "hueveria," "taberna," "vinos," "pescados". (A commercial street: Pharmacy, Egg Store, Tavern, Wines, Fish.) Stamp: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública.

Colony: Colonia Escolar #1, Torrente.

Box 1 Item 135 Vergara, Teresa. [Table With Flowers]

Stamp: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública.

Child's Age: 12. Colony: Centro Español, Cerbère, France.

Box 1 Item 133 Vinals Llorella, Carmen. "Este Dibujo Representa El Patio De La Escuela Done Hay Un Niños Y Cinco Niñas, Las Niñas Estan [haciendo] Cuerda A Una Niñas Más Pequeña Que Ellas Para Que Aprendan A Saltar." [This Drawing Shows The Country-yard Of The School Where There Is A Boy And Five Girls; The Girls Are Turning The Rope For A Smaller Girl So She Can Learn To Jump]

Colony: Bellús.

Box 1 Item 63 Unknown. [Black Ink And Watercolor Depiction Of An Air Combat: Four Black Planes (panzers) - One In Flames, Three Blue With Red Stripes (moscas) And One Parachute]

Colony: Colonia Escolar, Estadilla, Spain.

Box 1 Item 39 Unknown. [Girls With Books (or Sewing) Outdoors]