The materials in this collection document personal and professional life of Jurij Lawrynenko (1905-1987), prominent literature figure Ukrainian emigration, as well as the formation and development of the literary, cultural, and social life of the Ukrainian diaspora in Germany and the United States. They are extremely valuable resources for research on Ukrainian literature, journalism, publishing, and political movements, and on the history of Ukrainian emigration in the 20th century.
Correspondence, documents, manuscripts and typescripts of writings, paintings, photographs, audio tapes, and printed materials. The collection chiefly consists on the Group's writings and research materials.
The papers comprise correspondence, personal documents, organizational records and documents, financial statements and receipts, manuscripts, research notes, photographs, sheet music, Ukrainian song lyrics, printed materials, periodicals relating to the life and professional activities of Volodymyr Levyts'kyi, an editor, prominent political and social activist, and leader of the Ukrainian émigré community.