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Alexander M. Goren Collection of Tallone materials, 1930-1999
0.42 linear feet 1 MS box- Abstract Or Scope
Collection of materials related to Tallone family of printers (Stemperia di Alberto Tallone; Tallone, Alberto (1898-1968); Tallone, Enrico. These materials came with the book collection in 2015 and includes articles, correspondence, invoices, exhibition materials and Tallone ephemera.
Allen Lewis papers, 1925-1945
8 linear feet 17 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Woodblocks, linoleum blocks, wood and linoleum tools, wooden types, metal types, books, proofs, and special printings. Included are woodblocks and linoleum blocks of illustrations and decorations for Walt Whitman's SHORT STORIES (Columbia University Press, 1927), De La Motte Fouqué's UNDINE (Limited Editions Club, 1930), and Sir Walter Scott's IVANHOE (Limited Editions Club, 1940). There are several metal types designed and cast for Lewis; full or nearly full alphabets of special wooden types designed and cut by Lewis in both 216 pt. and 144 pt. sizes; specimens of his wood and linoleum tools, mainly of his own manufacture; books containing illustrations, decorations, and special types by Lewis; proofs of bookplates he designed; and proofs and special printings of various plates.
Allen Lewis papers, 1925-1945 8 linear feet 17 boxes
- Creator
- Lewis, Allen, 1873-1957
- Abstract Or Scope
Woodblocks, linoleum blocks, wood and linoleum tools, wooden types, metal types, books, proofs, and special printings. Included are woodblocks and linoleum blocks of illustrations and decorations for Walt Whitman's SHORT STORIES (Columbia University Press, 1927), De La Motte Fouqué's UNDINE (Limited Editions Club, 1930), and Sir Walter Scott's IVANHOE (Limited Editions Club, 1940). There are several metal types designed and cast for Lewis; full or nearly full alphabets of special wooden types designed and cut by Lewis in both 216 pt. and 144 pt. sizes; specimens of his wood and linoleum tools, mainly of his own manufacture; books containing illustrations, decorations, and special types by Lewis; proofs of bookplates he designed; and proofs and special printings of various plates.
- Collection Context
Bruce family papers, 1808-1894
1 linear feet 1 box 1 volume- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, manuscripts, and documents of the Bruce family concerning the business affairs of the George Bruce & Company Type Foundry of New York City. There are seven letters of David Bruce, Jr., his biography of David Bruce, Sr., and other manuscripts and letters concerning his invention of the first successful type-casting machine as well as the patent agreements for the invention. Also, a group of ten letters from Thomas N. Rooker of the NEW YORK TRIBUNE to David Wolfe Bruce (1824-1895). There are several letters which relate to George Bruce (1781-1866), the founder of Bruce Type Foundry, as well as his manuscripts on printing and related fields. The collection also contains material relating to the Bruce entry in the Paris Universal Exposition of 1867, the financial records of the firm, miscellaneous correspondence with other printers, and type specimens. In addition, there is a scrapbook of memorabilia containing clippings, receipts, typographic magazines, and specimens of printing.
Bruce family papers, 1808-1894 1 linear feet 1 box 1 volume
- Creator
- Bruce Family
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, manuscripts, and documents of the Bruce family concerning the business affairs of the George Bruce & Company Type Foundry of New York City. There are seven letters of David Bruce, Jr., his biography of David Bruce, Sr., and other manuscripts and letters concerning his invention of the first successful type-casting machine as well as the patent agreements for the invention. Also, a group of ten letters from Thomas N. Rooker of the NEW YORK TRIBUNE to David Wolfe Bruce (1824-1895). There are several letters which relate to George Bruce (1781-1866), the founder of Bruce Type Foundry, as well as his manuscripts on printing and related fields. The collection also contains material relating to the Bruce entry in the Paris Universal Exposition of 1867, the financial records of the firm, miscellaneous correspondence with other printers, and type specimens. In addition, there is a scrapbook of memorabilia containing clippings, receipts, typographic magazines, and specimens of printing.
- Collection Context
Collection of artistic, historic and commercial lithographs, 1816-1913
50 linear feet map case drawers- Abstract Or Scope
Artistic, historic, and commercial lithographs arranged in chronological order to show the development of lithographic printing in Germany, France, Great Britain, and the United States. The collection, acquired by the Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co., is comprised of examples of the work of every major 19th century lithographer and lithographic printer, including Senefelder, Hullmandel, Lemercier, and Currier & Ives. The lithographs are arranged according to the numbers in the catalogs published by the company. This chronological sequence is supplemented by indexes to the lithographers and lithographic printers. Unidentified prints are arranged at the end of the collection by country, printer, or publisher
Collection of artistic, historic and commercial lithographs, 1816-1913 50 linear feet map case drawers
- Creator
- Fuchs & Lang Mfg. Co.
- Abstract Or Scope
Artistic, historic, and commercial lithographs arranged in chronological order to show the development of lithographic printing in Germany, France, Great Britain, and the United States. The collection, acquired by the Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co., is comprised of examples of the work of every major 19th century lithographer and lithographic printer, including Senefelder, Hullmandel, Lemercier, and Currier & Ives. The lithographs are arranged according to the numbers in the catalogs published by the company. This chronological sequence is supplemented by indexes to the lithographers and lithographic printers. Unidentified prints are arranged at the end of the collection by country, printer, or publisher
- Collection Context
Eli Cantor papers, 1935-1985
21.5 linear feet 46 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts, notes, correspondence, printed materials, and books. Ther collection contains typescript manuscripts with handwritten corrections of Cantor's novels"Enemy in the Mirror" (N.Y.: Crown Books, 1977) and "Love Letters" (N.Y.: Crown Books, 1980); printed works composed by Gallery 33 of the Composing Room, which Cantor headed from 196l to 1971; and articles by Cantor from various magazines, including "Esquire" and "Coronet". Also included are typescript manuscripts of "The Rite" (N.Y.: Zebra Books, 1979) and "The Nest" (N.Y.: Zebra Books, 1980), novels written by Cantor under the pseudonym Gregory A. Douglas. Series II of the collection contains 59 bound volumes of publications, edited by Cantor, from the "Research Institute of America", a New York based organization devoted to economic affairs
Eli Cantor papers, 1935-1985 21.5 linear feet 46 boxes
- Creator
- Cantor, Eli
- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts, notes, correspondence, printed materials, and books. Ther collection contains typescript manuscripts with handwritten corrections of Cantor's novels"Enemy in the Mirror" (N.Y.: Crown Books, 1977) and "Love Letters" (N.Y.: Crown Books, 1980); printed works composed by Gallery 33 of the Composing Room, which Cantor headed from 196l to 1971; and articles by Cantor from various magazines, including "Esquire" and "Coronet". Also included are typescript manuscripts of "The Rite" (N.Y.: Zebra Books, 1979) and "The Nest" (N.Y.: Zebra Books, 1980), novels written by Cantor under the pseudonym Gregory A. Douglas. Series II of the collection contains 59 bound volumes of publications, edited by Cantor, from the "Research Institute of America", a New York based organization devoted to economic affairs
- Collection Context
George Macy papers, 1916-1970
13 linear feet 4 volumes 13 boxes 1 oversize box 1 map case drawer- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, documents, and printed materials documenting Macy's publishing career, including that relating to the Nonesuch Press, dating from 1941 to 1960. Included also are photographs, awards, and financial papers. The correspondents include many of Macy's close friends including Peter Beilenson, William Rose Benét, Clifton Fadiman, Christopher Fry, Lillian Gish, Alec Guinness, Fritz Kredel, Frederic and Florence March, Francis Meynell, Bruce Rogers, Louis Untermeyer, Carl Van Doren, and Lynd Ward. Also, miscellaneous engravings, lithographs, and drawings. The collection also includes 3 series of books: Macy-Masius Readers Club, Readers Club and Heritage Press. Macy Memorial Limited Addition Club books were cataloged individually as MACYMEM
George Macy papers, 1916-1970 13 linear feet 4 volumes 13 boxes 1 oversize box 1 map case drawer
- Creator
- Macy, George
- Abstract Or Scope
Letters, documents, and printed materials documenting Macy's publishing career, including that relating to the Nonesuch Press, dating from 1941 to 1960. Included also are photographs, awards, and financial papers. The correspondents include many of Macy's close friends including Peter Beilenson, William Rose Benét, Clifton Fadiman, Christopher Fry, Lillian Gish, Alec Guinness, Fritz Kredel, Frederic and Florence March, Francis Meynell, Bruce Rogers, Louis Untermeyer, Carl Van Doren, and Lynd Ward. Also, miscellaneous engravings, lithographs, and drawings. The collection also includes 3 series of books: Macy-Masius Readers Club, Readers Club and Heritage Press. Macy Memorial Limited Addition Club books were cataloged individually as MACYMEM
- Collection Context
Melvin Loos papers, 1943-1970
1 box 1 box- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence of Melvin Loos. These letters deal primarily with printing matters at the Press. Most of the correspondence is addressed to Donald Wing, John H. Fisher, John Millard, and T.R. Weeks.
Melvin Loos papers, 1943-1970 1 box 1 box
- Creator
- Loos, Melvin
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence of Melvin Loos. These letters deal primarily with printing matters at the Press. Most of the correspondence is addressed to Donald Wing, John H. Fisher, John Millard, and T.R. Weeks.
- Collection Context
Tauchnitz imprints, 1870-1930
6 linear feet 35 volumes- Abstract Or Scope
A group of titles from the series. Among the authors represented are: Arnold Bennett; Willa Cather; Joseph Conrad; John Ruskin; Upton Sinclair; Mark Twain; and P. G. Wodehouse
Tauchnitz imprints, 1870-1930 6 linear feet 35 volumes
- Creator
- Bernhard Tauchnitz Verlag
- Abstract Or Scope
A group of titles from the series. Among the authors represented are: Arnold Bennett; Willa Cather; Joseph Conrad; John Ruskin; Upton Sinclair; Mark Twain; and P. G. Wodehouse
- Collection Context
Theodore Low De Vinne papers, 1850-1914
2.5 linear feet 6 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, documents, scrapbooks, and notes, drafts, and manuscripts of De Vinne's books, essays, and articles on printing. The collection contains much documentation relating to the Typothetae of the City of New York.
Theodore Low De Vinne papers, 1850-1914 2.5 linear feet 6 boxes
- Creator
- De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, documents, scrapbooks, and notes, drafts, and manuscripts of De Vinne's books, essays, and articles on printing. The collection contains much documentation relating to the Typothetae of the City of New York.
- Collection Context
Typographic Library records, 1576- 1950
84 boxes 84 boxes, 2 volumes, 2 flat boxes- Abstract Or Scope
A collection of letters, manuscripts, and documents relating to the history of printing and the graphic arts. The collection is in six parts. Cataloged Correspondence and manuscripts, including cataloged letters to and from Henry Lewis Bullen, the librarian of American Typefounders Company Library. Uncataloged letters of the Typographic Library, including routine correspondence, letters of inquiry to Bullen, the Library's order file, and library correspondence of Columbia University, 1941-1946, pertaining to the collection. Correspondence, manuscripts, documents and printed material by and relating to Henry L. Bullen. Letter books, ledgers, daybooks, and journals of the early American typefounders, Binney and Ronaldson. A collection of over 200 typographical patents for the design of printing types (19th and 20th centuries). Archives of the Companía Real de Impresores, Madrid, relating to its operations and business.
Typographic Library records, 1576- 1950 84 boxes 84 boxes, 2 volumes, 2 flat boxes
- Creator
- Typographic Library
- Abstract Or Scope
A collection of letters, manuscripts, and documents relating to the history of printing and the graphic arts. The collection is in six parts. Cataloged Correspondence and manuscripts, including cataloged letters to and from Henry Lewis Bullen, the librarian of American Typefounders Company Library. Uncataloged letters of the Typographic Library, including routine correspondence, letters of inquiry to Bullen, the Library's order file, and library correspondence of Columbia University, 1941-1946, pertaining to the collection. Correspondence, manuscripts, documents and printed material by and relating to Henry L. Bullen. Letter books, ledgers, daybooks, and journals of the early American typefounders, Binney and Ronaldson. A collection of over 200 typographical patents for the design of printing types (19th and 20th centuries). Archives of the Companía Real de Impresores, Madrid, relating to its operations and business.
- Collection Context