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Cecile Starr papers, 1925-2001
15 linear feet 36 manuscript boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Personal documents, correspondence, photographs, audiocassettes, and printed material of the filmmaker, film writer, and educator Cecile Starr (1921-2014).
Daniel Talbot Papers, 1923-2010, bulk 1960-2008
495 linear feet 303 record cartons (box 1-207, 209-251, 253-296, 302-306, 355-356), 5 tall manuscript boxes (box 298-301), 48 manuscript boxes (box 307-354), 79 flat boxes (Box 208 Flat, 252 Flat, Flatbox 1-77)- Abstract Or Scope
The Dan Talbot Papers document the business operation of the New Yorker Films, an independent film acquisition and distribution company, dating from 1960s to 2008, as well as movie theaters in the Upper West Side Manhattan which he operated, dating from 1960 to 2007. It is of particular relevance to New Yorkers as the Talbots operated the New Yorker Theater, Cinema Studio, Metro, and Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, on the Upper West Side, as popular venues to view independent and foreign films.
Daniel Talbot Papers, 1923-2010, bulk 1960-2008 495 linear feet 303 record cartons (box 1-207, 209-251, 253-296, 302-306, 355-356), 5 tall manuscript boxes (box 298-301), 48 manuscript boxes (box 307-354), 79 flat boxes (Box 208 Flat, 252 Flat, Flatbox 1-77)
- Creator
- Talbot, Daniel, 1926-2017
- Abstract Or Scope
The Dan Talbot Papers document the business operation of the New Yorker Films, an independent film acquisition and distribution company, dating from 1960s to 2008, as well as movie theaters in the Upper West Side Manhattan which he operated, dating from 1960 to 2007. It is of particular relevance to New Yorkers as the Talbots operated the New Yorker Theater, Cinema Studio, Metro, and Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, on the Upper West Side, as popular venues to view independent and foreign films.
- Collection Context
Elinor Rice Hays papers, 1867-196-
1 linear feet 2 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of copies of correspondence, articles, diaries, memoirs, and other manuscripts by and about the Blackwell family. Also, a small group of papers, including correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed papers, about the Rice family of New York.
Elinor Rice Hays papers, 1867-196- 1 linear feet 2 boxes
- Creator
- Hays, Elinor Rice, 1901-1994
- Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of copies of correspondence, articles, diaries, memoirs, and other manuscripts by and about the Blackwell family. Also, a small group of papers, including correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed papers, about the Rice family of New York.
- Collection Context
New York City Opera records, 1924-2019, bulk 1965-1991
215 linear feet Box 1-231 Processed: 148 record cartons, 61 manuscript boxes, 13 XL flat boxes, 5 small flat boxes, 2 LP boxes, 2 CD boxes, 1 oversize mapcase folder, 4 OS mounted standing posters, and 3 costumes 189 linear feet Unprocessed: 185 record cartons, 2 tube boxes, 14 hard drives with 35 TB of digitized material- Abstract Or Scope
New York City Opera (NYCO) was famously dubbed "The People's Opera" by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia at its founding in 1943. The Opera company's mission is to inspire audiences with innovative and theatrically compelling opera at an affordable price. This collection documents the artistic productions and the daily administrative functions and operations attest to the mission of the company. The materials in this collection consist of administrative and financial records, production files, stage guides, scores, correspondence, programs, photographs, posters, scenery plans, memorabilia, printed materials, and audio and video recordings, dating from 1924 to 2019, with its bulk dating from 1965 to 1991.
New York City Opera records, 1924-2019, bulk 1965-1991 215 linear feet Box 1-231 Processed: 148 record cartons, 61 manuscript boxes, 13 XL flat boxes, 5 small flat boxes, 2 LP boxes, 2 CD boxes, 1 oversize mapcase folder, 4 OS mounted standing posters, and 3 costumes 189 linear feet Unprocessed: 185 record cartons, 2 tube boxes, 14 hard drives with 35 TB of digitized material
- Creator
- New York City Opera
- Abstract Or Scope
New York City Opera (NYCO) was famously dubbed "The People's Opera" by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia at its founding in 1943. The Opera company's mission is to inspire audiences with innovative and theatrically compelling opera at an affordable price. This collection documents the artistic productions and the daily administrative functions and operations attest to the mission of the company. The materials in this collection consist of administrative and financial records, production files, stage guides, scores, correspondence, programs, photographs, posters, scenery plans, memorabilia, printed materials, and audio and video recordings, dating from 1924 to 2019, with its bulk dating from 1965 to 1991.
- Collection Context
Samuel Johnson papers, 1710-1971, bulk 1710-1772
6.5 linear feet 1 box 85 volumes 2 card file boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Three volumes of correspondence, including some letterbook copies; many sermons, individually bound; prayers; and other manuscript materials. Correspondenbce is with many of his well known contemporaries and deals largely with matters pertaining to his church or to King's College. Shelved with the collection are two card file boxes containing an old handwritten calendar with abstracts, 1710-1914, a set of cross reference entries, and a calendar of material not at Columbia, 1715-1785. Additional letters have been added
Samuel Johnson papers, 1710-1971, bulk 1710-1772 6.5 linear feet 1 box 85 volumes 2 card file boxes
- Creator
- Johnson, Samuel, 1696-1772
- Abstract Or Scope
Three volumes of correspondence, including some letterbook copies; many sermons, individually bound; prayers; and other manuscript materials. Correspondenbce is with many of his well known contemporaries and deals largely with matters pertaining to his church or to King's College. Shelved with the collection are two card file boxes containing an old handwritten calendar with abstracts, 1710-1914, a set of cross reference entries, and a calendar of material not at Columbia, 1715-1785. Additional letters have been added
- Collection Context
William Brown Meloney collection of John Mitchel and John Purroy Mitchel materials, 1830-1942
9 linear feet 20 manuscript boxes, 5 oversized boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, memorabilia and printed materials of John Mitchel, John Purroy Mitchel, and other members of the Mitchel and Purroy families. The collection concerns Irish nationalism, family matters, Purroy family business interests in Central America, the John Purroy Mitchel Memorial and William Brown Meloney's files relating to his research and writing of "The Story of John Purroy Mitchel" along with the manuscript and typescript drafts for this unpublished biography.
William Brown Meloney collection of John Mitchel and John Purroy Mitchel materials, 1830-1942 9 linear feet 20 manuscript boxes, 5 oversized boxes
- Creator
- Meloney, William Brown, 1877-1925
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, memorabilia and printed materials of John Mitchel, John Purroy Mitchel, and other members of the Mitchel and Purroy families. The collection concerns Irish nationalism, family matters, Purroy family business interests in Central America, the John Purroy Mitchel Memorial and William Brown Meloney's files relating to his research and writing of "The Story of John Purroy Mitchel" along with the manuscript and typescript drafts for this unpublished biography.
- Collection Context
William Samuel Johnson papers, 1834-1868
1 box estimate of 250 items- Abstract Or Scope
Papers dealing with Johnson's public life in New York City and in the New York State Senate. While Assistant Alderman, Johnson received numerous letters of application from citizens seeking patronage for a variety of municipal offices, ranging from requests to be a night watchman to a position as a municipal court justice. Also, letters, reports, and other documents relating to various municipal services such as health, welfare, fire fighting, street maintenance, water, sewers, railroads, ferries, and stage coaches. Some letters and documents concern Whig Party politics in the 3rd Ward. Johnson's correspondence as a New York Society Library Trustee refers to the proposed merger with the New York Athenaeum. Also, twelve items relating to his term in the State Senate, covering taxation and control of foreign laborers.
William Samuel Johnson papers, 1834-1868 1 box estimate of 250 items
- Creator
- Johnson, William Samuel, 1795-1883
- Abstract Or Scope
Papers dealing with Johnson's public life in New York City and in the New York State Senate. While Assistant Alderman, Johnson received numerous letters of application from citizens seeking patronage for a variety of municipal offices, ranging from requests to be a night watchman to a position as a municipal court justice. Also, letters, reports, and other documents relating to various municipal services such as health, welfare, fire fighting, street maintenance, water, sewers, railroads, ferries, and stage coaches. Some letters and documents concern Whig Party politics in the 3rd Ward. Johnson's correspondence as a New York Society Library Trustee refers to the proposed merger with the New York Athenaeum. Also, twelve items relating to his term in the State Senate, covering taxation and control of foreign laborers.
- Collection Context