This collection consists of Black Heights, a magazine for and by African American students at Barnard and Columbia. It featured articles about art as well as original poetry and prose.
Collection highlights Barnard campus labor unions and labor campaigns from 1972-2016. The collection consists of contracts and agreements between organizations and their employees, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, fliers, and memoranda from United Auto Workers (UAW) Union Local 2110 (formarly District 65). In 1996 UAW Local 2110 stiked against the college due to increasing healthcare costs. The 1996 strike is a highlight of the collection.
This collection consists of Barnard alumna Idris Rossell's papers, correspondance, and research material from the government positions she held, which directly advocated for women's equality in the work force.
Flyers, posters, and occasional periodical issues of various protest, political, and social action groups in New York City. The emphasis is anti-war, gay liberation and New York City political campaigns