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Community Service Society records, 1842-1995
423 linear feetCorrespondence, reports, memoranda, case records, photographs and printed material. The archive include central and district administrative records; cammittee correspondence and minutes; and files on the various programs--such as sheltered workshops, tuberculosis sanitariums and health centers, public baths and employment bureaus--run by the two organizations. The archive also contains hundreds of photographs, including works by Lewis Hine and Jessie Tarbox Beals; extensive casework files from the beginning of social work (originally referred to as "friendly visiting among the poor"); and copies of masters and doctoral theses from the New York School of Sociel Work and other schools. Much of the research for these theses was based on the CSS files
Felix Adler papers, 1830-1933
27 linear feetFrances Perkins papers, 1895-1965
71 linear feetCorrespondence, manuscripts, notes, drafts of speeches, appointment books, subject files, documents, photographs, memorabilia and printed materials. There are notes from her lectures on Sociology at Adelphi College in 1911-1912; papers from 1912-1932, when Perkins served on the Commission for Safety and on the Industrial Commission of New York State; the main body of the material is from the period of her cabinet office, 1933-1945; and some items from her days on the Civil Service Commission, 1946-1953. Also included are personal and family papers.
Helen Hall Settlement records, 1840-1961
2.5 linear feetReports and surveys made, issued, or initiated by the Henry Street Settlement. Many of the items are the work of Helen Hall. Also, Kellogg family papers including genealogical data, miscellaneous material, and photographs; and phonograph records.
James Graham Phelps Stokes papers, 1779-1960, bulk 1884-1960
38 linear feetCorrespondence, manuscripts, documents, financial records, memorabilia, and printed materials. The papers relate to numerous organizations--social, political, civic, and philanthropic--with which he was associated. Among these organizations are Legal Aid Society; Prison Association of New York; Outdoor Recreation League; Socialist Democratic League and National Party; American Alliance for Labor and Democracy; Constitutional Democracy Association; National Security League; YMCA, etc. Included among the papers are his journals and diaries, 1884-1950. An incomplete set of his letterbooks 1905-1960 and some family papers relating to real estate and financial matters
Lillian D. Wald papers, 1895-1936
97 boxesPapers concerning both the administration of the Henry Street Settlement and Wald's involvement in numerous philanthropic and liberal causes. Her office files trace the foundation and growth of the Henry Street Settlement from 1895 until 1933. Her other activities include child welfare, civil liberties, immigration, public health, unemployment, and the peace movement during World War I. The correspondence files contain letters from public figures and writers including Jane Addams, Roger N. Baldwin, Van Wyck Brooks, Lavinia L. Dock, John Galsworthy, Samuel Gompers, William D. Howells, Charles Evans Hughes, Mabel Hyde Kittredge, Frances Perkins, Dorothy Thompson, Norman Thomas, Ida Tarbell, Margaret Sanger, and Jacob A. Riis.
Thomas Day Thacher Papers, 1917-1950
2000 itemsThe papers include correspondence, subject files, photographs, and printed materials. The majority of the collection concerns the mission of the American Red Cross to Russia in 1917-1918; Thacher served as a secretary of the mission. There are letters and telegrams by W.B. Thompson and Raymond Robins, records of supplies, shipments, and distribution reports and over 600 photographs from Russia, China, and Romania. There is substantial correspondence from 1918-1919 concerning Russia, including letters by Louis Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, and Lillian Wald. A substantial part of the collection concerns Russian war relief in 1941-1942, an area in which Thacher was active. Printed materials include a pamphlet and an article on Russia prepared by Thacher after his return from that country in early 1918.