Approximately 12,000 letters to Allan Nevins from various correspondents including James Truslow Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Willa Cather, Frances Folsom Cleveland, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Frost, Newton D. Baker, Archibald MacLeish, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Henry Wallace; notes and typescripts for Nevins' books including Emergence of Lincoln, The Ordeal of Democracy, Rockefeller, and History and Historians, with notes by editor Ray A. Billington; miscellaneous transcripts, clippings, newspapers, and photographs. Also, autograph letters and manuscripts by presidents, Civil War figures, financiers, politicians, and authors. There are also the Brand Whitlock World War I Diaries and letters to him by such people as Herbert Hoover, Gen. John J. Pershing, and others.
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, reports, and printed material of Hughes. The papers cover primarily the period following Hughes' defeat in the 1916 presidential election up to his appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1930; in most files there is a gap from March 1921 to March 1925, when Hughes was Secretary of State. Some materials relate to the law firm of Hughes, Rounds, Schurman and Dwight (later Hughes, Schurman and Dwight), but primarily concern Hughes' philanthropies and activities in professional organizations. Among these latter associations are the American Bar Association, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the Legal Aid Society, and the New York State Bar Association. Records for a number of Hughes' cultural, educational, and international philanthropies, such as the Armenian National Union of America and the George Washington Memorial Association, are included as are materials on his participation in the 1918-1924 aircraft investigation, the Sixth Pan American Conference (Havana, 1928), and the Permanent Court of International Justice, the Hague.
Architectural drawings with miscellaneous photographs, prints, and reproductions executed by Charles Stoughton, or by the architectural firm Stoughton & Stoughton, formed by the partnership of Charles and Arthur Stoughton. Projects include bridge designs for the estates of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. at Mount Desert Island, Maine, 1930-1934, and Pocantico Hills, Tarrytown, N.Y., 1929-1931; buildings at the Canton Christian College at Hong Lok, Canton, China, 1905-1913; a residence for secretaries, Young Women's Christian Association, Pak Hok Tong, Canton, China, 1915; and buildings at the Polytechnic Institute at San German, Puerto Rico, 1918-1937. Also, a plan and elevations of the grounds, with the location of the house, of the Jumel Mansion, New York, n.d.; a general plan of a hospital, 1919; a photograph of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, New York; and miscellaneous maps of various sections of New York City, undated except for one dated 1796.
Correspondence, legal papers, and letter books of Shepard. The correspondence, which comprises the largest part of the collection, is rich in information about New York politics and social activities at the turn of the century. The letter books cover the years 1890-1911. The collection also contains legal papers, drafts of speeches, clippings, and memorabilia. Correspondents with Shepard include Felix Adler, Thomas Willing Balch, Frederic Bancroft, Bernard Baruch, Richard Rogers Bowker, William Jennings Bryan, Alfred Clark Chapin, Grover Cleveland, Hamlin Garland, Richard Watson Gilder, Edward Everett Hale, Fletcher Harper, Abram S. Hewitt, Charles Evans Hughes, John La Farge, Henry Cabot Lodge, Josephine Shaw Lowell, Hamilton Mabie, Walter H. Page, Alton B. Parker, George Foster Peabody, Bliss Perry, Joseph Pulitzer, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Elihu Root, Carl Schurz, Kate Nichols Trask, Oswald Garrison Villard, and Booker T. Washington.
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, notebooks, memorabilia, a tape cassette, photographs, and printed materials. The collection is primarily correspondence files, both personal and professional, along with book reviews, awards and diplomas, letters of condolence on his death, clippings, and correspondence, manuscripts and printed materials relating to THE STREAM OF HISTORY. The correspondence relates specifically to the third edition. The manuscripts are typed and holograph inserts for the third edition and possibly for the second edition as well. Among the manuscripts are twenty-two notebooks containing holograph notes and drafts of chapters. The printed material consists of one copy of THE STREAM OF HISTORY, 1934 edition.
Correspondence, manuscripts, lectures, notes, diaries, notebooks, reports, financial records, blueprints, photographs, and printed materials of Y.C. James Yen and the IIRR concerned with the development, sharing, and financing innovative methods of teaching, improving agriculture, health and family planning, and education in impoverished villages. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Pearl Buck, William O. Douglas, Nelson Rockefeller, and DeWitt Clinton.
Consists of correspondence, architectural drawings of Riverside Church, photographs of Riverside Church (models and religious figures), photo print of architectural drawings, financial papers, meeting minutes and newspaper clippings.
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed material. The editorial, publicity, and production files detail the publishing of some 450 titles, mostly from the 1970s and 1980s. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Woody Allen, Christy Brown, Claude Brown, Pearl S. Buck, William F. Buckley, Jr.; James T. Farrell, Leslie A. Fiedler, Jack Higgins, William Inge, Elia Kazan, Henry Miller, and J. B. Priestley. There are nineteen manuscripts, most with authorial or editorial corrections, as well as publicity photographs of Christy Brown, Claude Brown, Chester Himes, and Robert Oppenheimer, Jack Higgins et al
Current results range from 1796 to 2018