This series contains a body of material related to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X compiled by Cone and used for work on his book, "Martin and Malcolm and America," and other projects. Material includes alphabetical files arranged by author of article on both Martin and Malcolm as well as alphabetical files arranged by title of publication; primary and secondary audiovisual materials including cassettes, cds, and VHS; chronological files on both Martin and Malcolm; files compiled by or related to David Garrow, who wrote "Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference," including transcripts of interviews conducted by Garrow, copies of FBI files, correspondence, and Cone's annotated copy of "Bearing the Cross;" primary material, including copies of speeches, transcripts, sermons, and other primary material by Martin and Malcolm; reference materials, including annotated copies of books and pamphlets and correspondence; and research files, including copies of dissertations, subject files on intersecting research areas, clippings, contemporary scholarship and press, and files on further projects such as a Malcolm X reader.