Cassette tapes with recordings by, about, or related to Thomas Hoyt, Bernetha Moses, A. Sanford Cloud, Allan Boesak, McKinley Young, A. Forbes, Gayraud Wilmore, B. Wilmore, Mark Farrar, Toni Morrison, Cornel West, Vaughan Goodwin, Samuel Proctor, Rev. Gary Simpson, Charles G. Adams, J. Kameron Carter, Howard Thurman, Kwame Ture, Steve Biko, Perry Sultan, Victor Torrez, David Wilkerson, D. Williams, as well as recordings related to Civil Rights work by, about, or related to Fred Shuttlesworth, Rev. W.A. Williams, Larry Williams, CT Vivian, James Bevel, R. Horowitz, Billy Hollins, Vincent Harding, and Wyatt Walker, among others.