(In sharp contrast to the Caroline Kennedy story, Times online coverage of the forced landing of a US Airways flight on the Hudson River showed the best of how to handle a breaking news event in real time)
(The editor-in-chief of Salon asks the Public Editor to get involved in a "brawl" on the Op-Ed pages over a 1980 Ronald Reagan speech in Philadelphia, MS, where he told a mostly-white crowd he believed in states' rights. Was is a coded racist appeal or just a blunder by an undisciplined candidate? The facts of what he said aren't in dispute, and their interpretation is fair game for Op-Ed columnists)
(When jazz legend Hank Jones died at 91, a Times reporter who lived across the street on the Upper West Side gained access to the musician's living quarters, a small bedroom he rented from an old friend who had been taking care of him)
(Readers object to describing an author as a "radical Islamophobe" and want an apology for questions posed to her in a Sunday Times Magazine interview. Her publicist doesn't object to the questions, agrees she is "extreme," and the public editor thinks so, as well)
(The Times' spectacularly successful fashion magazine, T, publishes semi-nude photos of a 17-year-old model, and several readers complain. The magazine is trying to be edgy in a highly competitive world. In this case, it fell over the edge)