Barnard-Columbia Joint Committee on Cooperation transferred from President's Office, 1978. Draft of Code of Academic Freedom and Tenure and Report of the Committee to Review the Curriculum transferred from Barnard Library, 1978. Report of the Committee to Review the Curriculum and Report of the Sub-Committee on the Program of Studies: College Preparation and the Barnard Curriculum transferred from Registrar's Office, 1992.
The following materials from 2003-2004 were transferred from Professor Sue Sacks in 2023: Tenure Review Process Committee, Off-Ladder Faculty Committee, Learning Disabilities Committee.
The acquisition date and source of the rest of the material is unknown.
This collection was processed and the finding aid written by Alice Griffin, 2015. From March to April 2024, Olivia Newsome made significant edits to the overall collection.
During March-April 2024, Olivia Newsome moved the Committee to Meet the Needs of the Disabled (CMND)/Barnard Design for Access (BDA); Committee on Institutional Assessment; Judicial Council to the record group BC19 (committees).
In April 2024, Olivia Newsome moved the following collections to BC06 and created new collections: Advisory Committee on Appointments, Tenure, and Promotions (ATP); BLAIS Advisory Committee; Faculty Budget and Planning Committee (FBPC); Faculty Governance and Procedures Committee (FGPC); Faculty Finance and Resource Committee (FFRC); Committee on Committees; Faculty Executive Committee (FEC).
In April 2024, Olivia Newsome moved the following collections to BCO6.03: Committee on Courses of Study; Curriculum Committee; Curriculum Review Committee; Subcommittee on Advanced Placement and Advanced Standing; Subcommittee on Administrative Problems. Additionally, Olivia Newsome moved BC19.13, BC19.06, BC19.08, BC19.04, BC19.10; Committee on Scholarships; Committee on Foreign Language Requirements; Committee on the Schedule of Hours; Committee on Committee on Advice to New Students and Committee on Students' Programs; Committee on Transfers from its record group BC19 (Committees) to BC06.01 (Faculty Committees) to reflect that it is a faculty committee.
In April 2024, Olivia Newsome moved the Ad-Hoc Summer School Committee from BC06.03 to BC06.01 to reflect that it is ad-hoc faculty committee. Olivia Newsome also moved the Committee on Foreign Language Requirements to BCO6.01 because it is unrelated to COI. Olivia Newsome also moved the Committee on the Developing Student from BC05.02 since it is a faculty committee. Additionally, Olivia Newsome moved the Barnard Council file to BC05.07, Development Office, since it was not a faculty committe and administered by that office.
From June 2024-August 2024, undergraduate associates Ruben Carter and Gabriela Ogando Ortega rehoused the majority of the collection and added historical notes to most of the committees.
In February 2025, Olivia Newsome moved the commmittees represented within BC44 Diversity Collections to BC06.01 to reflect that they are faculty committees. Additionally, BC44 no longer exists.
Descriptive Rules Used: Finding aid adheres to that prescribed by Describing Archives: A Content Standard.
Encoding: Machine readable finding aid encoded in EAD 2002.
Finding aid written in English.